OA Write Up

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Name : Nathaniel Sidnauth

Class : Form 4 B
Group : 2

Write up on :
1. Factors to consider when searching for a job
2. Qualities prospective employers seek in a candidate
3. Requirements that persons seeking employment should possess

Factors to consider when searching for a job

When embarking on a job search, it it important to consider various factors to ensure the
position aligns with your aspirations, values and overall satisfaction.
Some factors to consider are:
1. Career Goals - Consider how  the job aligns with your long term goals and whether it provides
opportunities for growth, development and advancement in your field.
2. Job Role and Responsibilities - Decide whether the responsibilities of the jobs corresponds
with your skills, interests and expertise.
3. Compensation and Benefits - Evaluate the salary, benefits and potential for bonuses and
4. Location - Think about the location of the job and whether it suits your preferences and
lifestyle. Consider the time spent commuting, cost of living and proximity to family.
5. Opportunities for learning and development
6. Company Reputation and Stability
7. Work Environment and Facilities

Qualities prospective employers seek in a candidate

Prospective employers seek specific qualities and attributes in a candidate. Employers seek a
candidate who will contribute to the success of the organization. Ideally a candidate will have
attributes and qualifications that are tailored to their specific jobs as well as general qualities.
Here are some of the general qualities valued in an applicant :
1. Qualifications and Skills - Applicants should possess education and technical skills for the
2. Adaptability and Flexibility - A candidate who can adapt, multi-task and thrive in their work
environment are valuable to an employer.
3. Communication Skills - This is vital in the work place. The ability to express ideas, listen and
communicate with colleagues and clients is crucial.
4. Teamwork - Many jobs require the Cooperation with others. Employers look for persons who
can work well in teams.
5. Positive attitude and Professionalism
6. Problem Solving and Critical thinking
7. Time management and Organization
Requirements that persons seeking employment should possess
When seeking employment,  there are several requirements and qualifications that should be
fulfilled. These qualifications and requirements increases the chance of success. Many
requirements vary based on the job and industry. Here is an overview of general requirements
1. Education and Qualifications - Possessing the necessary educational background and
training required for the job.
2. Relevant Work experience - Relevant work experience showcases your skills and knowledge
to the industry.
3. Technical Skills - The technical skills required for a job.
4. Industry Knowledge - Having a good understanding of your field of work is important. Keep
yourself updated either the industry.
5. Professionalism and Ethics
6. Problem Solving Abilities
7. Communication Skills

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