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Next, those are the consequences of gender discrimination on

Firstly, as Vietnam develops ultrasound technology for prenatal
sex determination, the gender imbalance is increasing. The
imbalance of sex at birth will adversely affect the future
population structure, leading to an excess of men in society.
Without timely interventions, it is estimated that by 2050,
Vietnam will have between 2.3 and 4.3 million men who cannot
find a wife. In the long run, serious consequences such as a lack
of women will increase pressure on girls to marry early, force
them to drop out of school to marry, and may increase demand
for sex work, leading to an increase in female trafficking.

Secondly, the absence of women in the "political arena" is also

one of the consequences of sexism. This shortage has more or
less prevented women from discussing and making development
policies to develop the economy or policies to prevent violence.
For example, many women who are sexually abused are the
ones who suffer criticism when they are accused of "self-
harming," and they are even judged guilty instead of the
perpetrator, the person who should have taken it.

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