Types of Love As Per 40's Rules of Love

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What is love?

Love is a word that is often used and has almost lost its meaning. When we
talk about ice or skiing, we can say that we love it. Of course, love is often used to
describe romantic or sexual feelings and behaviors.

In the context of familial love, the term refers to a bond characterized by deep
love, respect, loyalty, and healthy attachment. Family relationships are different.
Family love has the following characteristics that differentiate it from other types
of love:

You can't always choose your family, it’s automatic or primary i.e; Parents,
siblings etc. You usually choose the person you want to start a family with as an
adult which is secondary. You can choose to have children or bring them into your
family, or you can opt against.
However, children do not have a choice about who is part of the family. You don't
have to choose your siblings, and you certainly don't have to choose your parents.
Despite these restrictions, family love continues to grow. It's not necessarily a
healthy love, but it's still a deep relationship.

Are you facing problems living together?

Living in a family usually means living together. Privacy is still limited due to your
proximity. You will need to share personal items such as cutlery, crockery, and
furniture. You take care of the attentions of other family members. In addition, in
order to keep the peace in the family, each family member must respect the rights
of others as much as possible.
For example, a child is considered a family member but may not understand
how to respect other families. But the older a person gets, the more he know how
his behavior affects others.
A strong influence on one family affects another
When a family experiences a bereavement, other family members usually share
their experiences. Family members and friends who have lost their jobs usually
express their feelings in certain ways, intentionally or unintentionally. Those lost
their dear ones express their feelings, their behavior may change and their ability to
cope up and heals back may work to some extent. Other families are directly or
indirectly affected.

Do you have family traditions?

Almost every family has a tradition. Family traditions can be associated with
holidays, as well as other special occasions, situations, and rites of passage. If
every family follows family traditions, everyone knows what to expect. But when
something breaks family traditions, the family can get upset or even behaved
against. This is just the shared values, emotions, sympathies they share with each
other. Everyone thinks when a narrator mentioned his lover's name to show his
love. We feel our own feelings. Love seems to lead to things related to a true lover,
Everyone think the intensity like being in the place the narrator talks about But

What are Common signs of love?

There are many great signs and blessings of true love, which are quite different
from virtual (Haqiqi) love, but different types of love have many characteristics, be
it real or virtual. Virtual if they are mental or virtual creatures, regardless of which.
Who loves and how he loves? There are certain signs and symptoms of love
mentioned, such as:

1- Love get rid of arrogance, selfishness.

2. Build strength, power, and wisdom.

3- Ignoring the faults of loved ones and embracing them heartedly.

4- It removes affection from the body of the lover and creates courage in him.

5- Create a feeling of generosity in stinginess.

Virtual love: The circle of virtual love is very wide, it can be said that virtual
love is not limited to human love, love with the glory of God is called virtual love.
The type of love depends on the type of lover - for example: people love
landscapes, they love their children and grandchildren, they love wealth, they love
beauty, they love fame and fortune, etc. Virtual lovers are still human and that's
fine, but they are no more in physical existence when they reach pinnacle.
Natural and passionate love: This love depends on the physical beauty of the
person you love (except the sexual aspect).

Shaykh al-Rais bin Sina said: This love exists only between human beings
and not between animals. The Arab Sheikh says: Love is based on beauty, and the
path of the lover who is freed from life is a little progress and progress. The source
of this love is human. Good nature and friendship are related to the power of the
soul and the awareness of emotions.

What is True love and fake love?

Darvish was once asked what is the clear difference between true love and virtual
love? They are both beautiful
Do you want both?

He laughed and took a glass of cold water from the cup and said, "Stop!!!
There is as much difference between true love and imaginary (Virtual) love as
there is difference between earth and skies.
What is virtual love? They love people not an individual. When you reach at that
stage of virtual love you start loving humans, animals, and the whole creature. You
became a flow of love and the world and its commodities a drop of water. You
became rich despite stingy. You get the real power where you don’t care about
yourselves, family, or friends even prayers.

Love is the essence of the mountain that causes human growth and development.
Islam has called love and affection in every way and called it rule, rule and
principle, and called it lawful, obligatory, and forbidden, and acted on the basis of
abusing love.
It has been narrated from Abdullah Ibn Abbas that the Holy Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
The only way to love in Islam is marriage. This is the result of a lifelong
understanding of true love between a man and a woman.

Types of love as per Islam

There are different types & reasons for love and its details as follows.
Love of God and His Messenger:
Loving God and His Messenger is obligatory for every Muslim, and love is a
condition of faith.
The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: No one believes
in you except for the love of his father, son, and others. This love requires
obedience to the beloved. Do not believe his claims to yourself.
Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, said.
There are three who enjoy the sweetness of faith: God and His Messenger love
him and he loves him alone.
He, peace and blessings be upon him, said: The closest of faith is the love of
God and the hatred of God.
As the servant of God loves, the pious believers of God’s servants must
antagonize everyone who opposes God, his religion, and his followers. it is
Wife loving children:
A woman's love is a mountain to win. Men naturally take care of and live with
their wives, and love for children is normal. It is not permissible for a boy to love
more than others, and it is not permissible for a woman to have more than two
On the other hand, it is forbidden for relatives to prefer gifts or other things
without reason

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