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Teofilo A. Dullas Jr.


Life is a roller coaster ride, and we should enjoy it. Without a doubt, life is the

most difficult thing to go through. It's a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs,

with the downs always seeming to be the most severe. The downs are when we feel

like we'll never reach rock bottom and are free falling in this never-ending hole of

pain. The downs seem to bring out the worst in us and sap our vitality. We feel as if

no one understands us and, at times, as if we don't exist. We allow our downs to

define us and take control of our lives. We do this because we feel we have nothing

left to fight for. That it is simply better to give up fighting and succumb to the

hopelessness we experience during these times.

Even when our lives seem to be crumbling around us and we're suffocating in

our hopelessness, we eventually reach the bottom of the roller coaster and begin

ascending. With every down, there is always an up to follow. The highs are when we

feel like we're on top of the world and that nothing could be better. We feel like we've

found our calling in life and are having the time of our lives. During the ups, we are

content. We are upbeat about the future and where we are going in life. We have

confidence in ourselves that we have never had before during the ups. Anything is

truly possible in our eyes.

This, however, must come to an end. We eventually reach the top of the roller

coaster, where it can no longer go any higher, and begin to descend once more. Life is

a massive roller coaster with numerous ups and downs. These ups and downs occur at

various times and for varying lengths of time throughout our lives. We never know

what to anticipate. The downs make it appear as if there is no hope or end in sight.

The highs make us believe that our lives are perfect and will always be so. Life can be

excruciatingly difficult and draining at times.i

Teofilo A. Dullas Jr.

I. Spiritual Life

Expressing my testimony as power. First and foremost, I always remember

that my testimony has power. According to the Bible, we overcome our adversary

through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony in Revelation 12:10-11

which says: “Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at

last— salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his

Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth—

the one who accuses them before our God day and night. And they have defeated him

by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so

much that they were afraid to die.” It reveals that the salvation from God is our

greatest testimony.

Imitating bible characters. In Acts 26:4-8, “ “The Jewish people all know the

way I have lived ever since I was a child, from the beginning of my life in my own

country, and also in Jerusalem. 5 They have known me for a long time and can testify,

if they are willing, that I conformed to the strictest sect of our religion, living as a

Pharisee. 6 And now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our ancestors

that I am on trial today. 7 This is the promise our twelve tribes are hoping to see

fulfilled as they earnestly serve God day and night. King Agrippa, it is because of this

hope that these Jews are accusing me. 8 Why should any of you consider it incredible

that God raises the dead? This inspire me on how Paul faced King Agrippa and how

he bravely introduce his life to them as hope through Jesus Christ. He describes his

life before his conversion on the road to Damascus, when he persecuted Way

followers. Following that, Paul goes into great detail about his miraculous encounter

with Jesus and his calling to serve Christ as an apostle. Then he tells of his new life

since turning to God. Paul is one example of how God changed lives.
Teofilo A. Dullas Jr.

II. Personal Life

Reading the bible. To me, the Bible is God's Word. It is His message of love

and forgiveness, and it demonstrates to me and to all of us how we can have eternal

life. It can also provide answers to questions we may have as we strive to live a life

pleasing to Him. That is why Christians should strive to read the Bible on a daily

basis. We may not understand everything we read in the Bible, but that is not why I

am discouraged. The Bible describes God and provides us with wisdom. As we read

it, consider the following: What does this passage mean? What does this passage

mean to me? How can I put this into practice in my own life?

Prayer allows me to communicate with God. Prayer is possible because Jesus

Christ removed the barrier that separated us from God, which was caused by our sins.

As we will see, sin separates us from God, and as a result, we have no right to

approach Him. However, Christ's death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins and

removed the barrier. When we commit our lives to Christ, God grants us the privilege

of entering His presence. "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence,"

the Bible says, "so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of

need" (Hebrews 4:16). We can invite Christ into our lives.

III. Family Life

Time Commitments with my Family. Too many extras can eat away at my

valuable family time, especially since I am involved in a number of church activities.

I must decide whether the time commitments are worthwhile. Instead of a specific

season, I prefer to spend time with my loved ones through a recreation league. I'm

making a conscious effort to spend time with my loved ones, even if it's just sharing a

meal on the way home.

Teofilo A. Dullas Jr.

Demonstrating Mutual Support. I encourage my siblings to come and cheer

whenever their schedules allow. I make certain that my entire family supports one

another, whether they participate in sports, the arts, or on a tech team. I did my best to

ensure that this assistance did not interfere with their own activities or commitments,

and I made it a regular occurrence when their schedules permitted.

It means a lot to my siblings when their entire family, including me as pastor, is there

to support and cheer them on. I am making every effort to provide opportunities for

this type of encouragement and family support as often as possible.

IV. Ministry Life

The Willingness to Serve God. I sincerely believe that the majority of

Christians desire to serve God. When believers realize how profoundly God's grace,

mercy, and kindness have healed their lives, they will naturally want to respond in

service. Why? Because a desire to serve Christ wells up from the overflow of a

grateful heart. All they need is someone to show them how. Many people who feel a

stirring within them to serve God believe they must now do something else. This is

almost never the case.

In my own family. This is my first and most important ministry priority. This, I

believe, is the foundation of a powerful personal ministry, discipling my own family.

We don't want the power of the gospel to change the world but not our own homes.

Success at work or in church will never compensate for failure at home.

In the Parish Church. I discovered a way to use my spiritual gifts. It is in the

area of discipleship, whether through small group leadership, one-on-one mentoring,

Bible study facilitation, or strategic leadership. However, it could also be singing in

the worship band or choir, greeting visitors, or stacking chairs after a church event. As
Teofilo A. Dullas Jr.

a pastor, I find a place of service where I can put the gifts God has given me to good


V. Community Life

Annual prayer breakfast for the entire community. By identifying the needs of

those around me. I'm thinking about becoming a foster parent. I plan to dedicate my

parish to Christ and invite my neighbors to a Bible study group. Pay a visit to nursing

home residents. These are the issues that have my heart racing. I believe this is one of

the areas in which God is calling me to participate.

Center for Urban Ministry. I discovered an opportunity in our location to

reach out and make a difference in the local homeless community. By establishing the

Urban Ministry Center (UMC), an interfaith organization that serves as a point of

entry for the chronically homeless. UMC can host Community Works programs such

as basketball, art, and gardening in addition to meeting basic needs such as meals,

showers, laundry, phones, and a mailing address. UMC also provides permanent

housing to the community's chronically homeless. Our Church may be able to

contribute to the construction of our Place, which will serve homeless men and


Ministry of Mercy and Justice. "He has shown you what is good, mortal. What

does the Lord expect of you? Micah 6:8 says, "Act justly, love mercy, and walk

humbly with your God." The Love Mercy Do Justice Ministry is one ministry that

understands Jesus' heart. This ministry focuses on various aspects of justice in my

community. Their goal is not to create new programs within their church, but rather to

serve organizations that are already making a difference. We can serve various

organizations in my community through this organization to help bring light and joy

to those in need.
Shaffer, S. (2019, October 17). Life Is A Roller Coaster And We Should Enjoy The Ride. The Odyssey Online.

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