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Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 310–314

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Original article

PICA injury secondary to anterior odontoid screw fixation: Case report

of an exceptional complication夽
K. Farah a,∗ , M. Meyer a , A. Reyre b , K. Cot c , S. Fuentes a
Neurosurgery department, Aix-Marseille University, APHM, CHU Timone, Marseille, France
Endovascular neuroradiology department, Aix-Marseille University, APHM, CHU Timone, Marseille, France
Anesthesiology–intensive care department, Aix-Marseille University, APHM, CHU Timone, Marseille, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background. – Odontoid fracture is a common injury in the upper cervical spine that can sometimes be
Received 8 October 2020 managed by anterior odontoid screw fixation.
Received in revised form 15 February 2021 Case description. – We report the first case of iatrogenic postero-inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) injury
Accepted 28 February 2021
while performing anterior odontoid screw fixation for a type II odontoid fracture in a 22-year-old man.
Available online 19 March 2021
Fisher grade 4 subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm formation was man-
aged by the endovascular neuroradiologist. Odontoid fracture was then managed posteriorly using Harm’s
technique. Postoperative 12-month follow-up revealed good clinical and radiological results. CT scan
Odontoid fracture
showed fusion. Complete exclusion of the pseudo aneurysm with a mild stroke in the inferior left
Anterior fixation cerebellar hemisphere were noted on the MRI. There were no cerebellar ataxia or swallowing disorders.
Iatrogenic Conclusion. – To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of iatrogenic PICA injury in anterior
PICA injury odontoid screw fixation. The patient was well managed in our institution within a multidisciplinary team.
Pseudoaneurysm We recommend that surgical management of odontoid fractures should be performed in expert centres.
© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Case report

Odontoid fracture is a common injury in the upper cervical 2.1. Clinical history
spine. It accounts for 10% to 16% of all cervical spine fractures
[1,2]. According to the classification of Anderson and D’Alonzo [3], A 22-year-old man was assessed to our institution from another
almost 60% of these fractures are type II cases. Type II fractures and neurosurgical department for the management of iatrogenic left
shallow type III odontoid fractures are recognised as mechanically PICA injury during anterior odontoid screw fixation for post-
unstable and associated with a high incidence of non-union or mor- traumatic type II odontoid fracture under fluoroscopic control. The
tality [3–8] and therefore surgical stabilization is recommended initial surgeon reported CSF leakage with bleeding when retrieving
[9,10]. the K-wire during anterior odontoid screw insertion.
Some complications may occur during anterior cervical spine At admission to our institution, patient was under sedation with
surgery and among these, vascular injury has potentially dev- endotracheal intubation.
astating neurovascular consequences. We report the first case Initial cerebral and cervical spine CT-scan revealed pneumo-
of iatrogenic PICA injury while performing anterior odontoid cephalus and perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
screw fixation for a type II odontoid fracture in a 22-year-old with mild contamination of the ventricles without hydrocephalus
man. (Fisher grade 4) (Fig. 1) and inappropriate odontoid anterior screw
Due to SAH, a first cerebral angiography was performed revea-
ling a 1.5*2 mm pseudoaneurysm of the second segment of the left
PICA with downstream stenosis and delayed filling on parenchy-
夽 This paper has not been presented (nor published) previously.
∗ Corresponding author. mography of the left PICA territory.
E-mail addresses:, (K. Farah).
0028-3770/© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
K. Farah et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 310–314

Fig. 1. Head CT scan at admission showing (A) pneumocephalus (black arrow) and Fisher grade 4 perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage (black arrow) with mild
contamination of the 4th ventricle.

2.2. Surgical management technique [11]. The anterior odontoid screw was not removed as it
did not present any harmful position and in order to avoid compli-
After a multidisciplinary discussion (neurosurgeons, endovas- cations secondary to a revision surgery.
cular neuroradiologists and anesthesiologists), initial management
consisted in close clinical and radiological follow-up. Therefore, a 2.3. Postoperative course
second cerebral angiography was performed 2 days later showing
a 1.5 mm growth of the pseudoaneurysm. Coiling of the pseudoa- After 2 weeks in the intensive care unit, the patient was
neurysm was decided and performed with complete occlusion of transferred to our neurosurgical department. Clinical examination
the aneurysm’s sac. Left PICA was still permeable on the final con- revealed a GCS of 15 out of 15, a mild left cerebellar syndrome
trol (Fig. 2). with left dysmetria and disdiadochokinesia with mild swallowing
A week later, the cerebral angiography control revealed recana- disorders.
lisation of the pseudoaneurysm within its neck, and the appearance A cerebral MRI was performed and revealed mild infarction
of a second pseudoaneurysm on the other side of the left PICA within left PICA territory with disappearance of the SAH. No hydro-
(mirror pseudoaneurysm). cephalus was noted.
After a new multidisciplinary discussion, we decided a segment A spine CT-scan obtained 2 days postoperatively demonstrated
occlusion of the left PICA with coiling and onyx due to the high adequate screw positioning with no medial breach nor with trans-
bleeding risk. The final control shows an occlusion of the left PICA verse foramen obstruction and no further displacement of the
at the dissecting aneurysm level (Fig. 3). More distally, the artery is fracture (Fig. 4). He was released to a rehabilitation centre 3 weeks
partially recovered by neighbouring anastomosis. When the patient after initial admission.
was out of risk for rebleeding and pseudoaneurysms were con- A 12-month postoperative CT-scan showed fusion of the frac-
trolled, he underwent posterior C1–C2 fixation according to Harms’ ture. The anterior odontoid screw was still in place. Cerebral MRI

