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AIGA SB 10/17


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Prevention of Accidents due to Overheated or

Burning Tyres

Photos: ©EIGA

Transport vehicle tyre fires mainly occur when travelling on highways, but may also break out when
parked after travelling. 运输车辆轮胎火灾主要发生在公路上,也可能在行驶后停车时发生
1. Causes and effects of tyre fires
There are various causes for the overheating and ignition of a tyre, including:
• badly adjusted or badly maintained brakes, 刹车调整不当或维护不当,
• poorly maintained, or failure of, axle component(s), 车轴部件维护不当或故障,
• use of non-original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or approved replacement parts or components
of the vehicle running gears , 使用非原装设备制造商(OEM)或未经批准的车辆行走机构的替换用
• overloading of the vehicle, 车辆超载
• inadequate inflation of the tyres, 轮胎充气不足
• loss of inflation of the tyre whilst travelling, 行驶时胎压损耗
• overloading of one twin tyre when the other deflates, 当双胎中的一个胎瘪了,导致另一个过载
• excessive use of the brakes, 过度使用刹车
• tyres in bad condition, 轮胎状况不佳,
• malfunction of anti-tow away device resulting in braking activation during driving, 防拖曳装置故障,
AIGA SB 10/17

• air line leakage resulting in braking activation during driving , 仪表空气管路泄漏导致行驶过程中的
In some cases, a fire may occur after stopping because there is no longer any cooling effect from air
flow during travelling. 在某些情况下,停车后可能发生火灾,因为不再有行驶过程中的气流冷却作用。
2. What to do in case of an overheating or burning tyre? 如果轮胎过热或燃烧,该怎么办?
A major hazard of an overheated tyre is the risk of bursting without warning. If there is still air pressure
in the tyre this can lead to a dangerous blast effect and possible projection of pieces of the tyre, which
may result in serious injury and/or damage to the vehicle. An additional hazard is the release of toxic
fumes from burning materials.
A tyre, which was thought to be extinguished, can easily re-ignite, particularly if the source of heat is
still present (e.g. an overheated brake drum or hub).
The first action should always be to call the fire service which will take appropriate actions including
water spray to cool the tyre, wheel and surrounding areas until completely safe.
The risk of a tyre bursting should be considered before using a fire extinguisher. The use of dry powder
extinguishers can be ineffective as it does not provide an adequate source of cooling.
Note: Particular caution is necessary in the case of twin tyres as a burning tyre can heat a nearby tyre
sufficiently to also catch fire and burst.
If signs of overheating are detected when parked, for example smoke or glowing hub, or if flames break
out, the driver should:
• if the vehicle is moving, stop in a safe area as soon as possible, ideally away from other vehicles,
any pedestrians, residential areas, flammable materials,
• 如果车辆正在行驶,应尽快停在安全区域,最好远离其他车辆、行人、居住区、易燃材料,
• call, or get someone else to call, the fire service, 给消防部门打电话,或让其他人打电话,
• keep people away, 禁止无关人员靠近,
• consider the use of the vehicle fire extinguishers based on the company policy,
• 根据公司政策考虑使用车辆灭火器,
• stay clear of the area of the hazard from a bursting tyre only detach the motive unit if it is safe to do
so, 远离爆胎的危险区域,只有在安全的情况下才能拆下动力装置
• only work on the tyre or wheel assembly once it has completely cooled.
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• 只有在轮胎或车轮总成完全冷却后才能对其进行操作
Note: Do not replace the tyre or wheel and continue transport unless the extent of the damage has
been assessed and the root cause of the fire has been identified.

3. Prevention预防措施
• Use tyres of a type and size suitable for the vehicle.
• 使用适合车辆类型和尺寸的轮胎。
• Inflate tyres to the right pressure for the load being carried, ideally when cold.
• 将轮胎充气至合适的压力,以便装载货物,最好是在冷态时。
• Consider use of tyre pressure monitoring systems.
• 考虑使用轮胎压力监测系统。
• Regularly check the pressure when cold and condition of tyres.
• 定期检查冷态时的压力和轮胎状况。
• Regularly check that all of the wheel nuts are correctly fitted, and to the correct torque, especially
after doing any work on the wheel.
• 定期检查所有车轮螺母是否正确安装,扭矩是否正确,尤其是在对车轮进行任何操作后。
• Maintain brakes and axle components as a minimum in accordance with manufacturers’
recommendations and consider periodic replacement.
• 根据制造商的建议,至少维护制动器和车轴部件,并考虑定期更换。
• Use only OEM / approved replacement parts and components
• 仅使用原厂OEM/经批准的替换零件和组件
• Train drivers to make maximum use of secondary braking systems to avoid overheating of the
primary braking systems.
• 培训驾驶员最大限度地利用辅助制动系统,以避免主制动系统过热
• Carry out a vehicle condition check when the driver takes break during the trip. The vehicle condition
check shall include the tyre condition inspection and visual / audio sign of air line leakages
• 当驾驶员在行程中休息时,进行车辆状况检查。车辆状况检查应包括轮胎状况检查和空气管路泄漏
• Regularly check the anti tow away device.
References: 参考文献:
• Safety Info 17/17, Prevention of accidents due to overheated or burning tyres, European
Industrial Gases Association,
安全信息 17/17,防止轮胎过热或燃烧造成事故,欧洲工业气体协会,
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All publications of AIGA or bearing AIGA’s name contain information, including Codes of Practice, safety procedures and other technical
information that were obtained from sources believed by AIGA to be reliable and/ or based on technical information and experience currently
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While AIGA recommends that its members refer to or use its publications, such reference to or use thereof by its members or third parties is
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AIGA has no control whatsoever as regards, performance or non performance, misinterpretation, proper or improper use of any information or
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connection thereto.
AIGA’s publications are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition.

 AIGA 2017 - AIGA grants permission to reproduce this publication provided the association is acknowledged as the source

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