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Auto Nagar, Vijayawada

Request for Quotations for empanelment

Lr.No. APTA-13025/3/2023-AD- EDG APTA Dated: 27.02.2023

From To
The Chief Executive Officer, 1. Similar nature of Experienced firms
Andhra Pradesh Tourism Authority,
Auto Nagar, Vijayawada.


Sub:- TOURISM – Conducting the ETS (Electronic Total Station) Survey

Work in proposed Tourist destinations in the state- Quotations
Called for Empanelment of surveyors – Reg.


The Andhra Pradesh Tourism Authority is inviting for quotations for

empanelment, from similar nature of Experiences with Reputed firms for
conducting the ETS (Electronic Total Station) Survey work Tourist
Designations in the state.


The survey shall comprise recording bench mark, band survey points of
contours, at one meter interval, plan, all side elevations and section of each
part of layout, pathways, landscape area, open spaces, trees with detailed
inventory, other features like tank, well, embankments, fortifications, electric
poles religious structures, remnants of ancient structures and such other
features including shelters, buildings etc.,

II. The following check list for site survey shall be followed and
reports submitted:

1. Indicate the point of beginning.

2. Indicate the precise direction of lines.
3. All angles shall be given to the nearest minute and bearing in
relation to the cardinal points of the compass.
4. Indicate all contours on the existing roads at 6 meters, centre to
5. Indicate distance between contours on the road at a particular grade
and contour interval.
6. Indicate existing contours for crown, shoulder.
7. All contours lines shall be 1 meter centre to centre.
8. Notes on elevation points if grades are both above and below datum
9. On-site and adjacent easements – right.
10.Required front, rear and side setback lines- dimensions to property
11.Adjacent streets or road names- width dimensions (elevation points
at street centre lines- elevation points at sides- concrete traffic
12.Adjacent streets or roads.
13.Street storm mains- basins-direction and elevation points of drain
slopes-invert elevations.
14.Street sewer hook-up sewer manhole-elevation point at top
manhole-elevation point sewer invert-direction of flow.
15.Street electric manholes-electrical vaults-other utilities in street or
adjacent to street.
16.Sidewalk-tunnels-meter boxes.
17.Existing curbs and walk ways adjacent to property- dimensions and
elevation points.
18.Curb elevation points shown at extension of property lines.
19.Traffic lights- signs-fire alarm boxes-telephone booths and boxes.
20.Fire hydrants.
21.Existing sidewalk trees and shrubs.
22.Existing power and other poles.
23.Street water main and hook up location – existing water meter
24.Over head or buried cable on or adjacent to property.
25.Existing building on adjacent property.
26.Adjacent buildings footings and foundation walls at property line.
27.Existing on-site paving, curbs walkways: dimensions-
Material elevation points.
28.Existing on-site structures: identity-size-floor elevation points.
29.Existing fence and walls- materials and heights.
30.Existing underground structure- foundations-holes and trenches and
31.Existing buried or surface trash.
32.Existing on-site utilities-sewer-tunnels-drain pipes.
33.Existing on-site or adjacent drainage culverts riprap.
34.Existing springs or wells.
35.Existing ponds-creeks-streams-overflow areas.
36.Existing high water table-standing water-marsh quick sand.
37.Rocky outcrops- rock elevation points.
38.Existing trees: identities-trunk sizes-approximate foliage area.
39.Existing major shrubs-undergrowth-ground cover areas.
40.Existing new site contours-existing and new finish grades- elevation
41.New bench mark or / and boundary marks.
42.New building and related structures- overall exterior wall
dimensions- dimensions to property lines-outline of future building
43.Building finish floor, elevation at ground floor or basement.
44.Building finishes grade elevation at corners-grade slope at building
45.Retaining walls: material – dimensions-elevation points.
46.Drive ways: materials –dimension-centre line elevation points drainage
47.Parking bumpers- traffic control curbs.
48.Construction joints and concrete paving
49.Bus or shuttle stop bench-shelter-waste receptacles.
50.One meter contour lines shall be shown with heavier lines other
important contours occurring in the built up area of 300 mm shall
also be noted with thinner lines.
51.All dimensions shall be marked in millimetres.
52.The scale shall be 1:200.
53.The drawings could be done on 1 or more sheets showing the
matching lines.
54.Major grid shall be at 12 meters centre to centre and clearly
annotated with indication of numerical and alphabets.
55.The existing flyover- foot of ramp-the crown of ramp shall be
indicated with all details including the spans, the obligatory spans,
the peers, the existing railings and the slope hall be shown.
56.The service shall be done with total station equipment.
57.Three sets of drawings to be submitted in plastic sheets and three
sets of drawings to be submitted along with CD - ROM containing
total details of survey.
Keeping the above guidelines, the ETS survey shall be carried with
contours and the report shall be submitted accordingly within 7 days after
receipt of the work order.
The charges for the ETS survey conducted will be paid for the
actual surveyed area as per the rate finalized by the APTA.

1. Proposal should reach this office on or before 12.03.2023 by 5:30

pm and quotations will be opened next day.
2. Agencies shall submit the Manpower and Equipment availability
Status as per format attached to this Document.
3. The CEO, APTA reserves right to postpone/reject/cancel the
quotations at any time.
4. Rate should as per financial format attached to this Document.
5. The in-completed / time barred quotations will not be accepted.
6. The work should be completed with quality material and
In Good condition and should be handed over one day
 Before The commencement of the event.
7. No advance payment will be made.
7. The payment will be made subject to satisfactory completion of the 
8. Mail your queries to or contact 9121287910

S.No Description Availability Remarks
1 Surveyors
2 Helpers
3 CAD operators
4 EST Equipment

Name of the participant)

(Authorized Signatory)
(Name and designation of authorized person)
(To be provided on agency letter head)


The Chief Executive Officer,
AP Tourism Authority,
5th Floor, 2nd Road,
Autonagar Vijayawada – 520007

Dear Sir,

Sub: Willingness to empanel as a survey agency to conduct ETS Survey in

Tourism Department – Submission of quote –Reg.,

Our financial offer for employment for Conducting the ETS (Electronic
Total Station) Survey work in proposed Tourist destinations in the State as
follows w.r.t your specifications mentioned in the document.

Sl.No Extent in Acres Rate Quoted per

Acres in Rs.
1 0 to 5
2 6 to 10
3 11 to 20
4 21 to 50
5 51 to 100
6 101 and above

The above quote is excluding of GST and including of all transport, labour,
accommodation and all incidental charges complete etc.,

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the participant)

(Authorized Signatory)
(Name and designation of authorized person)

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