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Bio-Research, 5(1): 158 - 164 158, Quantitative Wood Anatomical Characteristics in Static Bending Strength of Some Commercial Timbers of Nigeria Ajuziogu, G. C. and Ufa, G. C Department of Botany, Liniversity of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, Corresponding Author: Uju, G. C. Department of Botany, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria Abstract Seventeen commercial timbers of Nigeria wore assessed with respect to their quantitative anatomical characteristics and static bending strength along the grain. Tre results showed positive correlations between static bending strength of the timbers and fibre cell wall thickness, Runkel ratio, slendemess ratio and fibre content. Negative correlations were recorded between static bending strength and fibro length, fibre diameter, fibre lumen diameter, fibre coefficient of flexibility, vessel diameter and vessel Jength, Prediction equations from regression analyses between static bending strength and the various ariatomical parameters were statistically valid for fibre length, fibre coefficient of flexibility, slenderness ratio and vessel diameter. From the forogoing indications, it would appear that prediction of static bending strength of timbers from quantitative anatomical charactoristies stands as an alternative to the laboratory and service tests currently available to structural engineers. Keywords: Quantitative anatomy, Bending strength, Timber Introduction Over the years, wood has found tremendous usage in shipbuiiding, housing, railway sleepers, transmission poles. pit props in mines, fencing posts, bridges, furniture and in the manufacture of various semi-synthetic. products (Tsoumis, 1968). ‘According to Anon (1974), timber is wood obtained from tree trunks and prepared specially for building ‘construction and carpentry. It ig cut exclusively from ‘conifers and dicotyledons, The strength properties ‘of timbers are relevant to their utilization. There is considerable variability in the structural and strength properties of timbers and the problem that these pose to the utiization of the material in most situations where uniformity and stability are desirable are rather challenging. In ‘making use of timber in his work, where heavy load 's involved for example, the structural engineer is ‘expected to use timber commensurate in size and strength. This goes a long way in the erection of long-lasting structures, thus reducing the chances of accidents due to structural failures, The application of a sound knowledge of strength and ‘ther properties of timber definitely gives the timber greater relabilty n service. Providing the essential anatomical principles, Esau (1965), indicated that the composition of the xylem tissue and the structural arrangement of the component elements considerably determine the physical properties of woods and their suitability for commercial usage ‘The author further pointed out that such factors. as fibre content of wood, fibre length, fibre cell wall thickness, vessel abundance and distribution, axial parenchyma abundance and distribution, Percentage ray volume, growth layer width and Proportion of late wood, had direct or indirect influence on the specific gravity and strength properties of wood, The relationships were. however, not spelt out for specific timber species, To determine the strength properties of wood, two standard altemative test methods are “Alstona Rooney Be wild available: the service test and the laboratory methods (Desch and Dinwoodie, 1981), Service tests are carried out under the conditions to which the timber is exposed in service, and data collection takes a long period. In the laboratory methods, two classes of fests are made; tests on small, clear specimens and tests on timbers of structural size These alternative test methods ate rigorous and expensive to perform, In the circumstance, the need arises to explore any other reliable approach for determining the strengths of structural timbers, The present pater presents our studies on the possibilty of the quantitative anatomical approach Materials and Methods Seventeen commercial timbers of Nigeria of marketable size and age were selected across ten families (Table 1), Table 1: Selected timber species and their families, ‘Species Families ‘Apocynaceae Bombacacaae Coiba pentandra (Linn ) Gaerth, 3. Cananum schweieturhi Engl. urseracoae 4 Terminata superba Engl and Dials Combretaceae 5. Diospyros mespiifarmis Linn Evenacoae 8. Aelia Aticana sm. Fabaceae: Cacsalpinoidse 7 Bernie auricuata (Benth) Fabaceae Caesalpinoidae 8. Brachystagia nigeyion Hoyle and Fabaceae- A.P.D. Jones Caesalpinoiiee 9. Detarium microcarpum Gui and Fabaceae: pert. Cacsalpincidae 10, Gosswollorodenaron balsanvforum Fabaceae- (ver) Harms Cacsalpinoidae 11. Periscopsis efata Faoacene paplionoidae 52. Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. Neiaceae 48. Anais toxicaria var. aficana Moraceae 14. Mica excolsa (Welw) CL Berg Moraceae 45. Mansonia alissima &. Chev. Sterculiaceae 16. Trplochion seleroxyiong. K schum —Sterculiaceae A7_Gmeling arboren Rox® Me io-Resoarch Published June 2007 TSSN 1596-7409 = P ve 3 Boe a yrs & 190 q wet a 9090 ue zoo P ob pe zs =p 1990 2 5009 ue zoo y aL = a 2 soo 4 4 e200 Pea 2 sso | ePG0L'0 qa 5009 ep B 00 @ zh 5 ro @ b9zb 4 000 fw we e200 e a u io 2 asez e 2000 x we loo op a q ooo 5 5sr0 2 S000 oa Po 2200 209 ‘Ob 2 sis0 5 Bis0 P 1000 8 46 e200 =e 6 op woo = FoaLOTL a sooo x u ooo 2 i 2 reso ep cd 2 soo 48 8 00 Poa L p zso 24 Zev e 2000 5 2p ezoo e ‘3 6 isvo a eres 2 5000 x ' aloo : $ a 5090 5 zeg0 > 5000 p 20 oeo'o 8 + q hizo 8 zor P +000 e 292 roo & ¢ a 9890 5 esr 2 5000 q 4 x00 e z e e120 6 zoe q S000 e e 5500 24 “ TaWNG seen Tend teow TWN ew TaHNG ‘UeSH Tene ‘Autonet ‘SSOUOIUL, soroads, jo wo124}209 4) ‘one roxunas (6) weme9 22413 () soyouerg avai (@) 8,9} ova (2) “equi ‘Baipni sojseds Foals SiN 76) [LaMING) 199} aBues aidan Mau S.oeouNG BUEN est lp pue nBorznty = 4 eurssiye ewuosuey = sy 6 eapobu eeystysers = g ejeyroun woogie Bua = 14 uoHxo19;8 voNIO}dUL 2x9 CU = PL BUOKO} suENUY = Ef sISUBION Bheyy = Zp eIEIO Ssdo>sUOg = LL winva;WUES}e LespuOpEIBy>KSSOD = Of wndiEDo!NRU UNLEED = = 2 BueaUje Bysz}y = 9 siuioydsew soufding = ¢ eqedns ByEUUUD] = F MYLNIWIOMYS WNLELED = erpUEIUEG eqIeD =z j2U00G BUOY 2 | Svojoumu ur ave suse fy GN Lain) 1504 26uey 2/dMNAL MeN s.vedUNG <4) Mg pauUUsIEN se AyugEqeud Jo foro] %E_ 1 1UBIOUNP AqUEOYTUBR Ose SBN] OWES OY) AG POMO}E) JOU SOON 820 = 196d BSCS 7 Tee 30 ab 9620 uw eeze 1 ere 8 o00'%9 z10 3b Osco q 29041 coy sap ozoor 2800 st sore 2 ese 1 8" a cez'eo 8610 ” sero Bee ST e i206 ep solr lero ob zero = 008 2 OL e sis o9r0 a Leo 199) 4 core 2 856.95 9600 uw sera B88 4 wey P 16807 aLb0 on lero 2 use0z i 19 pe cszs 3010 6 erro e eevee 8 cers 29 46585 euL0 a vora ooezh ae fers 24 ter 98 abo Z vero B isest ters > 10895 S610 3 euro P2096 2 oor po 46028 9600 s sero Ses] tors we oeror voz0 ° sro PSL} 8PM e ist ee ro £ 0950 ' e0 2 ee zea @ £060 L ‘ooo’ P care S020 b uesWISWNO——_ueow _ISWNO—veowy eo ‘uPon MOIA 0 pia ‘9180 Pe ved soiqy, sed sjassen YON JOON esen, PaRUMNSTE fn pue nBorznty Ajuziogu and Ulu 161 Table 4: Prediction equations, correlations coefficient (¢), slopes (b), and intercepts (a) of the different __Parameters measured for the timber species investigated Timber Para Prediction equations Correlation Slopes intercepts Valiity Specles ease Cooffcient __(&)__ ta) a 1 Fibre ionaih 7s S8069 400 “0.428 wae 175 500" 7 2 Fibre diameter 137.050-1.820¢ a4s7 1820" 137.050" Fibre lumen diameter 120.086-1,952.380x 0509 -——1,882.380"" 4 Fibre eo wall eaaagr4.273800e 0120 «4278 800" : 5 Runkel ratio. 59.580+30.020% 0497 30.020" : 8 Fibre cootfcient of flexibility 194.060-148 980x oss 148.980" 194.0600" . 7 Vossel diameter intangentil direction 179.600.551.960 0.80 ss1.960" 179600" ’ 8 Vessel diameter inradial diction 179.740.460.000 0,700 s7o.740" ‘ 3 Fibre slenderness | 41.741+0.897" oa aura * 10 Number ot vossets per field et view 71s 79+1.520% 0619 Tie79" . 41, |, No.of ibres per {ici of vow 58. 750+1.862x ost 55.750 12 Vessel fenath 128-405-92.321% 0.382 125.403" 13 Number of axial parenchyma per . fie of view 87.073+0.007«_ 1235 vor” _sr ory _ ‘Sgaiicant ot 5% of lava = DghY significant at 13 a ovein. 