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In partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Subject Inquires, Investigation, Immersion




June 2023
Background of the Study
The progress of nations depends largely on education. The history of the nation has

seen several advancements and revolutions in the realm of education. In the industrialized

world, school organizations have come to represent shifts and revolutions. The current

study focuses on the quality of education in secondary schools. Sufficient physical

facilities are being provided to impart quality education. Physical amenities are an

indicator of high quality secondary education in both public and private institutions.

According to Vandiver, (2011), a suitable learning environment is made up of a variety of

physical resources made available to schools. In addition, physical facilities are the

fundamental needs which lead students towards their destination. However, students

cannot be educated solely in the classroom, nor can we make them brilliant by restricting

them behind four walls. Interaction with their internal and external environments can help

them learn more effectively.

Stimulated by a high population growth rate and a traditionally high school participation

rate, enrollment in both public and private schools has been rising at all levels in the

Philippines. Private and public secondary enrollment in the Philippines are positively

correlated and the correlation coefficient between the two variables is 0.8, while private

school enrollment has risen along with public school enrollment, this by itself cannot be

interpreted as evidence that there is no substitution between the two types of education.

There are several important intervening variables that could explain this relationship.
A parent often has an option between a public school or private school. Competition

between public and private schools has always existed. Government-run public schools

are required to follow all regulations and while staying within the allocated budget, the

rules are provided. These are the facts. Every component of a public school is dependent

on the amount of funding the government provides. Additionally, public schools must

provide services to all students; as a result, Public schools frequently have a broad

student body. Private schools, on the other hand, are managed separately from the

government, but they still need to adhere to a few curricular requirements, which are

often specified by the state. The authorities offers no financial aid to a private school,

thus payment of tuition is necessary to enroll. Because of this, a private school's student

body often has a smaller diversity. (Powell,2013).

The researcher conducted this study to compare the quality of education in public and

private secondary school.


This study aims to investigate the quality of education between public and private

secondary school.

It aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the qualities of education in private schools that public schools don’t have?

2. What are the advantages of comparing the quality of education in public and private


3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of private schools and

public schools?


1. To know the qualities of education in private schools that public schools don’t have.

2. To identify the advantages of comparing the quality of educaton in public and private


3. To determine the significant difference between the performance of private schools

and public schools.


1. Hypothesis Free

2. Hypothesis Free

3. H1= There is significant difference between the performance of private schools and

public schools.


Physical facilities are

requirements for providing
quality education at
secondary schools. Generally,
it is assumed that private
sector schools are
providing better quality
education as compared to
public schools. This study
was conducted to compare
physical facilities at public
and private secondary
schools in districts Khanewal
and Vehari. This results of
this study will
Physical facilities are
requirements for providing
quality education at
secondary schools. Generally,
it is assumed that private
sector schools are
providing better quality
education as compared to
public schools. This study
was conducted to compare
physical facilities at public
and private secondary
schools in districts Khanewal
and Vehari. This results of
this study will
Physical facilities are
requirements for providing
quality education at
secondary schools. Generally,
it is assumed that private
sector schools are
providing better quality
education as compared to
public schools. This study
was conducted to compare
physical facilities at public
and private secondary
schools in districts Khanewal
and Vehari. This results of
this study will
This study will give benefits to students, for them to know the quality of education

between the public and private secondary education. This study will provide information

regarding on which quality of education is more effective in the learning of the students

in Libona, Bukidnon. It is important to have clear understanding about which school they

would prefer to enroll. The result of this research would not only help the researcher but

also it has a great benefit to the students.


We used primary data in this

study and the data was
collected from
selected respondents through
a structured questionnaire.
This study will be conducted at Libona, Bukidnon. This study focuses on the students for

them to know which school they would prefer to enroll. The general intent of this study is

to have a deeper and further knowledge about the quality of education in public and

private schools.

This study will mainly identify the gap of the quality of education in public and private

schools in the learning of the students in Libona, Bukidnon , this will use a checklist

having ten (10) questions. The checklist is checked by yes or no while the interview is

answerable by the respondents own perspective that is related to the topic. This will be

conducted in Libona Bukidnon students who are having a hard time in choosing what

school they would prefer to enroll.


Quality Education… the type of education which enables people to develop all of their potential

as human beings and members of society.

Parents… plays a critical role in the development in infancy.

Private school… a school not administered or funded by the government.

Public school… a school funded by a local, state and/or federal governments.

Students… a person who is studying at a school



Foreign literature

One of the most important components in improving a nation's social and

economic position and equipping future generations with knowledge and skills is

education. Due to the growth of international rivalry in education and technology in the

21st century, quality education plays a crucial role in the development of the country

(Awan & Zia, 2015).

