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\ TER-'\ .-\ TIO\ .-\L L _·i \" ERS ITY llU) - VIETNAM NATIONAL


Date: .... .AC:..!.J~J.J..0.\?J. ....
Duration: 120 minutes

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Namc: ...Y..t'...v.~:\Chi.~ .....~ .~.


Head of Department of Applied Chemistry lecturer

Full name : Nguyen Thao Trang

l ·n,is is a closed book examination (1 A4 sized, handwritten note is allowed)
2. ~o communication during the exam
3. ~o electronic devices during the exam (calculator is allowed)
4. \:o dictionary
5. The question sheets will be collected upon completion

l . (20 pts.) To prepare a solution of NaCl, you weigh out 2.634 ± 0.002 (g) and dissolve it
in a volumetric flask whose vo lume is 100.00 ± 0.008 (mL). Express the molarity of the
solution, along with its absolute and relative uncertainties with an appropriate number of
b s for the co ncentrat iCJn
. d \ e following 4 num er.
, a. ( l Opts.) In the lab. a technician obtame t 1 What is the mean. the 95'1/,,
1 0 IO 16 and O.101 7.
of chloride in a sample: 0.101 5. 0.09 9 , · ·
• · for this data set.
confidence interval. and the relative standard deviatim1

. utliner Calculate Q for th is

b. ( 1O pts.) In part a. there is one value that looks like an ° ·
. h d te set at 95% confidence
one bad value and determine if it can be reJected from t e a
inten al.
. d d · · The relati ve standard
c. ( 10 pts.) ln part a. you calculated a relative standar ev1at1on.
deviation can be reoarded
as a measure of the relative erro r on the mean . The
confidence interval can also be calculated and used as a measure of the uncertainty of
the mean. Compare and contrast these numbers. Which is the better measure of
experimental unce11ainty?

3. Barbituric acid dissociates as follows :

0 0
Barhituric :K id

2 00
a. ( 10 pts.) Calculate the pH and fraction of dissociation of 10- M of barbituric acid .
10 00
b. (10 pts.) Calculate the pH and fraction of dissociation of 10- M of barbituric acid .

4. a. (20 pts.) How many milliliters of 1.0 M HCl should be added to 5.0 (g) of sodium
acetate (82.03 g/mol) to prepare a pH 5.0 buffer? Given pKa of acetic acid is 4.73 .
b. (10 pts.) Which of the following acids is suitable for preparation of a buffer at pH
3 .1O? Explain your answer.
Acid pKi,
4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid .) ....
..., ')...,

Propanoic acid 4.87

Methanoic acid 3.74

Cyanoacetic acid 2.47

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