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Dear future social media student,

You must have no clue to whom wrote you this letter, don’t feel frightened I’m just a regular
student in the 21st century enrolled in a social media class on Florida Virtual School (FLVS). So
how has Social Media aged? Is social Media still popular? Or has society shifted to something
new such as holograms?

Where are my manners, let me introduce myself, I go by the name of Rion and I’ve written this
letter to advise you about the impacts my social media class has had on me. Before I decided to
take this course I didn’t take into consideration the major effects one post could have on others
and my own future, I didn’t know that once something was posted on the web no matter how
many hours I spent trying to delete the post, it would remain for my entire life on the web for
others to view. It’s made me cautious on what I post on social media sites such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter in the 21st century, it’s also made me realize that not everyone cares about
what I do every single moment in my life, such as ‘’waking up’’, ‘’eating waffles for breakfast’’,
‘’my wardrobe for the day’’. I guess people don’t enjoy been informed about my daily routine as
much as my parents do.

One of the few assignments asked of me to do as part of my social media class, was to advertise
something I have a passion for. My recommendation would be to make a decision based on
something you deeply enjoy and would make you smile. I decided to promote the importance of
education, since I’m a student in my class of 2023, I’ve noticed several under classmen and
upper classmen approach me for tutoring and later deciding to drop out because of school been
too hard and pointless for them, that’s what caught my attention to make people aware of the
harm their causing to their own future, as well as how much harder their lives will become if
they don’t achieve some sort of success in education. I’ve also had friends approach me who
want to help me with my project because they also were witnessing the major importance of
education, I created a social media account for my program to hear stories of those who dropped
out of school to inform recent dropouts or potential dropouts, to hear from one who has been
through that road to hear a story in person. I also made a community to stop players from
cheating in video games.

I assumed that people who had a firsthand experience from someone who went through that
would take their education more seriously. They would also spread the word to friends and
family in regards to the importance of education, making the spread of the word faster. I also
posted suggestions from students on the reasons why they dropout or what’s preventing them
from gaining an education. I was shocked the moment I saw a significant number of posts on my
Social media page, I wasn’t expecting so many people to be interested in education after having
dropped out, I guess one person’s experience can cause a reaction in others to want to go back to
school, sounds too good to be true huh?
So, your curiosity might be asking you, is this the end of his project? And my response will be
not until everyone has achieved some sort of success in education. Since several people were
intrigued by the story of a fellow dropout, I will continue to find other dropouts to make the
importance of education sound more intriguing to potential dropouts, there will be those few who
won’t believe the stories of these people until they notice it’s really a serious problem seen so
many people. My enthusiastic friends will accompany in my journey to promote education for
everyone, and I hope one day you too will continue your education till the end and promote the
importance of it.

Rion Moller

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