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Australian Harbour International College

RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Assessment Details

Qualification Code/Title SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management

Assessment Type Assessment -01 (Knowledge Questions)
Assessment- 02 (Project Portfolio)

Due Date Location AHIC Term / Year

Unit of Competency

National Code/Title SITXHRM008 Roster Staff

Student Details
Student Name Student ID

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is Signature: ____________________________

my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any Date: _____/______/__________
person or source.

Assessor Details

Assessor’s Name

Assessment 1 Result
(Please Circle)
Assessment 2 Result
(Please Circle)

Feedback to student:

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a
assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my
valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
have provided appropriate feedback.

Signature Signature


Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia


Introduction 4
Assessment for this unit 4
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 5
Information for students 5
Questions 6
Assessment Task 2: Project 17
Information for students 17
Activities 18

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXHRM008 Roster staff. These tasks have been
designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities to complete a

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality
Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with
an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Provide answers to all of the questions below.

1. List two sources of information that you could access to find information about the Hospitality
Industry (General) Award.
Answer: Two source of information that could access to find information about hospitality
industry award are:
● Fair work
● Union

2. List two further sources of information that you could access, to find out information on work
agreements for the hospitality industry.
Answer: Two further source of information accessible to find out information on work
agreements for the hospitality industry are:
● Work agreement
● Workforce consultant

3. Why is it important to check the relevant award conditions when preparing a roster?
Answer: It is important to check the relevant award conditions when preparing a roster
because we need to fulfil the personal circumstance if the staff and they should be informed
before preparing a roster.

4. How is an enterprise agreement different from a modern award?

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Answer: Modern awards specify the minimum employment rights for the vast majority of
employees in a given industry or occupation. Enterprise agreements define employment rights
for employees of a specific employer or group of employers.

5. Explain how industrial agreements can affect the preparation of rosters.

Answer: Preparation of rosters can get significantly impacted by industrial agreements.
Industrial agreements in the hospitality sector frequently specify the minimum number of hours
of work that must be provided to employees as well as limitations on the use of temporary and
part-time staff. Moreover, the number of hours that can be worked in a week, the days and
hours that employees can be scheduled to work, and the amount of notice required for
changes to work schedules are all subject to industrial agreements. Such provisions can bring
more difficulty in the preparation of rosters.

6. Identify at least two factors of how each of the following award provisions will impact the
rostering process.

Leave ● Reduction in workforce: Employees on leave will cause a decrease in

the workforce that is available, making it more challenging to create a
roster that matches the demands of the company.
● Redistribution of work: It will be necessary to transfer the workload of
absent employees to other workers, which may have an influence on
those workers' workloads and make it more challenging to create the

Mandated ● Increment in labour costs: Mandated breaks between shifts may result
breaks between in higher personnel costs, which could have an effect on the company's
shifts budget and make roster management more challenging.
● Decrement in working hours: Requiring breaks in between shifts can
limit the amount of hours that workers can work, making it more
challenging to create a roster that fits the demands of the company.

Maximum ● Workload reallocation is necessary when employees have worked their

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

allowed shift allotted number of shifts. This might have an effect on other employees'
hours workloads and make it more challenging to create the roster.
● Reduced work hours: The amount of work hours available to
employees may be limited by the maximum permitted shift hours, making
it more challenging to create a roster that is suitable for the needs of the

Standard pay ● Increased basic pay rates can make the company more appealing to
rates workers, which can aid in employee retention and lessen the need to
continually hire and train new workers.
● Higher standard pay rates will result in higher labor costs, which will
have an effect on the business's budget and make roster management
more challenging.

Overtime pay ● Limited flexibility: Workers who are eligible to overtime compensation
rates might not be inclined to work outside of regular hours, which can reduce
the roster's flexibility and make it harder to adjust staffing levels in
response to demand fluctuations.
● Higher overtime pay rates will result in higher labor costs, which will
have an influence on the business's budget and make roster
management more challenging.

Penalty pay ● Limited flexibility: Workers who are entitled to penalty pay might not be
rates inclined to work outside of regular hours, which could restrict the roster's
flexibility and make it harder to meet demand variations.
● Penalty pay rates will result in higher labor costs, which will influence
the business's budget and make roster management more challenging.

7. List three impacts of contractor fees, if you had to include them in a staff roster.
Three impacts of contractor fees, If it had to be included in a staff roster are:
● Cost of labor increases: Contractor fees can raise labor costs, making it more challenging to
manage the budget and create a roster that fulfills the demands of the company.
● Limited flexibility: Contractors may only be available for a limited period of time or for specific
shifts, which can limit the flexibility of the roster and make it more difficult to respond to
changes in demand.
● Reduced control over staffing: Because contractors are typically hired for specific projects or
periods of time and may not be available on a long-term basis, using them can reduce the

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

business's control over staffing. This can make preparing a roster that meets the needs of the
business more difficult

8. Outline two considerations when rostering permanent or casual staff.

Two considerations when rostering permanent or casual staff are:
● What skills each worker has: If a shift needs someone with specific skills, make sure you
choose the right person for the job. If the same workers are high in demand, consider putting
them on more shifts.
● Who is available to work: Make sure you have enough workers for each shift. For permanent
staff, consider their regular hours. For casual staff, think about if they are able to work at short

9. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this can
be found at the Fair work Australia government website, identify the key
elements of the award.

Leave This award says how much time off workers get and under what
entitlement conditions including annual leave, personal leave, and compassionate
leave. It specifies the amount of leave that employees are given as well
as the conditions under which they can take leave.

Mandated The award specifies the minimum amount of time between shifts that
breaks between employees are entitled to, as well as the conditions under which they
shifts must be paid for this time. Employees, for example, may be entitled to a
10-minute break after every 4 hours of continuous work, according to the

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Maximum The award specifies the maximum number of hours that employees can
allowed shift be required to work in a single shift, as well as the circumstances under
hours which they must be compensated for additional hours worked. For
example, the award may state that employees cannot be required to
work more than 8 hours in a single shift and that any hours worked in
excess of this must be compensated with overtime.

10. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this can
be found at the Fair work Australia government website, provide the
overtime payable.

Period of overtime Overtime payable (as a percentage)

Monday to Friday: First two hours Employees must be paid time and a half (1.5
times their regular rate of pay).

Monday to Friday: After first two hours Employees must be paid double time (2
times their regular rate of pay).

Midnight Friday to midnight Sunday Employees must be paid double time (2

times their regular rate of pay)

A rostered day off Employees must be paid time and a half (1.5
times their regular rate of pay).

11. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this can
be found at the Fair work Australia government website, provide the
appropriate penalty rate for each period.

Penalty rate for full-time and Penalty rate for casual employees
part-time employees (incl 25% loading)

Monday to There are no penalty rates in There are no penalty rates in effect.
Friday effect.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Saturday 150% of their regular hourly rate a fine of 187.5% of their regular
is the penalty rate. hourly wage.

Sunday 200% of their regular hourly rate 250% of their regular hourly rate is
is the punishment rate. the penalty rate.

Public holidays 250% of their regular hourly rate 312.5% of their standard hourly rate
is the penalty rate. is the penalty rate.

12. Dixon Hospitality has an enterprise agreement with its staff, rather than following the
Hospitality Award. Complete the table below for full time staff:

Name of 2016 Agreement with Dixon Hospitality Enterprises


Leave The Act guarantees paid yearly leave to all employees, whether they
entitlement work full- or part-time. A full-time worker is typically entitled to 4 weeks of
leave every year. If you choose to, you may "cash out" your annual leave
by sending us a formal request. If we grant your request, you will be
compensated for the value of the time you cashed out and your leave
duration will be shortened by the same amount. Only if you can continue
to accrue at least 4 weeks of leave after cashing out your annual leave
will you be able to do so. Your rate of pay at the time the leave is cashed
out will be used to determine how much you are paid when you cash out
your yearly leave. If we provide you at least 4 weeks' written notice, if
you have more than 8 weeks' accrued annual leave (but only if you keep
at least 4 weeks' accrued leave remaining after that), or if we suspend
some or all of our activities, we may ask that you take annual leave.

a) Full-Time
Hours required
to work If you have a full-time job, your working hours will be:
38 hours a week on average over a four-week period;

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

A limit of 10 consecutive days of work in a row before you are given a

rostered day off; a shift length of no less than three hours and no
more than
11.5 hours;
Broken shifts are permitted as long as they don't exceed 12 hours in a
single day.

b) Part-Time
If you work part-time, you'll have regular hours and a regular schedule,
which will be as follows:
an average of 38 hours each week during a four-week period, with a
minimum of 7.6 hours per week.
a shift length of no less than 3 hours and no more than 11.5
hours; 3
you may work a maximum of 10 days in a row before being granted a
rostered day off;
Broken shifts are allowed as long as they don't exceed 12 hours per

c) Travelers If you are hired as a casual employee, you will be paid

hourly and your employment is subject to termination with or
without cause. Your shifts will last for a minimum of two hours and
a maximum of twelve.

d) Students In the event that we hire you as a trainee, you will work
for us permanently while earning a certificate 1, 2, or 3 in recognized
training. This should be done entirely on the job, or partially on and
partially off the work. Additionally, you must be enrolled in a
traineeship arrangement with us that is recognized by the pertinent
state or territory training authority or by a state or territory statute
governing employee training.

Apprentices (e) If you are hired as an apprentice, it will be done in

accordance with the state laws that govern apprenticeships, and you will
be given specific paperwork about the apprenticeship

(5 and possibly 6 hours) no break for rest, but one lunch of 30 minutes
breaks between
shifts (6 and possibly 8 hours) one 20-minute break for rest and 30 minutes
for meals

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

longer than ten hours two 20-minute rest periods, followed by a 30-
minute dinner break

More than two hours of overtime after the scheduled hours have ended,
plus an additional 20 minutes of rest time in addition to the entire break

Maximum a) Full-Time
allowed shift
If you have a full-time job, your working hours
will be: 38 hours a week on average over a
four-week period; 3 hours minimum and 12
hours maximum per shift
a shift of 11.5 hours

b) Part-Time
If you work on a regular basis and are hired part-time, your hours will
be as follows: 7.6 hours per week minimum and 38 hours per week
maximum averaged over a four-week period;

a shift length of no less than 3 hours and no more than 11.5 hours;
Casuals If you are hired as a casual employee, you will be paid hourly
and your employment is subject to termination with or without cause.
Your minimum and maximum shift lengths will be 2 hours and 12 hours,

An hour worked will equal an hour off when calculating time off; and
We reserve the right to demand that you use the time off if it is not used
within three calendar months after the accrual. If your work ends before
you've used the above-described leave entitlement, it will be reimbursed
from your overtime rate.

13. Using the National Employment Standards (NES), provide the maximum weekly hours for the

Maximum weekly hours

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Full-time 38 hours per week,

excluding appropriate

Part-time 38 hours a week, if lower,

or the number of hours
specified in their job

Casual Casual employees are not

limited to a certain number
of hours each week. Casual
workers are not required to
work a minimum number of
hours but are free to work
as many as they choose.

14. Complete the table and provide two examples of organisational initiatives that could have an
impact on the preparation of staff rosters.

Sociocultural- To respect the cultural or religious customs of employees, flexible

friendly working hours or shift arrangements may be necessary.
One example would be to permit employees to take time off for religious
holidays or to attend religious services.

Family-friendly May require flexible working hours or shift arrangements to

accommodate employees' family responsibilities such as school drop-off
and pick-up times.
One example would be to permit employees to take time off for school
drop-off and pick up times , or to attend medical appointments for their

15. Using the table below, identify three issues that you may come across for each leave provision
listed when preparing a staff roster.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Carers ● Requests for unexpected and sudden leave.

● The challenge of hiring a substitute for the absent employee.
● Insufficient staffing numbers during busy times.