The Pakistani National Education Policy strives to increase access to education by

raising secondary school enrollment, increasing retention by lowering dropout rates, and

enrolling students for the accomplishment of national goals (National Education Policy,

2016).Pakistan has begun to the operational procedures for advancing the education

industry. According to some, education is a fundamental right that belongs to everyone,

everywhere. Educational establishments are under severe customer service pressure to

establish relationships (2010) Sultan and Wong.

Service sectors are crucial for the economy development. Better quality is

essential for the growth of educational institutions (Saeed, 2014).). Customer happiness is

a crucial component for the evolution of the educational system. It may result in the

quantity of new pupils. If students are not satisfied, educational institutions will not be

able to thrive.

The development of education student happiness is the foundation of the

institution (Hamidullah, 2009). Furthermore, One of the key criteria in the era of

globalization that has created numerous issues for institutions to deal with is the quality

of education.

Consequently, education in schools needs overcoming these obstacles, dealing with the

issues, and maybe looking for efficient improved their quality management system in an

innovative and method (Yousapronpaiboon, 2014).

The body of knowledge on quality management has several gaps and significant

issues related to various quality perceptions in emerging nations (Chui & Ahmad,2016).

One of the most effective methods we have for raising the standard of education.

Local Literature

The truth is that there are excellent public schools, excellent private schools, and

troublesome schools in both sectors. The difference is that public schools are closely
watched, and they can't get away with it because we're investing public money in them,"

the Secretary explained (,2018).Speaking in front of officials and members of

the Asia-Pacific Association of Methodist-related Educational Institutions (APAMEI)

and the International Association of Methodist Schools, Colleges, and Universities

(IAMSCU), Briones expounded on the importance of striking a balance between public

and private education. “One of the concerns right now in education is what is perceived

as the growing role or dominance of public educational institutions vis-à-vis private

educational institutions. However, the Constitution is very clear – there has to be

complementarity. One cannot be lording over the other even if one has more resources

than the other does.

In the Department, we try to articulate this in our policies,”. “In terms of quality

education, the impression is if you are in the private school, therefore, you are better. I

am sorry to say, that is not the truth anymore,” Briones further relayed, citing as example

a recent contest in Science and Mathematics wherein students from public schools

excelled, especially those from Science High Schools (Briones,2018).

According to (Antonio, 2019), Much has been said and done about the Parents

keep having arguments and discussions on where to send their children to learn basic

education. However, in every discussion, particularly on school effectiveness, the public

schools seem to come out of losers. Private schools are often perceived to be more

effective, with at least some evidence to buttress the position. Public schools, on the other

hand, disclose information showing that graduates of public schools are competitive and

doing just as well as the likers of the private school products. In the midst of all these

things, it is but proper to explore areas where parents could lean on either public or
private schools, and eventually decide their choices for themselves. Clearly, the support

of public schools comes from government subsidies. Almost all the needs and services

given to the children of public schools are from the people’s taxes. Private schools run

and achieve their goals and objectives through the tuition fees and support of other

private organizations. Teachers of public and private schools differ in some ways. A

regular permanent public school teacher goes through a series of processes – like ranking

– in which qualification standards and requirements should be met in order to be given a

regular teaching item. From less than 50 or more teacher applicants, only 1 or 2 can be

hired. In private schools, though they also have ranking, the competition seems to be less

stiff compared to that in public schools.

One big difference between the two institutions is the organization and management.

Overall, public and private schools are organized differently in areas such as school and

class size. Public schools can accommodate as many as 70 children in one class. Due to

government policies that no learner be denied an education. All schools are mandated to

admit all enrollees. Aside from that, most of the policies being implemented in schools

nationwide come from the Central Office. Private schools have their own sets of rules

and regulations depending on the management’s mission and vision.

Evidently, decision making in the two institution differ. Private school principals have

more influence over curriculum than their public school counterparts. Recently, however,

private schools have to subject their learners to the NAT  conducted for all the public

school children. This achievement test is aimed to assess the learning being gained by

private school children, and eventually intervention programs might be acted upon.
It can be concluded, therefore, that a learner’s academic success depends not so much on

whether he or she attended a private or public school but rather on how he presents his

total personality like the wat he acts, mingles and respects other persons. It is also

dependent on how he transforms into action the learning he acquired from the said

institution (Raymundo,JR, 2016).

Public school and private school are two whole different worlds. Anyone who is

asked whether they think private school or public school was more beneficial will have

different opinions about each. Some say they like public school more, others say private

school was more helpful. Whatever their answer, there are appropriate arguments for and

against each type of education. Private school does a more efficient and effective job of

bettering student’s education and the way they learn. There are many factors that contribute

to the differences between them, some being the student to teacher ratio, the level of

education, and the community that is built (Cram,2019).

