Estimation of Dietary Threonine Requirement For Growth and Immune Responses of Broilers

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Estimation of dietary threonine requirement for

growth and immune responses of broilers

Mehdi Taghinejad-Roudbaneh, Mohammad Javad Babaee, Mohammad

Afrooziyeh & Bahram Alizadeh

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Afrooziyeh & Bahram Alizadeh (2013) Estimation of dietary threonine requirement for growth
and immune responses of broilers, Journal of Applied Animal Research, 41:4, 474-483, DOI:

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Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2013
Vol. 41, No. 4, 474483,

Estimation of dietary threonine requirement for growth and immune responses of broilers
Mehdi Taghinejad-Roudbaneha*, Mohammad Javad Babaeea, Mohammad Afrooziyeha and Bahram Alizadehb
Department of Animal Science, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran; bDepartment of Animal Science, Tabriz University,
Tabriz, Iran
(Received 30 January 2012; final version received 13 March 2013)

This study was conducted to determine the effects of supplementing threonine (Thr) at different levels in the diets
on growth performance and immune responses of broiler chickens challenged with infectious bursal disease
(IBD) and also to estimate Thr requirement based on different response criterion. A total of 300 one-day-old
male broiler chicks were assigned to one of the six dietary treatments. Chickens were fed eight graded levels of
Thr: 0.60, 0.67, 0.74, 0.81, 0.88 or 0.95% from day 21 to 42 of age. On day 28, all birds were challenged with a
commercial live-IBDV vaccine. Body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and carcass char-
acterisation (breast, thigh and fat pad percentage) were significantly influenced by Thr levels. Increasing advisable
level up to 0.81% of the diet resulted in significant improvement in the FCR and BWG. Thr supplementation had
great effects on the antibody titer against IBD; the broilers receiving the Thr levels of higher than National
Research Council (NRC) recommendation have a higher IBD antibody titer than those that received lower levels
of Thr. The highest (0.822490.0211) and the lowest (0.724090.0140) were estimated with straight broken-line
analysis for immune response (14 days post-challenge) and breast weight, respectively. The results obtained in the
present study indicated that Thr requirements of broiler based on the recommendation of NRC are not sufficient
to meet the requirement of the new commercial broiler companies under stress and non-hygienic conditions. The
best level of Thr based on the current study was 0.81% for support growth performance and immune function.
Keywords: broiler; immune system; performance; threonine; serology

1. Introduction environmental conditions. The Lys and sulphur

Dietary amino acid concentration should closely meet amino acid requirements have been evaluated exten-
maintenance and tissue accretion needs of commer- sively, but less information is available on the Thr
cial broilers, especially towards the middle and end requirements of chicks (Webel et al. 1996). Evaluated
of the growing period. Inadequate formulation of Thr requirement is based on the performance for
dietary amino acids impairs protein utilisation and exam. Rosa and Pesti (2001) suggested 0.69% Thr for
increases total nitrogen excretion. Threonine (Thr) growth and 0.68% for feed conversion ratio (FCR) of
may be considered as the third limiting amino acid in growing chickens (classic strains) in the starter period,
poultry diets based on corn, wheat and soybean meal, whereas, in poultry production, it is very important to
following Met and Lys (Dozier et al. 2000; Rosa & improve immunity so as to prevent infectious dis-
Pesti 2001). Kidd (2000) reported that Thr deficiency eases. Minimising immunosuppression and its impact
resulted in decreasing the utilisation of total sulphur is an important strategy for success in the broiler
AA and Lys. Optimal levels of these amino acids are industry. However, strategies to control immunosup-
needed to support optimum growth and health of pression are largely based on vaccination pro-
broilers (Rehman et al. 2012). Nutrient requirement grammes for broiler breeders and broiler progeny
standards have been reported by the National Re- and management to minimise stress during rearing
search Council (NRC 1994) and through more than (Fussell 1998). Utilisation of immunostimulants is
28 years due to genetic selection, management prac- one solution to improve the immunity of animals and
tices and feed formulation changes birds have more to decrease their susceptibility to infectious diseases.
rapid growth and better performance than previous There are extremely important interactions, syner-
years (Williams et al. 2000). On the other hand, NRC gisms and antagonisms between nutrition and im-
recommendations are usually based on the needs of munity that markedly affect productivity of poultry.
healthy birds under ideal conditions, but birds in Experiments in chickens and mammalian species have
commercial systems are normally exposed to different shown that protein or amino acid deficiencies may
kinds of stresses, diseases and also combinations of reduce the circulating antibodies available to challenge

