Last Monthly Grade 8

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Earthquakes cause a series of waves called?

[] Seismic waves

[] Tsunamis

[] Tidal waves

[] Electro-magnetic pulses

2. What is the Epicenter?

[] Where two plates collide

[] The measurement of a fault line

[] The closest location to the center of an earthquake

[] A tourist attraction at Disney World

3. What instrument is used to measure the size and duration of an earthquake?

[] Magnitude Scale

[] Mercalli Scale

[] Telescope

[] Richter Scale

4. What is a fault?

[] A break in the rocks that make up the Earth’s crust

[] Where two plates come together

[] Where seismic activity is recorded

[] A bulge in the Earth's surface

5. What are three main causes of earthquakes?

[] Volcanoes, movement of the tectonic plates, tsunamis

[] Volcanoes, the moon’s gravitational forces, tectonic plate movement

[] Volcanoes, the sun’s gravitational forces, tectonic plate movement

[] Volcanoes, movement of the tectonic plates, human activity such as bombs

6. What is an earthquake storm?

[] A tsunami

[] A series of large earthquakes occurring along the same plate boundary

[] The raining of molten lava brought up to the Earth’s surface

[] A dark cloud of ash that spreads after a large quake

7. What is a tsunami?

[] A volcanic eruption on the ocean's floor

[] The point at which the ocean reaches the shoreline

[] Turbulent waves caused by a hurricane

[] A chain of fast moving waves in the ocean caused by powerful earthquakes

8. Earthquakes are this kind of occurrence.

[] Frequent

[] Geological

[] Atmospheric

[] Supernatural

9. Which U.S. state experiences the most earthquakes?

[] Hawaii

[] California

[] Alaska

[] Washington

10. What is the 'magnitude' of an earthquake?

[] The amount of energy that is released by a quake

[] The duration of a quake

[] The length of a quake

[] The destruction caused by a quake

 1.
Who first explained mechanism for earthquakes?
o A. 
H. Reid
o B. 
M. Reid
o C. 
H. Richter
o D. 
M. Richter

 2.
Earthquakes are
o A. 
Movements along easements
o B. 
Movements along faults
o C. 
Movements along rock formations
o D. 
Movements along pipelines

 3.
Earthquakes are produced by
o A. 
o B. 
Rock formations
o C. 
Rapid release of energy
o D. 
Breaks in the earth

 4.
Movement along faults are explained by
o A. 
Elastic rebound theory
o B. 
Vibration theory
o C. 
Fault tectonics theory
o D. 
Plate tectonics theory

 5.
A general feature of an earthquake is 
o A. 
Vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy
o B. 
Preceded by foreshocks and followed by afterschocks
o C. 
Movements along faults
o D. 
All of the above

 6.
Seismology is
o A. 
The study of earthquake waves
o B. 
The study of earthquake faults
o C. 
The study of earthquake energy
o D. 
The study of elastic rebound

 7.
A general feature of an earthquake is
o A. 
Associated with movements along faults
o B. 
Vibration of the Earth produced by the rapid release of energy
o C. 
o D. 
None of the above

 8.
Rocks spring back is a phenomena called
o A. 
Elastic Rebound
o B. 
Plate Tectonics
o C. 
o D. 
None of the above

 9.
Which is an earthquake recording instrument?
o A. 
o B. 
Richter scale
o C. 
o D. 
None of the above

 10.
Which instrument records the movement of Earth?
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 
Richter scale

 11.
A seismogram is ...
o A. 
A record of the Earth's movement
o B. 
An instrument that records the Earth's movement
o C. 
A measure of the energy of the Earth
o D. 
A measure of the Earth's faults

 12.
A seismogram records ...
o A. 
Primary vs. secondary waves
o B. 
The strength of the earthquake
o C. 
Wave amplitude vs. time
o D. 
Wave amplitude vs. length

 13.
What are the main types of earthquake waves?
o A. 
Body waves, surface waves
o B. 
Primary waves, secondary waves
o C. 
Short waves, long waves
o D. 
Slow waves, fast waves

 14.
Surface waves are ...
o A. 
Simple in motion and the slowest velocity of all waves
o B. 
Simple in motion and the greatest velocity of all waves
o C. 
Complex in motion and the greatest velocity of all waves
o D. 
Complex in motion and the slowest velocity of all waves

 15.
Which is true about a surface wave?
o A. 
Has complex motion
o B. 
Greatest velocity of all waves
o C. 
Push-pull (compressional) motion
o D. 
Travels through solids, liquids and gases