3 =natSigncant (6) vald prediction equion ()= he vals preiction equation. Dignyros mespilioomis 8 = Azo, africana = Gasswellorodendron balsannfarum 11 15 = Mansonia altissina 16 The timbers were properly identified, and their heartwood samples prepared for static bending strength determination along the grain and for quantitative anatomical characterization, ‘The test method used in the determination of static bending strength was the laboratory test method. Smal, clear (free from defects) samples of the timber species cut to the dimensions (20 mm x 20 mm x 300 mm) along the grain were subjected to static bending test (Anon, 1987). The tests were carried out with the Hounsfield Tensometer in the Civil Engineering laboratory of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and the amount of force (in Newtons) which caused each of the samples to rupture was noted. The samples fer quantitative anatomical characterization were prepared In two stages. Ficey, sections of about 30}m thick were cut from each of the wood specimens, with the aid of a Reichert sledge microtome, in the transverse, tangential longitusinal and radial ongitudinal planes. These were immersed in distilled water in Separate Petr dishes. Some sections were stained with acidifed phlorogiucinol, others in iodine toluton and then examined ‘under a calibrates ‘ordinary ight microscope. Thirty counts were taken fon each of the wood samples for the following parameters: Number of fibres er fil of view fibre content at 400 x mag: vessel content at 100 x mag and number of cells in the maximum ray width Radial and tangential diameters of vessels wore measured as seen in the transverse sections (Purvis, 1964). The second stage of the anatomical studios involved the maceration of the wood samples by the Schukze's method a8 adopted by Kpikp\ and Olatunyi (1980) and Uju and Ugwoke ustonia boone 2= Ceba pentandra 3 Baia au Poriscopsis elsta 12 riplochiton selaroxylon 17 = Gmeling arborea fata yum schviointurth) 4 = Terminalia superbe & Brachysiagia nigerica 9 = Deterium microcarpum 19 knaya woronsis 13 = Antaris toxieria 14 = Milcia excelsa (1997), using potassium chlorate (KCs) crystals, ‘and coneentrated nitric acid (Cone. HNOs) Measurements of the wood elements Oladele (1991), were taken under a calibrated ordinary light microscope. The measurements taken wore: - Fibre length (L); Fibre cell wall thickness (C); Fibre diameter (D); Fibre lumen diameter (I) and Vessel member length (VI). The mean values for the thirty measurements were calculated for each of the parameters. Derived fre values were calculated as follows: - Runkel ratio (RR} = 2C/; coefficient of xiility (CF) =D and slandemess ratia (SR) uD. ‘The various measured parameters of the timber species were analyzed and then comparect with their static bending strengths. The experimental design used in the study was the completely randomized design (CRD), The means of the various parameters were separated using the Dunean’s New Muttiple Range Test (DNMRT), The means of the parameters were regressed against the static bending strengtra, and regression equations derived, The slopes and the intercepts of the significant (r-values) were further tested for significance to obtain valid prediction equations, Results ‘The results are presented in Tables 2 - 4 and in plates 1a ~ cand 2a-b. As outlined in table 2, the mean values for the timbers studied ranged from 0.921 + 0.16 mm in Diospyros. mespilformis to 1.660% 0.27 mm in Ceiba pentandra for fibre length: 0.018 + 0.03 mm in Diospyros mespilformis to 0.056 + 0.014 mm in Astonia boone! for fibre lumen diameter; 0.004 ¢ 0.001 mm in Canarium schwoinfurthi, Detarium microcapum and Gmelina Ajuziogu and Uju arborea to 0,007 * 0,002 mm in Periscopsis elata for fibre cell wall thickness; 0.302 # 0.122 in Aistonia boonei to 2.358 + 1.548 in Periscopsis, lata for Runkel ratio; 0.327% 0.115 in Periscopsis, elata to 0.77340.08 in Alstonia boonel for Coefficient of flexibility, 26.24827.710 in Alstonia boonei to 74.615#25,790 in Khaya ivoronsis for slenderness ratio; 0.286 + 0.085 mm in Gmelina arborea to 0,90320.173 mm in Alstonia boone! for vessel member length, 0.103 + 0,030 mm in Periscopsis elata to 0.27 40.08 mm in Coiba pentandra for vessel diameter in the radial direction, ,23220.027 mm in Mansonia altissima to 0.23240.053 mm in Gelba pentandra for vessel iameter in the tangential direction; 7.033 #1.771 in Ceiba pentandra to 25.03384.476 in Miicia excels for fibre content and 46674162 in Detanum microcarpum to 34.40025,531 in Periscopsis elata for vessel content. The static bending strength along the grain ranges from 26.657N