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# 2013 Taylor & Francis

Journal of Applied Animal Research 475

organisms. Minimum requirements for a given nu- Dietary amino acid content was determined by ion-
trient for maximum production are fully established exchange chromatography on an autoanalyzer. The
(NRC 1994). On the other hand, the National analysed values of protein and amino acid contents
Research Council (NRC) recommendation are usually were agree with calculated values (Table 1).
based on the needs of healthy birds under ideal Treatments were achieved by the addition of
management, but birds in commercial systems are crystalline L-Thr (98.5% Thr) at the expense of inert
normally exposed to different kinds of stresses that it filler in the test diet containing 0.6% Thr (Table 1) to
may be necessary for new research to conduct multiple give 0.60, 0.67, 0.74, 0.81, 0.88 or 0.95% Thr from
focus and attention to the actual broiler requirements. day 2142 of age. No antimicrobial, anticoccidial
However, in many cases, it is not known whether the drugs or feed enzymes were included in the basal
requirement values that maximise productivity in diets. The chicks were vaccinated against Newcastle
healthy, unchallenged birds are optimal for immuno-
competence and disease resistance. There is some Table 1. Ingredients and nutrient composition of starter
evidence that essential amino acids levels in the feed and grower diets.
higher than NRC specifications are needed to achieve Ingredientsa Starter 121 Grower 2142
optimal growth performance, immunocompetence
Corn and grain 31.53 31.44
and disease resistance (Kidd et al. 2001; Quentin et al. Wheat 20.00 30.00
2005; Taghinejad-Roudbaneh et al. 2011). Therefore, Corn and gluten meal 2.72 11.96
it may be necessary for new research to conduct Wheat bran 0 10.00
multiple focus and attention to the actual broiler Soybean meal 35.3 8.24
requirements. Therefore, the present experiment was Canola oil 5.96 3.68
Dicalcium phosphate 1.99 1.37
conducted to determine Thr requirement based on Oyster-shell 1.42 1.82
immune responses of broiler chickens challenged with DL-Methionine 0.17 0.00
infectious bursal disease (IBD). L-Lys Hcl 0.00 0.80
L-Thr 0.00 0.00
Common salt 0.4 0.28
Vitamin premixb 0.25 0.25
2. Materials and methods Mineral premixc 0.25 0.25
Calculated composition
A total of 500 day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) ME (kcal/g) 3100 3100
were obtained from a local hatchery. Chicks were CP (%) 22.30 19.40
raised from 1 to 21 d of age before commencement of Lys (%) 1.07 1.00
the trial. During this period, the birds were submitted Methionine 0.49 0.38
Methionine cystine (%) 0.88 0.73
to conventional broiler chicken management and Thr (%) 0.78 0.60
housed in floor pens (with 1.5 m2 area per each pen) Tryptophan (%) 0.19 0.17
in an environmentally controlled broiler house with Ca 0.97 0.9
litter floors with wood shavings as litter material. The Available phosphorus 0.48 0.35
relative humidity was between 7585%. Feed and Na 0.19 0.15
Analysed composition
water were provided ad libitium, and birds were CP (%) 22.38 19.50
maintained on 23 light:1 dark schedule lighting. They Lys (%) 1.1 0.99
received a commercial broiler starter diet, formulated Methionine (%) 0.49 0.41
to meet or exceed the nutritional requirements of Methionine cystine (%) 0.89 0.76
Tryptophan (%) 0.21 0.17
broilers, as recommended by the NRC (1994). After an
Thr (%) 0.79 0.61
overnight fast, at 21-d of age, 300 chicks of similar
weight were randomly assigned to 30 clean pens in the Based on NRC (1994) feed composition tables.
Vitamin premix provided the following per kilogramme of diet.
same broiler house for the starter period. Average vitamin A, 5000 IU (as all trans-retinyl acetate); cholecalciferol,
body weights (means9standard error) at d 21 were 1000 IU; vitamin E, 10 IU (as all-rac-a-tocopherol acetate);
730930 g. The ambient temperature was gradually riboflavin, 4.4 mg; Ca pantothenate, 12 mg; nicotinic acid, 44
mg; choline Cl, 220 mg; vitamin B12, 6.6 mg;vitamin B6, 2.2 mg;
decreased from 328C when the birds were 1 d old to menadione, 1.1 mg (as menadione sodium bisulfitecomplex); folic
228C when 28 d old. The protein and AA levels of the acid, 0.55 mg; d-biotin, 0.11 mg; thiamine, 1.1 mg (asthiamine
corn, soybean meal and corn gluten meal were mononitrate); ethoxyquin, 125 mg.
Provided per kilogramme of diet. Mn (from MnSO4_H2O),
analysed before diets formulation. Experimental diet 100 mg; Zn (from ZnSO4_7H2O), 100 mg; Fe, (from FeSO4_
was formulated to meet or exceed the NRC (1994) 7H2O), 50 mg; Cu (from CuSO4_5H2O), 10 mg; I (from Ca (IO3)2_
nutrition recommendations from 21 to 42 d of age for H2O), 1 mg.
Thr was added to the basal diet at the expense of a 2:1 mixture of
all nutrients except Thr (Table 1). Dietary nitrogen glutamic acid and glycine to maintain equal nitrogen concen-
(N6.25) was measured by the Kjeldahl procedure. trations among treatments.
476 M. Taghinejad-Roudbaneh et al.