Compassionate ● Requests for unexpected and sudden leave.

● The challenge of hiring a substitute for the absent employee.
● Preserving the employee's and their family's privacy and confidentiality

Illness or injury ● Requests for unexpected and sudden leave.

● It's challenging to recruit substitute employees for the absent
● Maintaining equilibrium between employer and employee needs.

Jury service ● Legal requirements for paying the employee while they serve on a
● Requests for urgent and unforeseen leaves of absence.
● Difficulty in hiring a substitute for the missing employee.

Long service ● Making advance plans for worker absences to ensure adequate
staffing levels.
● Striking a balance between employer and employee needs.
● Maintaining institutional knowledge and making sure that duties are
transferred seamlessly

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Maternity or ● Making advance plans for worker absences to ensure adequate

paternity staffing levels.
● Striking a balance between employer and employee needs.
● Making sure the transfer of responsibility goes well.

Rehabilitation of ● Striking a balance between employee and business needs.

injured workers
● Ensuring that the worker receives support during their recovery and
return to work.
● Managing the task of the other employees while the wounded worker
is out of the office.

Study ● Striking a balance between employee and business needs.

● Making sure the transfer of responsibility is seamless.
● Keeping up with work while an employee is on vacation

Recreation ● Making advance plans for worker absences to ensure adequate

(holiday) staffing levels.
● Striking a balance between employer and employee needs.
● Ensuring sufficient coverage at busy times.

16. Why are rosters used and why are they important for controlling staff costs?
Work assignments and shift scheduling are done using rosters. They are a crucial instrument
for regulating employee costs for a number of reasons.
● Rostering aids businesses in organizing their workforce in advance, ensuring that they have
the right number of employees to cover their operating requirements and avoiding over- or
● Labor cost control: Rostering can help companies control their labor costs by decreasing
staffing during times of low demand and allocating personnel to work at times of high demand.
This reduces the need for overtime and other forms of premium pay.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

● Compliance with legal requirements: Roster systems can assist businesses in adhering to
laws governing working hours, rest periods, and other employment-related circumstances.

17. Provide four functions of a software program that can support the development of a roster.
Four functions of a software program that can support the development of a roster are:
● Time and attendance tracking: The program must be able to keep track of each employee's
time and attendance data, including the number of hours worked, breaks taken, and overtime.
Payroll calculations and the tracking of working-time compliance can both be done using this
● Scheduled shifts should be determined by the demands of the company and the staff's
availability using the program. Additionally, it must be capable of creating schedules
automatically or allowing human changes as necessary.
● Shift coverage and shift swapping should be supported by the program, and managers
should be able to accept or reject time off requests made by staff members. Managers should
be able to find substitute employees for unforeseen absences using the program.
● Reporting and analysis: The software should include options for reporting and analysis to
help managers comprehend how well their team is being used and find areas where they can
improve. It should be able to produce information on, for instance, staff usage, labor
expenditures, and adherence to working hour laws. These reports can be utilized to optimize
the roster and make informed decisions about staffing levels that reduce costs

18. What are two different formats used for staff rosters?
Two different formats used for staff rosters are:
● Graphic format: The roster is displayed in a graphical fashion in this format, such as a
timeline or calendar. This format can be helpful for identifying patterns in the roster, such as
how shifts are distributed across the week's days or how employees are assigned to particular
jobs or functions.

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

● Tabular format: The roster is displayed in a table-like or spreadsheet format, with each row
denoting a shift or a period of time and each column denoting a worker or a particular
component of the shift, such as the start time, end time, or role.

19. Identify four items that you would need to include on a roster.
Four items that should be included on a roster are:
1. Assignments for each shift: The roster should detail the precise tasks and duties that each
employee is responsible for performing throughout each shift.
2. Location or department: The roster should include details about the department or location
where each shift will take place. This might be crucial for making sure that the appropriate staff
members are present at the appropriate times.
3. Employee names: Names of the personnel who are scheduled to work throughout the time
period covered by the roster should be listed on the roster.
4. Shift date and times: Dates and times for each shift, including the start and end timings as
well as the total number of hours worked, should be listed on the roster.

20. List two examples of the two different ways of communicating a new roster, or an update to a

Digital/electronic Digital or electronic forms of communication, such as email, an intranet

portal, or a mobile app, are one way to convey a new roster or an update.
This makes it simple and quick to send the roster to the employees, and it
also creates a record of the conversation that may be referred to in the

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Paper based You can also inform staff members of a new roster or an update by printing
copies of the roster and giving them to them in person or by putting it on a
noticeboard. For businesses with limited technology resources or for
personnel who would rather have a hard copy of the roster, this can be
helpful. Additionally, it might be a useful strategy for ensuring that staff
members receive and comprehend the roster.

21. Provide two advantages of rostering team members that have diverse social and cultural
backgrounds, as well as skills.
Two advantages of rostering team members that have diverse social and cultural
backgrounds, as well as skills are:
● Better service: When the team includes people from various cultures and backgrounds, they
can better assist customers. If a customer speaks a different language, for example, having
someone on the team who speaks that language can make the customer happy.
● Better ideas: When a team includes people with diverse skills and backgrounds, they can
generate better ideas and solutions. A team of people who are good at technical, creative, and
business things, for example, can work together to find good solutions to problems. This can
lead to better company results.

22. Identify four human resource policies and procedures that could be used to find out about
leave provisions and managing socio-cultural workforce issues.
Four human resource policies and procedures that could be used to find out about leave
provisions and managing socio-cultural workforce issues are:
1. Equal opportunity policy: This policy outlines the organization's commitment to equal
opportunities and diversity, as well as the steps taken to prevent discrimination and promote
inclusion in the workplace.
2. Diversity and inclusion training: Regular diversity and inclusion training for employees can
help raise awareness and understanding of socio-cultural issues and how to manage them.
3. Employee relations procedure: This procedure outlines how employees can express
concerns or make complaints about socio-cultural issues such as discrimination or
harassment, as well as the steps that will be taken to address them. This procedure
establishes a formal procedure.