 16.
Which waves are made up of primary and secondary waves?
o A. 
Surface waves
o B. 
Body waves
o C. 
Velocity waves
o D. 
Solid waves

 17.
Which is true about primary waves?
o A. 
Have a "shake" motion
o B. 
Travel only through solids
o C. 
Have slower velocity than secondary waves
o D. 
None of the above

 18.
Which is true about primary waves?
o A. 
Travel through solids, liquids and gases
o B. 
Have a "shake" motion
o C. 
Travel only through solids
o D. 
Slower velocity than secondary waves

 19.
Which is true about secondary waves?
o A. 
Push-pull (compression) motion
o B. 
Travels through solids, liquids and gases
o C. 
Slower velocity than primary waves
o D. 
None of the above

 20.
Which is true about primary waves?
o A. 
Push-pull (compressional) motion
o B. 
Travel through gases only
o C. 
Slowest velocity of all waves
o D. 
All of the above

 21.
Primary and secondary waves are ....
o A. 
Body waves
o B. 
Surface waves
o C. 
Vibration waves
o D. 
Velocity waves

 22.
Which is true about primary waves?
o A. 
Greatest velocity of all earthquake waves
o B. 
Slowest velocity of all earthquake waves
o C. 
Shortest of all earthquake waves
o D. 
None of the above

 23.
Which is true about secondary waves?
o A. 
"Shake" motion
o B. 
Travel only through solids
o C. 
Slower velocity than primary (P) waves
o D. 
All of the above

 24.
The place within the Earth where the earthquake originates is the ...
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 

 25.
The epicenter is the ...
o A. 
Place where the earthquake originates
o B. 
Recording of the earthquake's movement
o C. 
Point on the surface directly above the focus
o D. 
Distance of the earthquake

 26.
How is the epicenter located?
o A. 
By finding the distance between the primary and secondary wave recordings
o B. 
By finding the distance between the body and surface wave recordings
o C. 
By using the difference in arrival times between the body and surface wave recordings
o D. 
By using the difference in arrival times between the primary and secondary wave recordings

 27.
P and S waves are a short name for ...
o A. 
Primary and secondary waves
o B. 
Pivotal and secondary waves
o C. 
Primary and secular waves
o D. 
None of the above

 28.
Which is true about a secondary wave?
o A. 
It's a type of body wave.
o B. 
It has a slower velocity than a primary wave.
o C. 
o D. 
None of the above

 29.
A time-travel graph is used to find ...
o A. 
The location of the epicenter
o B. 
The distance to the epicenter
o C. 
The focus
o D. 
Difference in arrival times between the primary and secondary waves

 30.
What is the minimum number of station recordings needed to locate an
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 

 31.
How is the epicenter located?
o A. 
A circle equal to the epicenter distance is drawn around each station and the point where
the circles intersect is the epicenter
o B. 
A circle equal to the epicenter distance is drawn around each station and the diameter of
the smallest circle is the epicenter
o C. 
A circle equal to the focus is drawn around each station and the point where the focus
intersects is the epicenter
o D. 
None of the above

 32.
What type of graph is used to find the distance to the epicenter?
o A. 
A velocity-travel graph
o B. 
A time-distance graph
o C. 
A velocity-energy graph
o D. 
A time-travel graph

 33.
How is the epicenter located?
o A. 
Using three or more seismographs
o B. 
Using a Richter scale
o C. 
Using a time-travel graph
o D. 
Using three or more seismograms

 34.
What terms involve the location of an earthquake?
o A. 
Focus, Epicenter
o B. 
Body Wave, Surface Wave
o C. 
Primary wave, Secondary Wave
o D. 
None of the above

 35.
What is the measure of the degree of earthquake shaking at a given locale
based on the amount of damage?
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 

 36.
Intensity is often measured by ...
o A. 
Richter Scale
o B. 
Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
o C. 
H. Reid Intensity Scale
o D. 
Moment Magnitude Scale

 37.
Magnitude is often measured by ...
o A. 
Richter scale
o B. 
Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
o C. 
H. Reid Intensity Scale
o D. 
Moment magnitude scale

 38.
Which of the following is true?
o A. 
Magnitude is often measured by the Richter Scale
o B. 
Intensity is measured by the Modified Mercalli Scale
o C. 
Both A & B
o D. 
Neither A or B