disease (Animal Health, Fort Dodge, Iowa, USA) on 2.3. Statistical analysis
day 7 (Intraocular) and on day 21(intranasal). The experimental design was a completely rando-
The chickens were weighed individually weekly. mised design. The experimental unit was the pen
Feed intake was recorded weekly and FCR was mean. All data were analysed by two-way ANOVA,
calculated. Mortality was recorded daily in each using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Institute
subgroup. On d 42, three randomly chosen chickens 2004). The requirement based on BWG, FCR, carcass
from each pen were wing-banded and moved to breast, thigh weight and immune response to IBD
separate floor pens for an overnight fast (approxi- challenge was determined applying a non-linear
mately 12 h); water was provided ad libitum. The procedure of SAS. The iterative procedure makes
following morning, chickens were randomly crated repeated estimates for coefficients and minimises
and transported to the processing room where each residual error until the best-fit lines are achieved:
was weighed, euthanised by cervical dislocation and one line with a slope of zero and the other with a
then scalded, defeathered and eviscerated. Abdominal marked slope. The two lines are fitted to the values
fat pads and livers were collected from the birds using the following equations:
after they were partially eviscerated. The weights of
thymus, spleen and bursa of Fabricius were recorded. For linear broken line : y ¼ L þ UðR  XÞ  I
Organ weights were expressed on a relative body
weight basis. Carcasses were weighed and chilled on
ice in a walk-in cooler at 58C overnight. The For quadratic broken line : L þ UðR  XÞ
following day, breast (without skin) and thigh were
 ðR  XÞ  I
excised, and weights were recorded. The abdominal
fat pad percentage was calculated based on chilled where X independent variable, R requirement,
carcass weight. ydependent variable, L  theoretical maximum,
I1 (if X BR) or I0 (if X R), and U rate
constant. The coefficient of determination (R2 value)
2.1. Challenge protocol was determined as follows: R2 1 (residual sum of
On day 28, all birds were challenged by oral route squares/corrected total sum of squares).
with a commercial live-IBD vaccine. The strain was
characterised as an intermediate virulent classical
strain. The content of the 1000 dose of IBD vaccine 3. Results
vial was reconstituted in 100 mL distilled water, and Responses to dietary Thr level were significant
each bird was inoculated with 1 mL IBD virus into (P B0.05) for BWG, FCR, feed intake, percentage
the lumen of the crop by oral gavage, and finally each of fat pad carcass efficiency body, breast and thigh
bird received a dose ten times greater than the weight (Table 2). The BWG, BW, carcass efficiency,
standard IBD vaccine. breast and thigh weight and feed intake increased
with increasing Thr level in diet. The highest BWG
(1756.6 g), BW (2484.7 g) and carcass efficiency
2.2. Serology and immune responses (68.6%) were in diet containing 0.88% Thr, and the
On the 28th, 35th and 42nd day ten birds from each highest breast (427 g) and feed intake (3500 g) were in
group were chosen at random, and blood samples diet containing 0.95% Thr, and the highest thigh
were collected from the brachial vein. Serum was weight (433.0 g) was in diet containing 0.81% Thr.
separated by centrifugation (3000 g, 15 min), and FCR and percentage of fat pad decreased as Thr
antibody titre against IBD was performed using increased in the diet, and lowest level of FCR was in
commercially available ELISA kits (IDEXX, Labs diet containing 0.81% Thr and the lowest percentage
Inc., Westbrook, Maine, USA) according to the manu- of fat pad was in diet containing 0.74% Thr.
facturer’s instructions. ELISA absorbency was mea- However, spleen percentage was not affected by Thr
sured at 650 nm using an ELISA reader (Bio-Tek level in diet. The BWG, BW and FCR in diet
Instruments Inc. ELX 800; Winooski, Vermont) by containing 0.81% Thr did not significantly differ
standard procedures. Serum albumin, globulin, alkaline with higher level of Thr in diet but significantly
phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), (P B0.05) differ with diet containing lower levels of
aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehy- Thr. The feed intake, breast and thigh weight in diet
drogenase (LDH) were measured by specific com- containing 0.74% Thr did not significantly differ
mercial kits (Roche Diagnostica, Basel, Switzerland) (P B0.05) with higher level of Thr in diet but
using an autoanalyzer (HITACHI 902 automatic significantly differ with diet containing lower levels
autoanalyzer). of Thr (Table 2).
Journal of Applied Animal Research 477