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Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

4. Leave policy: This policy describes the various types of leave available to employees, such
as annual leave, sick leave, and caregiver's leave, as well as the conditions and requirements
for taking leave.

23. Referring to the hospitality industry specifically, provide three examples of operational
requirements that can have an impact on roster development.
Three examples of operational requirements that can have an impact on roster development
1. Legal requirements: When creating a roster, you may need to take into account any
applicable legal requirements, such as minimum wage rules and time limits on when
employees can work. The roster might be impacted, for instance, if there are limitations on
how many hours a minor can work.
2. Business demand: The quantity of clients and their requirements may have an impact on
the number of personnel needed and the amount of hours they must put in. For instance, it
could be necessary to hire more staff to handle demand during peak times like holidays or
3. Employee availability: Employee availability may have an impact on the roster because of
pre-arranged commitments that need to be taken into account, such as obligations to their
families or their places of employment.

24. Explain how a wage budget can impact rostering.

A wage budget is a plan that specifies how much money a company has to pay its employees.
When creating employee schedules or rosters, the company must keep this budget in mind. If
the budget is insufficient, the company may not be able to pay all of its employees or allow
them to work as many hours as they require. The wage budget determines how many
employees a company can employ and how many hours they can work.

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Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

25. List three reasons that rosters may require adjustments or modifying.
Three reasons that rosters may require adjustments or modifying are:
1. Legal requirements: Changes in laws and regulations, such as minimum wage laws or
maximum working hours, can affect the number of hours an employee can work and thus the
2. Changes in demand: The needs of the business can change. For example, if there is a
sudden increase or decrease in customer demand, it may necessitate a roster change to
ensure that enough staff are available to meet demand.
3. Availability of employees: The availability of employees can change, for example, if an
employee becomes sick or takes leave, this could require a change to the roster to cover their

26. List two important factors that you need to consider when modifying a roster.
Two important factors that needs to be considered when modifying a roster are:
1. What workers want: It's critical to consider what workers want, such as whether they need
time off or if they have a specific schedule they must adhere to. Making employees happy
encourages them to do a good job.
2. What the company requires: It's also important to consider what the company requires, such
as whether there will be a busy period soon and the company will require more workers.
Finding a happy medium between what employees want and what the company requires helps
the roster run smoothly.

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Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Assessment Task 2: Project

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:

 prepare staff rosters that meet diverse operational requirements across three different
roster periods

 ensure the following when preparing the above staff rosters:

o sufficient staff to ensure the delivery o compliance with industrial provisions

of required services within wage and organisational policies and
budget constraints procedures
o appropriate skills mix of the team o completion of rosters within
commercial and staff time
o modifications are incorporated where

Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.

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Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you complete the range of tasks
listed above. It is important that you provide evidence that you have successfully
completed each task.
Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are
completing each activity step. We have provided a number of documents to assist
you and you will find these in the student resources.
You will need access to:

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 rostering software

 your Operational Policy

 your Business Case Study Template

 your Staff Profile Template

 your Timesheet Template

 your Staff Record Template

 your Evaluation Report Template

 space for a meeting.

What do I need to demonstrate?

During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and
knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

 developing a roster following relevant industrial agreements, other

considerations and wage budgets

 maximising operational and customer service efficiency while minimising wage


 combining duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff

 rostering teams with complementary skills mix to meet operational

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Sydney NSW 2000 Australia


 taking account of social and cultural considerations and broader organisational

policies that affect staff rosters

 consulting with colleagues to obtain their input into rosters

 using roster systems and equipment to administer rosters

 presenting rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of information according

to organisational standards

 communicating rosters to appropriate colleagues within designated timeframes

 administering records of shift time completed by employees or contractors

 maintaining staff rostering records according to organisational procedures

 monitoring effectiveness of rosters in consultation with colleagues

 identifying ways in which rosters and roster development processes may be

improved and take appropriate action.

How will I provide evidence?

Your assessor will provide you with templates to complete each task. You will find
some detailed information about providing evidence; this will include:

 a completed Business Case Study

 a completed Staff Roster

 an amended Staff Roster

 two completed Staff Timesheets

 a completed Staff Record

 an Evaluation Report.

You will need to complete each activity and submit the completed templates at the
end of each step completed.

2. Select a business and roster teams.

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Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

You are required to prepare a three-week roster for kitchen staff using a business
such as a restaurant or hotel of your choice. A Business Case Study Template has
been provided to guide you on the information required in order to complete the
assessment as well as an Operational Policy to help identify operational
Once you have completed the Business Case Study, you will then need to meet
with staff to discuss their availability over the next three weeks.
The assessor will divide you into groups of five (5). Each person in the group must
select one of the staff positions that you identified in the Business Case Study and
complete the Staff Profile Template provided. They will do this providing their own
details and skills and experience.
When completing the Staff Profile Template (as you will be completing one for other
students as part of their project) – make sure you are true to your own
commitments and availability over the roster period. Also consider your own
personal, social and cultural needs and ensure to communicate any requirements
to the person preparing the roster.
Please note that this is an individual task so each person must develop their own
business case.
When conducting discussions, take into consideration:

 any staff requests for the roster including any upcoming personal

 social and cultural considerations such as working flexibly, family

commitments, cultural events or ceremonies.
During the meeting with your group, ensure that you use effective communication
skills including:

 listening to staff requests

 using active listening to confirm understanding

 asking questions to confirm any requirements.

You are to base all wages on the pay guide for the Hospitality Industry (General)
Award (you can download this from:

Conduct the meeting/role play.

You are one of the staff members and the others in your group will also be staff
members. Provide your own skills and experiences and record the other group

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

member’s details and skills and experience.

Use the Business Case Study Template that has been provided to you to record
the details provided by the other staff members as well as the Operational Policy to
help identify operational requirements and the staff members’ completed profiles.

Record the details and submit the completed Business Case Study and each Staff
Profile to your assessor.

The business selected for this assessment is Hungry Eye’s Restaurant.

