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(i) Explain why succession occurs in stages. (2) (b) () The graph shows the changes in environmental temperature before and after a volcanic eruption. time of 02 eruption Change in environmental 0.0 temperature 1c 02 3 2 rT 0 1) 2 = 4 5 6 a Time / years ruption on environmental temperature. ort your answer. (2) 1. OF He cxnvitonment chrasticeny, ton He tempercrture, decreased tempercture. Started to WAUV SIHLNI FIM LON OG Wau SIHL NIZLINM LON OG Wauy SJHLNIALIYM LON OG hs (ii) When this volcano erupted, sulfur dioxide and particles of ash were released into the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide and particles of ash cause less light to pass through the atmosphere. Explain the results shown in the graph. (4) Because. 1685. light coun... pass. through from. the Sum. tempesechure, Wourd deerease, this 1s because, heat comes from. He energy im He Sunlight). Because ligt.cannot pes theo He. tem percrtwee oF fe... surcounding..would .decteeses..This.s evident +o. te gteph. as. He Notceme! erupted. surfuu dtoxides.cind esh blocked. He, sunteyt Eterm... reeichiney earth which... te. gtaph shows thet oS Here wos 4 decrease in cnvironmented emperor, cater the eruplon. phere in one year by to occur, in one year, to ivities. 8 The eruption of a volcano can devastate the surrounding countryside and cause climate change. (a) The photograph shows the devastation that can result from a volcanic eruption. (Source: © Zoonar GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo) Succession occurs in the devastated areas. Pioneer species are the first to colonise these areas. Several stages follow, which may result in a climax community. (i) Describe three characteristics of pioneer species. (3) ELEN CNV ITORMENAS 4ocatow flat thea com cect on. (b) Tasmanian devils feed on the dead bodies of animals (carcasses) and scare off other scavengers. | Scientists have studied the scavenging of carcasses in two regions of Tasmania: one region where all Tasmanian devils were healthy and one region where the cancer was common The length of time Tasmanian devils and three other scavenging animals spent feeding on carcasses was investigated. The results are shown in the table. | Proportion of time the scavengers spent feeding on each carcass } Tasmanian devil Forest raven Spotted-tailed quoll Feral cat t i aes Sees Where all Tasmanian devils ee es ad aa |_were healthy | Where Tasmanian devils _ with cancer were common 0.20 0.16 The length of time it took for the carcasses to be completely eaten was also investigated. The results are shown in the graph. Key: --- regions where Tasmanian devils with cancer were common — regions where all Tasmanian devils Proportion were healthy of carcasses remaining Wau SIHJ NIALIYM LON OG W3UV SIL NI ALI LON OG WaUY SIHLNIZLIUM LON OG (ii) Explain what other biotic factors could have affected the results from the two different regions of Tasmania, in the second investigation. (4) Biotic footers Such os animes ,boctera and otter Orgeriions might have, cetteeted tle. resus There might be or higher... PreBence...of... predators. in one port op te. hegioc hich mode, te tetsmeniain devil popitiection. be. Sconce, chick made i tke longer for them. Bacteria could be present in the carcasses which mee, tle, toancenicm devils sick ores. likely to. eed tle ccurcesses often: (Total for Question 7 = 11 marks) *(i) Explain the results of these two studies. Use the information in the table and the graph to support your answer. (6) Tasmanian. devils..with cancer would be weak and. have less energy to_complete thir carcasses. Be couse Heyy cre weed will Cancer I+ would atso tome thas make it:harder for them to score. Other animes cue From the cercusss oid vooutd mmertee. teat mote eASy_ 10 prey on by ther predectors: When. te... Tasmerivom devils. are. heathy, Hey. took... Shorter antount of, atime. to_ginish the carcasses this is because, they have more, ~ehetey. 