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Based on the case studies (1-5), what I learned and reflected on for today’s lesson is that

Copyright Acts to a person and industries are both important to avoid happening infringement.
It was very important because it is eligible for protection under the Copyright Act 1987. A
work with copyrights always sufficient effort and it makes it by an original composer or
individual or even a company. However, they were still people who take advantage to steal
people’s ideas and make their thing to share them with the public which can lead a person to
be sued by the original creator. For example, I saw on Youtube a case between Matt Cardle
and Ed Sheeran. Many people had commented that half of the song by Ed Sheeran was said to
be copied from the song Amazing by Mat Cardle in 2012. This is mean that even though we
just copyright a bit of the melody from the real composer, it still considers copyright
infringement because we didn’t make any signatory or agreement or lessen that we can take
advantage to copyright it, and this will be considered stealing people’s work and at last will be
sued to the court and be fined a huge amount of money. That is why when we need to copyright
somebodies project or songs, we should also always bear in mind that we need to always ask
for permission and acceptance from others by communication and not steal others’ work and
sell it to the public. With the implementation of Copyright acts, for sure a company will always
be protected in terms of musical works, literary works, sound recordings and etc. A company
will always have a good image to the public as well as with the client because a reputation for
doing things with hard work and dedication, might help a company to get corporate easily.
Thus, the copyright act will get a lot of benefits in terms of prevention of monetary loss, legal
protection, and pre-emptive measure to dissuade others from making unauthorized use of our

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