Table 2. The effects of dietary Thr on BWG, feed intake, FCR, breast meat, thigh weight, carcass efficiency and abdominal fat
pat percentage of male broiler chicks (2142 d).

Thr (%) n BWG (g) Feed intake (g) FCR (g/g) BW (g) Spleen (%) Thigh(g) Breast (g) CE (%) Fat pad (%)
d b a d
0.6 5 1441.8 3272.4 2.27 2164.5 0.094 392.6c 360.8c 60.1c 2.87a
0.67 5 1548.8c 3304.4b 2.13b 2276.1c 0.096 406.6b 397.3b 62.2bc 2. 19bc
0.74 5 1686.4b 3481.5a 2.06c 2424.8b 0.114 428.2a 422.9a 64.0abc 2.06c
0.81 5 11754.3a 3467.1a 1.98d 2479.9a 0.116 433.0a 425.5a 68.2a 2.33bc
0.88 5 1756.6a 3497.2a 1.99d 2484.7a 0.124 430.9a 426.0a 68.6a 2.60ab
0.95 5 1752.2a 3500.4a 2.00d 2483.8a 0.134 431.7a 427.0a 66.6ab 2.52abc
SEM 5 8.66 28.52 0.015 9.78 0.016 2.61 3.83 1.58 0.166
ANOVA df Probabilities
Thr 5 B0.0001 B0.0001 B0.0001 B0.0001 0.47 B0.0001 B0.0001 0.005 0.02
Error 24
R2 0.97 0.73 0.91 0.97 0.16 0.89 0.90 0.46 0.39
Thr 1 B0.0001 0.0038 B0.0001 0.009 B0.0001 B0.0001 B0.0001 0.05 0.0018
Thr 1 B0.0001 0.0145 B0.0001 0.009 B0.0001 B0.0001 B0.0001 0.081 0.0138
Error 27
R2 0.96 0.62 0.89 0.83 0.77 0.87 0.92 0.09 0.77
a, b, c, d
BWG, Body weight gain; Weigth gain. BW, body weight. Means in the column with different letters differ (p B0.05).

The effect of Thr level on liver function enzymes, (3.80). On the other hand, the lowest level of antibody
blood parameters and serum antibody titer were in these stages were found in a group with the diet
significant (PB0.05) (Table 3). The highest AST, containing 0.6% Thr (81% of NRC recommendation).
LDH and ALP, were observed in the chicken fed with Regression analyses showed significant linear
diet containing 0.81% Thr. However, the highest ALT effects (P B0.05) due to dietary Thr concentrations
was found in the group with 0.88% Thr supplementa- for all response parameters except for ALP and serum
tion, and the chickens with 0.74% Thr supplemented globulin. A quadratic effect (P B0.05) due to dietary
diet had the highest serum total protein. Immune Thr concentration was noted for all parameters
response to live-IBDV vaccine significantly increased except for carcass efficiency, ALT, LDH, ALP and
with increasing Thr in the diets (PB0.001). The diet serum globulin (Tables 2 and 3).
containing 0.81% Thr had the highest serum antibody The Thr requirement was determined as a percen-
titer (log2) against IBDV in a pre-challenge stage (3.00), tage of the diets using linear and quadratic broken-line
7 days post-challenge (3.11) and 14 days post-challenge analysis with different response criterion (Table 4 and

Table 3. The effects of dietary Thr on liver function enzymes, blood parameters and serum antibody titer (log2) of broiler
chickens challenged with IBD.