Operational Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide staff with guidelines for

developing the staff roster. The aim of the Policy is to ensure that
there is a consistency across the organization and to ensure that
operational requirements have been followed.

Wages represent a large part of the business expenses need to be
kept to a minimum when preparing the roster. Therefore, ensure
when selecting staff for the roster you are maximising operational and
customer service efficiency by selecting complimentary skills and
duties that match the requirements for each shift, as well as making
the most effective use of staff.
All wages must be based on the pay guide for the Hospitality Industry (General)
Award to meet
budget constraints

Operational needs
The following should be factored in when developing rosters:
 Open four days a week Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun

 Kitchen operates between 6am and 9pm

 Breakfast service: 7am – 11am

 Lunch service: 12noon – 3pm

 Dinner service: 6pm – 9pm

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

 Must always have the following staff:

- Head Chef, Sous Chef, Kitchen hands

 All apprentices must be under supervision

 Limit the use of casual staff on the weekend shift

 To maintain the desired level of customer service one chef and apprentice
must be rostered for every shift.

 The Head Chef and Sous Chef cannot have the same days off

 Staff skills must cover all sections during service

 There must be no split shifts

 Meal breaks to be rostered as per the Hospitality Industry (General) Award


 The roster must meet all National Employment Standards (NES) requirements

 At least one kitchen hand must be rostered on at all times

 Any staff requests for days off must be met.

The total weekly wages are not to exceed $5,000. The budget can be exceeded in
the event of unplanned leave, however this must be approved by the supervisor.

General staffing
- Head chef
- Full time Sous chef
- Casual Head chef
- Casual Sous chef
- Apprentice
- Full time kitchen hand
- Casual - Kitchen Hand
- Casual - Kitchen Hand
Estimated covers

Service Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Breakfast 15 15 25 25
Lunch 25 25 15 30
Dinner 30 40 50 30

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T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

2.2a Staff Profile Template

Name of staff - 1 Raju Lama

Position Head chef
Pay scale $50 per hour
Skills Designing food

Availability over Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

the next three Available Available Available

Personal To effectively manage the inventory and approve

commitments the quality meals while paying proper heed to the
customer's order.

Social and/or He manages all of the restaurant's social and cultural

cultural needs considerations.

Any other He values all the staff members who contribute to

information the safe and sound operation of the kitchen and
prefers democratic leadership in that setting.

Name of staff - 2 Prabisha Adhikari

Position Full time sous chef
Pay scale $40
Skills Management skills, familiarity with best practices of
industry, knowledge of carious ingredients, cooking
methods and procedures, leadership skills and

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Name of staff
-3 Prabin
Week 1Rai Week 2 Week 3
the next Casual sous chef
Available Available Available
Pay weeks $30
Skills Creative, time management skills, and excellent
leadership skills.

Personal Directing the process of food preparation and

commitments assigning jobs, preparing and cooking high-quality
food, helping to develop menu items, recipes, and
Week with the
1 Week 2 head
over the next Available No Available
three weeks available
Social and/or Responsible for providing supportive leadership to the
cultural kitchen staff throughout the food service.

Personal Directing the culinary process, delegating tasks,

Any other Friendly, calm, and patience who likes to work in
commitments preparing and cooking high- quality food, and working
information peaceful working environment with the work been
with the head chef to develop menu items, recipes,
done perfectly.
and ingredients.

Social and/or In charge of giving the kitchen workers supportive

cultural leadership throughout the food service.

Any other Experience and creative on decision making to handle

informatio customers and staffs to maintain healthy working
n environment.

Name of staff - 4 Pramodh Aryal

Position Full time kitchen hand

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Pay scale $15

Skills Can assist on food preparation, experience and
training on keeping kitchen equipment,
appliance, and food preparation areas clean.

Availability Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

over the next
Available Available Available
three weeks

Personal Performs as the effective engine room of the

commitments kitchen and ready to work under the guidance
of a kitchen supervisor or any senior with hard
work and dedication. Can deal with the busy
schedule with certain experience and personal

Social and/or Food safety is the most important social need

cultural and can handle with working in a team, dealing
needs with multitasking and commitment to quality.

Any other Have experience on the job, creative, attentive

information and ability to accept criticism.

Name of staff - 5 James Pradhan

Position Casual kitchen hand
Pay scale $13

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Skills Clean up the locations where food is prepared,

clean ovens, ranges, floors, and counters.
Accept, handle, lift, and store food deliveries
as instructed by the chefs, retrieve meal
ingredients, aid in the cooking process.

Availability Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

over the next
Not available Available Available
three weeks

Personal Serves as the kitchen's efficient engine room and

commitments is willing to work hard and diligently under the
direction of a kitchen supervisor or any senior.
can manage the hectic schedule with specific
skills and personality traits.

Social and/or Team work, Food safety procedures must be

cultural followed seriously, and shoud be ready for
needs multitasking and accept criticism

Any other Always prepared for the task assigned, and

information provide quality service

2.2b Business Case Study Template

Complete this template for the business that you have chosen for
Assessment Task 2.2. Remember to also use the Operational Policy.

Business background
Include the name of the business, background information such as the main
purpose of the business, type of cuisine and service, where it is located and any

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ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

other relevant information.

Every customer is made to feel welcome by the employees at Hungry Eye. The
most distinctive dining experience in Australia may be had at this restaurant,
which opened its doors in 2011.
Owners’ chief chef Paul Carmichael and general manager Kylie Javier Ashton's
restaurant, The Hungry Eye, has undergone a change to become a location that
seeks to transport its patrons.
The restaurant's specialty dish combines Caribbean flavours with the
freshest Australian ingredients.
• Beverage pairing: full pairing and reduced pairing
• Non-alcoholic pairing: tea and Juices to accompany of meal
• Sweet: Riesling, Simon Gilbert Late harvest
• Sake: Uehara Shuzo Soma no Tengu, Kameman
Shuzo Genmaishu Reservation time:
• 5:45 PM// $215 tasting menu
• 8: 30 PM//
$225 Tasting menu
Group booking
• Group reservations involving 6 to 10 people are subject to a 10%
service charge. Wait list/ notify
If the chosen date cannot be met, the customer is advised to
cancel. Cancellation policy

A valid credit card must be used to guarantee reservations, and there is a $200 per
person cancellation fee for reservations that are cancelled with less than 24 hours'

Operational hours and shifts

What is the opening and closing times, days of the week and any
restrictions? What are the current shifts used for the roster?

