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Alcohol and Drug Misuse Policy


The Company has a duty to safeguard the health and safety of all employees at work. It also wishes for
employees and the Company to be as successful as possible. It is for these reasons that the alcohol and
drugs policy has been formulated.

Employees who have alcohol or drug related problems are encouraged to seek help and support at the
earliest opportunity and in confidence so that we can assist them to return to normal standards of work.
Concealment or denial of a problem will prevent the problem being solved or supported.


Alcohol and drug related problems are defined as:

• ‘The intermittent or continual use of alcohol and / or prescribed or illegal drugs which causes
detriment to the individual and or work performance in the areas of efficiency, productivity, safety,
attendance or behaviour at work.’


The Company forbids the consumption of alcohol on Company premises or during the working day, except
where there may be a social event at work, either during or after normal working hours. All employees are
expected to arrive at work ‘fit for duty’.

The consumption of alcohol will be permitted at certain functions so long as it is kept to a reasonable
amount. An unreasonable amount is defined as.

• Being over the legal limit.

• In the opinion of the management, the individual’s performance is impaired.
• In the opinion of the management, the individual may cause embarrassment, distress or offence to
• The individual continuing to drink after being advised to stop by a member of management.

An exception to the rule will be the annual Christmas Company trip, however as a minimum all attendees will
be required to bring the Company into disrepute or cause embarrassment, distress or offence to others
including work colleagues and other people.

Medicinal or Illegal Drugs

The possession, use or distribution of drugs for non-medical purposes on Company and/or client premises
and during working time is strictly prohibited.

Prescribed Drugs

An employee who is prescribed drugs which may affect their ability to perform their work is required to inform
their Line Manager of the problem.

Prescription Drugs are only allowed to be in the possession of the person to whom the prescription was
made out to.

An employee should feel able to seek assistance at the earliest stage without fear of discrimination if they
think they have a dependency on alcohol, medicinal or illegal drugs. They can discuss the situation in the
strictest of confidence with their Line Manager or a Director, who will offer support and direct the individual to
the appropriate support agencies. Avoidance of the problem will make the situation worse.

When a problem is suspected, the issue will be raised with the individual in a sensitive and confidential
manner. An offer of help and support will be made but it is the individual’s choice as to whether they seek
this help.

If work performance as defined above is affected by alcohol or drug misuse or, if following normal
disciplinary processes, an alcohol or drug problem is suspected or identified, then the individual will be
offered the chance to seek support from an appropriate resource as discussed and agreed. Every effort will
be made to maintain the individual in work but if treatment or sickness absence is required then this will be
supported by the Company. Every effort will be made to return the individual to their original job.

An employee has the right to refuse the offer of support or to cease treatment before its completion,
however, if an unsatisfactory level of work performance continues then the individual will then be subject to
the normal disciplinary procedure. Although the aim of this policy is to assist individuals with an alcohol or
drugs related problem, assistance under this policy does not permit an individual to disregard normal
responsibilities or use the assistance as an excuse for unacceptable behaviour.


The Company reserves the right to search an employee, or any employee property held on the Company’s
premises at any time; where there are reasonable grounds to believe that this policy is being violated. Any
employee who refuses with these search procedures may be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including dismissal.

The Company has a public duty to inform the police of any suspicions it may have with regard to drug
misuse on Company premises or during working time.

Robert A. Iles

CEO, June 2019

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