Thr (%) N AST ALT LDH ALP Albumin TP Globulin A/G Titr1 Titr2 Titr3
d c c b b b b b c e
0.6 5 314.5 11.5 3536.4 1384.75 1.426 4.526 3 0.47 2.08 2.13 2.96d
0.67 5 338.5c 12.076bc 3578c 1416.00b 1.726a 4.8ab 3.1ab 0.56a 2.33b 2.50d 3.05c
0.74 5 355.5b 13abc 3648.3c 1463.25b 1.45a 7.9a 3.15ab 0.56a 2.91a 2.70c 3.42b
0.81 5 379.5a 13.6ab 4536.8a 1641.25a 1.75a 5.11a 3.32a 0.54a 3.00a 3.11a 3.80a
0.88 5 376.25a 14.126 a
4333.5ab 1345.00b 1.79a 5.02a 3.3a 0.53ab 2.91a 2.91b 3.80a
0.95 5 371.0ab 13.25ab 4102.3b 1455.25b 1.8a 4.95a 3.2ab 0.56a 2.90a 2.75bc 3.79a
SEM 8.66 28.52 0.015 9.78 0.016 2.61 3.83 1.58 0.072 0.064 0.074
ANOVA df Probabilities
Thr 5 B.0001 0.014 B.0001 0.0018 0.0001 0.006 0.117 0.034 B.0001 B.0001 B.0001
Error 24
R2 0.81 0.42 0.78 0.53 0.63 0.47 0.29 0.37 0.85 0.85 0.85
Thr 1 B.0001 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.0019 0.0047 0.0768 0.0908 B.0001 B.0001 B.0001
Thr Thr 1 0.0001 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.0039 0.0084 0.1048 0.11481 B.0001 B.0001 B.0001
Error 27
R2 0.77 0.39 0.49 0.12 0.49 0.40 0.19 0.13 0.84 0.85 0.78
AST, Aspartate Aminotransferase ((U/L)); ALT, Alanine Aminotransferase ((U/L)); LDH, Lactate Dehydrogenase ((U/L)); ALP, Alcalin
phosphatase((U/L)); Albumin, Globulin and TP, Albumin Globulin and total protein ((mmol /L)). a, b, c, dMeans in the column with different
letters differ (p B0.05).
478 M. Taghinejad-Roudbaneh et al.

Figure 1. Fitted broken-line plot of body weight gain (BWG) as a function of dietary Threonine level (% of diet). The BWG
data points are replications of 10 chicks during a 21 d feeding trial. The break point occurred at 0.781890.00681 and 0.87109
0.0180 as a percentage of diet with Linear and Quadratic broken line, respectively.

Figure 2. Fitted broken-line plot of feed conversion ratio (FCR) as a function of dietary Threonine (% of diet). The FCR data
points are replications of 10 chicks during a 21 d feeding trial. The break point occurred at 0.733290.0216 and 0.85489
0.0286 as a percentage of diet with Linear and Quadratic broken line, respectively.

Figure 3. Fitted linear broken-line plot of serum antibody titer (log2) as a function of dietary Threonine level (% of diet). The
serum antibody titer data points are replications of 10 chicks during a 21 d feeding trial. The break point occurred 0.75319
0.0147, 0.787490.0280 and 0.822490.0211 as a percentage of diet at 28, 35 and 42 days old.

Figures 14). The quadratic broken-line model esti- 0.0140). Thr requirements with straight broken-line
mated higher requirements than the straight broken- analysis were estimated for immune response (14
line model for all response criterions (Table 4). The days post-challenge) and breast weight, respectively.
highest (0.822490.0211) and the lowest (0.72409 And the highest (0.963690.0742) and the lowest
Journal of Applied Animal Research 479

Figure 4. Fitted quadratic broken-line plot of serum antibody titer (log2) as a function of dietary Threonine level (% of diet).
The serum antibody titer data points are replications of 10 chicks during a 21 d feeding trial. The break point occurred
0.833690.0413, 0.834990.0487 and 0.963690.0742 as a percentage of diet at 28, 35 and 42 days old.

