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Name: Causing, Angelo Josh T. Date Submitted: 2022, 08, 31

Section: Civil Engineering 1-G


From the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

In the presentations that everyone presented, including ours, I would like to point
out some of the key points each group presented regarding the main topic, “Creatures in
the Image of God.” The first three groups gave a talk about the value of life as we value
God by also valuing and nurturing our relationships with other people; as humans were
created in the image and likeness of God, we must know that God is still our reflection as
the definitive goal and fulfillment of every person; in a union or relationship between man
and woman, there is equality regardless of the differences between the two and how
marriage can lead to eternal happiness and love. The remaining groups explained to us
that as God’s creation, we are bound to have dignity in our lives and how we are to
respond to His calling; having a relationship with God reveals to us that we are a part of
Him since we are created in His image and likeness, He gave us life for us to live in our
desires; as creations of God, it is our duty to be responsible for His creations, not just us
humans but everything He created like the planet Earth; and finally, we are given the free
will, knowledge, and wisdom, but God controls us, and most of us are still dependent on
Him alone.

For my significant takeaways in general, I think these things help us understand

the theological perspective on understanding ourselves as humans created by God.
There are certain factors why we are made and how we may be able to understand the
true meaning of life between other people; the reports presented explained well how we
are connected to God and how we can know the meaning of life in general. We are
humans, given the free will, knowledge, and wisdom to live throughout our lives, but still,
there are factors and limitations since we live in an imperfect world. Through the
perspective on how our lives are related to theology, we can point out and explain why
we must have awareness about these things and answer some questions in life that will
eventually end up asking the true meaning of our identity.

In conclusion, our existence, actions, responsibilities, and purpose from a

theological perspective wake our minds to understand one’s self clearly and how God
helps us humans understand the factors in life that we face because we keep asking who
we are to Him and the reason why we are created in this world. Through these aspects
discussed, we can know more about life within us and others.

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