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W E D N E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 2 1 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s. c o m
ISSUE 294/2021

HOME: Travellers to Malaysia must now take PCR test 48 hours before boarding flights — Khairy p2
Sapura Energy slips to all-time low amid concerns of likely distressed asset sales p7
Ringgit seen appreciating to RM4.09 against US dollar on vaccine-driven economic recovery
— MIDF Research p16
WORLD: Indonesia issues new stock market rules aimed at luring tech listings p23

Court to deliver
Najib’s appeal verdict
today; bid to adduce
new evidence rejected
Report on Page 3.
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 2 TheEdge CEO morning brief

the edge ceo morning brief published by publisher + . Ho Kay Tat


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KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Further plication, Khairy said in a statement.

preemptive Covid-19 measures will be Travellers to The Minister said Malaysians and
implemented for travellers from abroad
starting Wednesday in light of the discov- Malaysia must non-Malaysians travelling from countries
which have reported Omicron cases will be
ery of the Omicron variant, said Health
Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. now take PCR test required to wear a digital tracking device
throughout the quarantine period.
He said with 43 countries reporting cas-
es of the new variant as of Dec 6, a tempo-
48 hours before For those travelling from countries with
temporary travel restrictions, a mandatory
rary travel restriction had been imposed on
eight countries, namely Botswana, Eswati-
boarding flights quarantine at the predetermined quarantine
station will be required regardless of vacci-
ni, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namib-
ia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
— Khairy nation status.
As for those travelling from countries
All travellers entering Malaysia, mean- which had reported community trans-
while, will be required to take a pre-depar- by seah eu hen mission of the Omicron variant (Austral-
ture Covid-19 PCR test 48 hours before de- ia, France, Norway, the UK and the US),
parting, shortened from 72 hours currently. they will have to observe home quarantine
Those travelling under the land and air Rapid Testing (RTK-Ag) self-test on the depending on their vaccination status.
vaccinated travel lane (VTL), Langkawi second, fourth and sixth day upon arrival
International Tourist Bubble (LITB) and as well as taking a professionally adminis-
the One Stop Centre (OSC) for short-term tered RTK-Ag test on the third and fifth day. Read also: Discussions on Malaysia-Thai-
business travellers will be required to be fully All test results under this category must land VTL expected to progress during
vaccinated and take the Covid-19 Antigen be reported through the MySejahtera ap- PM’s visit Click here

SHAH ALAM (Dec 7): A total of 157,000 Centre’s Management Progamme and mon-
COVID-19 vaccine booster shots would be Covid-19: Selangor itoring of self-quarantined patients through
given for free to Selangor residents begin-
ning Wednesday (Dec 8) under the SelVax to give 157,000 the SELangkah application to boost re-
sponse to this pandemic
Booster Programme, said Menteri Besar
Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari. vaccine booster “Through this system, patients can be
evaluated fast and referred for further treat-
He said residents aged 18 and above and
who had received two doses of vaccine could
shots for free ment through the telehealth system or ad-
mitted to the quarantine centres and hospi-
get the booster jab via walk-in to the nearest
Selcare clinic.
from Dec 8 tals to avoid having brought-in-dead cases
during the quarantine period,” he said.
“The list of the Selcare clinics involved in Up to Nov 26, there were 616,980 cases
the SelVax Booster Programme is available Bernama monitored through the SELangkah system
on the website, which managed to identify 38,809 cases of
our-clinic/ or via the SELangkah applica- the other vaccines, Sinovac has also been deteriorating health conditions while iso-
tion,” he said at a news conference, here, on proven to reduce the health risk of the viral lating themselves at home.
Tuesday (Dec 7). infection.
The public is however, advised to reg- “All information on receiving the boost-
ister first with the SELangkah application er dose through the SelVax Booster Pro- Read also:
for the booster dose to avoid congestion at gramme will be conveyed by the clinics
the clinics involved. involved through the MySejahtera appli- Covid-19: 4,965 new cases on Dec 7,
“The booster shot given is that of the cation,” said Aminudin, says Health DG Click here
Sinovac vaccine which is suitable for recip- He added that the programme would also
ients of the two earlier doses of any vaccine be implemented in certain localities based
received. on requests made by the state assemblymen. Covid-19: 86.6% of adolescents in
“This dose is for better immunisation for “Besides that, the state government will Malaysia vaccinated as of Dec 6
the public against the viral disease and like be extending the COVID-19 Assessment Click here
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 3 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Court to deliver Najib’s appeal verdict today;

bid to adduce new evidence rejected
PUTRAJAYA (Dec 7): The Court of Ap- by Timothy Achariam id-19-positive patient, who is the mother
peal will deliver its verdict on Datuk Seri of one of Shafee’s legal team members.
Najib Razak’s appeal to set aside his con- Najib was threatened with arrest by Ab-
viction and sentence in the SRC Interna- Photos by Malaysian Judiciary dul Karim earlier on Tuesday because of
tional Sdn Bhd trial on Wednesday (Dec his no-show in court in the morning.
8) as originally scheduled. Claiming that Najib’s and his MySe-
This follows the appeals court’s de- jahtera status showed that they were in
cision on Tuesday to dismiss the former close contact with a Covid-19-positive
premier’s application to adduce fresh oral patient, Shafee said they would not be
evidence. allowed to attend court in person. He also
The three-member bench compris- said that they were waiting to conduct
ing Justices Datuk Abdul Karim Ab- PCR tests to see if they were infected.
dul Jalil, Datuk Has Zanah Mehat and Although Shafee tried very hard to get
Datuk Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera ruled the submissions postponed, the judge
that there “were no exceptional circum- insisted they be made on Tuesday as
stances” which merited adducing the new scheduled.
evidence. Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk V
In a unanimous decision, the bench Sithambaram said the application by Na-
surmised that Najib’s bid to adduce the jib and Shafee was done in bad faith with
evidence by calling Malaysian Anti-Cor- the sole purpose of delaying the appeal
ruption Commission (MACC) chief decision.
commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki and Datuk Abdul Karim Abdul Jalil “I submit they (Najib and his lawyers)
former SRC investigating officer Rosli kept it (the application) up their sleeves un-
Hussein to be examined was not nec- til after the appeal hearing and just before
essary as it did not fulfil the criteria as the decision date. The fact they intended
stated in Section 61 of the Courts of to file [it now] shows that it is mala fide
Judicature Act (1964). and its purpose is to scuttle or delay to-
Citing two cases, namely R v Parks and morrow’s decision,” he said.
Murugayah v PP, Justice Abdul Karim said
Najib had failed to “cumulatively satisfy” ‘Not fresh evidence’
the requirements of the law. Sithambaram also asserted that the evi-
He said the elements required for new dence Shafee tried to adduce on behalf
evidence to be allowed — credibility, rel- of his client was not fresh evidence but
evance and evidence — were not available an “ingenious” way to have a retrial even
in this case. though the Court of Appeal had not made
“The additional evidence is not neces- a decision yet.
sary to the substantive appeals and no ex- He said the new evidence bid was a
ceptional circumstances have been shown. “fishing expedition” by Shafee, stressing
Hence the application is hereby dismissed,” that it had nothing to do with the case.
the judge said. Datuk Has Zanah Mehat In his supporting affidavit, Najib said
He then said the decision on wheth- the evidence that he was seeking to ad-
er or not to set aside Najib’s conviction duce in the application was a cumula-
and 12-year jail term and RM210 million tion of matters from several events, state-
fine would go on as planned on Wednes- ments and public announcements that
day morning. happened recently.
Najib said he made the application fol-
‘We will proceed at 9am’ lowing the MACC statement on Nov 19
The judge advised Najib and his team regarding funds forfeited from former Bank
of lawyers, who were all under isolation Negara Malaysia governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti
and attended Tuesday’s proceedings via Akhtar Aziz’s husband Datuk Tawfik Ay-
Zoom, to do the same on Wednesday and man’s company in Singapore. The funds
attend the decision virtually if they could were allegedly from fugitive businessman
not make it to court. Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low.
“Whatever will be, we will proceed at The funds totalling US$15.4 million
9am tomorrow,” Abdul Karim said. recovered from Cutting Edge Industries
They had been asked by the court Ltd (CEIL) owned by Tawfik and anoth-
to attend the submissions despite their er person were recently returned to the
claim that they were on home isolation MACC from the island republic.
after coming in close contact with a Cov- Datuk Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera co nti nues o n Pag e 4


KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): The Cabinet

will make the final decision on the single
wholesale model for the roll-out of the 5G
network by January 2022 after receiving
feedback from telecommunications com-
panies and industry players.
Communications and Multimedia Min-
ister Tan Sri Annuar Musa said the Cabi-
net is still discussing on whether to deploy
5G via a single wholesale network (SWN)
system or have multiple systems to allow
some competition.
However, he said that for now, Dig-
ital Nasional Bhd (DNB) will continue
with its plan of delivering 5G services
via the SWN.
“The Cabinet is seeking a second opin-
ion or views from industry players on the

Govt to decide
matter. Cyberjaya and certain parts of Kuala
“We will look at the advantages and Lumpur.

on 5G wholesale
disadvantages of both models,” he told By next year, the roll-out will focus on
reporters after witnessing the signing of other populated areas, including in Penang,

model by January
a joint venture (JV) between CS Cloud Johor Baru, Sabah and Sarawak, as the
Sdn Bhd and Cloocus Co Ltd here on second phase, he added.

2022, says Annuar

Tuesday (Dec 7). Annuar said the government aims to
DNB was established by the govern- reach 80% of the populated areas of the
ment in February to build and manage country in three years.
the 5G network. On the JV between CS Cloud and Cloo-
Annuar also noted that DNB is offering Bernama cus, Annuar said it would boost cooper-
wholesale 5G services to all mobile net- ation and business opportunities in the
work operators in the country from this digital economy.
month at no cost. “I hope this partnership can set an ex-
He said the first phase of the offer ample for other companies and will be ex-
is applicable to all 5G live sites that panded to include other sectors that will
would be ready throughout Putrajaya, benefit local businesses,” he said.

FROM PAGE 3 ment since 2019. Tommy stated that the Shafee argued on Tuesday that Zeti
Najib said the evidence was not availa- matter was still under investigation at and her family had known Jho Low since
ble during his SRC trial, where in his de- that time. 2008 and were bribed by him. This was
fence a total of 18 other witnesses testified The former premier said the opening why she did not raise matters regarding
besides himself. of his accounts in AmBank and the re- Najib’s accounts to him during that time,
“Tawfik and his two sons signed a stat- ceiving of monies into the accounts were the lawyer claimed.
utory declaration to state that they were manipulated by Jho Low and his cohorts. He also claimed that Zeti had sup-
the beneficial owners of CEIL’s account pressed evidence of 1MDB and Jho Low’s
where the US$15.4 million was repat- ‘Evidence reveals Zeti’s complicity’ involvement in the matter.
riated and consented to the Singapore “I verily believe that the evidence that has On July 28 last year, High Court judge
Commercial Affairs Department making been credibly discovered and verified re- Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali found Najib
an application for it to be transferred to veals the complicity of Zeti of Jho Low’s guilty on all seven charges in the SRC case.
1Malaysia Development Bhd’s (1MDB) schemes. He was found to have abused his power
account.” “I believe that Zeti’s role in facilitating by using his positions, as prime minister
The funds were said to be from Iron Jho Low resulted in no red flags or irreg- and finance minister, to approve two loans
Rhapsody Ltd, a company based in the ularities being raised on matters regarding of RM2 billion each by Retirement Fund
British Virgin Islands that was operated the transactions in my accounts between Inc (KWAP) in 2011 and 2012.
by Tawfik and one of his sons. 2011 and 2015 and further provided the He was also convicted of three counts
Najib’s affidavit stated that between means for Jho Low to carry out his ma- each of criminal breach of trust and mon-
2008 and 2009, Iron Rhapsody received nipulation,” Najib added. ey laundering of RM42 million of SRC
US$16.219 million from companies owned He further claimed that information re- funds, which ended up in his person-
by Jho Low as a result of 1MDB’s Islamic garding Zeti and her family was purposely al accounts between Dec 26, 2014, and
Medium Term Notes of RM5 billion that not disclosed to him and the public at large Feb 10, 2015.
were flipped in 2009. by the prosecution.
Further, Najib said former attorney This followed Zeti’s appointment by
general Tan Sri Tommy Thomas in an former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Moham- Read also: Hearing of Najib’s stay bid in
interview recently admitted that he had ad to be part of the Council of Eminent civil suit by SRC rescheduled to Jan 25
known about Tawfik’s alleged involve- Persons. Click here

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KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): ATA IMS that this is not a company policy and that
Bhd said nearly 300 of its workers resigned action has been taken against the person.

says workers
in the first week of December after the ATA IMS also noted that there are ex-
company implemented a “zero overtime ternal whistle-blowing channels available

resigned after
on Sunday” policy. in multiple languages operated by inde-
The policy was implemented because pendent third parties and supported by the

it implemented
some of its managers had allowed their Malaysian government and the company’s
workers to work beyond the number of human resources department.