• Open four days a week Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun

• Kitchen operates between 6am and 9pm

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ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

• Breakfast service: 7am – 11am

• Lunch service: 12noon – 3pm
• Dinner service: 6pm – 9pm
• All apprentices must be under supervision of the restaurant


Complete the following tables to provide an overview of staffing skills and availability.

Name of staff Position Normal shift Hourly rate / Award

1. Raju Head chef 10am to 4 pm $50
2. Prabisha Full time sous chef 7 am to 8 pm $40
3. Prabin Casual sous chef 10 am to 3 pm $30
4. Pramodh Full time kitchen hand 6 am to 9 pm $15
5. James Casual kitchen hand 9 am to 5 pm $13

Availability and commitments

Name of staff Availability Week 1 Availability Week 2 Availability Week 2
1. Raju Controlling and Approving the food Determine the food
designing the food before reach inventory
2. Prabisha Lead the kitchen team Insure the first in first
out rotation of food
3. Prabin Provide the guide
4. Pramodh Support day to day Assisting food
operation of the preparation
5. James Sanitation control and
kitchen equipment

Skill Set
Name of staff Skills Duties
1. Raju Designing food Approving food

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

6. Prabisha Inventory control Insure the food

7. Prabin Coordinate kitchen staff Supervising
8. Pramodh Assist the food preparation Support the kitchen staff
9. James Maintain kitchen equipment Supervision of kitchen

Social and or cultural considerations

• High value in friendship
• Respect all the customers and colleagues
• Respect all the culture and cultural background
• Casual and informal greeting
• Kind and welcoming
• Relaxed and friendly environment

Expected customer traffic

Day Time Expected traffic Staff required
Thursday 6 am to 10 pm 2 pm to 7 pm 7
Friday 6 am to 10 pm 2 pm to 7 pm 9
Saturday 6 am to 10 pm 3 pm to 10 pm 10
Sunday 6 am to 10 pm 9 am to 1 pm 8

3. Research and select roster software.

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A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Using the internet research an appropriate scheduling software that you could use to create the
roster. You may need to register to download the software, however, only select one that has a free
trial around 30 days. The assessor must approve the selected software.

The only free option on our list that improves planning effectiveness is Sling. It's the ideal approach for your
team to communicate and plan. It's also completely free! All of it is free. Sling supports and removes
obstacles for the updated availability and time-off requirements that you would want from a scheduling
program, in addition to the simple features that you would anticipate from a scheduling app. Additionally, if
there are any multiple bookings or shift conflicts, Sling will notify you. You may assign projects and follow
their progress with Sling Assignments. It is possible to create and distribute to-do lists based on a person's
name, faction, location, or status. Additionally, you can establish deadlines and monitor your development
over time.
With Sling Communications and Newsfeed, touching is simple. Emails and other programs are not anything
you need to pay attention to. Use Sling to send direct messages to specific people or groups of people.
Additionally, you can converse while exchanging documents, links, pictures, and videos. Sling is the most
practical tool for restaurant planning. As a result, developing and maintaining plans takes less time, and
managers are better able to collaborate.

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T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

4. Create a roster.

Using the software you have downloaded, create the staff roster according to the
discussions held with staff (your group), information gathered for the Business
Case Study and operational requirements outlined in the Operational Policy.
Your roster must meet the following criteria:

 Meet operational requirements as set out in the Operational Policy.

 Meet the business requirements as identified in the Business Case Study.

 Have the right amount of staff with the necessary skills and mix to deliver
services effectively.

 Meet any wage and budget constraints as outlined in the Operational Policy
and complying with the Hospitality Industry (General) Award, based upon the
positions identified.

 Be clear enough so that it can easily be understood by all staff.

The roster must be submitted in a suitable format to your supervisor for approval
within the time allocated. This could be a PDF document, a printed report from the
software, or a screenshot.

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Staff 7am 10am 7am – 3

1 –3 –6 pm
pm pm
Staff 7am 7am – 3 10am
2 –3 pm –6
pm pm
Staff 7am 7am 10am –
3 –3 –3 6 pm
pm pm
7am – 3 7am
Staff 7am 10am
4 –3 –6 –3
pm pm pm
Staff 7am 10am –
5 –3 6 pm

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T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia


Submit your roster to your assessor.

5. Roster changes.

The supervisor (your assessor) will provide you with the following messages from
three members of staff:

 One member of staff is sick.

 One casual member of staff has requested extra hours.

 One member of staff has been called for jury duty.

The assessor will let you know which students in your group represent each staff
member and provide you with further information on the messages received.
Change the roster using the staff requesting extra hours to cover for the two
members of staff unavailable. Ensure that it still meets the roster criteria and the
requirements of the Operational Policy.
Send an email to the supervisor explaining the changes and why they were made,
include the amended roster and ask for final approval.
The roster must be developed and submitted to your supervisor for approval within
the time allocated.

Submit the adjusted/modified roster to your assessor

Submit the email to the assessor, including the roster saved in an appropriate
Email to the supervisor;
To: Supervisor
Subject: Changes made in the roster
Dear Sir,
The schedule was altered to accommodate a sick employee and
a juror's request, and the extra work was completed by the staff
employees who requested more time.
To comply with the workers' requests for longer hours, the rosters of two station
employees who were unable to work were adjusted. These people were also in
charge of making sure that the roster and operating policies were followed. You
should soon give the amended list your final approval.
Thank You

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Sandesh Thanet

Adjusted roster:
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Staff 1 7am 10am 7am – 3 10am
–3 –6 pm –9
pm pm pm
Staff 2 - - - -
Staff 3 7am 7am 10am 10am
–3 –3 –6 –9
pm pm pm pm
Staff 4 7am – 3
7am 10am 7am
–3 –3 –3
pm pm pm
Staff - - - -

6. Communicating the roster.

The supervisor has approved the roster.