Table 4. Dietary Thr requirement based on broken-line model analyses.

Estimated requirement

Linear broken-line analysis1

Response criterion Intercept (L) Slope (U) Break point (R) P-value R2
BWG (g) 1754.494.9317 1747.9986.2865 0.781890.00681 B0.0001 0.97
FCR (g/g) 2.007590.00982 1.971490.3967 0.733290.0216 B0.0001 0.85
FI (g) 3488.2917.1123 1493.29299.4 0.760790.0244 B0.0001 0.67
Breast (g) 425.491.8315 520.6974.0039 0.724090.0140 B0.0001 0.90
Tight 431.991.4737 254.4925.783 0.759590.0122 B0.0001 0.88
Body weight (g) 2482.895.6023 1859.3998.020 0.774590.00696 B0.0001 0.97
Titr1 2.938790.0431 5.957190.7547 0.753190.0147 B0.0001 0.82
Titr2 2.927390.0460 4.100090.8054 0.787490.0280 B0.0001 0.74
Titr3 3.795090.0539 4.145790.4870 0.822490.0211 B0.0001 0.82
Quadratic broken-line analysis2
BWG (g) 1758.997.1792 4254.19535.8 0.878090.0171 B0.0001 0.96
FCR (g/g) 1.989890.0106 4.318590.9925 0.854890.0286 B0.0001 0.90
FI (g) 3500.1922.9189 2829.991433.6 0.894790.0746 B0.0001 0.65
Breast (g) 426.592.0852 1715.99394.2 0.796490.0216 B0.0001 0.90
Tight 432.391.7863 709.49194.6 0.841790.0323 B0.0001 0.87
Body weight (g) 2488.097.7755 4557.39619.1 0.871090.0180 B0.0001 0.96
Titr1 2.947190.0513 16.943196.1675 0.833690.0413 B0.0001 0.79
Titr2 2.906890.0517 14.357696.1157 0.834990.0487 B0.0001 0.73
Titr3 3.836790.0870 7.339792.7856 0.963690.0742 B0.0001 0.78
1. The linear broken-line model is y LU(R x), where L is the ordinate, R is the abscissa of the break point, and the value of R is zero at
values of x R. Values are reported as9SEM.
2. The quadratic broken-line model is yLU (R x) (Rx) where L is the ordinate, R is the abscissa of the break point, and the value
R is zero at values of xR. Values are reported as9SEM.

(0.796490.0216). Thr requirements with quadratic 4. Discussion

broken-line analysis were estimated for immune Increasing Thr level in the diet improved breast meat
response 14 day post-challenge and breast weight, weight (from 360.8 to 427 g), BWG (from 1441.8 to
respectively. All estimated requirements except esti- 1756.6 g), thigh weight (from 392.6 to 433 g) and
mated based on FCR and breast weight were higher decreased FCR (from 2.27 to 1.98). Similarly Mack
than NRC (1998) recommendation. et al. (1999) and Dozier et al. (2000, 2001) indicated
480 M. Taghinejad-Roudbaneh et al.