‘zero overtime on
hours permitted, said the electronics man- The company explained that any report
ufacturing services provider which recently through these channels goes directly to its

Sunday’ policy
lost its major customer Dyson amid alle- customers’ legal teams and the Malaysian au-
gations of forced labour. thorities, but “these complaints were not pre-
Clarifying a report by Reuters on Sunday viously raised through any of these channels”.
(Dec 5) titled “Dyson splits with Malay- Referring to another Reuters report on
sia supplier, stoking concern over migrant BY SEAH EU HEN Nov 25, ATA IMS said Johor police issued
worker treatment”, ATA IMS said its com- a statement on Nov 27 stating that they had
pany policy strictly adheres to Malaysian not received any report regarding the alleged
labour law, which permits up to 104 hours in the first week of December 2021,” the physical abuse by the police of its former
on normal working days in a month. company added in a statement. worker named Dhan Kumar Limbu.
“If workers perform overtime, it is sole- ATA IMS said all of its workers on its “The company had also engaged a
ly on a voluntary basis. The company pays premises have valid work permits, adding prominent law firm, which conducted an
workers double pay for working on Sundays however that it faced challenges with re- independent audit. Based on its findings,
and triple pay for working on public holidays. gard to work permits during the Movement the law firm concluded that the allegation
“In certain months, which have four Control Order due to limited operating made by the aforesaid worker was unjus-
Sundays and public holidays, a few man- capacity in government offices. tified and unsubstantiated, and unlikely
agers had allowed their workers to work It also said it employs 222 supervisors to have taken place,” the company said.
beyond the number of hours allowed. within the entire business unit, who diligently Shares of ATA IMS closed 1.5 sen or
“ATA IMS views this seriously and has perform their duties to ensure the smooth 3.53% higher at 44 sen, giving the company
taken remedial measures effective immedi- running of their divisions and the well-being a market capitalisation of RM524.04 million.
ately to ensure that this does not reoccur. of the employees under their supervision.
“The company has started implement- “In reference to Reuters’ reporting, only
ing a ‘zero overtime on Sunday’ policy; that one supervisor was engaged in a highly un- Read also: SKP Resources steps up ef-
unfortunately resulted in the resignations common incident of coaching employees forts to improve migrant workers’ welfare
of close to 300 local and foreign workers on what to say to auditors,” it said, stressing Click here

Oil palm
KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Malaysia is now vester and collector of two tonnes of FFB
awaiting consideration from source countries, per day per worker, the total FFB that

namely Indonesia, in relation to the mechanism cannot be harvested amounted to 50,942
to bring in foreign workers for the oil palm plan- (tonnes) per day.

Malaysia awaits
tation sector, said the Ministry of Plantation “Taking into account working days of
Industries and Commodities (MPIC). 26 days a month, the estimated FFB that

Deputy Minister I Datuk Seri Dr Wee cannot be harvested totalled 1.3 million
Jeck Seng said, based on discussions with the tonnes per month, equivalent to 15.9 mil-

from source
Indonesian government recently, the ministry lion tonnes per year,” he said.
found that the republic is still considering to He said at the average price of crude

countries for
send its workers to Malaysia even though it palm oil of RM4,555 per tonne, the loss
had previously agreed to do so. due to the shortage of employment in Au-

foreign workers
“Indonesia’s priority is to finalise the gust 2021 would amount to RM14 billion
memorandum of understanding on the re- per year.
cruitment and protection of Indonesian The estimated loss increased 56% and
domestic workers in Malaysia. more than 100% compared with 2020 and
“That’s what I said, that we depend on Bernama 2019, whereby loss from the shortage of
foreign workers but also depend on source employment for these years were estimated
countries which have agreements to send He hoped the process of foreign work- at RM9 billion and RM6 billion respec-
their workers to our country,” he told the ers’ entry into palm plantation could be tively.
Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday (Dec 7). expedited to address this loss faced by the Previously, MPIC Minister Datuk Zu-
Wee was replying to a supplementary sector. raida Kamaruddin said Malaysia would re-
question from Nga Kor Ming (PH-Teluk Answering a question from Nga on the ceive 32,000 foreign workers in the palm
Intan) on the shortage of foreign workers estimated loss due to the shortage of work- plantation sector in October this year.
who were brought in for the palm plan- ers in harvesting and collection of fresh
tation sector. fruit bunches (FFB),Wee said the shortage
Wee added that this obstacle was not of workers in these activities amounted to Read also: Malaysian palm oil sustainably
only a loss to the palm industry but also 25,471 as of August 2021. produced, does not involve permanent for-
to government revenue. “With the average productivity for har- est reserves — ministry Click here


Sapura Energy
KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Sapura Ener- Sapura Energy Bhd
gy Bhd emerged as the top actively traded RM

slips to all-
counter on the local bourse on Tuesday 0.18
(Dec 7) as its shares hit an all-time low

time low amid

of 4.5 sen.
At the opening bell, the stock opened

concerns of likely
one sen or 12.5% lower at seven sen be-
fore falling to an intraday low of 4.5 sen.

The stock then tumbled three sen or
37.5% to close at five sen. It was the most 0.06
asset sales
actively traded stock on the local bourse
with 400.38 million shares changing hands,
almost 10 times its 200-day trading aver- 0.00
age of 47.86 million shares. Dec 7, 2020 Dec 7, 2021
At five sen, the oil and gas (O&G) ser- BY SULHI KHALID Source: Bloomberg
vice provider is valued at RM798.95 million.
On Monday (Dec 6), UOB KayHian
downgraded its call on Sapura Energy to nario,” the research house said. Sapura Energy accumulated losses of
“sell” and cut its target price to three sen UOB KayHian added that depending on RM6.24 billion at end-July after the lat-
(from 10 sen). developments, there is a chance that selling est kitchen-sinking exercise in the second
“We foresee further selling pressure [on pressure may persist when markets start to quarter ended July 31, 2021 (2QFY22), on
Sapura Energy] given rumours of its dis- price Sapura Energy similar to other PN17 top of the record quarterly loss of RM4.23
tress and urgency to sell assets have reached O&G stocks (which also faced covenant billion in 4QFY20 — largely due to asset
main oil and gas newspapers, the timeline breaches, liquidity issues or loan defaults). and goodwill impairment then.
to review covenant waivers is nearing, a low On Dec 2, global energy news portal Up- Its total borrowings grew to RM10.88
likelihood of selling assets at a decent price, streamonline reported that cash-strapped billion, with its net gearing hitting 1.33
continued losses, and potentially lower lev- Sapura Energy failed to qualify for Petroliam times. Meanwhile, net assets per share
erage to renegotiate covenants after changes Nasional Bhd’s prized Kasawari phase two shrank to 48 sen.
in key personnel. front-end engineering and design contract,
“While developments may be choppy, with the contractor’s financial woes said to
we assume a worst-case bankruptcy sce- be a determining factor. Click here to read the full story

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Westports dex and will no longer be a deletion from
Holdings Bhd rebounded on Tuesday (Dec the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Mid 70 Index.

Holdings shares
7) on bargain-hunting following sell-off Westports will be an addition to FTSE
on Monday (Dec 6) in the aftermath of Bursa Malaysia KLCI Reserve List,” said

rebound on being
its missing out being on the benchmark FTSE Russell and Bursa Malaysia.
FBM KLCI constituents list. For Inari Amertron, FTSE Russell and

added to FTSE
The port operator’s shares rose as Bursa Malaysia said the outsourced semi-
much as seven sen or 1.72% to RM4.14 conductor assembly and test firm will be an

Bursa Malaysia
at mid-morning trade on Tuesday. addition to FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI
At Tuesday’s noon break, Westports Index and will be a deletion from FTSE

KLCI Reserve List

Holdings pared gains at RM4.10, still up Bursa Malaysia Mid 70 Index.
three sen or 0.74%. As a result, Inari Amertron will no
The counter closed at RM4.08, still up longer be an addition to FTSE Bursa Ma-
by one sen or 0.25%, valuing the group at laysia KLCI Reserve List.
RM13.91 billion. BY JUSTIN LIM Inari Amertron shares rose as much as
On Monday, the stock closed down 15 sen or 3.89% to RM4 on morning trade
eight sen or 1.97% to RM4.07 as investors before it pared some gains at RM3.90 at
weighed on its exclusion from the KLCI noon break on Tuesday. At RM3.90, the
30 constituents list. group is valued at RM14.42 billion. The
Prior to this, Westports Holdings was stock saw 23.04 million shares exchanging
set to be included as one of the 30 constit- hands, making it among the top 20 most
uents of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI, actively traded stocks on Bursa Malay-
replacing Hap Seng Consolidated Bhd fol- sia so far.
lowing the latest semi-annual review of The counter closed at RM3.91, up six
the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series sen or 1.56%, giving it a market capitali-
released last Thursday (Dec 2). sation of RM14.5 billion.
However, in a joint statement on Meanwhile, FTSE Russell and Bursa
Monday (Dec 6), FTSE Russell and review of the index constituents. Malaysia said other details announced ear-
Bursa Malaysia said Westports Holdings The changes will be effective on Dec lier remained unchanged.
was edged out from the FBM KLCI con- 20, 2021 (Monday).
stituents list, while Inari Amertron Bhd “Westports will no longer be an addi-
will be included in the latest semi-annual tion to FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI In- Click here to read the full story
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 8 TheEdge CEO morning brief

Sime Darby Property Determined

to be a Force for Good
The leading property developer in Malaysia aims to develop a more sustainable tomorrow
by upholding its commitment to the environmental, social and governance principles.

he latest buzzword in the corporate world is an close attention to the trend, demanding to see that “their Sime Darby Property Group Managing Director, Dato’
acronym – ESG. Although short in stature, the companies are effectively grappling with the realities of Azmir Merican believes that as the nation’s pioneer prop-
three letters that stand for Environmental, So- social change, the challenges of operations environmental erty developer, the company has a great responsibility in
cial and Governance have a long-term effect impacts, and opportunities to engage with community maintaining a scorecard on how the company manages
on businesses, collectively forming a group of stakeholders.” ESG for its business and stakeholders.
factors that has now become an important Understanding the importance of well-designed and “Firstly, it is heartening to see sustainability finally
element in determining the value of an organisation. carefully implemented ESG practices, Sime Darby Proper- receiving the attention and importance that it deserves.
According to the PwC 2021 Global Investor ESG Sur- ty is determined to deliver on these commitments via its This concept may still be new to some organisations but
vey, companies that fail to act on ESG issues risk losing company-specific 2030 Sustainability Goals (“2030 SGs”) Sime Darby Property has actively trailblazed on this journey
investors, and the research concludes that the guiding which are aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable since 2007, and we are proud to continue our mission in
principles are now possibly regarded as crucial determi- Development Goals. generating positive impacts in the three pillars of People,
nants for leading investors around the world. Consisting of 18 Goals, the 2030 SGs focus on the Planet and Prosperity,” he said.
Almost 49 percent of the respondents showed read- company’s efforts towards creating positive impact across Adding that sustainability is now a hallmark of Sime
iness to divest from companies that don’t take adequate four sustainability-strategic spheres, namely “Decarbonise Darby Property’s business and a signature element in all
actions on ESG issues. A majority of them also shared that Our Operations & Products”, “Good Biodiversity Practices”, that the company stands for and achieves, Dato’ Azmir
how a company manages its ESG risks and opportunities “Shape Inclusive Resilient Communities” and “Socially said: “We have already set the wheels in motion towards
would also influence their business decision-making process. Responsible Organisation”. achieving net zero carbon, on top of being an industry
That sentiment is reciprocated in a recent Reuters The Goals allow the company to contribute towards leader in sustainability as well as health and safety.
article titled “ESG Trends: Improving and Standardising the betterment of society, play an active role in reducing “We will continue our engagements with stakehold-
Disclosure”, which also states that poor environmental carbon footprint, and create long-term economic value ers for crucial feedback to help us identify and minimise
performance and undesirable corporate impacts may re- responsibly. The company also measures its performance risks, as well as optimise the opportunities to embed sus-
sult in operational disruptions as well as cause negative through its Sustainability Strategy Framework, and inclu- tainability in our operations. We are a Force for Good and
reputational effects. sion in global sustainability indices such as MSCI ACWI our 2030 Sustainability Goals will guide us in the right
The article elaborates that business leaders, some Small Cap Index, FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia, Emerging direction,” he said.
of whom may be driven by personal goals, are paying and ASEAN 5 Index series and Carbon Disclosure Project. co n ti n ues o n Pag e 9

Sime Darby Property is focused on implementing sustainable elements in its townships and products, as seen in its flagship township of the City of Elmina
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 9 TheEdge CEO morning brief

major uplift to be future-ready. The Competition is not

just about designing a house with a green façade but is
also a platform to push participating architects to disrupt
the way we design and build people-centric homes,”
he elaborated.
We are a Force for The ongoing Competition is just the first step in cre-
Good and our 2030 ating a fully sustainable development, an idea that is
Sustainability Goals will currently being perfected via Sime Darby Property’s Pro-
ject Arc at Taman Subang Ria in Subang Jaya, Selangor.
guide us in the right Touted as the backbone for sustainable development,
direction. the project will be designed as a new era of community
placemaking to bring to life the pulse of the township.
“We look at this as an opportunity to showcase what
can transpire when great minds come together, and
ideas are brought to life. Project Arc will be a testbed
for our technology and where the community can come
and experience the township of the future.
“There are so many ideas that we can incorporate in
our developments to suit people’s evolving lifestyles. We
are very keen on experimenting with battery-powered
homes, and can you imagine the monumental impact it
would have on the industry in Malaysia when Sime Darby
Property successfully makes it a reality? I am just excited
thinking about the possibilities,” Dato’ Azmir enthused.