in Coiba pentandra to 150.000N in Periscopsis elata, Plate 1a: Arrangement of wood elements: Gmelina arborea in transverse plane 850 Plate 1b: Arrangement of wood elements: Gmetina arborea in tangential longitudinal plane 462 ny PETE Frsaat 1650 Plate 1c: Arrangement of wood elements: Gmelina arborea in radial longitudinal plano WX 2a Plate 2a: fibres of Gmelina arborea from the ‘macerated wood tissue Plate 2b: fibres and vessel member of Gmelina arborea from the macerated wood tissue Quantitative wood anatomical characteristics in static bending strength of commercial timbers 163 There were highly significant differences among the species in all the parameters measured (=0.01), The mean separations using the (ONMRT) are shown in Table 3. Table 2 shows the Mean values of the quantitative anatomical parameters and the static bending strengths of the timber species, Table 4 shows the prediction equations Y =a + bx correlation coefficient (0), slopes (b) and intercepts (a) of the different parameters. Plate 1 a fo ¢ shows the arrangement of the wood elements of Gmolina arborea in the Wwansverse, tangential longitudinal and radial longitudinal planes respectively. Plate 2a and b show the flores and vessel members of Gmelina arborea from the macerated wood respectively Discussion The results presented show that species with thick fibre cell wall are mostly associated with high static bending strength as against those with thin walls. Poriscopsis elata which has a call wall thickness of 0,007 # 0.002 mm has the highest static bending strength of 150.000N, while Ceiba pontandra of wall thickness of 0.005 + 0,001 mm has strength of 28,667 N, Some species show deviation from this, {and the explanation could come from other factors, within the specimens. ‘Species with narrow fibre lumen show higher static bending strength than those whose lumina were wide, This was seen in Periscopsis elata, Afzelia africana, Diospyros_mespiitormis, Khaya ivorensis, Miicia excelsa and Mansonia altissima, whose fibre lumina were narow and static bending strength high. Species with high coefficient of fiexiblty showed low bending strenath as against those with low coefficient of flexibility whose bending strengths were found to be high, Astonia boonel, Ceiba pentandra ard Antiaris, toxicaria had high Coefficient of flexibility and low slatic bending strength. Diospyros mespiliformis Afzolio aficana, Periscopsis elata, Khaya ivorensis, and Milcia excelsa showed low coefficient of flexibility anda comesponding high bending strength, Species with narrow vessel diameter, high fibre content and high vessel content showed high slatie bending strength, while those with wide vessel diameter, low fibre content and low vessel content showed low bending strength The results therefore support the earlier indications of Esau (1965), that the composition of the xylem tissue and the structural arrangement of the component elements considerably determine the strengths of wood and their suitabilty for ‘commercial usage. ‘The various quantitative anatomical parameters whose prediction equations are valid can serve as reliable indicators of static bending strength along the grain, These as in table 4 include fibre length, fibre coefficient of _ flexibility, siendemess ratio, and vessel diameter. If the mean value of any of these valid parameters is substituted {or (X) in the equation ¥ = a+ bx, the static bending strength can be calculated without using the Tensometer. Thus the static bending strengths along the grain of these timbers cauld be reliably determined using the quantitative wood anatomical approach It must however be pointed out that the present study is limited to relationships with static bending strength and if strength in general, the collectivity of properties enabling the wood to resist various forces or loads Esau (1965), is to be brought in full view, further studies are needed to explore the relationships with other strength parameters. ‘Acknowledgement Financlal support for this work came partly from University of Nigeria research grant No, 93/99 given to the second author for which we are very grateful References Adeyoju, S. K. (1972). The prospect of Nigerian wood based industries. Journal of Forestry 2:67-15. ‘Anon (1957). 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