Benefits of Raw Food Over Cooked Food

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Benefits of Raw Food over Cooked Food

When we say health, if someone says you have no ailment, it does not mean you’re
When you wake up in the morning, are you feeling alive and bouncy or not?
The word health comes from the word whole.
You must have a certain sense of wholeness of body, mind, energy and
the fundamental nature of your existence.
If all these things are in alignment, now when you wake up in the morning,
you feel like you're just born.
If this happens to you, then that means you're healthy.
One simple thing all you girls can do is,
just bring forty to fifty percent of the food in its raw form.
That is it’s alive, it must be a live cell.
It can be a vegetable, it can be a fruit, it can be a nut, it can be sprouted gram.
At least forty to fifty percent, the food that you eat must be alive.
You eat dead food and you want to live - this is a little difficult thing to do because
you have to raise the dead now.
When you cook the food...
to digest the food - all the ingredients necessary for digestion are not in the body alone,
the food also brings these enzymes.
When you cook the food, you are largely destroying these enzymes.
Minus the enzymes when you eat,
now the body has to struggle to reconstruct that part that’s been destroyed,
and then only it can digest.
Normally first one, one and a half hours after eating, it tends to take the body down.
After that slowly it recovers.
Have you noticed this?
So food is for energy, but we are making the food in such a way that
it takes away energy in the first one and a half hours,
only after that, slowly it comes back.
Anyway, however good your digestive process is,
still you can never reconstitute all the enzymes that we have destroyed by cooking.
Only partly we can do that.
If your digestive process is very strong and good,
you reconstitute about forty to fifty percent of what’s been destroyed.
If it does a little timid kind of digestion, it’s much less.
So whichever way, if you are eating cooked food,
fifty to sixty percent of the food that you are eating is generally going waste.
But the body has to still process that.
And the amount of energy that it spends and
the amount of trauma that it goes through is very big.
Palm Jaggery
Food means many things to many people but essentially, for the body, it’s the fuel
If you put the right kind of fuel, this (Referring to the body) will be on in a certain way.
If you put the wrong kind of fuel, somehow it will manage.
I’m not telling you, eat this way, eat that way. Just experiment and see, all right?
Just experiment and see
Tonight if you go, instead of eating whatever cooked food, just eat fruits and see
Tomorrow morning, you will not need an alarm bell, you’ll wake up before the alarm bell.
And you will see - all these eyes will not be sticking like this (Gestures), like that
(Gestures) -
you wake up, instantly you’re bright and alert.
People do not know what it means to be at absolute ease within their body.
Ninety-five percent of the people do not know this, unfortunately,
because you put the wrong kind of fuel.
You can keep this body like breeze.
Simply it goes ahead of you, you don’t have to drag it wherever you go,
it must float ahead of you.
You can do this, just putting the right kind of fuel.

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