Making conscious environmental impacts

If you want to make a joke about a property developer
that tries to conserve the environment – don’t worry,
Sime Darby Property gets the irony and in fact would
be the first to point out the paradox.
“Climate change is one of the biggest global chal-
lenges that humanity faces and as a responsible property
Dato’ Azmir Merican, Sime Darby Property’s Group Managing Director developer, Sime Darby Property is taking the necessary
actions to change the way we do things to minimise
from Pag e 8 Sustainability is surely at the forefront with Sime our operations’ impact on nature,” said Dato’ Azmir.
The 2030 SGs cover key components of sustaina- Darby Property. The company, in collaboration with the He added: “It is that realisation that pushes us to
ble communities ranging from supporting the economy Malaysian Institute of Architects, organised the Concept introduce sustainable features in our homes that are
to developing affordable homes and tackling climate Home 2030 Competition in August 2021 to redesign the designed to offset the impact on the environment and
change. Despite the debilitating pandemic beginning quintessential Malaysian terrace homes to fit the wants rejuvenate our townships. Our future aspirations will be
last year, the company had exceeded its initial targets of today, while anticipating the needs of tomorrow. The in support of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit
set for the year 2020, in which 15 out of the 18 Goals Competition winners will be announced in January 2022. global warming and achieve a climate-neutral world
were achieved within the first 12 months of implement- “Let’s be frank, our terrace homes have had the by mid-century.”
ing the 2030 SGs. same look and feel for decades and are in need of a co n ti n u es o n Pag e 10
Sime Darby Property proves to be on the right track
in maintaining good ESG practices as evinced in the
World Economic Forum’s “Davos Manifesto 2020: The
Universal Purpose of a Company in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution”, which emphasises that in addition to share-
holders, businesses should also serve customers, employ-
ees, suppliers, and communities. The study showed that PEOPLE PLANET PROSPERITY
businesses are finding a balance between purpose and
Human Resources Climate Change Financial Performance
profit, with respondents stating that a company’s efforts
to increase their positive impact on society was among Customer Satisfaction Carbon Reduction Economic Growth
their top five expectations for Industry 4.0. Safety & Health Healthy Green Spaces Job Creation
Human Rights Living Water Bodies Operational Excellence
Designing for the future Urban Farming Waste & Water Management Quality Products
As an innovative property developer, Sime Darby Prop-
erty is well ahead in understanding how its decisions
Economic Development Flood Management Renewable Energy
today can impact the social and environmental factors Security Green Products Affordable Housing
of the future. Biodiversity
It has built over 24 townships and developments in
Malaysia within almost 50 years, with a distinguished
presence in the United Kingdom as part of the Malaysian United Nations Sime Darby Property
consortium to rejuvenate the iconic Battersea Power Sustainable Development Goals 2030 2030 Sustainability Goals
Station in Central London.
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 10 TheEdge CEO morning brief

Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”) climate change, water security and deforestation. For Sime Darby Property,
Sime Darby Property is the only Malaysian property developer to be rated by these ratings provide the foundation to achieve its company specific 2030
the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for carbon management (C-Rated) and Sustainable Goals.
Supplier Engagement rating (-B-Rated). Beyond CDP, Sime Darby Property is also a constituent of various local
CDP is, a not-for-profit global organisation that runs a global disclosure and global sustainability indices, including MSCI ACWI Small Cap Index, FTS-
system, for corporations to measure and manage risks and opportunities on E4Good Bursa Malaysia, Emerging and ASEAN 5 Index series.

f ro m Pag e 9
Sime Darby Property continues to exercise its
Operational Eco-efficiency Programme which covers the
management of the company’s carbon, water, and waste
footprints. Since 2011, Sime Darby Property has planted
over 100,000 trees within its townships to help mitigate
the effects of climate change and last year, more than
21,000 endangered trees red-listed by the International
Union for Conservation Nature (“IUCN”) were planted,
bringing it closer to meeting its goal of planting 50,000
IUCN trees by 2030.
“The Elmina Central Park in the flagship township of
the City of Elmina epitomises our efforts in supporting
‘Good Biodiversity Practices’ as it allows the company to
study and preserve biodiversity and tackle climate crisis,”
said Dato’ Azmir.
Shaped like a basin, the Central Park transforms into a
natural floodplain in the unlikely occurrence of a ‘once in a
thousand years’ flood (engineered to Q1000), providing
insights on how to design wetlands and forest areas into
parklands to complement as flood mitigation infrastructure.
Sime Darby Property has joined forces with the Tropi-
cal Rainforest Conservation & Research Centre to develop
its Elmina Rainforest Knowledge Centre and the Elmina
Living Collection Nursery, to collect Endangered, Rare &
Threatened tree species’ seeds from the adjacent 2,700-
A symbolic handover of 6,000 boxes of essential food packs to Selangor Menteri Besar, YAB Dato’ Seri acre rainforest reserve and plant them within its townships.
Amirudin bin Shari by Dato’ Azmir Merican (right) for the Bakul Makanan Selangor Programme co n ti n u es o n Pag e 11
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 11 TheEdge CEO morning brief

from Pag e 10
The eco-efficiency programme also aims to reduce
water intensity by 30 percent and achieve zero waste by
2030 through recycling, reducing, reusing, and repurpos-
ing materials in the company’s operations and construction
activities. The company actively conducts recycling efforts
with residents in three of its townships, namely Bandar
Bukit Raja, Bukit Jelutong and Saujana Impian in Selangor,
to reduce waste and adopt the circular economy principle.
Sime Darby Property is also focused on the ongoing
implementation of sustainable elements in its townships
and products, designed to include a variety of sustainable
and eco-positive features.
The company conscientiously introduces energy-effi- Sime Darby Property partnered with MERCY Malaysia to distribute daily meal packs
cient and renewable energy elements in its products, as to frontliners at the Titiwangsa Stadium COVID-19 Assessment Centre
evidenced by its collaboration with TNBX, a subsidiary
of Tenaga Nasional Berhad, to install Solar Photovoltaic “In Selangor, we contributed 6,000 essential food
panels, smart meters and home energy management packs to the Bakul Makanan Selangor programme for
systems at all 513 units of Ilham Residence in the City distribution across the state to B40 communities affected
of Elmina. This first of its kind partnership in Malaysia is by the pandemic. We also partnered with the Malaysian
in line with the Company’s strategic sphere to “Lead in Medical Relief Society to provide a month’s worth of packed
Sustainable Technology Solutions”. meals for those on duty at the COVID-19 Assessment Centre
at Titiwangsa Stadium in Kuala Lumpur,” said Dato’ Azmir.
Upholding its social responsibility While in Negeri Sembilan, transportation and logistics
In support of the “Shape Inclusive & Resilient Communi- support were provided to the COVID-19 Low-Risk Quaran-
ties” principle, Sime Darby Property has launched develop- tine and Treatment Centre at Nilai Indoor Stadium dur-
ments via the ‘Inspirasiku’ effort, under the people-centric ing the peak period of the COVID-19 spread in July 2021.
Rumah Selangorku solution by the Lembaga Perumahan “Internally, we reintroduced the COVID-19 CSR Relief
dan Hartanah Selangor, to provide communities with qual- fund to respond immediately to requests for assistance
ity accommodations at affordable prices starting from whether in-kind or for financial assistance. We have also
RM200,000. Sime Darby Property aims to build 15,000 A participant of the Economic Empowerment been assisting welfare homes within and around our town-
affordable homes that are below RM600,000 by 2030. Programme who managed to increase her ships to ensure that their essential needs are met during
In May, the company successfully completed its inaugural monthly income these trying times,” added Dato’ Azmir.
Economic Empowerment Programme aimed to empow- The significance and importance of Environmental,
er the B40 communities living within its Ara Damansara, ference in our participants’ livelihoods,” said Dato’ Azmir. Social and Governance factors have increased in recent
Bandar Bukit Raja, Bukit Subang and Putra Heights town- Sime Darby Property also works via its philanthropic arm years, playing a more vital role in the economic and wid-
ships in Selangor. The participants were equipped with Yayasan Sime Darby (“YSD”) to uplift the community and er societal debates. These ESG principles also carry more
social media marketing knowledge and the opportunity had doubled its efforts during the pandemic, to assist with weight now than they did pre-pandemic, illustrating how
to enhance their e-commerce business skills, with close to COVID-19 relief efforts at all levels. these factors have become far more central to an organi-
80 percent of the 49 participants successfully increasing In support of the Government’s Tabung Cerdik and sation’s business approach.
their monthly income during the 6-month programme. Program Bakul Prihatin Negara initiatives, the company “As the leading property developer in Malaysia, we are
“We know we can make an impact and are keen to through YSD contributed RM4.0 million and RM1.0 mil- pushing the boundaries on ESG and sustainability today,
extend this programme at our other townships. The success lion respectively towards the funds to benefit more than allowing us to reimagine how sustainable townships of
stories show how the programme makes a resonating dif- 1,800 students and 20,000 families. tomorrow can be designed and built,” said Dato’ Azmir.

Sime Darby Property’s Sustainability Report 2020

The Sime Darby Property Sustainability Report 2020 encapsulates the company’s journey
of reporting its progress and challenges in Global Reporting Initiative-aligned sustainable
material issues.
The report reflects the company’s close to 50 years of experience in building sustainable
townships and communities across Malaysia, and communicates the company’s approach
in embracing and embedding sustainability in its business policies, management, and daily
It also highlights Sime Darby Property’s achievements in meeting the global standards
of ESG policies, as well as providing a glimpse on how the company overcomes challenges
in creating positive impacts that will benefit the communities of today without sacrificing
the generations of tomorrow.
To read more about Sime Darby Property’s sustainability journey and reports, visit
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 12 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

PETALING JAYA (Dec 7): Phase 2 of Grand Hall are the new tenants joining the
IOI City Mall by IOI Properties Group Phase 2 of IOI City current ones, which are Lotus’s, Harvey
Bhd will be fully tenanted and operation- Norman, HomePro, Parkson, Icescape Ice
al for business in the second quarter of Mall marks it as Rink and District 21 Indoor Adventure
2022 (2Q22). Theme Park.
According to a statement on Dec 6, IOI biggest retail mall Voon stated the mall has had a steady
Properties Group CEO Datuk Voon Tin occupancy rate of around 98% to 99%
Yow said IOI City Mall’s Phase 2 began upon completion since its opening of Phase 1 in 2014.
in 2018 and has been progressing even in IOI City Mall has a catchment custom-
the midst of numerous lockdowns during in 2Q22 er population of about 3.1 million people,
the pandemic. IOI City Mall is located from the various townships mushrooming
within IOI Resort City in Putrajaya and along the south corridor of South Klang
it will become the biggest retail, enter- by Fatin Najihah Valley Expressway. IOI Resort City has
tainment-cum-shopping mall in Malaysia. good access to six major highways, with
“This new phase of ICM (IOI City 12 ingress or egress points that direct-
Mall) will add an additional 1 million sq ioi properties ly serve this development. It is also only
ft of net lettable area (NLA), bringing the a 20-minute drive to the Kuala Lumpur
total NLA to 2.5 million square feet. De- International Airport.
spite the unpredictable market environ- IOI City Mall’s Phase 2 complements
ment in recent years, we have managed the existing interior and exterior designs
to secure around 70% tenants for the of the mall, with a central glass atrium
new phase, and more and more tenants that brings in natural light through the
are signing up. Those which have signed six-storey building. Phase 2 also houses
up in the 70% group for Phase 2 include a 40,000 sq ft exhibition hall, a new cin-
current and trendy brands such as Best ema concept with an IMAX hall, a mod-
Denki, Food Empire, MajuHome, Nitori, ern dining arcade, a new rooftop sports
Objet, Valiram Group and many others,” centre and a gymnasium, in addition to
he added. retail outlets.
According to the statement, the mall
will house 11 anchor tenants. AEON, Voon: Phase 2 of IOI City Mall will add an
GSC, Proton, IOI Sports Centre and IOI additional 1 million sq ft of net lettable area. Click here to read the full story

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Retail Group “In September, RGM estimated a 0.8%
Malaysia (RGM) is projecting a 6% growth Retail Group growth rate for [Malaysia’s] retail sales for
in Malaysia’s retail sales for 2022 as the 2021. However, this projection needs to re-
country’s retail industry looks forward to Malaysia projects vised downwards again [to a 0.5% growth],
a recovery from the impact of Covid-19 taking into consideration the worse-than-ex-
pandemic-driven movement restrictions 6% growth in pected growth during the third quarter (3Q21)
of almost two years. as well as a revision of the 4Q21 estimate.
In RGM’s retail industry report for No- Malaysia’s 2022 “RGM expects the retail industry to
vember 2021, the group, which interviewed gain momentum in its recovery by the end
members of the Malaysia Retailers Asso- retail sales despite of this year. For 4Q21, the growth rate
ciation (MRA) and Malaysia Retail Chain estimate has been revised upwards from
Association (MRCA) on their retail sales lingering pandemic 12.7% (estimated in September) to 18.3%.
performance for the second half of 2021, “Retailers are hopeful that retail sales
however, said few challenges remain for concerns will climb in December due to two up-
the nation’s retail sector. coming major festivals — Christmas and
“The high [number of] daily positive Chinese New Year,” the group added.
[Covid-19] cases remains worrisome. A po- by Tan Siew Mung For 3Q21, Malaysia’s retail sales de-
tential fourth-wave pandemic is haunting clined 27.8% from a year earlier, while
Malaysian retailers. Non-essential retail- cumulative nine-month retail sales con-
ers cannot afford another forced closure such sentiment would affect retail busi- tracted 11.9% compared to the same pe-
of physical stores. nesses that have been dependent on lei- riod a year ago, RGM said.
“A new Covid-19 variant discovered re- sure travellers. The 3Q21 decline was below market
cently is now spreading rapidly across the Meanwhile, the recent spike in prices of expectations of a 15.1% contraction, a
world. This will affect economic recoveries many consumer goods may continue into forecast made in September, according
around the world as well as in Malaysia. next year, according to RGM. to the group.
“[The] Malaysian government has de- “The rising cost of living will affect the “Retailers in Malaysia operated with
cided to delay the country’s transition into purchasing power of Malaysian households strict social distancing measures under the
the endemic phase due to uncertainty over in 2022,” the group said. recovery movement control order during
the virus pandemic,” RGM said. For 2021, RGM said it had revised the same quarter a year ago (3Q20).
The grop said foreign tourist arrivals its full-year retail industry sales growth “On the other hand, most retailers were
may be affected due to the current Cov- forecast for Malaysia from 0.8% in Sep- forced to shut down during the first-half
id-19 pandemic development and that tember to 0.5%. period of 3Q21,” RGM said.
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 13 TheEdge CEO morning brief

Astro Hostels allow more time

for study and less on commuting

Astro — Championing ESG,

making lives better

or a long time, many young Malaysians would a finalist at the International Digital Emmy Awards. It was
have been sniggered at when they attempted awarded a grant by the US government to film a special
to speak English. For them, putting together a programme in America.
sentence, let alone holding a conversation in For Astro, the awards and accolades were not the most
English, would have been an arduous task. The important factor. The greatest satisfaction came from know-
added ridicule worsened the situation and saw ing that the wheels had been set in motion for future gen-
rapid deterioration in their use of the language. erations and that the show had inspired young Malaysians
Recognising this, Astro threw a challenge to its team to to learn and improve their English.
create content that could help young Malaysians improve Astro group CEO Henry Tan sums it up nicely, “Educa-
their command of the English language. tion is very dear to our hearts and is one of the content
After an in-depth study, which included market pillars at Astro. As a media entertainment company, our
research among parents and students and school visits challenge is to make education entertaining and fun while
across the country to gain first-hand knowledge of the transforming lives.”
current situation, the team realised they were faced with Astro is committed to leveraging its strengths to
a gargantuan task. create a lasting positive social impact by championing
The team also knew that it was a cause too impor- education and being the voice for better education
tant to give up. Further brainstorming sessions were through its foundation, Yayasan Astro Kasih. Astro is
held and finally a Eureka moment emerged — a come- no stranger to sound environmental, social and gov-
dic approach to promote conversational English. And ernance (ESG) practices, and its biggest contribution is
with that, Malaysia’s most successful edutainment pro- in the social space, as the group currently serves more
gramme, the hugely popular and award-winning Oh My than 5.7 million households, more than 16.8 million
English! was born. Astro’s Oh My English is the first ever Malaysian weekly radio listeners (FM and digital) and in excess
With its light-hearted, comedic approach to learning finalist at the International Digital Emmy Awards of 14.3 million digital monthly unique visitors, giving
English, Oh My English! became an immediate pop-culture it not only a wide reach but also deep and almost in-
phenomenon trending on social media and a rallying cry rib-tickling stories were produced, garnering more than timate connection with the rakyat.
for Malaysians from all walks of life to commit to speak- 35 million YouTube views and a TV viewership of more Its strong ESG commitment is reflected in its commend-
ing better English. With consumers demanding more, six than nine million annually. able FTSE Russell’s ESG Ratings of 4.2 out of 5 in 2020.
seasons of exciting plots, unforgettable characters and Oh My English! is the first-ever Malaysian show to be co n ti n u es o n n ex t Page
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

