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Development of an Effective Knowledge
Management System for Government
Municipal Councils in Sri Lanka

Capstone Project- Group No: 06

2017/2018 – University of Vavuniya
K.Dishalahini – 2017/PM/05
M.A.D. Umanga -- 2017/PM/26
A.M.A.H.Bandara – 2017/PM/42
P.R. Gunawardana –2017/PM/52


Project Title Development of an Effective Knowledge Management System for

Government Municipal Councils in Sri Lanka
Organization Name Municipal Councils in Sri Lanka

Project Manager M.A.D. Umanga

Project Team K.Dishalahini

Members A.M.A.H.Bandara
P.R. Gunawardana
Start Date 20.03.2023

End Date 11.12.2024

Budget LKR 16,000,000 – LKR 37,500,000

Municipal councils in Sri Lanka are responsible for managing local government affairs,
including the planning, design, and implementation of infrastructure projects. These projects
are often complex and require the coordination of multiple stakeholders, including government
agencies, private contractors, and community groups.
In the past, municipal councils have relied on paper-based systems for storing project details
and seeking approval for projects. However, this system has proven to be inefficient, as
important project files are often misplaced or lost, resulting in delays and additional costs.
Additionally, the process for seeking approval for projects can be time-consuming and involve
travel to different district councils, further delaying project implementation.
To address these issues, we propose implementing an electronic system for storing project
details and seeking project approval. The system would be cloud-based, meaning that
municipal councils could access it from any location with an internet connection.
The proposed electronic system would offer several advantages over the current paper-based
system. First, it would provide a centralized repository for storing project details, making it
easier for municipal council staff to find the information they need. This would reduce the risk
of important project files being misplaced or lost.
Second, the system would allow for a more systematic and efficient process for seeking project
approval. Municipal councils would be able to submit project proposals and seek approval
through the electronic system, rather than having to travel to different district councils. This
would save time and reduce the administrative burden on municipal council staff.
Third, the system would enable greater transparency and accountability in the project approval
process. All project details and approvals would be stored electronically, making it easier for
stakeholders to access and review them.
Overall, the proposed electronic system has the potential to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of municipal council operations in Sri Lanka. By reducing administrative burden
and improving project management, the system would enable municipal councils to more
effectively meet the needs of their communities.

The primary objective of this project is to develop a robust knowledge management system
that will enable government municipal councils in Sri Lanka to manage their project files and
knowledge effectively. The specific objectives are:
 To identify the requirements for an effective knowledge management system for
government municipal councils in Sri Lanka.
 To design and develop a user-friendly knowledge management system that meets the
identified requirements.
 To implement the knowledge management system in selected municipal councils in Sri
 To evaluate the effectiveness of the knowledge management system in terms of its
usability, efficiency, and impact on project.

The project's expected output is an effective knowledge management system for government
municipal councils in Sri Lanka that will streamline the storage, retrieval, and sharing of project
files and knowledge. The system will improve the efficiency of government operations, reduce
delays in decision-making, and enhance project completion rates.


1. Needs Assessment: This involves identifying the specific needs of each municipal
council and understanding how an electronic system can meet those needs.
2. Software Selection: Researching and selecting the appropriate cloud-based software for
the project.
3. System Design: This involves designing the system architecture and creating the user
interface for the project.
4. System Development: Developing and testing the system.

5. User Training: Providing training to municipal council staff on how to use the new
6. Pilot Implementation: Implementing the system in a pilot project in one municipal
council to test its functionality and work out any issues.
7. Full Implementation: Rolling out the system to all municipal councils.
8. System Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance of the system to ensure it remains up to
date and functioning properly.