that supplemental Thr improved breast percentage. In kcal/kg should receive a total dietary Thr level of
contrast to our results, Dozier et al. (2000) reported 0.74% of diet. However, Ojano-Dirain and Waldroup
that Thr supplementation had no significant effect on (2002) suggested that the modern rapidly growing
the proportion of drumsticks and thighs. Also Dozier broiler may have Thr requirements greater (0.78%)
et al. (2000, 2001) indicated that total carcass meat than those generally recommended (0.74%) by NRC
yield was not affected by Thr concentration. Lemme (1994). Lemme (2001) reported that depending on the
(2003) reported that FCR of male broilers optimised performance criteria chosen, the optimum dietary Thr
as dietary Thr was increased from 0.55 to 1.05%. levels for 20- to 42-d-old broilers to achieve 95% of
Tugay et al. (2009) showed that the highest body the asymptotic response for BWG, FCR and breast
weight gain was at 0.75%, and better feed efficiency meat yield were 0.66, 0.68 and 0.70%, respectively,
was in 0.85% Thr for broilers occurred. In the current compared to the 0.74% suggested by NRC (1994).
study, increasing the Thr concentration of the diet The method of statistical evaluation can influence
from 0.6 to 0.81% improved the growth rate, body the estimation of an amino acid and requirement
weight and FCR of broilers. In addition, increasing (Taghinejad-Roudbaneh et al. 2011). The most com-
the Thr concentration of the diet from 0.6 to 0.74% mon statistical models used to determine amino acid
improved the feed intake, carcass efficiency and requirements are the broken-line (one-slope), two-
breast and thigh weight of broilers. slope, quadratic, and ascending quadratic with pla-
Thr supplementation did not significantly alter teau models (Vedenov & Pesti 2008). Estimated Thr
the abdominal fat proportion, as reported in earlier requirement values with quadratic broken-line model
studies (Dozier et al. 2001; Rosa & Pesti 2001). The in all response criterions in this experiment were
effect of dietary Thr on absolute and relative abdom- higher than estimated values with straight broken-line
inal fat pad weight in broilers has typically been model (Table 4). The result of this experiment closed
inconsistent (Kidd & Kerr 1997; Corzo et al. 2003; with the results of Barbour et al. (1993) and
Kidd et al. 2004). No dietary Thr effect was observed Taghinejad-Roudbaneh et al. (2011) that found
for relative weights of spleen (Table 2). Results are in statistical evaluation influences the estimate of an
agreement with those presented by Kidd et al. (2001). amino acid requirement and the quadratic procedure
The estimated Thr requirement based on BWG estimates were higher for all protein sources when
(0.781890.00681) was higher than that of breast compared with straight broken-line model. In addi-
meat (0.724090.0140), FCR (0.733290.0216), feed tion, Vazquez and Pesti (1997) concluded that ‘as-
intake (0.760790.0244), thigh (0.759590.0122) and cending quadratic with plateau’ model may
body weight (0.774590.00696). Dietary Thr needs theoretically be more realistic and adequate than the
observed for live performance measurements are in ‘ascending line with plateau’ model for predicting the
agreement with those previously published for birds amino acid requirement for broiler chicks.
during the same age period (Webel et al. 1996; Penz Additionally, environmental conditions and
et al. 1997; Mack et al. 1999). Webel et al. (1996) fed graded stimulation of the immune system may also
graduations of Thr to Ross Hubbard broilers from affect requirement studies (Kidd et al. 2003).Thr
d 21 to 42 in a cornpeanut meal-based diet and participates in protein synthesis and its catabolism
reported that optimal feed conversion occurred when generates many products important in metabolism
dietary Thr was 0.70%. In addition, Kidd and Kerr (i.e., glycine, acetyl-Coa and pyruvate). Thr serves as a
(1997) fed graduations of Thr to Ross Ross 308 component of body protein and a precursor of glysine
male broilers in a cornpeanut meal-based diet and and serine, is involved in immune responses and
determined that the live performance needs during 30 needed in gastrointestinal mucin production (Lemme
to 42 d are satisfied with 0.70% total Thr. These live 2003). Thr is a major component of intestinal mucin
performance needs for Thr (Kidd & Kerr 1997) are in and plasma a-globulin in animals (Kim et al. 2007).
agreement with the former estimates (Webel et al. By way of protein synthesis and cellular signalling
1996; Penz et al. 1997), since they were obtained in the mechanisms, Peng et al. (2007) show that addition of
last half of the 21- to 42-d period. Similar to the result 2 mM-Thr to the culture medium prevented apopto-
of the current study, Kidd and Kerr (1997) evaluated sis, stimulated cell growth and promoted antibody
carcass traits and found that a higher level of Thr production in lymphocytes. Bhargava et al. (1971)
(0.78% total of diet) was needed to yield good breast found that Thr need in chickens for antibody produc-
meat accretion. Amino acid requirements in growing tion to Newcastle disease virus was higher than that
animals depend on several factors like genotype, age for growth. Thr is the most abundant essential amino
and sex (Samadi & Liebert 2007; Muhl & Liebert acid in immunoglobulin protein, and Defa et al.
2008; Rehman et al. 2012). The NRC (1994) suggest (1999) show that growing pigs fed with Thr deficient
that 21- to 42-d-old broilers fed diets containing 3200 diets have a significant lower plasma concentration of
Journal of Applied Animal Research 481

