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THE PRESENCE OF THE UNKNOWN er 2, 1970 By: Brayden Andersen L. Posted: Sept On supposedly the first eptember 2, 1970, nearly $ years alter ting of human's stranger, Aliens, their presence on our solar system is finally confirmed. In fact, these creatures are roaming around the globe as we speak. Should one ask why we can’t see them, that’s because a “super-secret organization has been keeping them away from our reality for the past 20 years. this organization goes by the name M.1.B. (Men In Black). They have used various methods to achieve this, From covering these creatures in plain sights to completely neutralizing our brain MLLB. themselves verified that they have been working with extraterrestrial lives for many decades in the past, and they were obligated to keep this piece of information undisclosed for safety reasons, Oe aT) Uncovering The Truth So why was this information finally revealed? To understand this, you need to go back in time to 1968, The riot. regarding the death of Martin Luther King Jr., that took place in more than 100 cities, severely impacted thousand of alien lives. gests them fo always stay hidden at all times to refrain from any plausible unintentional harm caused by the riot. Many of these aliens couldn't take the stress much longer and decided to go on a rampage. This action was later reflected when a conflict came about among multiple different alien species Like most conflicts, this one didn’t last. All parties involved were eventually arrested and held captive by M.LB. . This was until 3 weeks ago when all 47 captivated aliens escaped, During M.LB.’s speech. they mentioned that they may be drawn to believe that there will be a continuation to the conflict. They also mentioned that they m y need as much help as possible to identify all 50 wanted aliens, including those who helped them caped. What Happens Next? MLB. assured us that these alien species aren’t in any wa a danger to our society. They hope we too cal cept them in our reality, As for the rest, only time can tell what would happen, What about you? What do you think will happen to our future with the presence of extraterrestrial creatures. Share this blog: mm @ «s No Comments - Be the first one! | Enter your comment here. -End of Article- Advertisement:

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