1. Resistance to change: One of the biggest challenges you may face is resistance to
change from staff members who are used to working with paper-based systems. Some
staff members may be hesitant to adopt new technology, and may require additional
training and support to effectively use the electronic system.
2. Technical challenges: Implementing a cloud-based system can present technical
challenges, such as ensuring that the system is secure and that there is adequate
bandwidth for users to access it. Additionally, there may be technical issues that arise
during implementation that require additional resources to resolve.
3. Data privacy and security: Storing project details electronically may present data
privacy and security risks. There is a risk of data breaches, which could result in
sensitive project details being exposed. It is important to ensure that the system has
appropriate security measures in place to protect against these risks.
4. Cost: Implementing an electronic system can be expensive, and may require significant
upfront investment in hardware, software, and training. It is important to carefully
consider the costs involved and develop a realistic budget for the project.
5. Maintenance and support: Once the system is implemented, ongoing maintenance and
support will be required to ensure that it remains functional and up to date. This will
require additional resources and expertise.
6. Connectivity issues: Internet connectivity can be an issue in some areas of Sri Lanka,
particularly in rural areas. This may make it difficult for some municipal councils to
access the electronic system.

 To mitigate these risks and challenges, it is important to carefully plan and prepare for
implementation. This includes providing staff with adequate training and support,
ensuring that appropriate security measures are in place, and developing a realistic
budget for the project. It may also be useful to pilot the system in one or two municipal
councils before rolling it out more widely, to identify and address any issues before
they become widespread.

Identifying stakeholders is an important part of any project planning process. Here are some
of the key stakeholders you should consider for your proposed electronic system for storing
project details and seeking project approval in Sri Lankan municipal councils:
 Municipal council staff: The staff members who will be responsible for using the
electronic system to store project details and seek project approval are key stakeholders
in the project. It is important to engage with them early in the planning process to ensure
that the system meets their needs and to provide them with adequate training and
 Municipal council leadership: Municipal council leaders, including the mayor or
chairperson, are important stakeholders in the project. They will need to provide
support and resources for the project, and may also need to advocate for the project
with other stakeholders, such as government agencies.
 Government agencies: Government agencies, such as the Ministry of Local
Government and Provincial Councils, may be stakeholders in the project, as they may
be involved in approving projects and providing funding. It is important to engage with
these agencies early in the planning process to ensure that the system aligns with their
 Private contractors: Private contractors who work on municipal council projects may
also be stakeholders in the project. They may need to use the electronic system to
submit project proposals or seek project approvals, and may require additional training
and support to do so effectively.
 Community groups: Community groups, such as neighbourhood associations or
business associations, may be stakeholders in the project, as they may be affected by
municipal council projects. It is important to engage with these groups to ensure that
their needs and concerns are taken into account when designing the system.
 IT staff: IT staff who will be responsible for maintaining and supporting the electronic
system are important stakeholders in the project. They will need to be involved in the
planning process to ensure that the system meets technical requirements and can be
effectively supported over time.

Activity Cost (LKR)
Hardware and software 4,000,000 - 10,000,000

Development and customization 6,000,000 - 14,000,000

Testing and quality assurance 1,000,000 - 2,000,000

Training and support 500,000 - 1,500,000

Miscellaneous expenses 500,000 - 1,000,000

Data migration 500,000 - 2,000,000

Infrastructure costs 500,000 - 1,500,000

Security and compliance 1,000,000 - 2,500,000

Upgrades and maintenance (Per Year) 1,500,000 - 3,000,000

User support and training (Per Year) 500,000 - 1,500,000

Total Cost 16,000,000 - 37,500,000


Task Start Date End Date Duration

1. Needs Assessment 20.03.2023 02.04.2023 2 Weeks
2. Software Selection 03.04.2023 30.04.2023 4 Weeks
3. System Design: 01.05.2023 11.06.2023 6 Weeks
4. System Development 12.06.2023 01.10.2023 16 Weeks
5. User Training 02.10.2023 29.10.2023 4 Weeks
6. Pilot Implementation 30.10.2023 10.12.2023 6 Weeks
7. Full Implementation 11.12.2023 11.12.2024 12 Months
8. System Maintenance Ongoing

This project is critical to the effective functioning of government municipal councils in Sri
Lanka. A robust knowledge management system will improve the efficiency of operations,
reduce delays in decision-making, and enhance project completion rates. It is expected that this
project will contribute significantly to the sustainable development of Sri Lanka.

Thank You!


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