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What causes students to drop out of college


Many institutions face the phenomenon of student dropout. A large number

of students drop out during their final semesters and give up on completing
their degrees as a result of their difficult situations or other issues. They don't
drop out because of the same cause but the majority of the students have
similar causes for dropping out of college.

Body paragraph

The main reason is that they leave college and find jobs. Each year, many
young individuals decide to drop out of school in favor of seeking a profitable
job. A lot of young people choose each year to leave school to order to pursue a
career that pays well. Sometimes they get a job while they are studying too.
After a while, they find out that they prefer working instead of studying. They
struggle to leave their work since they need the money. As a result, they
realize that working will give them a better future than learning.

The second cause students to drop out of college due to the challenging
family finances. Every family wants their children to finish their university
studies, however, not all of them have the amount of money to pay. The tuition
fee rises every year but their income doesn't. Therefore, they couldn't pay for
the whole course. On the other hand, some students have good family finances
but they face many temptations. They started to work and then realized that
they could make money now. Since they have been spending too much time
working, the time they spend on studying is not much. They are absent so many
times in class, as a result, they get suspended. That leads to their boredom, so
they don't want to waste their time on their studies anymore. And some just
can't deal with the pressure of university studies. But there are students who
drop out of college for good reasons. They found their purpose, their passion,
something they were good at, something that college couldn't teach them.

The last cause is their family. Many college students drop out because they
can't take care of their kids while working and going to school. The time and
financial responsibilities of raising children are too much for these newly
married parents to handle. Sometimes they decide that they will come back
when their children grow up, but the majority of the time this never happens.
Therefore, attending college is challenging for students without children, and
it is significantly more challenging for those with children.

In conclusion, students drop out of college because of many causes. Some
of these involve managing the balance between work and studies, unexpected
personal issues, and family finances. Some challenges, such as financial
difficulties, are not the students' fault and make it more difficult for them to
complete their education. The majority of college dropouts, however, are the
consequences of the students' own decisions. People should decide whether
they want to live above-average or below-average lives before dropping out of
college because their decisions will have an effect on their careers and futures.

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