Astro launched Upped, a free online education portal to help millions of students

from pre v i ous Pag e “Instead of walking hours daily to school, I stayed at the for public service at The Edge Billion Ringgit Club 2017.
Championing education new Astro Hostel and was able to spend more time on my The same spirit continued with this year’s Merdeka
Astro firmly believes that education is the key to building studies. I also enjoyed Astro learning workshops, especially documentary, Tanah Tumpahnya Darah Kita, reminding
the next generation and for the progress of our nation. the English classes, where I learnt songs that taught me viewers of the sacrifices made by our forefathers and their
The group has been championing education for more than grammar and helped me improve my vocabulary.” families, who risked their lives by giving their all so that we
a decade now with over RM120 million invested in a wide Emily later went on to be the first student from SK can enjoy a good life in a peaceful Malaysia.
array of learning content. Magandai to score 5As in the UPSR examination in 2014
Astro’s successful Tutor TV and the hugely popular and became the captain of Malaysia’s under-15 girls’ Doing good for the good of all
TVIQ channels are made available for free across all its football team in 2017. She is currently pursuing a teach- While Astro creates countless beautiful moments for Ma-
platforms, whether you are in the living room or on the ing degree at the Keningau Teachers’ Training Institute. laysians every day with exciting live sporting events, trust-
go and accessing the channels through mobile devices. It is heartwarming that these hostels and tutorial work- worthy news programmes and gripping entertainment
In addition, Astro has played a great part in supporting shops led to an improvement in the UPSR passing rate of SK content, it also focuses on leveraging its reach to galvanise
schools through its Kampus Astro programme, equipping Magandai students from 42% in 2010 to a credible 63% in the public to do good.
some 10,500 government schools with decoders and TVs, 2019, and a 100% pass rate in science at all three schools During the pandemic in 2020, Astro continued its ef-
enabling more than five million students nationwide to in the same year. To further extend Kampus Astro’s reach forts to be a voice for good by airing more than 16,000
have access to 16 learning channels for free. to more students in remote areas, the group collaborated hours of public service announcements across its plat-
To ensure the learning materials are up to date, Astro with Starfish Malaysia to install TV sets and Astro decod- forms to deliver messages on health and safety as well
invested RM7 million in 2020 to produce content to help ers in the foundation’s hostels and youth centre last year. as social issues.
those revising for exams. It also launched Upped, a free On its radio platform, the KamiCare campaign helped
online education portal that benefits millions of students. Content that builds amplify these messages, while the team went to the ground
Astro’s SMK Study Squad is currently the foremost ac- Astro strives not only to expand its reach, but also to create to distribute care packs to the public to encourage proper
ademic programme with more than 2.6 million viewers. quality content with strong social values. hygiene. A food donation drive helped raise 3.5 tonnes
In November 2021, Astro launched SPM Pro+, its mul- OlaBola, a movie that tells of our national football of daily necessities for families affected by the lockdown.
ti-platform academic learning IP to help Form 4 and 5 team’s road to qualification for the 1980 Olympics, was On the product development front, Astro is also com-
students with revisions for the national examinations. made to unite Malaysians and relive the glory days when mitted to creating sustainable solutions. It has reduced its
Astro’s commitment to education includes providing a Malaysians of all races played, laughed, cried and cele- environmental footprint by making the latest Ultra Box
conducive learning environment for students, which result- brated our diversity. 40% smaller than its predecessors as well as refurbishing
ed in the building of three Astro Hostels for SK Magandai OlaBola turned out to be a phenomenal success as and recycling more than 325,000 Astro decoders in 2020.
and SK Malinsau in Sabah and SK Sungai Paku in Sarawak. the beautiful story on how multiracial Malaysian football While the group has made good strides in the ESG
This effort helps 220 students annually save a precious four players worked hard through thick and thin to overcome sphere, it recognises that sustainability requires a long-term
hours of their time commuting to school daily. barriers and unite for the sake of the nation resonated commitment and efforts. Astro is humbled to be on board
Emily Joinin, a former student of SK Magandai, said she powerfully with Malaysians. Recognising this effort, The and will remain steadfast in championing education and
was in Standard 3 when the programme was introduced. Edge commended and honoured Astro with a special award will continue to be a voice for good for issues that matter.
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 15 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

news In brief

Axiata redesignates former Khazanah MD Shahril as its chairman

effective Jan 1, 2022
KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Axiata Group Bhd has redesignated former Khazanah
managing director Tan Sri Shahril Ridza Ridzuan as its new chairman effective
Jan 1, 2022. In a statement on Tuesday (Dec 7), the telecommunication giant said
Shahril, 51, will be replacing Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid, who is retiring
on Dec 31, 2021. Ghazalli, 75, was first appointed to the board in March 2008
and assumed the role of the chairman of the board on Nov 1, 2018 following a
short duration as interim chairman from mid-2018. Under his stewardship, Axiata
expanded its footprint across 11 countries within ASEAN and South Asia, not
Cooperation between BNM, MAS on just in its core business of mobile telecommunications but also that of telecoms
linking DuitNow and PayNow among infrastructure and digital businesses, the group added. — by Sulhi Khalid
topics discussed — Tengku Zafrul
KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Cooperation
between both Bank Negara Malaysia Cypark inks MoU with Huawei Ireka Corp secures RM468 mil
(BNM) and the Monetary Authority of Malaysia for long-term cooperation housing project in Terengganu
Singapore (MAS) to commence a phased on renewable energy projects KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Ireka
linkage of Malaysia’s DuitNow and KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Cypark Corporation Bhd has secured a RM468
Singapore’s PayNow real-time payment Resources Bhd inked a Memorandum million contract from the Terengganu
systems were among the topics discussed of Understanding (MoU) with Huawei government to undertake a privatised
with Singapore, said Finance Minister Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd housing development project in
Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz. (Huawei Malaysia) on Dec 3 for long- Kemaman. The construction and
The first phase of the linkage, which term cooperation on a total of 500MW property group said the project entails
will be launched in the fourth quarter of renewable energy (RE) projects in and the development of 100 affordable
2022, allows customers of participating outside of Malaysia on an exclusive basis. houses and six single-storey shop lots
financial institutions to make real- Cypark said under the deal, Huawei would on 11.55 acres of government land.
time fund transfers between Malaysia act as the technology enabler and would “The project will contribute RM34.72
and Singapore using a mobile number. provide the technical and after-sales million in development funding to the
“Customers will also be able to make retail support for all products and solutions. Terengganu government,” the group said
payments by scanning QR codes displayed “Cypark would be the user and installer in a filing with Bursa Malaysia. Ireka said
at merchants’ storefronts. The project of the said products and solutions,” it said the project is expected to contribute
will enable more seamless payments for in a stock exchange filing on Tuesday. positively to its net assets and earnings
the high volume of remittances between The environmental engineering solutions for the financial year ending March
Malaysia and Singapore, which reached provider said the MoU would be effective 30, 2022 until the completion of the
RM4.2 billion in 2020,” Tengku Zafrul for two years from Dec 3, 2021, and development. — by Sulhi Khalid
said at the end of his two-day working would not have any financial impact on the
visit to Singapore on Tuesday. He said company. — Bernama Complete Logistic Services gets
it will also cater to travellers between conditional voluntary takeover
both countries, which saw sizeable TAFI proposes bonus share, offer from major shareholder
pre-pandemic traffic of about 12 million warrant issue KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7) : Complete
arrivals yearly on average. — Bernama KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): TAFI Industries Bhd Logistic Services Bhd (CLSB) has
said on Tuesday (Dec 7) the furniture maker received a notice of conditional
Bank Negara’s international reserves had proposed a bonus issue of 252.95 million voluntary takeover offer from major
expand to US$116.7b as at Nov 30, (252,951,400) new shares on the basis of shareholder Datuk Ong Choo Meng
2021 two bonus shares for one existing share held and his special purpose vehicle Hextar
KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): Bank Negara besides a bonus issue of up to 63.24 million Tech Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Get
Malaysia’s (BNM) international reserves (63,237,850) warrants on the basis of one Asia Group Sdn Bhd). CLSB announced
expanded to US$116.7 billion (RM493.6 warrant for every two existing shares to reward in a bourse filing on Tuesday (Dec 7)
billion) as at Nov 30, 2021 from US$116.5 shareholders. TAFI said the bonus share issue that Hextar Tech and Ong intended to
billion as at Nov 15, 2021. In a statement will be implemented concurrently with the acquire the remaining ordinary shares
on Tuesday (Dec 7), the central bank bonus issue of the 63.24 million warrants, in CLSB not already owned by them at
said the reserves position is sufficient to which can be exercised into an equal number RM2.50. The offer price is a premium
finance eight months of retained imports of new shares in TAFI. “Upon completion of of 9.78% to CLSB’s five-day volume
and is 1.3 times total short-term external the proposed bonus issue of shares, the total weighted average market price of up to
debt. BNM said the main components of issued share capital of TAFI would comprise Nov 29. As at Nov 29, Ong holds 37.45
the international reserves were foreign 379.43 million (379,427,100) TAFI shares million shares in CLSB, representing
currency reserves (US$103.9 billion), IMF (including 7.62 million (7,621,500) treasury approximately 29.11% of the total
reserves position (US$1.4 billion), special shares),” TAFI said. The company will announce issued shares in CLSB. Ong intends to
drawing rights (SDRs) (US$6.1 billion), the entitlement date of the bonus share and maintain the listing status of CLSB on
gold (US$2.2 billion), and other reserve warrant issues upon receipt of all relevant the Main Market of Bursa Securities.
assets (US$3.1 billion). — Bernama approvals for the proposals. — by Seah Eu Hen — by Tan Siew Mung
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 16 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Ringgit seen appreciating to RM4.09 against

US dollar on vaccine-driven economic
recovery — MIDF Research

by shazni ong


Amanah Investment Bank Bhd’s research
arm MIDF Research said on Tuesday (Dec
7, 2021) the ringgit is expected to appreci-
ate to RM4.09 against the US dollar by the
end of 2022 against a confluence of factors
including inflationary pressure amid ele-
vated crude oil prices and as consumers
and businesses increase spending in view
of Malaysia’s better economic outlook on
Covid-19 vaccination progress.
In a statement issued to reporters cov-
ering the “MIDF 2022 Market Outlook
Presentation” event here, MIDF Research eral downside risks which may spill over merous and prolonged lockdowns,” said
said that as the Malaysian economy is an- into 2022 and disrupt global economic MIDF Research, which indicated that its
ticipated to recover from the impact of pan- growth’s outlook. FBM KLCI target for 2022 is 1,700 points.
demic-driven movement restrictions and “Although we are sanguine about the For 2022, MIDF Research has listed
as inflationary pressure is seen returning, prospects of recovery next year (2022), several baseline scenarios on which the re-
MIDF Research also expects Bank Nega- we are cognisant that several issues seen search firm’s Malaysia forecasts are based.
ra Malaysia (BNM) to hike the Overnight this year might spill over into 2022, caus- MIDF Research said its baseline sce-
Policy Rate (OPR) by 25 basis points in ing some possible negative impacts. These narios include one in which the country’s
the second half of 2022. include: (1) the recent discovery of a new liquidity situation remains ample but with
“For 2022, we opine the continued re- variant of Covid-19 i.e. Omicron; (2) inces- the monetary policy on a moderately tight-
covery in the domestic economic activi- sant inflationary pressures; (3) pullback in ening path.
ties to continue as both consumers and China’s property market; and (4) possible Another baseline scenario takes into
businesses will increase their spending 15th general election in Malaysia. account the upsurge in Covid-19 cases
in view of a better outlook. The govern- “In our base case scenario, these is- which could lead to the reimposition of
ment’s spending will also contribute pos- sues will lead to some disruptions in the some containment measures but not na-
itively to growth, given the expansionary economic recovery, even though the oc- tionwide lockdowns due to the high level
Budget 2022 and record high allocation currence of any of these events, either in of vaccination rate in the country.
for development expenditures. isolation or in combination, will not de- “We expect the emerging virtuous dy-
“In addition, the continued growth in rail the recovery process. Having said that, namics in the real economy would eventu-
external demand will continue to support the possibility of these events turning out ally be mirrored in the financial economy.
Malaysia’s foreign trade activity. Overall, worse than expected cannot be discounted We believe that these factors will affect
we forecast Malaysia’s economy to grow given our experience this year. Therefore, investors’ sentiments positively, leading to
stronger at 6% in 2022. Meanwhile, the investors need to be ever vigilant of the better performance of our equity market,
ringgit is expected to appreciate against possible downside risks next year,” MIDF and also of our regional peers,” MIDF
the US dollar, to RM4.09 to US$1 by the Research said. Research said.
end of 2022. After many false starts in 2021, Malay- At Bursa Malaysia on Tuesday, the
“Inflation is anticipated to be at 2.1% sia’s economy has begun its recovery pro- 30-stock KLCI rose 9.45 points or 0.64%
year-on-year,” MIDF Research said. cess, helped by the Covid-19 vaccination to 1,492.9 as at 4.19pm.
MIDF Research said it expects commod- progress, according to MIDF Research. In currency markets, the ringgit appre-
ity prices to remain elevated despite prices “Whilst the expected recovery this ciated to 4.2297 against the US dollar at
normalising in tandem with global economic year was delayed due to resurgence of the time of writing.
recovery from the pandemic’s impact. Covid-19 cases caused by the Delta vari- The exchange rate so far on Tuesday
“We forecast Brent crude oil price to ant, the situation faced this year has been was between 4.2277 and 4.2355.
average at US$75-US$80/barrel and crude very much different from the one faced Over the last one year, the exchange rate
palm oil [price] to average at RM3,300 a last year (2020). was between 3.9957 and 4.2483.
tonne,” MIDF Research said. “One key difference is the discovery and
MIDF Research said it remains san- availability of the [Covid-19] vaccine. The
guine about the prospects of the Malay- country’s high vaccination rate has allowed Read also: MIDF Research sees ‘no cat-
sian economy and equity market in 2022 the government to reopen the economy alyst’ ahead for listed construction firms
although the research firm recognised sev- and restart the recovery process after nu- Click here
w e d n e s d ay d e c e m b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 17 TheEdge CEO morning brief

