Detailed Lesson Plan in Poetry Bayno

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Competency: Explain the text in terms of literary elements, genres, and traditions.

I. Objectives:
K: Point out the literary elements present in the poem.
S: Demonstrate understanding of the poem through the integration of group task.
A: Show positivity and courage to oneself amidst difficult circumstances.

II. Subject Matter: Poem: Invictus

By: William Ernest Henley
Literary Elements: Figures of Speech
References: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature: English 10 Learner’s
Material; Internet (
Instructional materials: PowerPoint presentation, Copy of the poem,
Multimedia Equipment, Folded strips of a paper, Fishbowl

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A. Preparation

Class, please stand for the prayer. Miss Okay, Ma’am. In the name of the
Canumay, will you please lead the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy
prayer? Spirit .... Amen!

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am.

Okay. Before you take your seat, kindly

pick up some pieces of papers under Yes, Ma’am.
your chairs and put them in the trash bin.

After a minute . . .

You may now take your seat. Thank you, Ma’am.

Before anything else, I will check first Yes, Ma’am.

your attendance. Say present if your
name is called.

Abapo, Robert Present, Ma’am.

Abaygar, Hannah Fe

After a minute. . .

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B. Pre reading Activities

Motivation (5 Min)
Game: Pick–Me–Up!
In a fishbowl, pick a folded strip of paper
with the questions written on it. You are Students pick a folded strip of paper in
not allowed to speak about the question the fishbowl and do the activity.
you have picked; instead, you must think
about it and answer it in 3–6 sentences.
I will only call you at randomly to share
your answer to the class. But, before you
answer, read the question aloud.

Is the instructions clear? Yes ma’am

All right! You may now begin!

Miss Cruz, could you please share your Yes, Ma’am. What difficult problem or
thoughts about the question you picked? dilemma have your survived?
One difficult problem that I, or my
family, conquered was when my father
became critically ill and we didn't have
enough money to pay for his
hospitalization, much less even our
meals. No one would let us borrow
money at that time, either. So all we
did was work every night as sugarcane
keeper or peanut vendor, apart from
my mother, who is the only one left of
my father. Until my father recovered, I
believe we all made it through.

All right! Thank you, Miss Cruz. I felt

sorry with your experienced, but I admire Thank you, Ma’am.
your determination and optimism.

How about, Miss Bardinas? How do you actually survive in the face
of adversity?
To survive, all one needs is courage
and perseverance.

All right! Perseverance and courage are

the most important qualities in order to
survive in any adversities, and you will
recognize these traits in the poem you
will read today.

Informing what are expected

You will be reading a poem entitled

Invictus by William Ernest Henley.

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(Present the title on the screen and the

Okay altogether, read what are expected (Students read the objectives)
of you at the end of the lesson.

Unlocking of Difficulties

The Chimaera was held to be

unconquerable. What did the Unconquerable is something that is
unconquerable means? incapable of being surmounted.


He is a menace to everything. What

does menace means? Menace means a threat.

That’s correct!

Passion is not created out of wrath. Wrath means violent anger or rage.
Wrath means?

Exactly! What word help you to guess It is passion because obviously

the synonym of the word wrath? passion comes from pleasure or
delight on something.
That’s right.

He suppressed a wince as motion Wince means to flinch.

renewed the pain.

Okay. Very good

They tried to bludgeon me into joining Bludgeon means to hit or coerce.

their protest. What does a bludgeon


C. During Reading (3 min)

Class, get your copy of the poem now. Okay, Ma’am.

First Reading by the teacher (teacher

reads the poem)
Listen as I read the poem.

(Second Reading by the students)

This time, you all read the poem. Ready
… read.

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You read the poem again. This row will
read stanzas 1 and 2 , this row stanzas 3
and 4.

D. Post Reading activities (32

Intellectual Discussion
(Comprehension questions)

Describe the character talking in this He's speaking to himself, or he's

poem entitled Invictus. To whom is the talking about his life experiences.
persona talking?

