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Part A (Part Total: 69 marks) Situation ‘You are May Wong, a Secondary 6 student at St. Andrew Secondary School. You are a member ofthe school Science Club. Your club is organising @ Science Fair for students. Your teacher, Mr. Alex Tam, has asked you and other committee members to do some tasks, In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks todo, Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book: and on the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarise yourself with Tasks |-4 HKDSE-ENG LANG 3-SET 8-2 =124- (© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. Task 1 (12 marks) You are in a meeting about the Science Fair with Mr. Tam. You are talking about a new floor plan of the school which ill help visitors find their way around on the day of the Science Fair. As you listen, label the floor plan below. You should also fill n any missing information. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will Ihave one minute to tidy up your answers. Plan of St. Andrew Secondary School campus: Put letters A-HT in the spaces provided Test item (9) and Test item (10) are given on the recording Students are expected to draw a rectangle in the space between the schoo! hall and the gymnasium. (1 mark for drawing the rectangle correctly) a FF @ o ® 6 F 8, ®cc e (1 mark) (1 mark) ec (1 mark) (T mark for writing ‘CC Inside the rectangle) a Oe (1 mark) Answers written in the margins will not be marked GATE A. Schoolcanteen —E, Tennis court B. Library F. Gymnasium C. Schoo! hall G. Auditorium D. Main building —-H.Student Union building, Science Fair ®, Day and date: Friday, (11) 12th May /12/5_ (1 mark) ©. Theme (12) Seience Beyond the Classroom (11 mark) Answers written in the margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 1 HKDSE-ENG LANG 3-SET 8:3 = 125- © PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked. ‘Task 2 You are now talking to a Science Club committee member, Jason Wong about project ideas for the Science Fair: You are taking notes, As you listen, complete the note sheet below and rank the project ideas in order of how feasible they are. (U8 marks) You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers. Note Sheet Use each number ONCE only: Tio geo egEenEEREL ESCO OneoReeeeee eee ‘Put numbers I, 2, 3 and 4 to indicate how feasible/good each project idea is, 1] = the most feasible / the best 4 = the least feasible /the worst 1. Full-fat and low-fat food (3) @4 (1:mark) 2. Milk plastic (4) ®2_(1mark) 3. Effects of caffeine on typing speed (15) ©1 (1 mark) 4 Masical botles 3 Project Purpose ReasonsiComments ‘una | Te determine whether people can © sulle @ (17) Too simple_(1 mark) and low-fat | (16) se the difference between __] food fullfat and lowefat food (mark) _| (8) eat precios 1mm ®,, = (20) A fun project _(11 mark) vs ‘To show students how to (19) urn milk | (94) Will surprise students_(1.mark) plastic plastic _(1 mark) 25) May appeal to lower form students only (1 mark) Pa lated dents’ daily Ii lated to students” diy lives_ (1. mar Effects of | & (24 Related to student daily Hves_(7 mark) _ vetting | Ton ou if (23) eaeine has any ‘on typing | impact on typing speed_(1 mark) (a5) Easy to conduct the experiment_(1| mark) speed ® © 27) Easy to conduct the experiment_(1 mark) Musical | To demonstrate how (26) different o_O bottles sounds are made_(1 mark) epee (agp Has been done before (11 mark) Hypothesis and expected resul e Since caffeine is a natural stimulant, (29) “itean increase focus and memory (mark) ©, “Therefore, (30) it should have a positive impact on typing speed _(1| mark) it ean increase focus and memory (1 mark) “Answers writen inthe margins will not be marked. "Answers written inthe margins will not be marked HKDSE-ENG LANG 3.SET 8-4 END OF TASK 2 = 126— © PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. [Answers written in the margins Task3— (20 marks) You have taken your science project proposal to Mr. Tam for him to comment on. Based on what you hear in the conversation, fll in the spaces in the note sheet below. Remember to pay attention to spelling and grammar. You now have 30-seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one anda half minutes to tidy up your answers. Comments by Mr. Tam on Science Project Proposal About the introduction: . ‘The introduction should explain why your proposed project is (31) significant _(1 mark) You should So © 7 also provide (32) justifications (1 mark) for your experiments, ie., what (33) new information is to be learnt_(11 mark) . and how your experiment (34) adds to existing knowledge (Tmark) Good points about the proposal: © + Clear (35) hypothesis _(11 mark) Ai ckaai aici eae Hey eae + (38) Easy-to-ollow steps / Steps are casy to follow _(1-mark) Mr. Tam gave the following suggestio + Ga)TAdd a ile w the flow chart_(1. mark) + After Step 7, (40) Wait for 30 minutes _(1-mark) before starting to type «Replace (41 the passage witha short sentence _(1 mark) + (4a) Sayer how lng he auhjet wl pe for (1 meid «aap Repeat the experiment several imes (1 mark) + (aap Describe (clearly) how you will analyse your data (1 mark) Materials required and estimated costs: (4s) © computer_(1 mark) (46) © Coffee _(1mark) an, Water _(1 mark) (48) ©A stopwatch (1 mark) Specify the estimated costs and indicate the (as) source (1: mark) of funds, (nthe whole, Mr. Tam was quite (50) tmpressed_(1 mark) by the proposal Answers written in the margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 3 HKDSE-ENG LANG 3-SET 8-5 -127- (© PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. 3 7 z 3 & : 2 2 2 8 : 2 Answers waitten in the mangins will not be marked. Task (19 marks) You are attending a meeting about your science project with Jason and nwo of your other teammates called Lindsay and Al who are reporting the results, Based on what you hear na conversation between Jason and the other two teammates, fil in the spaces in the report below. Remember to pay attention to spelling and grammar. One has been done for you as an example. You now have 30 seconds to study the task, At the end of the task, you will have three minutes to tidy up your answers, Caffeine Experiment — Summary and Comments ‘Aim of the experiment: ‘To find out how caffeine (51) allests typing speed and ac (11 mark) Hypothesis: (52) Caffeine increases typing speed and accuracy. (1 mark) About the experiment + There were (S3)15 (mark) participants in the experiment and (54) 15 (11 mark) participants in the contol group, the margins ©, +The experimental group was instructed to (55) drink 12 ounces of caffeinated soda drinks or coffee / drink © the beverages _(1_mark) as quickly as possible and wait (56) 30 minutes _(1 mark) after 2 ; i finishing their beverages to take the speed-typing test. +The speed typing measured the participants’ typing ability including: a. ime (example) _ ® b. (57) Words per minute (1 mark) ® ce. (58) Number of errors _(1 mark) L ‘Answers writen inthe margins will not be marked. = 128- LOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. not be marked Answers written in the margins wi Results: © + The differences in (59) typing speed (11 mark) © between the control group and experimental group were (61) insignificant / not significant_(1 mark) typing speed or accurac +The hypothesis was proven false — caffeine (62) does no (1 mark) Suggestions for improvement + Give te participants (63)°stong coffee _(1 mark) + Ensure that there are an equal number of (64) males and females (in both groups) (1 mark ‘Comments from the participants: < + A(@5{°quarter_(1 marklof the participants said we should have used (66) 4 PC keyboard _(1 mark) + We should have asked the participants to do (67)°nothing_(1 mark) during the waiting period because (68) Pthe activity performed before the typing test_(1 mark might hhave enhanced or inhibited their performance. + We should serve (69) “coffee _(1_ mark only. l Answers writen inthe margins will not be marked. END OF TASK 4 END OF PARTA. Now go on to Part B HKDSE-ENG LANG 3-SET 8-7 ~129- © PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. ‘Answers written in the margins will not be marked

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