40. eot.and. con score awey te ofber cnimals thecotening ate. ecck. the .cearcerss: Tasmanian devils. with cancer wraay, A\S0...noA have,..1n appetite. and. He, cancer may effect Heir and gestive habits. uhich mage couse Hem +p, ech (ii) Calculate the mean rate of increase in the number of people infected with HIV from 2005 to 2010. Express your answer in standard form to an appropriate number of significant figures. SF e aeO loo, (x [o® 5 answer. X{Q___..... mean number of infections year" (ii) Explain why the number of people infected with HIV is going up although the number of new infections and deaths is going down, after 2005. i More People..are. geting tested in. third world countries who have had Hiv for.o..while. nd are not newly infected... number. oF pina down. duc. +o. better. eduection on. FLOM. spreading cind be Her heaHh cere prevent. .deeth prom Hry infections and deaths. cre. Sunil 2025 7 The photograph shows a Tasmanian devil, (Source: © Walter 64/Alamy Stock Photo) Tasmanian devils are found in Tasmania. The population of Tasmanian devils has fallen drastically due to a fatal cancer. This cancer first appeared in the mid-1990s, There are only a few regions in Tasmania left where healthy Tasmanian devils can still be found. (a) The number of Tasmanian devils is estimated to have fallen from 150000 in the mid- ’ ber of Tasmanian devils from the (v) Explain why this estimate would be lower if a vaccine for HIV became available in 2023. less, People..wouid.. be. infected with HIV in.2023. which, | woid..couse o...napid decrease from deadle and infections Ftom Hry which would make te cstimate lower Hen it Here W8.... NOFA OO vaccine, ~cor it: (Total for Question 6 = 14 marks) 6 The diagram shows a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). a) - (b) The graph shows the number of HIV infections and the number of deaths from HIV in the world from 1990 to 2017. 40 people infected with fife HIV (the numbers ~ have been divided at by 10) oo 3.0 25 Number in roo S20 new infections of HIV 1.0 deaths from HIV 05 0.0 1990 2015 2020 2025 r of people infected with HIV has been divided ided by 10. te amount of deaths per eorchers an eftimate oF tle VauV SIHLNI ALUM LONOG Vad SIHL NEALIEM LON OG V3UY SIHLNIALIUM LON OG (iii) Which virus has structure P and contains RNA? A Ebola virus only B_ Ebola virus and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) © Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) only A ooo x D Neither Ebola virus nor tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (iv) The diameter of HIV is 120nm. Which is the approximate magnification of this drawing? O A xs00 O B xs000 TH ¢ xs0000 S OD xs00000 Pay (v) Describe the role of microorganisms in recycling carbon present in this food chain. *(b) The photographs show gerenuk and a springbok to the same magnification. Vauv SIH NISLNM LON OG gerenuk springbok The table gives some information about gerenuk and springbok. a common ancestor. \ccupy a different niche from a springbok. he photographs to support your answer. (6) —————eE—EeEE——EE——————————————S (ii) Suggest how zoos could increase the number of birds in the wild that can sing the songs characteristic of this species. (2) They. cein howe. the. male birds who sing te. characteristic, Song. teach tle ppounger mate. birds. the, so which they can them. flees. into te. .witd..to find o femeue to mecte with. (b) Genetic studies indicate that the regent honeyeater is related to wattlebirds. Describe how genetic studies could show this. (4) Genetic Studies...couid..Show this by comparing, both te birds. DNA Sequences. This. can. show how. closety. rated «bird is #0 Another. species. Thir Genetic. Studies could mettch which shows. What bid is closey. reeded cind ho they derived from (ii) The energy content of the tree is the net primary productivity (NPP). What is the relationship between NPP, gross primary productivity (GPP) and respiration (R)? 1) NPP =GPP +R A B NPP=GPP-R © NPP=GPPxR Bb D ooxa NPP=GPP+R (iii) Calculate the ratio of the energy contents shown in these trophic levels: trophic level 1 : trophic level 2 : trophic level 3 1 9o 420 8325 929 809G + AWites | 8H Answer!80% 1768) 184 | 5. The table shows the energy content in the three trophic levels of a food chain from | an African plain. ! | Trophic level Organism Energy content Lion 920 | Gerenuk 2 8825 | Tree (a) () les organisms? (b) The groups of bacteria present on the skin of m en of different ages was investigated. The graph shows some of the results of this investigation. 100 Key: Firmicutes 80 BB Actinobacteria [7 Proteobacteria 60 BB others Percentage of each group of bacteria in the skin flora (%) 40 20, Teenager Middle Elderly ed fade from this graph. Piao fesple than having Proteobacteria on : (Source: © Dave Watts / Alamy Stock Photo) (a) Regent honeyeaters are critically endangered, with fewer than 300 birds left in the wild. A study found that a large proportion of the male birds no longer sing the characteristic songs of their own species. Some of the birds had learnt the songs of other species. (i) Suggest why a large proportion of these male birds no longer sing the | characteristic songs of regent honeyeaters. | (1 Tle birds are endeingered whick means flere are lesser amount of 7d _lecien te characteristic. Sows ‘on the