Fig. 2. Cerebral angiography (left vertebral artery, lateral view) performed. A. On admission revealing a 1.5*2 mm pseudoaneurysm (grey arrow) of the second segment
of the left PICA with downstream stenosis and delayed filling on parenchymography of the index territory. B. Four days after admission showing a 1.5 mm growth of the
pseudoaneurysm. Coiling was performed. Left PICA was still permeable on the final control.

K. Farah et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 310–314

Fig. 3. Cerebral angiography (left vertebral artery, lateral view) performed on day 11 after admission showing (A) recanalisation within the neck (grey arrow). (B) Segment
occlusion of the left PICA with coiling and onyx due to the high bleeding risk was decided (grey arrow), and therefore (C) the left PICA is no more enhanced (grey arrow).

Fig. 4. Postoperative day 2 spine CT-scan showing adequate screw positioning on (A) parasagittal and (B) sagittal (C) and axial slides with neither medial breach nor with
transverse foramen obstruction and no further displacement of the fracture. Note the previous trajectory of the anterior odontoid screw.

Fig. 5. Cerebral MRI. A. Two weeks post-admission, axial hyperFLAIR intensity revealing mild infarction within left PICA territory (white arrow) with disappearance of the
SAH. B. At 6 months follow-up showing a mild stroke in the inferior left cerebellar hemisphere (white arrow) on axial FLAIR sequence and (C) complete exclusion of the
pseudo aneurysm and left PICA (white arrow) on TOF sequence.

revealed complete exclusion of the pseudo aneurysm with a mild orientation, osteoporosis, comorbidities, vertebral artery anatomy,
stroke in the inferior left cerebellar hemisphere (Fig. 5). The patient osseous anomalies [12] and surgical team experience.
reported no neck pain. There was no cerebellar ataxia or swallowing Management can be conservative or surgical. When surgery is
disorders. selected, surgeons dispose of 3 alternatives: Anterior screw fixa-
No wound problems were to be reported. tion, C1 lateral mass and C2 pedicle fixation also known as Harm’s
technique or C1–C2 transarticular fixation also known as Magerl’s
3. Discussion technique [13].
Although there are circumstances that require posterior fixa-
Management of type II odontoid fracture is still controversial. tion, anterior odontoid screw fixation confers several advantages,
Several factors can determine treatment’s strategy: Age, fracture’s such as maintenance of atlantoaxial rotation, shorter operative

K. Farah et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 310–314

times and reduced vertebral artery injury and bleeding risk Human and animal rights
The authors declare that the work described has not involved
experimentation on humans or animals.
3.1. Complication

Informed consent and patient details

In a retrospective study reporting short-term complications
of anterior fixation of odontoid fractures in 103 patients with a
The authors declare that this report does not contain any per-
mean age of 73.9 years (19–90), complications occurred in 37.9%
sonal information that could lead to the identification of the
of patients. Major complications consisted in death in 7 patients,
patient(s) and/or volunteers.
unplanned reoperation in 6 patients, failure to wean/re-intubation
in 5 patients, myocardial infarction in 2 patients, sepsis in 2 patients
and stroke in 2 patients. Minor complications were blood trans- Disclosure of interest
fusion in 23 patients, pneumonia in 4 patients and urinary tract
infection in 3 patients [16]. The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
In another retrospective multicentre study including 14,722
patients, Lee et al. reported that surgery-specific incidence of iatro-
genic vertebral artery injury was 1.35% in cases involving C1–2
posterior fixation and 0.20% in cases involving C3–6 posterior
This work did not receive any grant from funding agencies in
fixation. Common injury mechanisms were screw-in (31%) and
the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
high-speed drilling (23%). Of 13 cases of iatrogenic vertebral artery
injury, 3 (23%) involved cerebellar or stem infarction; the infarction
had no substantial correlation with injury grade or dominancy [17]. Author contributions
Incidence vary in the literature as vertebral artery injury (and/or
PICA injury) with cerebellar infarction or brain stem infarction All authors attest that they meet the current International Com-
can occur in 1.7 to 5% of patients who underwent surgery using mittee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for Authorship.
C1–C2 transarticular fixation [18–20]. Due to the technically more
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