Future-proofing Axiata
through its ESG focus

he last five years have been the warmest
period in history, and global mean surface
temperatures are now at 1.09⁰C higher
than the pre-industrial period, according
to the landmark United Nations Inter-
governmental Panel on Climate Change
sixth assessment report in August 2021. If this persists,
recent phenomena such as shrinking ice sheets and
rising global sea levels can become irreversible, the
report states.
In view of the devastating consequences such
scenarios can have on livelihoods and the survival of
mankind, efforts are underway across multiple fronts
to limit global warming to within 1.5⁰C by 2100, as
stipulated in the Paris Agreement.
As a major telecommunications player in Asia,
Axiata Group Bhd has stepped up its commitment to
drive sustainability in the environmental, social and
governance (ESG) pillars. The recent upgrade of its
MSCI ESG Rating from “A” to “AA” is a recognition of
the group’s seriousness in its efforts. Having established
a strong foundation, especially under the social and
governance pillars, the company is on track to develop
a focused climate action plan to further strengthen its the baseline on which the company’s 2030 and in- average reduction of carbon dioxide emissions per site.
ESG responses. termediary targets will be set, guided by the Science Izzaddin adds that Axiata’s strategy in realising
“Climate change is one of the most defining crises Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Axiata had recently its aspirations to become The Next Generation Digi-
of our time. Taking the cue from the recently concluded signed the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C, signal- tal Champion by 2024 continues to be improved and
COP26 (United Nations Climate Change) conference, ling its commitment to the body’s target standards, refined to reflect the principles of sustainable growth.
it is abundantly clear that this battle is far from being joining 50 other mobile operators globally that have Across its footprint, which spans Asean and South
won, and climate action needs swift, and concerted also committed. Asia, the group supports communities with technology
actions from all quarters,” says Datuk Izzaddin Idris, Since 2020, Axiata has also been aligning its op- and connectivity, especially to bridge the rural divide
president and group CEO of Axiata. erating companies to its Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap to as well as in times of emergencies and disasters, in-
“As a company that takes a long-term view to create ensure cohesiveness, and aims to launch this Roadmap cluding during the pandemic. In addition, Axiata inte-
value for our stakeholders across the footprint in line by the first quarter of 2022. grates ESG into its supply chain management, scoring
with our purpose of Advancing Asia, the imperatives For instance, Cambodia-based Smart Axiata ex- its suppliers on their sustainable business practices.
for embedding sustainability goals as part of business panded its solarisation plans in 2020 and integrated Under governance, Axiata prioritises data privacy
strategy are compelling, if not a necessity. If we do solar power at its existing grid and diesel sites. Through and cybersecurity to safeguard its customers’ interests.
not act, over time there can be no value creation to this, Smart Axiata reduced energy consumption of the Its improved corporate governance measures were a
benefit the many communities we serve.” grid by 386MWh (8%). At diesel-powered sites, there major contributor to its upgraded MSCI ESG rating.
“Hence, to future-proof, we have prioritised the was a 17% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions ow- The successful completion of an award-winning
development and execution of our Net-Zero Carbon ing to lower diesel consumption. Syndicated Multi-Currency Shariah-compliant sustain-
Roadmap, which sets the groupwide direction to- edotco Group, Axiata’s integrated telecom infra- ability-linked financing facility of US$800 million in
wards decarbonising our operations and value chain,” structure and related services company, implemented 2020 is among major milestones achieved in further-
he states. energy efficiency initiatives, reduced diesel usage and in- ing Axiata’s ESG aspirations.
In order to drive momentum, Izzaddin has includ- cluded bamboo towers in its portfolio, leading to a 58% “We continue to actively embrace the rigour of
ed sustainability-related key performance indicators assessing our business opportunities and risks in align-
(KPIs) in his annual KPIs. ment with our overall ESG goals and moving forward,
“The Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap is designed to we are enhancing the relevant management systems
decarbonise two key aspects of the business. Opera- to measure and monitor progress so as to be more
tionally, the focus will be to cut emissions across net- effective,” Izzaddin says.
works, facilities and fleets. Across the value chain, Axi- “The net-zero pursuit is an opportunity to build part-
ata will introduce policies to lessen operational carbon nerships and collaborations within the telecom and with
emissions, collaborate with societies in its markets to other industries to collectively drive multiplier impacts
drive community benefits and empower customers and in this time of transition. It is also a chance to engage
businesses to embrace sustainable growth through in regular and active dialogues with governments to
digitalisation,” he says. contribute towards policy formulation and encourage
Last year, it commenced a carbon inventory Datuk Izzaddin national efforts towards regulated climate action. Work-
exercise to audit, assess and capture the full im- Idris, president ing collectively, we can all be hopeful about navigating
pact of its operations and the ways in which it and group CEO this shift towards low-carbon economies in our efforts
of Axiata
uses energy. This carbon inventory will become to contribute to a better future,” he concludes.
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Statement by Tony Pua on

Tun Mahathir’s upcoming book
by Tony Pua “threatened” the property developer be- This was clearly the right thing to do
cause I have never personally met or spo- to protect MoF’s 51% interest and the
ken to the developer! tax-payers’ monies in the project.
I was tasked by the Minister to monitor
The story the progress and resolution of the above
Clarification with regards to negative The developer is Mulia Property Devel- issues. However, all negotiations and dis-
aspersions cast by former Pakatan opment Sdn Bhd, part of the Indonesian cussions with Mulia was led by Dato’ Asri,
Harapan Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mulia International Group. The project who is the current Treasurer-General to-
Mahathir Mohammad against me in involved is Exchange106 which is part of day, and TRX City officials. I was never
his upcoming book (Part I) the controversial Tun Razak Exchange, present in their discussions.

a 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) Pak Joe was furious that a due diligence
n an article published by Malay- legacy. (as provided under the shareholder’s agree-
siaNow, it was reported that former The project is estimated to cost ap- ment) was being requested, especially af-
Pakatan Harapan Prime Minister, proximately RM3 billion, of which RM1.8 ter the royal treatment he has received
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad made billion was to be funded via a loan. Un- from Najib. He secured a meeting with
public his ‘grouses’ in his upcoming book fortunately, the developer was unable to Mahathir, arranged by one of Mahathir’s
with references clearly targeted against me, secure the required funding from any fi- ‘trusted advisors’ to protest against the ac-
even though I was not specifically named. nancial institution. The obvious reason is tions by the MoF. Mahathir was furious
I have no access to the actual book that the ultimate owner of Mulia was a when he was told by Pak Joe that Tony
to read the full details of the references. well-known wanted Indonesian fugitive Pua had “threatened” to take over Mulia’s
However, the allegations published in — Djoko Tjandra, who is also known as 49% stake for only RM1 after the latter
the article have cast severely negative Joe Chan or Pak Joe. had invested more than RM1.1 billion in
aspersions against me, which require me In 2016, to bailout the project, the for- the project already.
to respond immediately against the false- mer Finance and Prime Minister, Dato’ Perhaps I was a convenient target for
hoods published. Seri Najib Razak agreed to provide the anyone unhappy with MoF trying to clean
Let me start by stating that I was ap- RM1.8 billion funding for the project via up Najib’s mess, or perhaps Mahathir has
pointed the Political Secretary to the Min- a Government Guarantee in exchange for his bias and prejudice against me; but the
ister of Finance, Lim Guan Eng after Pa- a ‘temporary’ 51% Ministry of Finance easiest way to rile up Mahathir is to hit
katan Harapan won the general election (MoF) ownership of the project. his soft spot for some ‘big business bosses’
in 2018. I worked and acted at the behest After Lim became the Finance Minister, being ‘unfairly’ treated.
and instructions of the Minister of Finance, he was briefed by both the then Deputy
to assist him with his vast and heavy re- Treasurer-General Dato’ Asri Hamidon Appeasing Mahathir
sponsibilities. and TRX City Sdn Bhd officials on the Lim defended my role in the above dispute
Mahathir singled me out as “a trust- project. We were informed of the issues and explained the issues involved several
ed adviser to former finance minister Lim relating to the project including the failure times to Mahathir in writing. There was
Guan Eng” and accused me of “unauthor- to comply with fire and safety guidelines, even a private investigation report com-
ised involvement in government business”. absence of certain regulatory approvals as missioned by TRX City on Mulia Interna-
He accused me being “in business nego- well as most importantly, the discovery tional in 2015 which confirmed Pak Joe’s
tiations involving the government despite of improper related-party payments and criminal fugitive status in Indonesia.
not being empowered to do so, and had transactions. In fact, Pak Joe is now sitting in jail in
resorted to threats.” We were also briefed that the MoF has Indonesia for fraud and corruption after
Relating one incident involving the ad- a specific clause in the shareholders’ agree- being arrested by Interpol police in Kuala
viser, Mahathir alleged that I “threatened a ment with Mulia that when Mulia repays Lumpur in 2020. Senior police and attor-
property developer who had faced financial the RM1.8 billion funding between 24 to ney-general officers in Indonesia were all
problems in a joint venture project with 36 months, MoF’s 51% share of the pro- found guilty of conspiring with and receiv-
the government to develop a multi-billion ject will be ‘returned’ to Mulia in exchange ing bribes from him.
ringgit complex in Kuala Lumpur.” for a fee not exceeding RM200 million. These documents were all presented to
“Now, this particular DAP adviser did However, in the event Mulia fails to Mahathir. The Exchange106 case was also
in fact make this threat despite the fact that repay the RM1.8 billion loan within 36 deliberated several times in the Cabinet
billions had already been spent, and he did months, then MoF will have the right to between November 2018 to May 2019,
so without reference to or indeed getting purchase the remaining 49% from Mulia and occasionally thereafter.
any authorisation from the government.” for RM1. This Call Option clause protects Ultimately, the Cabinet fully endorsed
Let me state upfront that this is a com- MoF to a certain extent in the event of the position and actions to be taken by
pletely false allegation. Mulia default. the MoF.
It is also not the first time Mahathir has A decision was then made by the Fi- As an elected Member of Parliament for
made the allegation. He had summoned nance Minister to ensure that all regulatory Damansara, I am proud of the little role
Lim back in November 2018 to his office compliance issues are resolved and irregu- I’ve played in the above case because I have
to reprimand him for my purported ac- larities rectified, before further drawdowns helped to protect the interest of Malaysian
tions. The problem is, I could never have are disbursed for the project. co n tin u es o n Pag e 19
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 19 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Paul Yong
IPOH (Dec 7):The High Court here Tues- “In her statement, she also said that
day ordered Tronoh Assemblyman Paul she was unable to fight back due to the

ordered to
Yong Choo Kiong, who is charged with accused’s big body size,” he said.
raping his Indonesian maid two years ago, The prosecution team was led by Perak

enter defence
to enter his defence. prosecution director Azlina Rasdi, while
Judge Datuk Abdul Wahab Mohamed Yong was represented by Datuk Rajpal

in rape case
made the decision after finding that the Singh and Salim Bashir.
prosecution had managed to prove a pri- Outside the courtroom, Rajpal told re-
ma facie case against the assemblyman at porters that the defence team would call
the end of their case. at least four witnesses during the defence
The court set Feb 15 and 16 for Yong’s Bernama trial, while Yong himself would give his
defence trial. statement under oath.
Yong, 51, was charged with raping his The prosecution closed its case on Sept
23-year-old maid in a room at his house in 28 after calling 28 witnesses, including two
Meru Desa Park on July 7, 2019, between protected witnesses, to testify in the trial
8.15pm and 9.15pm. which began on April 5.
The charge, framed under Section 376(1) The case was previously mentioned in
of the Penal Code, carries a maximum jail the Sessions Court, but on Dec 15, 2020,
term of 20 years and whipping if convicted. the Federal Court allowed an application
Judge Abdul Wahab in his judgment said from the defence for the case to be trans-
the prosecution had successfully proved ferred to the High Court.
the main element of rape, namely sexual Yong was charged in the Sessions Court
penetration without consent, with consist- on Aug 23, 2019. He was state hous-
ent statements from the witnesses and the to prove a prima facie case against the ac- ing, local government, public transport,
victim throughout the trial despite being cused,” he said. non-muslim affairs and new village com-
grilled by the defence. “Also taken into consideration was the mittee chairman at the time.
“Based on my observation and consid- victim’s statement on her efforts to fight The judge said he had also taken into
eration during examination-in-chief and back and her screaming, which went un- account the statement given by the experts
cross-examination, as well as the exhibits, heard behind the closed door, throughout that there was a fresh tear found on the
I found that the prosecution had managed the sexual penetration without consent. victim’s hymen.