Draft an email to the members of staff rostered and cc to your supervisor. In the
email you must clearly point out the changes made.
The roster must be communicated to staff within the timeframe allocated.

To: members of
staff rostered
Cc: supervisor
Subject: changes
made in the roster

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Dear all members

Due to the requirement to locate a member and another member, two
employees asked for more time. The additional chores are being completed at
the jury's request by the staff members who requested more time.
We apologize sincerely for any inconvenience this may have caused.
According to the two's wishes, the roster was changed to account for any
absent workers.
It has also ensured that the requirements of the operational regulations and
the roster are still being met. We appreciate your interest in our new roaster
and the possibility that you can help us.
Thank You
Sandesh Thanet

Name of staff 1 Raju Lama

7. Maintaining records.
Position Head chef
Date As part of Shift
your role, you areHours
to record timesheets
worked Paycompleted
rate by Total
two staff members.
They mustMorning 3
complete the Timesheets 13 week based on39
for the first their actual shifts
and submit this back to you.
You will be required to do the same for each of the other members in your group.
Once you have received both Timesheets, check the information received against
the roster.
25/10/2022 Day - - -
Record and maintain the staff records by completing the Staff Record Template.
Ensure that you accurately record all the information to ensure that the member of
staff is paid the right amount of money for the hours worked.

Submit the completed Staff Record and a copy of the Timesheets to your assessor.
25/10/2022 Evening 6 14 84

Staff record template

Overtime -

Name of staff 2 Prabisha Adhikari

Leave -
entitlemeAustralian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Position Full time sous chef

Date Shift Hours Pay rate Total
25/10/2022 Morning 5 8 40

25/10/2022 Day 5 8 40

25/10/2022 Evening 5 8 40

Overtime -

Leave -


Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Total amount $120


Name of staff 3 Prabin Rai

Position Casual sous chef

Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total

25/10/2022 Morning - -- -

25/10/2022 Day - - -

25/10/2022 Evening 6 12 72

Overtime -

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Leave -


Total amount $72


Name of staff 4 Pramodh Aryal

Position Full time kitchen hand
Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total
25/10/2022 Morning - - -

25/10/2022 Day - - -

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

25/10/2022 Evening - - -

Overtime -

Leave Sick leave



Name of staff 5 James Pradhan

Position Casual kitchen hand
Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total
25/10/2022 Morning - - -

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

25/10/2022 Day 4 6 24

25/10/2022 Evening 4 7 28

Overtime Night shift 2 12 24

Leave -


Total amount $76


Timesheet Template
Complete this template for Assessment Task 2.7 Maintaining Records.
Complete the timesheet based on actual shifts worked to match Task

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 44 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

2.2 information provided.

1 - Employee Name: Raju Lama

Week Ending:
Day Date Department Start Break Finish Total
Monday 19/10/2022 -

Tuesday 20/10/2022 -
Wednesday 21/10/2022 -
Thursday 22/10/2022 Kitchen 7 am 2 hrs 9pm 12
Friday 23/10/2022 Kitchen 8am 2 hrs 9 pm 11
Saturday 24/10/2022 Kitchen 7 am 2 hrs 7 pm 10
Sunday 25/10/2022 Kitchen 9 am 2 hrs 8 pm 9
Total hours worked 42

Office use only

Approved by: manager

Date: 25/01/2023

2 - Employee Name: Prabisha Adhikari

Week Ending: 2

Day Date Department Start Break Finish Total

Monday 19/10/2022 -
Tuesday 20/10/2022 -
Wednesday 21/10/2022 -
Thursday 22/10/2022 Kitchen 7 am 2 hrs 9pm 12
Friday 23/10/2022 Kitchen 8am 2 hrs 9 pm 11
Saturday 24/10/2022 Kitchen 7 am 2 hrs 7 pm 10
Sunday 25/10/2022 Kitchen 9 am 2 hrs 8 pm 9

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 45 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Total hours worked 42

Office use only

Approved by: manager

Date: 25/02/2023

3 - Employee Name: Prabin Rai

Week Ending:
Day Date Department Start Break Finish Total
Monday 19/10/2022 -
Tuesday 20/10/2022 -
Wednesday 21/10/2022 -
Thursday 22/10/2022 Kitchen 7 am 2 hrs 9pm 12
Friday 23/10/2022 Kitchen 8am 2 hrs 9 pm 11
Saturday 24/10/2022 Kitchen 7 am 2 hrs 7 pm 10
Sunday 25/10/2022 Kitchen 9 am 2 hrs 8 pm 9
Total hours worked 42

Office use only

Approved by: manager

Date: 25/03/2022

4 - Employee Name: Pramodh aryal

Week Ending:

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 46 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Day Date Department Start Break Finish Total

Monday 19/10/2022 -
Tuesday 20/10/2022 -
Wednesday 21/10/2022 -
Thursday 22/10/2022 Cleaning 7 am 2 hrs 9pm 12
Friday 23/10/2022 Cleaning 8am 2 hrs 9 pm 11
Saturday 24/10/2022 Cleaning 7 am 2 hrs 7 pm 10
Sunday 25/10/2022 Cleaning 9 am 2 hrs 8 pm 9
Total hours worked 42

Office use only

Approved by: manager

Date: 25/04/2022

5 - Employee Name: James Pradhan

Week Ending:

Day Date Department Start Break Finish Total

Monday 19/10/2022
Tuesday 20/10/2022
Wednesday 21/10/2022
Thursday 22/10/2022 Cleaning 7 am 2 hrs 9pm 12
Friday 23/10/2022 Cleaning 8am 2 hrs 9 pm 11
Saturday 24/10/2022 Cleaning 7 am 2 hrs 7 pm 10
Sunday 25/10/2022 Cleaning 9 am 2 hrs 8 pm 9
Total hours worked 42

Office use only

Approved by: manager

Date: 25/05/2022

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 47 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

8. Feedback and evaluation.

Meet with your initial group and discuss the effectiveness of the roster development
process. Discuss what worked and what didn’t work.
Take notes during the discussion and use these to write an evaluation of the roster
development process, including any recommendations or actions required to
improve the roster process used.
An Evaluation Report Template has been provided to assist you.