future of this species. acd femole Freer ne TF the mee. birds do outd be harder Por tem. This woud cause WaUY SIHLNISLIUM LON OG V3UV SIHLNIALINM LON OG VauV SIHLNI aL 1ON OG (ii) Describe how this study should have been designed to collect valid data. (2) There... Should a be. an age. feinge, Kor each. gtoup so tat..here. is A_Nalid range to make. it more. precise. Gl Each test subject. Should ve. or. similar size so hat surtace cirect does not effect the. results. (©) Some bacteria can get through the skin. (i) Describe the role of macrophages in the non-specific response of the body to these bacteria. (2) Mah phages deteot He. presense. of prthogens On Hes body which ovlerts & non. Specific response prone tHe bo hich ler te. uhite bead ceus to that specizic. part or Hebd. to. fare. the pothegens: s e immune response of the body to 3 The presence of skin flora is one way that the skin protects the body from infection. (a) (i) Describe how skin flora protect the body from infection. Skin flora. creates a barrier on got skin which prevents bacteria. from sacle Ge skin. Sometimes. Skin. Flory..can, Produce aintimicrobioy activities whick Kill pathegens before. ae bie SKIN: pastas (ii) Give one other way in which the skin protects the body from infection. (1) Skin..acts asa harris oe hed Almost. like. CEM Membrane which lets only. certain. Substances in and out. (i) Which shows the order of the phases of a bacterial growth curve? OA exponential > lag death > stationary O B lag stationary ->death > exponential XM ¢ tag ~ exponential + stationary —> death OD stationary — exponential > lag — death (ii) The bacteria were not growing at their fastest rate in the conditions the student used. How many of the following changes could result in a faster growth rate? + decrease in pH + decrease in temperature + increase in pH increase in temperature bacteria between 4 hours a) ) 2 Astudent grew a bacterial culture in a liquid medium for 20 hours. Every hour, a sample of the culture was removed. This sample was added to some fresh medium and mixed thoroughly. This mixture was spread onto agar in a Petri dish, so that the number of bacteria in the culture could be determined. (a) Which method is being used to determine the number of bacteria in this culture? ) A dilution plating OB atene ys a QC massmethod O bp optical method (turbidity) (b) Explain how the Petri dish should have been sealed after the mixture was spread onto the agar. + The. petri..dish shoud be. sectled with a. lid and. taped ee On. te sides with Sticly tape. this culture. Wau SIHLNI ILM LON OG Wau SIHL NEL 10N 00 Wau SIHLNIZLIYM LON Od (d) The charts show the types of bacteria present in the throat of a patient, before and after treatment with an antibiotic. Key: types Type K HB type Type M AZ Typen Before treatment with After treatment with Type O antibiotic antibiotic Describe the effects of this antibiotic on the bacteria present in the throat. (3) athe. antibigtic....was imeéPective..or..Type, ©. bacteria. TYPe.N. bacteria. Seemed to multiply artee He, treatment dich. Shows if was incteective and promoted. the growth of TYPE.N bacteria. The antibiotic. was. (So . L bacteria and Type M bacteria with type Jas effective. in, cheeinahes Type. Heme. nob being present. after He treatment. (Total for Question 1 = 7 marks) King's InterHigh LEADING ONLINE SCHOOL Year 13 Mocks January 2023 A-Level Biology (International) Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes Total Marks: 90 Student Name: This paper consists of 28 pages, Material Required: Calculator, Ruler Submission Deadline: Normal Time End: 10.15am ( 25% ET END: 10,43am ( +$0% ET END: 11.08am (GMI ‘Submission Type: PDF Instructions: 1. Use black ink to handwrite your a 2. Answer ALL questions. answer, put a line throug Academic Honesty T affirm that this ¥ Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. ‘Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box’X. If you change your mind about an answer, puta line through the box $% and then mark your new answer with a cross 1 Bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. (a) Give the meaning of the term bactericidal antibiotic. a bactericidat antibiotic. kits bacteria e : (b) State why antibiotics affect bacteria and usually not the person taking them. a) “Bactericn Gells..cire. digferent fone humein, cess. or. eX Cet le nm only attacking....... Sera “bacteria certs havea ceit..ueuts So the.antbiotios arc. and Uruman cers Celts with a ceu.mweut (©) Codes of practice advise doctor Describe two pieces of advice (2) not Stop. te. course. dle whole course

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