 39.
Which scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake?
o A. 
Richter scale
o B. 
Moment magnitude scale
o C. 
Both A & B
o D. 
Neither A or B

 40.
The concept of magnitude was introduced by ...
o A. 
Charles Mercalli
o B. 
Charles Richter
o C. 
H. Reid
o D. 
M. Reid

 41.
What is true about the Richter scale?
o A. 
It does not estimate the size of very large earthquakes adequately
o B. 
It is based on the aptitude of the largest seismic wave
o C. 
It is based on the amplitude of the smallest seismic wave
o D. 
It estimates the size of very large earthquakes very well

 42.
Which is true concerning the Richter scale?
o A. 
Measures the degree of earthquake shaking
o B. 
Based on amplitude of largest seismic wave
o C. 
Each unit of Richter intensity equates to roughly a 32-fold energy increase
o D. 
Estimates the size of very large earthquakes adequately

 43.
Which is true about the Richter scale?
o A. 
Each unit of Richter magnitude equates to roughly a 32 fold energy increase
o B. 
Each unit of Richter magnitude equates to roughly a 35 fold energy increase
o C. 
Each unit of Richter intensity equates to roughly a 32 fold energy increase
o D. 
Each unit of Richter intensity equates to roughly a 35 fold energy increase

 44.
Which of the following statements are true?
o A. 
The Richter scales does not measure the size of very large earthquakes adequately
o B. 
The moment magnitude scale measures the size of very large earthquakes adequately
o C. 
Both A & B
o D. 
Neither A or B

 45.
The moment magnitude scale is ...
o A. 
Based on the amplitude of the largest seismic wave
o B. 
Derived from the amount of displacement that occurs along a fault zone
o C. 
A measure of the degree of earth shaking at a given locale
o D. 
Does not measure the size of very large earthquakes adequately

 46.
What factors determine structural damage?
o A. 
Intensity of the earthquake
o B. 
Duration of the vibrations
o C. 
Nature of the material upon which the structure rests
o D. 
All of the above

 47.
The design of the structure is a factor in determining ...
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
Structural damage
o D. 
None of the above

 48.
A tsumani is 
o A. 
A gigantic hurricane
o B. 
A seismic sea wave
o C. 
A landslide
o D. 
Liquefaction of the ground

 49.
Which of the following occurs during liquefaction of the ground?
o A. 
Ground shaking
o B. 
Seismic sea waves
o C. 
o D. 
Saturated material turns to fluid

 50.
Which of the following statements are true?
o A. 
During liquefaction of the ground, saturated material turns to fluid.
o B. 
During liquefaction of the ground, underground objects may float to the surface
o C. 
Both A and B
o D. 
Neither A or B

 51.
Earthquake destruction can be caused by ...
o A. 
Ground shaking, liquefaction, tsunamis
o B. 
Intensity of an earthquake, duration of vibrations, fires
o C. 
The design of the structure, ground shaking, seismic sea waves
o D. 
The design of the structure, nature of the material which the structure rests, magnitude of

 52.
A seismic sea wave is a 
o A. 
o B. 
Primary wave
o C. 
Body wave
o D. 

 53.
Landslides, ground subsistence and fires can cause
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 

 54.
Which of the following statements are true about the Anchorage, Alaska
o A. 
Occurred in 1964
o B. 
Turnagain Heights slide was result of it
o C. 
Both A & B
o D. 
Neither A or B
 55.
What two methods are involved in the prediction of earthquakes?
o A. 
Short range, long range
o B. 
Slow range, fast range
o C. 
Magnitude, intensity
o D. 
Surface wave, body wave

 56.
Short range predictions ...
o A. 
Study travel times of primary and secondary waves
o B. 
Have the premise that earthquakes are repetitive
o C. 
Do not have a reliable method of predicting earthquakes
o D. 
Give the probability of an earthquake for a region

 57.
Which is true about long range forecasts?
o A. 
Destruction results from liquefaction of the ground.
o B. 
A reliable method doesn't exist.
o C. 
Earthquakes cause tsunamis.
o D. 
Earthquakse are repetitive.
 58.
Which type of prediction does not have a reliable method of predicting
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 

 59.
Most of the knowledge of the Earth's interior comes from ...
o A. 
The study of short-range and long-range predictions
o B. 
The study of long and short waves
o C. 
The study of body and surface waves
o D. 
The study of P and S waves

 60.
What are the layers of the earth?
o A. 
o B. 
o C. 
o D. 
All of the above

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