Record your findings on the Evaluation Report Template to guide your response.

Submit the Evaluation Report to your assessor.

Evaluation Report Template

1: Roster Software
How well did the software work for your requirements? What features or
functions worked well and what could have been useful that was not available?
How easy was it to use? Was it clear to staff? What were the main benefits of
using the software, what were the limitations?
Provide an overview of the software using screenshots to identify useful tools
and functions that helped you develop the roster.
With the help of a tool called ABC Roster that controls rosters, it is possible to
manage personnel in great detail. The application's many capabilities make it
simple to keep track of each employee in a company. The simple and efficient
software simplifies and makes it easier to create a personnel roster.
The following are the main features of the program that made managing rosters
Simple to use the software is straightforward and simple to use. ABC Roster is
simple to use because of its user-friendly features. The user-friendly, simple

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 48 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

user interface of ABC Roster makes it easy for users to manage and keep
track of people.
Manage various roster elements: The multi-functional roster management
software ABC Roster manages a number of staff scheduling elements,
including personnel detail, availability, shift limits, staff constraints, leave,
vacation days, and many others.
Automated planner: One of ABC Roster's most useful features is its
automated planner. The software regularly generates an automatic
staffing schedule based on the data. ABC Roster saves time as a result
of this feature.
The most beneficial aspect of ABC Roster is the exporting of data in several
formats, including PDF, Microsoft Excel, and HTML documents for
corporate needs like communication and staff performance reports.
The ABC Roaster-based scheduling approach is simple for staff members to
understand. The software's main goal is to provide a straightforward roaster
that is both understandable and practical. Every employee's unique
information, including their salary, benefits, job, shift, amount of time spent
working, leave, and day off, is managed by the roaster in a variety of areas,
including availability shift and detail. Because it is user-friendly, the prepared
timetable is simple for all employees to understand.
Limitation of the roster:
The level of information in exported data is the ABC Roster's main shortcoming.
The scheduling software's capacity to provide customisable export data is one of
its key advantages. Only a minimal number of preconfigured reports can be
exported using ABC Roster. Therefore, the primary area where ABC Roster has
to improve is the ability to modify in relation to export.

2: Roster development process

Provide an evaluation of how successful the roster development process was undertaken.
Include any feedback provided during discussions with staff (your role play group). What
could you do to improve the process? What action do you need to take?
The roster-building procedure was successful overall. To guarantee successful rostering,
a number of factors were taken into consideration. The right software needed to be
chosen, data needed to be gathered, operational policies needed to be taken into account,
the roaster needed to be made, updated, and the employees needed to be notified in

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 49 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

order to construct the roster.

Despite a bug in the roasting program, the operation as a whole was successful. However,
using the software was rather simple once the data for two or three staff members had
been supplied. Designing a roaster that precisely complies with operational rules was
another significant challenge because there are many considerations, including restrictions
on vacation days, leave, shifts, and scheduling.
Following discussions with workers, it was established that roster needs and scheduling
must be able to offer scheduling that is simple enough for all workers to understand. The
staff also recommended that unique roster matrices and templates be taken into
consideration based on the operating principles of the company.

Identifying the fundamental operational policy requirements that must be included in the
roaster, using the rostering resources manual to develop a methodical and practical roster,
and taking process and methodology into consideration before developing the roster are
some of the areas that need to be taken into account in order to improve the roster
development process.

3: Staffing requirements
How well did you consider the staffing requirements? Were you able to roster on the right
amount of staff for each shift? Was there a good mix of skill and combination of staff? Did you
take into consideration social and cultural factors that affect staff rostering? Was it easy to make
the changes required when modifications had to be made and incorporate the necessary skills
whilst also meeting operational requirements?
One of the most expensive and difficult parts of the roster development process was determining
how much staff was required. Not all of the requirements for effective staffing were met, although
some of them were. According to the rostering, which successfully took into account the optimal
combination of workers needed to finish a given shift, the appropriate number of workers were
allocated for each shift. To accomplish this, the rostering strategy concentrated on the best staff
skill combination for completing the shift. The entire cultural and social milieu was successfully
taken into account when developing the roaster, despite the fact that rostering only takes into
account a portion of the ethical requirements.

It was difficult to make adjustments and incorporate the right knowledge into operating
operations due to variable shifts and employee requirements. However, in order to best meet
operational policy requirements, a rostering plan was implemented that included monitoring of

4: Operational requirements
Were you able to meet the operational requirements such as staffing skills, costs, the amount
of staff needed for each shift? Did you meet the required budget? What improvements could
you make?

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

Version V1.0/ Oct 2022 Page 50 of 51

SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603
036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

The development of the roster was heavily influenced by operational policy. When
constructing the roster, the necessary number of employees and their skills, the budget, the
incentive, the guidelines for overtime, vacation, and holidays, and the shift were all taken into
account. The roster that was eventually chosen was able to satisfy the operational policy's
demands for skill levels, people need, and financial considerations.
The creation of a systematic format or template for the organizational roster, including roster
measure matrices, and communication with staff members regarding their expectations on staff
scheduling are two strategies that can be used to improve the incorporation of operational
requirements in the roster.

5: Conclusions
What are your overall conclusions? Do you have any recommendations? Are there any actions
that you need to take in order to improve the roster development process?
The roster development project was successfully finished overall. When creating the roster,
operating needs were carefully taken into account. There are still certain problems that need to
be solved, like taking into account social and cultural factors when setting rosters, staffing
restrictions, and employee essentials, as well as making sure that workers have the skills
necessary to finish their shifts.

The End

Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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SITXHRM008 Roster Staff

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