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 7): The High

High Court fixes
f ro m Pag e 1 8
Court here on Tuesday (Dec 7) fixed tax-payers and ensured that the project is
March 14, 2022 to hear judicial review completed without the Government be-
applications by a coalition of seven non– March 14, 2022 ing short-changed. This is after Najib has
governmental organisations (NGOs) and abused his position as the Finance Minister
the Bar Council of Malaysia (Malaysian to hear judicial to bailout the private project with RM1.8
Bar) against the legality of the country’s billion guaranteed by the Government.
Covid-19-driven emergency proclamation. review applications As far as I am aware, all substantive is-
Steven Thiru, who is the lawyer rep- sues and disputes between TRX City and
resenting the Malaysian Bar, confirmed against legality Mulia have been resolved and rectified.
the hearing date when contacted by The only matter outstanding today is the of Covid-19- RM1 call option for MoF to exercise to
“The hearing date is fixed for March 14, acquire Mulia’s 49% stake in the project
2022,” said Steven, who is also a former driven emergency after the expiry of 36 months.
president of the Malaysian Bar. I regret that Mahathir is extremely se-
The coalition of seven NGOs comprises proclamation lective in his memory. It is unfortunate
Bersih, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), the that he prefers to believe the words of an
Centre for Independent Journalism, Aliran, extremely crooked foreign tycoon, previ-
the Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese by Izzul Ikram ously convicted of cheating hundreds of
Assembly Hall, Persatuan Tenaga Akade- billions of rupiah from Bank Bali in 2009;
mik Malaysia (GERAK) and SAVE Rivers. and subsequently convicted again for for-
The coalition of seven NGOs collec- According to Steven, case manage- gery in 2020 and bribery in 2021.
tively filed earlier a judicial review appli- ment was held on Tuesday after the hear- Mahathir should have been proud that
cation in which former prime minister Tan ing of the applications was postponed last his government has successfully protect-
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the Malaysian Wednesday (Dec 1) due to a Covid-19 case ed the interest of the rakyat in this mul-
government were specified as respondents. being found in the court. ti-billion ringgit scandal and recorded that
Meanwhile, the Malaysian Bar in its Justice Ahmad Kamal will now hear the achievement in his memoirs. Instead he has
judicial review application specified Mu- judicial review applications on March 14, chosen to be petty and wrote about how
hyiddin as the sole respondent. 2022. he was able to ‘put a stop’ to the lowly po-
Steven said High Court Judge Datuk Malaysia’s emergency proclamation was litical secretary of the Minister of Finance.
Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid fixed the hear- effective across the country from Jan 12 to This is Part I of my response to Ma-
ing date for the judicial review applications Aug 1, 2021 except for Sarawak, where the hathir’s writing quoted in the MalaysiaNow
following case management on Tuesday. emergency proclamation was lifted on Nov 3. article. Part II will follow soon.
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 20 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Former Aker manager files application

to examine four Petronas officers
PUTRAJAYA (Dec 7): Former Aker Engineer- by Hafiz Yatim In the LAR report for 2017, the Petronas of-
ing Malaysia Sdn Bhd legal manager Seetha Ku- ficers listed Aker Engineering as 90% foreign,
marasamy last week filed a motion with the Court therefore making it ineligible for all of its 16
of Appeal to examine four Petronas officers who registered standardised work and equipment
prepared two separate licensing assurance review categories with Petronas.
(LAR) reports for 2017 and 2018, where the latter
report was different from the earlier one. Aker Engineering
Seetha’s application came after Aker Engi- Seetha claimed in her affidavit in support of the
neering and two other companies — Aker Solu- application to examine the Petronas officers that
tions APAC Sdn Bhd and Aker Solutions Ma- Aker Engineering had intentionally not declared
laysia Sdn Bhd — were allowed by the Court of its actual company shareholdings to the Com-
Appeal last month to adduce the LAR reports to panies Commission of Malaysia and the Board
show the local equity composition of the com- of Engineers Malaysia.
panies in a suit that the former employee filed The findings resulted in Aker Engineering
against them but was struck out by the High to be downgraded from bumiputera local to
Court and hence the appeal. foreign as its local ownership was below 30%,
She filed the application in the Court of Ap- making it ineligible or fail to meet the necessary
peal on Dec 2, where she hoped her counsels minimum technical requirement.
would be allowed leave (permission) from the However, the LAR report in 2018 by some
court to examine the four Petronas officers. of the same officers found Aker Engineering in
“The issues are in relation to Petronas’ extent its study of legitimate fronting company that
of knowledge pertaining to Aker Engineering’s the appointment of two locals as shareholders
shareholding and management. This is relevant through side shareholder agreements had re-
to my appeal,” Seetha said in her affidavit in sulted in the company to be reclassified and
support sighted by maintained as bumiputera local and Petronas
She is appealing against the High Court’s approved for no action to be taken against it.
decision earlier this year to strike out her suit Seetha said the oral evidence of the four will
against her former employer. immensely assist the court to decide on her pres-
This follows her employer and the two compa- ent appeal. Hence, she hoped that the Court of
nies having earlier sued her and obtained a court Appeal will allow her application to examine the
order to seize her laptop and gain access to her four Petronas officers.
email accounts in 2018 after she was ordered by the Her appeal was fixed for next year after the
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) appellate court allowed Aker Engineering and
to assist in its probe. She was fired in February the two companies’ application to produce the
2018 after being suspended by the company earlier. two LAR reports for 2017 and 2018, but See-
In response, Seetha filed a suit and named tha’s lawyers informed the court in the session
parent company Aker Solutions ASA that they will be applying an application to
(Norway) along with the three cross-examine, hence this application.
companies, claiming their ac- Late last month also saw Aker Engineering
tions against her in filing the suit manager Ahmad Hatta Kamaruzaman being
amounted to an abuse of process given a discharge not amounting to an acquit-
and conspiracy. tal by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court for his
She sought unspecified dam- charge of allegedly cheating Petronas Carigali
ages for legal costs, anxiety and regarding the composition.
mental distress her former em- The Sessions Court judge allowed a prelim-
ployer had caused her in filing inary objection as it ruled that the charge pre-
the 2018 suit, as well as loss ferred by the MACC was defective.
of reputation and credibility.
The three companies’ appli-
cation to strike out the suit
was allowed by the High
Court in May this year, so
what remains is Aker
Solutions ASA
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w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 22 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Citi picks favourites for over

US$3 billion in Asia sales
by Manuel Baigorri & Elffie Chew sam fong/the edge


Citigroup Inc has chosen preferred bid-
ders for its consumer assets in several Asian
markets as the US lender presses ahead
with its plans to divest numerous units
across the region, according to people fa-
miliar with the matter.
The US lender picked Bank of Ayudhya
Pcl as the leading suitor to buy its retail
assets in Thailand, the people said, asking
not to be identified because the matter is
private. The bank, which is owned by Ja-
pan’s Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc,
will continue to negotiate the terms of a
potential deal in the coming weeks, they
said. A transaction could value the assets
at about US$2 billion, they said.
In Indonesia, Citigroup has selected the
Singaporean lender United Overseas Bank
Ltd (UOB) as its preferred bidder, the peo-
ple said. A sale could fetch several hundred
million dollars, the people said. In Malay-
sia, Standard Chartered plc (StanChart)
has emerged as the front runner to buy
Citigroup’s retail consumer assets in a deal
that could also be valued at several hun-
dred million dollars, the people said.
Citigroup has also picked Taiwan’s Fu-
bon Financial Holding Co as its preferred
bidder for the Chinese assets, in a deal
that could raise about US$100 million to
US$200 million, the people said. Sales of
businesses in other markets such as India
and Taiwan may take longer to materialise,
the people said.
No final decision has been made, de-
liberations are ongoing and other bidders
remain interested in the different Asian
markets, the people said.
Citigroup continues to focus on secur-
ing the best outcomes for its people and
clients, and its strategy refresh prioritising
wealth and institutional businesses across
the region is showing strong results, bol-
stered by a record year for capital raising,
a spokesperson for the bank said, declining
to comment on the bidders. Middle East, and Africa region will allow A representative for Fubon declined
The US bank has been considering a the bank to release roughly US$7 billion to comment. Representatives for Bank of
sale of certain consumer banking assets in of tangible common equity over time. Ayudhya, StanChart, and UOB did not
Asia as it reshapes itself around more prof- Citigroup had chosen Union Bank of immediately respond to requests for com-
itable units like investment banking, and the Philippines as its preferred bidder to ment.
focuses its wealth business around hubs in acquire its consumer banking assets in the Shares in Bank of Ayudhya rose as much
Hong Kong, London, Singapore, and the Southeast Asian country, Bloomberg News as 5% on Tuesday, their largest intraday
United Arab Emirates. Citigroup has said reported earlier this month. A potential sale move since September. They have climbed
that it expects the exits from 13 consum- could value the assets at about US$1 bil- 17.6% this year, giving the lender a market
er franchises across Asia and the Europe, lion, people familiar with the matter said. value of about US$8 billion.
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 23 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

palm planters are expected to pay.

Indonesia issues Indonesia plans new “The law provides an option to intro-

new stock market palm plantation duce a new levy to support regional fiscal
capacity in order to provide quality services

rules aimed at levy to protect to the community ... in the context of pub-
lic interest and environmental sustainability,
luring tech listings environment such as a levy for the management of palm
plantations,” the minister said.
The law, which governs the relationship
of Indonesia’s central and local governments,
by Fransiska Nangoy by Gayatri Suroyo will also give more space for regional admin-
Reuters Reuters istrations to raise some tax rates within the
next few years, including land and building
JAKARTA (Dec 7): Indonesia’s Finan- JAKARTA (Dec 7): Indonesia will bring in a taxes. Sri Mulyani said local governments
cial Service Authority (OJK) has issued new levy for palm plantations within the next should be able to increase revenues by about
rules on listing of technology companies’ two years, the proceeds of which will be used 50% after the new measures are applied.
shares with multiple voting rights, aimed to protect public interests and the environ- The law will provide a legal basis for re-
at attracting more initial public offerings ment, its finance minister said on Tuesday. gional governments that have fiscal capacity
to its domestic exchange, the regulator The new levy will be collected by regional to issue municipal bonds to fund development
said in a statement on Tuesday. governments from local palm planters and projects. No provinces or cities in Indonesia
Southeast Asia’s biggest economy is is part of a new law aimed at increasing the currently sells such bonds. Because the legis-
home to a number of tech unicorns, or fiscal capacity of provincial and city admin- lation is aimed at standardising the quality of
companies that have attained a valuation istrations, Sri Mulyani Indrawati told par- fiscal spending, the central government will
of US$1 billion without tapping the stock liament after it passed the law. review its transfer to local governments based
markets. There will be regulations detailing the on performance and results, Sri Mulyani said.
Authorities have been trying to lure implementation of the law, including about However, this was not meant to reverse
such companies, including GoTo Group the new levy, and they must be issued with- the fiscal decentralisation policy adopted in
— a merger of ride-hailing app Gojek in two years of the law’s passage, Sri Muly- the aftermath of the 1998 Asian financial
and e-commerce giant Tokopedia — and ani said, without mentioning how much crisis, she said.
travel app Traveloka to list domestically.
“The issuance of this regulation is
an effort to encourage financial market Simon Loong, an ex-Citigroup Inc retail
deepening, especially in the capital mar- Li Ka-shing-backed banker who founded WeLab in late 2012,
ket sector, by accommodating companies
that create new innovations,” OJK said. WeLab to launch in an interview from its Quarry Bay office.
WeLab plans to offer a full spectrum
Under the new rules, which came
into effect on Dec 1, companies seek-
digital bank in of services in Indonesia, starting initially
with deposits and loans and potentially
ing shares with multiple voting rights
must meet criteria such as operating
Indonesia wealth products, he said. It already has a
joint venture with PT Astra Internation-
for at least three years and recording at al, which distributes cars and motorbikes,
least 30% annual revenue growth over by Denise Wee to operate a licensed online lending app.
three years. Bloomberg In Indonesia’s nascent digital banking
The multiple voting share structure market, banks and tech groups are already
can be implemented for 10 years and HONG KONG (Dec 7): WeLab, backed battling for a toehold. Singapore banking
extended by another decade if share- by investors including Sequoia Capital groups DBS Group Holdings and United
holders agree. and billionaire Li Ka-shing, is buying a Overseas Bank Ltd have launched mobile
The rules allow four different ratio controlling stake in a commercial bank in banks, while ride-hailing giant Gojek has
classifications for the multi-vote shares. Indonesia, securing a foothold in one of taken a stake in Bank Jago.
Earlier this year, Indonesia’s first list- Asia’s most underserved banking markets. Loong has aspirations to build WeLab
ed unicorn PT raised A group led by WeLab bought 24% of into a pan-Asian digital bank, targeting
US$1.5 billion in the country’s biggest PT Bank Jasa Jakarta and will take a ma- emerging economies with young and dig-
IPO amid a flurry of investor demand. jority stake subject to approvals, the lend- ital-savvy populations. The company is
Meanwhile, Indonesia’s biggest tech er said. The company has raised US$240 interested in Vietnam, Cambodia, Philip-
firm GoTo Group said last month it had million from existing and new investors to pines, and Thailand, Loong said.
secured more than US$1.3 billion in the fund the acquisition and other investments. WeLab, a so-called unicorn, or compa-
first close of its pre-IPO funding round, WeLab plans to launch an Indonesian ny with a valuation of at least US$1 billion,
which two sources said could launch in digital bank in the second half of next year, filed for a Hong Kong initial public offering
the first half of next year. Southeast Asia is its second in Asia, following its start in Hong (IPO) application in 2018 but that was delayed.
one of the world’s fastest growing internet Kong in 2019. Indonesia is one of the larg- Loong said that the company could restart
markets with Indonesia’s internet econo- est financially underserved markets in Asia, its IPO process next year. Investors include
my expected to be worth US$146 billion with an estimated 77% of its 270 million Khazanah Nasional Bhd, Allianz, and Sequioa
by 2025, representing 20% compounded population either without a bank or lacking Capital. TOM Group Ltd, which counts bil-
annual growth, according to a report by in banking services, according to WeLab. lionaire Li’s CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd as its
Alphabet’s Google, Singapore state inves- “It’s a big market opportunity and at largest shareholder, is also behind the venture.
tor Temasek Holdings and global business the same time it’s actually a very tech-sav-
consultants Bain & Company. vy population,” said chief executive officer Click here to read the full story
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 24 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

China’s exports
The data show the continuing strength

UK house
of global demand for Chinese goods, which

and imports hit

has been strong throughout the pandemic.