total or specific IgG titre following bovine serum (Kim et al. 2007). Indeed, serum antibody titers
albumin injection and swine fever vaccination. Wang increased with increasing dietary intake of Thr in
et al. (2006) demonstrated that the requirement to chickens infected with the Newcastle disease virus
optimize immunity was higher than to maximize (Bhargava et al. 1971). Also, dietary supplementation
weight gain and FCR in pig, as the intake of true with Thr increased serum levels of IgG in sows
ileal digestible Thr increased from 4.1 to 6.6g per day, (Cuaron et al. 1984). Further, increasing dietary Thr
serum IgG concentrations increased in response to intake increased antibody production, serum IgG
increased intake of true ileal digestible Thr. Thr is a levels and jejunal mucosal concentrations of IgG
major component of plasma g-globulin in poultry and IgA (Wang et al. 2006). Furthermore, it should
(Tenenhouse & Deutsch 1966). Bhargava et al. (1971) be notified that dietary methionine can influence
reported that antibody titers of chicks increased as the metabolism of other amino acids (Moritoki &
dietary Thr increased. With increasing Thr level in Yoshida 1970; Sanchez et al. 1972).
diet, immune responses against IBVD were improved It has been demonstrated that the activities of
(Table 3). NRC requirements for amino acids and many liver enzymes involved in the catabolism of
protein are designed to support maximum growth amino acids decrease when a low protein diet is fed,
and production under ideal condition and good but increase with high protein intakes (Muramatsu
maintenance. The estimated Thr requirements vary et al. 1971). In our experiment, liver enzymes were
with response criterion, and when requirement was affected by Thr level of diet, whereas in the group
estimated based on immune response 14 days post- receiving 0.81% Thr, we found a significant raise in
challenge with IBVD, this value was higher than the concentration of ALT, AST and LDH. The
other response criterions (Table 3 and Figures 3 findings may also explain that the current NRC
and 4). The control of immunosuppressive diseases recommendations for thr in broiler are probably not
is of prime importance for the nascent poultry appropriate for broiler health under stress and dis-
industry in developing countries. In this regard, the eases condition. Although, it should be noted that the
improvement of feed formulation and enhancement concentration of ALT, AST and LDH in the group
of genetic resistance to economically important dis- receiving 0.6% Thr also was in the normal range
eases should be considered (Bumstead et al. 1991). (Marjanovic et al. 1975; Chattopadhyay et al. 2006).
The resistance against infectious challenges requires
an intense response orchestrated by the immune
system. From the nutritional standpoint, feed sub-
5. Conclusion
strates (amino acids, energy and enzymes) are needed
to activate such a response (Rubin et al. 2007). In conclusion, the results obtained on the present
Minimum requirements for a given nutrient for study indicated that Thr requirements of broiler
maximum production are fully established (NRC based on recommendation of the NRC (1994) are
1994). As a result of the current study, nutrition sufficient to meet the requirements of the new
recommended by NRC are adequate for healthy birds commercial poultry and commercial broiler compa-
under ideal management, but the combination of nies under hygienic condition. However, it may
environment condition and disease increase the reduce profitability under conditions of disease or if
requirement for Thr ( 0.73% vs. 0.82%). the broilers encounter the stress conditions. There-
From the nutritional standpoint, amino acids are fore, in order to overcome this problem, Thr level
needed for proliferation of lymphocytes, establish- during non-hygienic should be increased. The best
ment of germinative centres in the bursa of Fabricius level of Thr based on current study is 0.81% for
to refine immunoglobulin affinity, recruitment of new support growth performance and immune function.
bone marrow monocytes and heterocytes and synth-
esis of effector molecules (immunoglobulins, nitric
oxide, lysozyme and complement) and communica- Acknowledgement
tion molecules (cytokines and eicosanoids, for in- This work is supported by the Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad
University, and by an endowment from the Animal Science
stance). Methionine plays an important role in
Department of agricultural faculty. The author would like
humoral and cellular immune responses (Swain & to thank Mr. Mehdi Alizade for his collaborations.
Johri 2000; Shini et al. 2005). Additionally, there is
evidence that Thr modulates immune function in
livestock (Li et al. 2007), and immune system is References
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been reported that Thr is a major component of of broiler chicks as affected by protein source and method
intestinal mucin and plasma g-globulin in animals of statistical evaluation. Br Poult Sci. 34:747756.
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