Alright! In "Invictus," the persona is

confronted with severe, unpleasant, and
unavoidable challenges in life, but he
refuses to be defeated by them.
"Unconquerable" is how he describes his

What is your initial reaction as you begin Varied answers

to read the poem?

What is the situations in the story remind

you of people and situations in your own Varied answers
life? How are they similar and how are
they different?

What is the poet, in the poem Invictus, The poet is thankful for the strength
thankful for? and tenacity with which he could face
all hardships in life.

Can you read the lines which show that “I thank whatever gods may be
the poet has suffered his hardships For my unconquerable soul.
bravely? In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have neither winced nor cried aloud”.

Miss Lucia, can you read the third stanza “Beyond this place of wrath and tears
of the poem? Looks but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid”.

Alright. What is meant by the “place of The ‘place of wrath and tears' means
wrath and tears”? the world where we live – a place of
anger and sadness.

What is the ‘place’ mentioned in the lines The place mentioned is the Earth
read by Miss Lucia? where he is at present.

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Why is it filled with tears? He has had difficult times on Earth due
to ill health and suffering. Hence, it is
filled with tears. It also refers to the
tears shed by others who go through
difficulties in life.

Very well said. What does the poet want The poet wants to convey that no
to convey in the last line? problem would overpower him. He is
unaffected by any challenge, whether
in the present or in the future.

What is the theme of the poem, I think the theme of the poem is about
Invictus? one’s fight against adversity in life.

Why do you think the poet has chosen I think he chosen this kind of theme
that theme? simply because he contracted
tuberculosis at a very young age and
his leg had to be amputated. So, he
wrote a poem with this kind of theme
as he showed as well a courage when
he faced with death and health.

What do the speaker tries to imply in the The speaker tries to imply that inner
last stanza? courage will serves as a fortification
against troubles in life.
Very good!

Aesthetic Discussion
Upon reading the poem, is it contained a Yes/No varied answers
figure of speech?

Can you name the figure of speech It is simile, metaphor, personification,

presented in the poem? alliteration, imagery, and symbolism.

Alright! Let’ start first with the simile. Can “Black as the pit from pole to pole”
you read the line that has simile?

Why do you say that line contains It is simile because of the word “as” .

That’s right! The word “as” or “like“ is the

indicator of the simile.

How about the metaphor? Can you read “Looms but the horror of the shade”
the lines that uses metaphor?

Correct! Who has an another answer? “Out of the night that covers me”

Very good! What makes you think that If it compares one kind of thing to

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line is a metaphor? another, it's a metaphor. So, the line
“Out of the night that covers me”, the
night here is compared to the pain and

Very well said. It contains a metaphor.

The night represents dark times and
hardships of the poet. However, it is also
classified as personification because the
poet illustrates that as if the night is
covering the speaker. So, it is
personification as the poet is somewhat
describing the non–human with human
characteristics. Am I understood? Yes, Ma’am.

Is there a lines in the poem that Yes, Ma’am.

classified as alliteration?

Can you read the line that contains “Finds and shall find me unafraid”

Alright! Why do you say that line is Alliteration is the repetition of the same
alliteration? consonant sounds in the same lines of
the poetry. So from that lines, the use
of /f/ sound in “finds and shall find me

Exactly! Who anyone can give another “Black as the pit from pole to pole”
alliterative line in the poem?

Why do you say so? Because the use of /p/ sound in “pit
from pole to pole” shows alliteration.

Very good. Is there any symbolism in the Yes/No varied answers

line "Black as the pit from pole to pole"?

Alright. There is. It is the word “pit”. What Pit symbolizes darkness
does “pit” symbolize?

Correct. Is there any imagery reflected in Yes, Ma’am.

the poem?

Can you give me an example of the “beyond the place of wrath and tears”
imagery? “my head is bloody”

Alright! Why do you think that those Because those images help the
images portrayed in the poem are the readers to feel the pain and courage
imageries? that have helped the speaker to
overcome his misery.

