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GRADE – VII (2022-2023)
Date Day Subject Syllabus

English Editing, Omissions, Jumbled Sentences, Prepositions,

Combined Degrees of Comparison, Tenses, Voice (All kinds),
22nd Aug 2022 Mon Test Conjunctions (Fillup, join)

Maths Algebraic Expression

Maths Linear Equations

English Voice (All Kinds)

23rd Aug 2022 Tues Ch. – 4 & 5 Avoir Expressions, Interrogation, Adverbes,
French Interrogatif

ikB & 2 'kCn :i ¼ckyd] yrk] fde~] eqfu] vLen~½

miin foHkfDr ¼f}rh;k] r`rh;k] prqFkhZ½
English Notice Writing

24th Aug 2022 Wed Science Ch. – 6 (Physical & Chemical changes)

Computer Ch. – 2 (Using Excel as a Database)

Social Ch. – 3 The Delhi Sultans

Ch. – 3 Our Changing Earth
th Combined
25 Aug 2022 Thurs
Test Ch. – 2 Role of the Government in Health

Hindi laKk] fyax] opu] i= dk çk:i

26th Aug 2022 Friday Ch. – 3 How the State Government works
1. Algebraic expressions
Combined 2. Linear Equations
29th Aug 022 Mon Test 3. Lines and Angles

Hindi Dkjd] milxZ

Science Ch. – 7 Weather, Climate & Adaptation

English Tenses, Degrees of Comparison

30th Aug 2022 Tues
French Ch.-2 & 3 Adjectives, Time, Negatives

Sanskrit IkkB&4] /kkrq :i ¼yV~] y`V~] y³~ ydkj½

Ch. – 3 (Advanced Features of Excel)
st Science
31 Aug 2022 Wed
Hindi loZuke] fHkUukFkZd] 'kq) orZuh] i;kZ;okph
Science Ch. – 4 Heat & its effects
1st Sep 2022 Thurs Test Ch. – 5 Acid, Bases & Salts

Hindi ikB&8 ¼'kke ,d fdlku½] eqgkojs] okD;ka'k] ikB&9

Social Ch. – 8 Devotional Paths to the divine from handout) and
Science Map work, Ch. -4 Air
2nd Sep 2022 Friday
Maths Lines and Angles

English Conjunctions , Guided Composition

5th Sep 2022 Mon First Term Exam

Hindi ikB&4 dBiqryh] ikB&5 feBkbZokyk] foykse

Science Quiz of Lesson 1, 2, 3
6th Sep 2022 Tues
French Ch. O & l Culture & Civilisation Verbs-er, ir,re, Articles

Sanskrit ikB&5] nh?kZ lfU/k] çR;; ¼DRok] Y;i~½

English Omissions, Prepositions

7th Sep 2022 Wed French French Assignment – 2 & Doubt session

Sanskrit ikB&6] fp=&o.kZu ¼1&4½

Sanskrit/French, Computer, Hindi Revision Tests are subject to availability of period on that day.

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