Humerus Anatomy

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Friday, 27 September 2019 10:00 PM

The humerus is described as having a proximal

region, shaft, and distal region. The humerus
articulates proximal region by the scapula at
the shoulder joint and radius and distal region
with ulna at the elbow joint. Anatomical and
surgical neck both of the humerus are highly
susceptible to fracture.
The humeral upper extremity comprises a
rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short
processes (tubercles/ tuberosities). The body is
cylindrical in its upper section and more prismatic
below. The lower extremity comprises 2
epicondyles, 2 processes (trochlea & capitulum),
and 3 fossae (radial fossa, coronoid fossa, and
olecranon fossa). And it refers to its true
anatomical neck, the constriction below the
greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus to as
its surgical neck for its tendency to fracture, thus
often becoming the focus of surgeons.

Bony Landmarks of Humerus

Head is a large, rounded, projection that

reaches medially from the bone’s
proximal end. It connects with the
glenoid fossa of the scapula to form the
glenohumeral joint.

Greater Tubercle is a large, roughened

area placed lateral to the head.
The infraspinatus, supraspinatus,
and teres minor muscles attach to this
Lesser Tubercle is a roughened area
found medial to the greater tubercle. It
serves as the insertion site subscapularis
Intertubercular Groove is a thin,
longitudinal depression between the
lesser and greater tubercles. This
indentation, which is further designated
the bicipital groove, is a way for the
tendon of the long head of the biceps
brachii. The teres major, pectoralis major,
and latissimus dorsi muscles also attach
Anatomical Neck is a grooved
constriction within the head and
tubercles that serves as an attachment
point for the articular capsule.
Surgical Neck is a region under the
tubercles where the bone narrows and
fractures often occur.
Shaft or also known as Body is the
elongated, cylinder-shaped middle part of
the bone. It’s relatively smooth surface is
the insertion point for muscles that
influence the upper arm and the origin
point for muscles that move the lower

Deltoid Tuberosity is a raised,

roughened area located on the lateral
side of the shaft at its midpoint. It is a
point of the deltoid muscle attachment.
Lateral Epicondyle is a rounded
protuberance at the distolateral
terminus of the humerus. The posterior
surface of the lateral epicondyle
accommodates as an attachment point
for some of the muscles that extend the
wrist and fingers of this hand.
Lateral Supracondylar Ridge is the
roughened margin located superior the
lateral epicondyle.
The brachioradialis muscle attaches this
edge of the bone.
Medial Epicondyle is a rounded
projection at the distomedial end of the
humerus. Some of the muscles that flex
the forearm, wrist, and fingers attach to
the anterior surface of this marking.

Trochlea is a pulley-shaped formation

located medial to the capitulum. This
region articulates with the trochlear
notch of the ulna bone at the elbow
Capitulum is a small, knob-like
prominence on the distolateral end of
the humerus. It articulates with the head
of the radius bone at the elbow joint.
Coronoid Fossa is a depression located
superior to the anterior aspect of the
trochlea. This region provides space for
the coronoid process of the ulna when
the forearm is flexed.
Radial Groove is a small depression
placed superior to the capitulum. This
region provides the location for the head
of the radius when the forearm is flexed.

Muscle Attachment of Humerus

Blood Supply of Humerus

• Nutrient arteries: Humerus – profunda
brachii (Brachial artery)
• Preaxial vein of upper limb – Cephalic
• Postaxial vein of upper limb – Basilic

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