prices hit
If the spread of the new omicron virus var-

new records on iant proves to be serious and other nations

a record in
start to lock down again, that will likely

strong demand
provide support for China’s exports, es-

pecially personal protective gear and work
from home devices.
“Exports picked up in line with sea-
Bloomberg sonality in November and suggest still
pretty solid momentum in external de- by Andrew Atkinson
(Dec 7): China’s exports and imports grew mand,” according to Michelle Lam, Bloomberg
faster than expected in November, with greater China economist at Societe Gen-
both hitting records as external demand erale SA in Hong Kong. “The surprise in (Dec 7): UK house prices hit a re-
surged ahead of the year-end holidays import growth was driven by a rebound cord in November, with values over
and domestic production rebounded on in commodity volume, probably reflect- the past three months rising at their
an easing power crunch. ing improving infrastructure capex de- fastest pace for 15 years, according to
Exports rose 22% in dollar terms mand as local governments stepped up mortgage lender Halifax.
from a year earlier to almost $326 bil- stimulus toward the turn of the year.” The average price of a home stood
lion, while imports grew almost 32% to The U.S. was China’s biggest export des- at 272,992 pounds (US$362,000)
about $254 billion, the customs admin- tination in November, followed by the Euro- after gaining 3.4% in the quarter
istration said Tuesday. Economists had pean Union and the Association of South- through November, the fastest pace
forecast exports to grow by 20.3% and east Asian Nations. Exports to the U.S. grew since late 2006, the mortgage lender
imports to increase by 21.5%. 28.3% in the first eleven months of the year, said in a report published Tuesday.
while imports from the country increased Prices rose 1% in November
reuters by 36.9% during the same period. alone — a fifth monthly increase —
The values of plane imports grew the and were up 8.2% from a year earlier.
fastest in the January-November period, The average property has gained more
followed by coal, iron ore, and copper ore, than 20,000 pounds over the past year.
according to a breakdown provided by the Halifax attributed the increase
customs authority. to shortage of available properties, a
In November, both the value and vol- strong labor market and keen compe-
ume of metal and energy imports soared. tition keeping mortgage rates close to
The volume of coal imports hit their high- historic lows. But it warned that mo-
est level this year, natural gas imports were mentum is likely slow, given stretched
the strongest since January, while crude affordability and the prospect of Bank
purchases reached a three-month high. of England interest-rate increases.
“We would not expect the current
level of house price growth to be sus-
tained next year given that house price

US trade gap
(Dec 7): The US trade deficit narrowed to income ratios are already histor-
in October for the first time since July, re- ically high, and household budgets

shrinks for first

flecting a sharp increase in exports and are only likely to come under greater
suggesting that foreign demand for goods pressure in the coming month,” said

time since July on

is on the rise. Russell Galley, managing director at
The gap in trade of goods and servic- Halifax.

export surge
es shrank 17% to US$67.1 billion, from The emergence of the omicron
a revised US$81.4 billion in September, variant of Covid-19 could also dent
according to Commerce Department data economic confidence, “though it re-
released Tuesday. mains far too early to speculate on any
The median estimate in a Bloomberg by Olivia Rockeman long-term impact, given insufficient
survey of economists was for a shortfall Bloomberg data at this stage, not to mention the
of US$66.8 billion. resilience the housing market has al-
The value of goods and services export- The increase in merchandise exports sug- ready shown in challenging circum-
ed rose 8.1% to US$223.6 billion in Oc- gests that overseas economies are slowly re- stances,” he said.
tober, the highest on record. The increase covering and demanding more goods from Wales remained the strongest
was led by stronger outbound shipments the US. That could suggest that trade puts performing region of the UK, where
of industrial supplies such as crude oil. less of a drag on US economic growth in the property prices broke through the
Imports meanwhile, climbed 0.9% to coming months, after it subtracted 1.16 per- 200,000-pound mark after a near
US$290.7 billion — also a record — led centage points from gross domestic product 15% gain over the past year. Values
by shipments of automotive-vehicle parts in the third quarter. in London rose just 1.1%, reflect-
and engines. Even so, lean inventories, snarled supply ing pandemic-driven demand for
The value of goods exports surged the chains and transportation challenges contin- more spacious homes away from
most since July 2020 to a record US$158.7 ue to make it difficult for US producers to city centers.
billion. meet demand for finished goods and supplies.

world’s ƈrst
digital bank
And how and
nd why it came to pass

n October 1994, Stanford Credit Union in the
US became the first institution globally to let its
customers access banking functions via the new
World Wide Web, according to Forbes.
On Oct 6, 1995, Presidential became the first US
bank to offer its bank accounts over the internet.
And only in 1997 did the bank begin to offer online account
statements and real time PC banking, such as fund transfers
between accounts in the bank.
In June 1995, in Malaysia, Phileo Allied Bank launched
PalDirect, an online banking and stock trading platform, after
18 months of research and development. Transaction value
exceeded RM200 million within a month, with exponential
growth onwards.
On Aug 8, 1996, Phileo launched PALWORLD, an e-commerce
and payment platform via Windows that allowed online
shopping, airline ticketing and so on. (Note, Alibaba was founded
on April 4, 1999, and Amazon went into online bookselling in July
In September 1996, ONE Account was created by Phileo,
which combined all the deposits, loans and trading accounts of
its customers into one, and was enabled online.
While Alibaba and Amazon grew into global giants, Phileo
was forcefully taken over under the guise of consolidating the
banking sector and died prematurely. The moral of the story is
that property rights, governance and rule of law are extremely
important. This book, published in 2003, gives some insight into
the above … and some stories yet to be told.

November 2021

The book was published in 2003.

Limited print copies in English available on Listen and Shopee. to the
Hard cover: RM70 | Soft cover: RM45 Podcast
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download the digital editions absolutely FREE.

* Available in English, Bahasa Melayu & Chinese.

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w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 26 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d


Samsung names growth and boost competitiveness.

Samsung, whose Galaxy flagship brand

new CEOs, to
helped it become the world’s biggest smart-
phone maker by volume, is seeking to revive

merge mobile,
slowing mobile growth, whose profit con-
tribution shrank to 21% last quarter from

nearly 70% at its peak in early 2010s.
Instead, its component business, led

electronics units
by chips, has become the most profitable,
helped by a boom in data storage and a

LG Energy
recent shortage of global semiconductor
supplies. The business generated nearly

Solution’s IPO by Joyce Lee three quarters of Samsung’s 15.8 trillion

Reuters won (US$13.4 billion) operating profit

set to raise up to
last quarter.
reuters Samsung said Han Jong-hee, the head

US$10.9 billion
of visual display business, will become a co-
CEO, leading the newly merged division
spanning mobile and consumer electronics
as well as continuing to lead the television
by Heekyong Yang & Joyce Lee business. Han has risen through the ranks in
Reuters Samsung’s visual display business, without
experience in mobile.
SEOUL (Dec 7): South Korea’s LG En- It is not immediately clear what changes
ergy Solution (LGES) is likely to raise up or divisions of labour were expected under
to 12.8 trillion won (US$10.87 billion) SEOUL (Dec 7): Samsung Electronics Co Han, but analysts said the reshuffle could
in what could be the country’s biggest Ltd will merge its mobile and consumer help Samsung tackle challenges such as
initial public offering (IPO), as the bat- electronics divisions, the firm said on Tues- offering seamlessly connected services be-
tery maker seeks funds to expand and day, naming new co-chief executive officers tween its smartphones and home appliances.
meet booming demand for electric-ve- (CEOs) in the biggest reshuffle since 2017 More immediate problems are a shortage
hicle (EV) batteries. to simplify its structure and focus on the of chip supplies, rising raw material prices,
Even at the low end of the range, this logic chip business. logistics difficulties, and competition from
would be South Korea’s largest listing, Two co-CEOs, instead of three, will Apple Inc and Chinese rivals amid concerns
beating Samsung Life Insurance’s 4.9 lead the South Korean firm as it piv- about a slowing mobile market, analysts said.
trillion won IPO in 2010. ots on the two business pillars of chips
LGES is LG Chem Ltd’s wholly and consumer devices, including smart-
owned battery subsidiary, which sup- phones, to help lead the next phase of Click here to read the full story
plies Tesla Inc, General Motor Co, and
Hyundai Motor Co among others.
It expects to offer 34 million new reuters

Eurobank to sell
shares in an indicative range of 257,000
won-300,000 won per share, it said in a

80% of merchant
regulatory filing.
LG Chem plans to offer 8.5 million

acquiring unit to
existing shares in the same price range,
according to a separate filing.

In this range, LGES’ valuation would
be as much as 70.2 trillion won, the com-
pany said in a statement.
KB Securities and Morgan Stanley
will lead the proposed deal. Bank of by George Georgiopoulos work as a commercial channel to distrib-
America, Citigroup, Daishin Securities, Reuters ute its payment products and services to
Goldman Sachs, and Shinhan Invest- physical and online merchants.
ment Corp have also been appointed as ATHENS (Dec 7): Eurobank, one of Eurobank’s merchant acquiring unit
bookrunners. Greece’s four largest lenders, said on Tues- is a leading acquirer in the local market
The pricing is expected to be final- day it entered into a binding agreement to with 21% share of transaction volumes
ised in the coming weeks, with a listing sell 80% of its merchant acquiring business processed in Greece. The division man-
in Seoul expected in late January. to French payment firm Worldline in an at- ages payments for 123,000 physical and
South Korea is seeing its hottest IPO tempt to strengthen its capital base. online merchants with more than €7 billion
market on record this year. So far, more Eurobank is the third Greek bank to (US$7.91 billion) of transactions.
than 20 companies have gone public on offload its payment infrastructure involv- “The agreement with Worldline regard-
the country’s main KOSPI market, rais- ing point-of-sale terminals, after Piraeus ing the cards acquiring business is fully in
ing about 17 trillion won, beating the 8.8 Bank and Alpha Bank concluded similar line with our strategic plan to focus on our
trillion won raised in all of 2010, the pre- deals this year. core activities, while further strengthening
vious biggest year on record, according As part of the deal, Worldline will aim our capital base,” Eurobank chief executive
to the Korea Exchange. to leverage the Greek lender’s banking net- officer Fokion Karavias said in a statement.
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 27 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d


Biden to tell
Putin he will
face toughest
sanctions yet if he
invades Ukraine
— officials
by Steve Holland & Andrew Osborn

WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Dec 7): US It has likewise queried Ukrainian inten- sanctions plan with European allies, seeking
President Joe Biden will tell Russian Presi- tions and said it wants guarantees that Kyiv a strong joint stance in support of Ukraine’s
dentVladimir Putin in a videoconference later will not use force to try to retake territory territorial integrity and sovereignty.
on Tuesday that Russia and its banks could lost in 2014 to Russia-backed separatists, He spoke to French President Emma-
be hit with the toughest economic sanctions a scenario Ukraine has ruled out. nuel Macron, German Chancellor Ange-
yet if it invades Ukraine, US officials said. “We’re looking for good, predictable re- la Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario
They said the sanctions, which one source lations with the United States. Russia never Draghi, and British Prime Minister Boris
said could target Russia’s biggest banks and intended to attack anyone, but we have our Johnson.
Moscow’s ability to convert roubles into dol- concerns and we have our red lines,” said They called on Russia to de-escalate ten-
lars and other currencies, were designed to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. sions and return to diplomacy and said their
dissuade Putin from using tens of thousands Calling for everyone to keep “a cool teams would stay in close touch, including
of troops massed near the Ukrainian border head”, Peskov said it was vital that Putin in consultation with NATO allies and EU
to attack its southern neighbour. and Biden speak given what he called the ex- partners, on a “coordinated and compre-
The Kremlin, which said before the meet- traordinary escalation of tensions in Europe. hensive approach”, the White House said.
ing it did not expect any breakthroughs, has The Russian rouble weakened slightly on Biden’s team has identified a set of eco-
denied harbouring such intentions and has Tuesday, with some market analysts predict- nomic penalties to impose should Russia
said its troop posture is defensive. But it has ing the talks would de-escalate tensions and launch an invasion, a senior Biden admin-
also said it is increasingly vexed by West- others saying that the US sanctions threat istration official said.
ern military aid to Ukraine and what it calls eroded hopes of finding common ground.
creeping North Atlantic Treaty Organization Ahead of his first direct talks with Putin
(NATO) expansion. since July, Biden on Monday discussed the Click here to read the full story

China warns US
(Dec 7): China has threatened the US with Vladimir Putin plans to attend the Olym-
retaliation against its decision to declare a pics, which start on Feb 4.

will ‘pay a price’

diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics, White House Press Secretary Jen Psa-
warning that ties between the world’s two ki cited China’s “ongoing genocide and

for boycotting
largest economies may suffer. crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, and
“The US is standing opposed to athletes other human rights abuses” as the reasons

Winter Olympics
and sports lovers across the world,” Chinese the US won’t send representatives. China
Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian calls allegations about abuses in its far west-
said Tuesday at a regular press briefing in ern region “the lie of the century.”
Beijing. “The Olympics are not a stage for The Canadian and Australian govern-
political stances or political manipulation.” Bloomberg ments are also mulling whether to attend
“The US will pay a price for its wrong the event. New Zealand said Tuesday it
practices,” he said, without specifying what told China in October its officials would
actions China might take. not attend, citing a range of factors “mostly
The US will host the Summer Games to do with Covid.”
in Los Angeles in 2028, though it’s unlikely
Beijing would wait that long to respond.
Zhao added that China had lodged its Read also:
complaint with American diplomats.
Washington’s decision not to send offi- US officials to boycott Beijing Olympics
cials to the event is largely symbolic con- over rights ‘atrocities’ Click here
sidering the Covid-related restrictions they
would face in the Asian nation, which has
taken a zero-tolerance approach to fight- Don’t penalise athletes for politics — US
ing the pandemic. Still, Russian President Olympian Ruggiero Click here
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 28 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Instagram, ahead
NEW YORK (Dec 7): Instagram said on It said in March next year Instagram
Tuesday it will be stricter about the types would launch its first tools for parents and

of US Senate
of content it recommends to teens in the guardians to see how much time their teens
photo-sharing app and will nudge them spend on the app and set time limits.

hearing, tightens
toward different areas if they dwell on one An Instagram spokeswoman said it would
topic for a long time. continue its pause on plans for a version of

teen protection
In a blog post, the social media service Instagram for kids. Instagram suspended
announced a slew of changes for teen users. plans for the project in September, amid

Instagram head Adam Mosseri is due to tes- growing opposition to the project.
tify in a Congressional hearing on Wednes- The move followed a Wall Street Journal
day about protecting kids online. report that said internal documents, leaked
Instagram and its parent company Meta by former Facebook employee Frances Hau-
Platforms Inc, formerly Facebook, have been by Elizabeth Culliford gen, showed the company knew Instagram
under scrutiny over ways their services could Reuters could have harmful mental health effects on
cause issues around the mental health, body teenage girls, for example on their views of
image and online safety of younger users. terial suggested to teens through its search body image. Facebook has said the leaked
In the post, Mosseri also said Instagram function, hashtags, short-form video Reels documents have been used to paint a false
was switching off the ability for people to and its ‘Suggested Accounts’ feature, as well picture of the company’s work.
tag or mention teens who do not follow as on its curated ‘Explore’ page. State attorneys general and lawmak-
them on the app. He said that starting Jan- The blog also said that on Tuesday, In- ers had also raised concerns about the
uary, teen Instagram users would be able stagram was launching its ‘Take a Break’ kids-focused app.
to bulk delete their content and previous feature in the United States, United King- Last month, a bipartisan coalition of US
likes and comments. dom, Canada and Australia, which reminds state attorneys general said it had opened a
He said Instagram was exploring controls people to take a brief pause from the app probe into Facebook for promoting Insta-
to limit potentially harmful or sensitive ma- after using it for a certain amount of time. gram to children despite potential harms.

