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Ministry of Higher Education Course: - BSC 215

Higher Technological Institute Second level

Computer Science Department

10/26/2021 A. Prof. Ahmed Magdy 1

 Canonical and standards forms.

 Implementation of logic functions using basic logic gates.

 Integrated circuits.

10/26/2021 A. Prof. Ahmed Magdy 2

Chapter 2
Boolean algebra and logic

10/26/2021 A. Prof. Ahmed Magdy 3

 The terms of Boolean function can be represented in ANDing (minterm)
or ORing (maxterm) of the logic variables. The minterms and maxterms
will be considered in the following section

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 Conversion between Canonical Forms :
a) Conversion of canonical SOP to canonical POS
Truth table can be use to convert canonical SOP form of a given function
to its canonical POS

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b) Conversion of canonical POS to canonical SOP
Truth table can be use to convert canonical POS form of a given function
to its canonical SOP

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 Logic gates are used to implement the Boolean function. The
gates may have two inputs or more than two inputs. The
following examples illustrate the implementation of Logic
function using the logic gates discuss in chapter 2

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 The integrated circuit is a small silicon semiconductor crystal
called Chip.
 The chip containing the electronic components (resistors,
capacitors, transistors, diodes).
 The electronic components are connected inside the chip to
form a gate.
 The various gates are connected inside the chip to form a
 The chip is mounted in a ceramic or plastic container, and the
internal connection are welded to the external pins to form
the IC.

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 Level of Integration (Level of complexity)

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 Integrated-Circuit gates

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