Private verses public school has been a very controversial topic of which is best for

a child. Both public and private schools have their advantages. Private at the end will prove

to be the better school for most children for many reasons. Private school excels over

public school in many ways. Throughout this reading there will be just a few reasons out of

thousands of why parents choose private over public. Private school and public school is a

very controversial topic. Private schools have more difficult curriculums. Private schools

can also make it where the graduation requirements are different for a private school rather

than public. Private school is also much more strict with how their classes are run and there

pass/fail methods when it comes to grading. Private school also has a lower student ratio
than public school. This allows teachers to have more one on one time with their student

which leaves more room for tutoring (Cape,2018).

(Advantages of Private Education, 2016) This alone shows that morals are better

taught and there are far more statistics that have to do with violence against students and

teachers. In conclusion when it comes down to education private schooling is a far better

option. It has a much more controlled environment, which creates a better learning

environment. Private school is expensive, but most defiantly pays off in the end. Education

has and always will be a strong point for private schools. Morals have and will continue to

always be a stronger point for private schools. Private education is more expensive, but also

pays for itself in the end.

Private schools and public schools are two totally different schools with the same

goal. Both schools have their pros and cons. They both strive to do what they can to offer

the best education for their students. Public schools lack in their learning environment

mainly because of bad behavior and lack of teachers. However, they offer many classes

so that each student can further their education in college. Private schools sometimes

have a shortage in spacing that can affect their learning environment. They still are

successful in their education and have many extra-curricular activities. These two schools

have more differences than similarities (Alvarez,2017).

(Kraig,2019),Being a public school means it is open to the entire community with

no exception. Bad behavior is a major problem in public schools today. Both

administrators and parents are too lenient with students which causes them not to see the

effects of their actions. The behavior policy is not strong enough, and this lead to students
taking advantage of it. Teachers constantly have to interrupt class dealing with bad

behavior affect students a lot. Sometimes students’ behavior are uncontrollable and

becomes unsafe. Administrators spend more time trying to discipline bad behavior than

teaching. Bad behavior of others make it hard for students to learn and also make it

uncomfortable for teachers.


One of the most important components in improving a nation's social and economic

position and equipping future generations with knowledge and skills is education. Due to

the growth of international rivalry in education and technology in the 21st century,

quality education plays a crucial role in the development of the country. Education is one

of the most crucial factors in enhancing a country's social and economic situation and

preparing the next generation with information and skills. Quality education is essential

to the success of a nation in the twenty-first century because of the rise of global
competition in technology and education. Clearly, the support of public schools comes

from government subsidies. Almost all the needs and services given to the children of

public schools are from the people’s taxes. Private schools run and achieve their goals

and objectives through the tuition fees and support of other private organizations.

(vandiver, 2011)

Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored to Oni and Hallak (2016) According to some, education is a

fundamental right that belongs to everyone, everywhere. Educational establishments are

under severe customer service pressure to establish relationships. Service sectors are

crucial for the economy development. Better quality is essential for the growth of

educational institutions. Customer happiness is a crucial component for the evolution of

the educational system. It may result in the quantity of new pupils.

If students are not satisfied, educational institutions will not be able to thrive.

Some extent, the physical environment can impact students' comfort as well as their

ability to study. Students who are at ease are more likely to remember information than

those who are not. Every action benefits from the physical environment, making it more

favorable, successful, and practical.

Schematic Diagram

Public and Private

Quality of Education
Secondary Education


Ali, C. (2013). different viewpoints on school size. 9.

Alvarez, J. (2017). private schools and public schols are two totally different schools with the

same goals. 15.

Antonio. (2019). different and similarities between public schools and private schools. 13.

Bell, j. m. (2019). Leadership Styles and School Climate of Public Secondary Schools in Mati

City, North District.

Briones. (2018). quality of education in secondary schools. 12.

cram. (2019). both public and private have their advantages. 15. (2018). differeces between public and private secondary schools. 11.

Edwards, M. (2020). schools with poor buildings. 10.

Fisher, B. (2017). influence to student's comfort. 9.

Hamidullah, l. (2009). cmpare and contrast public and private schools. 11.

hardth. (2014). providing quality education. 9.

Kraig. (2019). public and private school differences.

Kibin. (2023). A comparison of public and private schooling.


Lemasters, C. E. (2013 and 2019). nice school facility. 10.

Raymundo, J. (2016). transform into action the learning. 14.

Saeed. (2014). essential growth of educational institutions. 11.

Savage, S. a. (2015,2013). learning environment. 9.

Vlastos, t. a. (2015). silent curriculum. 10.

Vandiver .j (2011).suitable learning environment. 2.

yousapronpaiboon. (2014). quality management system. 11.
Zeshan, A. (2010). threat from student discontent. 11.

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