Bitcoin’s latest
NEW YORK (Dec 7): When was the last course, growth potential. Over the past
time your entire paycheque shrank by more decade, the price of a single Bitcoin has

plunge highlights
than 20%? skyrocketed from several dollars to well
If you are being paid in Bitcoin, the answer over US$45,000, even after the latest drop.

the danger of a
was Saturday, when the token fell as much Given surging growth this year, someone
as 21% in a matter of hours.While it has re- who was paid a lump sum of US$100,000

crypto salary
covered ground, Bitcoin is still down more in Bitcoin on Jan 1 and managed to hold
than 25% from the record high it reached the whole time would — even after the
about a month ago.That rapid plunge high- dip — will now be sitting on roughly
lights just one peril of a nascent trend that is US$170,000. Those are serious returns.
being hyped up by politicians and celebrities by Misyrlena Egkolfopoulou But one of the main rules of investing
— being paid in digital currencies. & Claire Ballentine is that past performance is not indicative
With major US cities competing for in- Bloomberg of future results.
vestments in the fast-growing blockchain in- Yes, Bitcoin has been on an incredible
dustry, their leaders are increasingly trying two years, according to Coin ATM Radar. upward climb. But as this weekend’s dip
to promote policies that help more people Despite the risks, proponents cite the shows, the crypto and its peers are noto-
get at least a part of their salary in crypto. possibility of big gains as mainstream in- riously volatile.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said last vestors increasingly plow into the space. The largest digital token spiked 80% in
month he would take his next paycheque Crypto can certainly drop, they said, February, only to fall another 20% within a
“100% in Bitcoin” and has announced that but so too can it catapult to levels high- week, and rise another 30% two weeks later.
he is working on a plan to pay the city’s er than you would ever expect from any In May, the currency tumbled 42% and
more than 4,000 employees in cryptocur- annual raise in a fiat-denominated salary. in late November, Bitcoin fell over 8% in a
rency. Not only that, residents would be “We may not be very far from a world single day. For someone with US$100,000
able to pay fees and taxes in Bitcoin, he in which this is an option that’s offered by in Bitcoin, that would amount to an
told Bloomberg Television in an interview employers,” said Cathy Barrera, founding US$8,000 loss in one day.
earlier this month. economist of Prysm Group and programme To be sure, most people receive their
Not to be outdone, NewYork City May- director of theWharton Economics of Block- salaries in smaller disbursements over the
or-elect Eric Adams has said he is exploring chain and Digital Assets programme at the course of the year. This can mitigate some
ways in which all the millions of people work- University of Pennsylvania. “Whether or not of the severe drops of a crypto paycheques
ing in the largest US city could be paid di- employees decide to take up that offer is a by spreading out potential gains and losses
rectly in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. completely different question.” over time. Yet, it still leaves a lot of ques-
He himself said last month that he would So in case that moment ever comes at tions to be answered. For instance: What
take his first three paycheques in Bitcoin. the company where you work, Bloomberg happens if there is a major price change
Professional athletes Russell Okung, Odell News talked to experts about the most im- between the last day of your pay period
Beckham Jr, and Aaron Rodgers have all said portant things to know before making a and the day you receive your paycheque?
they will be paid at least in part in crypto. decision: Control the calculation.
The number of Bitcoin ATMs in the US has One of the biggest allures of being
soared 577% to about 28,500 over the past paid in a prominent cryptocurrency is, of Click here to read the full story
w e d n e s d a y DE C E M b e r 8 , 2 0 2 1 29 TheEdge CEO morning brief


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Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
Sapura Energy Bhd 400.40 -0.030 0.050 -60.00 799
Kanger International Bhd 363.30 -0.010 0.020 -86.21 119.6
BCM Alliance Bhd 205.8 -0.01 0.025 -89.55 39.1
Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd 105.2 0 0.35 -80.11 1298.4
Green Ocean Corp Bhd 92.8 0 0.03 -66.67 63.3
XOX BHD 91.5 0 0.03 -72.73 126.9
KNM Group Bhd 53.6 -0.01 0.14 -31.71 467.8
Impiana Hotels Bhd 53.2 0.005 0.095 18.75 132.5
TH Heavy Engineering Bhd 51.7 -0.01 0.005 -94.44 11.1
Dagang NeXchange Bhd 50 0.04 0.765 240 2413.8 World equity indices
Top Glove Corp Bhd 49.3 -0.07 2.5 -58.43 20017.8 CLOSE CHANGE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE CHANGE
AirAsia Group Bhd 46.5 -0.005 0.8 -9.6 3118.4 (%) (%)
Inari Amertron Bhd 41.7 0.06 3.91 42.46 14459.4 DOW JONES 35,227.03 646.95 1.87 INDONESIA 6,602.57 55.45 0.85
ATA IMS Bhd 39.1 0.015 0.44 -81.51 529.3 S&P 500 4,591.67 53.24 1.17 JAPAN 28,455.60 528.23 1.89
My EG Services Bhd 37.7 0 1.03 7.29 7628.8 NASDAQ 100 15,846.16 134.12 0.85 KOREA 2,991.72 18.47 0.62
Supermax Corp Bhd 36.5 0 1.56 -71.96 4083.5 FTSE 100 7,314.92 82.64 1.14 PHILIPPINES 7,147.30 16.56 0.23
Industronics BHD 35.1 -0.010 0.130 -27.78 51.3 AUSTRALIA 7,313.90 68.83 0.95 SINGAPORE 3,134.66 18.34 0.59
Sarawak Consolidated Industries 34.7 0 0.205 -85.56 119.3 CHINA 3,595.09 5.78 0.16 TAIWAN 17,796.92 108.71 0.61
NWP Holdings Bhd 33.7 0 0.245 -2 129 HONG KONG 23,983.66 634.28 2.72 THAILAND 1,609.28 21.09 1.33
Trive Property Group BHD 33.3 0 0.05 -63.13 55.2 INDIA 57,633.65 886.51 1.56 VIETNAM 1,446.77 33.19 2.35
Data as compiled on Dec 7, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Dec 7, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
Dolomite Corp Bhd 0.03 20.0 680.1 -73.91 17.7 TH Heavy Engineering Bhd 0.005 -66.670 51665.4 -94.44 11.1
Haily Group Bhd 0.94 18.6 202.4 0.00 167.6 Sapura Energy Bhd 0.050 -37.500 400383.5 -60.00 799.0
Coastal Contracts Bhd 1.11 15.0 3,494.70 54.17 580 Kanger International Bhd 0.020 -33.330 363,348.90 -86.21 119.6
Wong Engineering Corp Bhd 0.58 13.9 7084.6 100.79 138.9 Malaysian Genomics Resource 1.170 -29.940 7086.1 14.71 145.3
Ho Hup Construction Co Bhd 0.33 13.8 161.0 -29.03 163.3 BCM Alliance Bhd 0.025 -28.570 205778.8 -89.55 39.1
CWG Holdings Bhd 0.50 12.5 6385.9 50.00 62.3 Nexgram Holdings Bhd 0.015 -25.000 418.0 -66.67 66.3
Bina Puri Holdings BHD 0.05 12.5 11185.3 -59.09 71.7 MNC Wireless Bhd 0.020 -20.000 703.6 -55.56 35.2
Kronologi Asia Bhd 0.59 12.4 8254.3 -14.49 391.4 Anzo Holdings Bhd 0.030 -14.290 110.1 -64.71 33.5
Paragon Union BHD 1.54 11.6 172.00 129.85 117.7 JOE HOLDING BHD 0.030 -14.290 248.5 -72.73 91.8
Sinmah Capital BHD 0.15 11.5 212.7 -72.12 47.1 Meridian Bhd 0.120 -11.110 691.6 -71.76 90.4
BSL Corp Bhd 1.12 10.9 9276.4 489.47 218.8 Green Packet Bhd 0.090 -10.000 8611.2 -78.57 125.6
BCB Bhd 0.28 10.0 2.5 -23.61 109.9 Tiger Synergy Bhd 0.045 -10.000 1557.5 -58.98 115.7
Icon Offshore Bhd 0.11 10.0 5272.9 -4.35 297.4 PUC BHD 0.105 -8.700 15105.1 -34.38 145.8
Digistar Corp Bhd 0.06 10.0 363.1 -39.59 43.0 Sinaran Advance Group Bhd 0.060 -7.690 544.2 -76.47 42.2
Farlim Group BHD 0.28 10.0 20.2 -6.78 42.1 Emico Holdings Bhd 0.315 -7.350 12018.7 10.53 38.7
Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber PLC 0.50 9.9 0.3 -4.76 168.3 Industronics BHD 0.130 -7.140 35098.2 -27.78 51.3
IQ Group Holdings Bhd 1.06 9.3 222.5 10.42 93.3 Asdion Bhd 0.135 -6.900 9773.8 -34.15 27.4
Priceworth International Bhd 0.06 9.1 50.7 -80.00 30 KNM Group Bhd 0.140 -6.670 53,618.3 -31.71 467.8
GUH Holdings Bhd 0.545 9 2121.8 19.78 151.4 Jerasia Capital BHD 0.140 -6.670 102.3 -62.67 11.5
Lion Industries Corp Bhd 0.61 8.93 2700 -11.59 415.3 Key Asic Bhd 0.070 -6.670 15953.7 -12.5 95.40
Data as compiled on Dec 7, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Dec 7, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
Genetec Technology Bhd 36.90 1.30 311.2 2032.95 1,922.60 Malaysian Genomics Resource 1.170 -0.50 7086.1 14.71 145.3
Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd 24.50 1.10 118.8 -23.63 8,986.10 Hartalega Holdings Bhd 5.740 -0.35 5880.9 -52.72 19616.2
Malaysian Pacific Industries Bhd 48.94 0.94 131.7 88.52 9,734.00 Panasonic Manufacturing m BHD 29.280 -0.32 5.00 -4.94 1778.6
Nestle Malaysia Bhd 133.80 0.40 121.3 -3.67 31,376.10 BLD Plantation Bhd 8.830 -0.15 0.2 6.39 825.6
Dutch Lady Milk Industries BHD 33.40 0.40 9.1 -10.93 2,137.60 AEON Credit Service M Bhd 13.260 -0.14 17.2 10.50 3385.4
ViTrox Corp Bhd 21.38 0.38 62.00 45.44 10097.1 SHL Consolidated Bhd 1.900 -0.10 15.0 -2.06 460.0
Carlsberg Brewery m Bhd 19.82 0.36 172.60 -14.72 6,059.90 Allianz Malaysia Bhd 12.560 -0.08 36.5 -15.02 2229.5
Ayer Holdings Bhd 5.55 0.35 2.70 -0.89 415.40 Berjaya Food Bhd 1.820 -0.07 36.2 13.75 659.3
Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd 20.54 0.34 223.00 -13.26 22,139.80 Spritzer BHD 1.970 -0.07 3.6 0.00 413.6
Kesm Industries Bhd 12.30 0.32 15.50 -9.43 529.1 Top Glove Corp Bhd 2.500 -0.07 49293.8 -58.43 20017.8
PPB Group Bhd 17.22 0.28 401.5 -6.21 24,497.20 TAFI Industries Bhd 2.060 -0.07 8473.2 241.65 255.3
Kluang Rubber Co Malaya BHD 4.20 0.28 5.10 23.53 263.00 Hong Leong Financial GRP Bhd 17.140 -0.06 82.8 -5.09 19629.5
Heineken Malaysia Bhd 21.48 0.28 44 -6.69 6,489.10 Careplus Group Bhd 1.020 -0.06 31836.9 -50.12 579.2
Malaysia Airports Holdings 5.76 0.23 1,893.60 -2.70 9,556.90 CB Industrial Product HLDG Bhd 1.200 -0.06 715.5 8.11 580.6
Khind Holdings Bhd 3.84 0.21 57.5 31.06 153.80 UMW Holdings Bhd 2.990 -0.06 602.0 -12.06 3493.2
HAP Seng Consolidated Bhd 7.80 0.20 660.3 -9.30 19,419.40 Greatech Technology Bhd 6.440 -0.06 1932.2 41.54 8063.6
Paragon Union BHD 1.54 0.16 172.00 129.85 117.7 Shangri-La Hotels Malaysia Bhd 3.230 -0.05 726 -19.65 1421.2
D&O Green Technologies Bhd 5.65 0.15 2370.8 147.81 6989.9 Sime Darby Bhd 2.120 -0.05 7,752.00 -6.21 14421.4
Formosa Prosonic Industries 3.52 0.15 1065.2 55.07 889.7 Bintulu Port Holdings Bhd 4.65 -0.05 4.2 21.41 2139
Ann Joo Resources Bhd 1.89 0.15 3038.8 20.38 1025.8 Amway Malaysia Holdings Bhd 5.3 -0.05 18.1 -7.13 871.2
Data as compiled on Dec 7, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Dec 7, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

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