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Very good! Miss Jhona, can you give me “I have not winced nor cried aloud”
another example of imagery presented in
the poem?

Okay. What gives you the impression It is imagery because it shows that the
that it is an imagery? speaker remains strong even after all
the pain and suffering he had

Very well said. The line, “It matters not Gate symbolizes one’s path in life.
how strait the gate”, what does the gate

That’s right. It is someone’s path or “I am the master of my faith. I am the

journey in life. Who can cite another captain of my soul. “
lines in the poem that uses symbolisms?

Alright! So, what does ‘master’ Master symbolizes that the speaker is
mentioned in the lines symbolizes? in charge of his life and his decisions.

That’s right! How about the word It symbolizes that speaker will guide
‘captain’ mentioned in the lines his soul and lead himself in wherever
symbolizes? he experiences in life.

Very good! Now, as you read the poem The main message is that you need to
Invictus, what do you think is the be persevere through difficult times.
intended message of the poem?

Okay, very good! Is there any other Regardless of the circumstances, you
opinion, class? must never lose hope in your ability to
influence your fate and decide your
Group Activity: Investigate me, Mr.
Detective! (5mins.)

Divide yourself into three groups. Count

off from one to three. If you were a
detective, what would you investigate
into in the poem? Each group will write
a report about the poem Invictus, which
also contains an analysis and a set of

E. Creative Activity:
Singwriter (8 mins)

Using the same group. Think and use a

song's tune that you are familiar with.
Then write a 2-minute lyric that shows

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positivity and courage in the face of
adversity (Physical adversity, Financial
adversity, Social adversity, etc.) Sing it
to the rest of the class afterwards.

You will be graded by the following

Relevance to theme of the poem – 30
Mastery – 25
Vocal Expression – 15
Rhythm & Tempo – 15
Unity – 10
Audience appeal – 5
Total 100%

IV. Evaluation (3-5 mins.)

I. Identifying the literary elements used. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which line employs the literary device used in the sentence below?
The wolf told the girl, “The better to see you with my dear".
A. In the fell clutch of circumstance
B. I have not winced nor cried aloud.
C. Under the bludgeonings of chance
D. My head is bloody, but unbowed.

2. What is the meaning of the word menace as it is used in the poem?

A. Love
B. Threat
C. Draft
D. Helpful

3. Which line employs alliteration?

A. Line 2
B. Line 5
C. Line 9
D. Line 14

4. What literary device is being used in line 10?

“Looms but the Horror of the shade"
A. The author uses flashback to acknowledge the past hurts and fear
B. The author is using anaphora to stress its importance
C. The author is personifying horror
D. The author used imagery to appeal to the reader's sense of sight

5. How does the poem's use of darkness in its imagery contribute to the text's overall

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A. The poem describes night covering the earth from “pole to pole" (line 2),
suggesting that the speaker's outlook on the world is very bleak and
B. The poem describes “night" (line 1) covering the speaker, symbolic of the
adversity and/or suffering he faces.
C. The poem describes “the horror of the shade" (line 10), suggesting that the
speaker's hard times are only temporary.
D. The poem describes a dark “place of wrath and fears" (line 9), implying that
the speaker is overcome by his depression.

6. What is the meaning of the word “bludgeonings" as it is used in the poem?

A. A disease
B. Beatings
C. To appear in a frightening form
D. Narrow, skinny

7. Who is the master of your fate and the captain of your soul?
A. Your social economical status
B. Your heredity
C. Yourself
D. Events that occur in your life

II. Complete the lines below.

8. “Under the ___________ of chance".

9. “In the fell clutch of circumstance / I have not _____ nor ____ aloud. "
10. “And yet the menace of the years / ____________ ."

V. Assignment

Make a four–stanza poetry about your life experiences considering the usage of literary
elements (figure of speech) to make your poetry creative. Then, identify the literary
elements that you used.

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