Kelas Xi 2022-2023

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Jln. Tjilik Riwut Km. 1 No. 5, Komplek Katedral Santa Maria. Palangka Raya, 73112



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Program : XI
Semester :
Hari / Tanggal :
Alokasi Waktu : menit
Bentuk Soal: Pilihan Ganda

Choose the correct expression to fill the blanks of the conversation below!

Joshua : What is your feeling after entering the additional English class?
Mia: ______1…….(satisfied)____, I can understand English well.
Joshua : It will be held twice a week and don’t miss it.
Mia: Tell me what day.
Joshua : Yes, of course, I will call you.

1. Choose the best expression to fill the blank!

A. I dissatisfied
B. I’m satisfied
C. I’m fine
D. I think it is not good
E. I don’t think so

Danny : I have fixed your cellphone. Here you are.

Letisia : Thank you very much.
Danny : Try it first. Are you satisfied?
Letisia : It is OK… _____2_____ (saya puas dengan pekerjaanmu)
Danny : I follow the instruction from the Youtube.

2. Answer : _________
A. I’m satisfied with your work
B. I’m fine with your word
C. It will be my job
D. You are very kind
E. I feel good
Answer the words in the bracket with SIMPLE PAST forms!

3. I ……………(go) to England last month.

A. Goes
B. Gone
C. Went
D. When
E. Well

4. My sister …………..(give) me a toy yesterday.

A. give
B. gave
C. given
D. giving
E. gift

Complete the following letter with suitable connectors. Choose the best ones.
Dear Jak,
Last Sunday was a fine day (5)……….the first thing I did in the morning was to go to
Candi Park to lead a “gotong-royong” to clean up the park. In the past, I used to go to
this park to walk and exercise at least once a week (6),…..I am unable to do so lately
(7)……..I have to take final examinations. (8). ……I had heard some complains from
some jogger friends who used to jog in this park I went to my school principal to
organize this “gotong-royong” activity at 9 am.
When I arrived at the park, I was told by my jogger friends (9)……the park had been
cleaned up in the past few days, and the contractor of the park had even re-installed
the pillar of the gate which was broken for half a year.
Our presence there made the new management of the park quickly clean up all the
rubbish in the park. I was quite delighted to hear that. My friends (10)…..I walked
around the park to pick up rubbish for about an hour. Then I rushed back homme to
take a quick shower.
You know what? My body was aching after all that. I had a great appetite at lunch
time. (11)….I went back home after lunch, I slept for two and a half hours. Oh my
God! I have not slept for so long in the afternoons for a long time. I had an early night
and went to bed at 11.40 p.m.
Oh God, age is catching up. I did not expect my body to be so exhausted after that one
hour of “gotong-royong”.
You know the joke is, I hardly have time to clean up my own home, I used to hire a
part-time maid to do it, (12)….. now I went to sweep and clean up the park. Ha…ha…
5. A, and B, or C, but D, although E, before
6. A, and B, but C, after D, or E, although
7. A, and B, or C, because D, although E, before
8. A, but B, or C, and D, after E, before
9. A, but B, or C, and D, although E, that
10. A, and B, or C, but D, although E, before
11. A, but B, so C, and D, although E, before
12. A, but B, or C, although D, and E, before

Answer the questions number 13 – 16 based on the text below!

Books are important
Books are window to the world. There are reasons why books are important. First, Books
develop the mind and critical thinking. For example, after reading a book, you may have new
idea about improving your mind and thinking. Second, Books educate and entertain. For
example, books contain math, history, and so on. Books also contain comedy, drama,
adventure, and so on.
Based on text above, books are important for our life. Books develop our mind and thinking ,
that is in education and entertainment.

13. What kind of the text above?

A. Report text
B. Descriptive
C. Analytical exposition
D. Hortatory exposition
E. Explanation text

14. Books develop except our…………

A. our mind
B. thinking
C. education
D. health
E. entertainment.

15. What are examples of the advantage of books in mind and critical thinking?
A. comedy, drama
B. adventure
C. education and entertainment
D. health
E. reading novel

16. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell the reader about the books

B. To persuade the reader to read books
C. To give the information about an activity
D. To tell readers how to read a book
E. To tell readers how to buy a book
Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C,D or E.

12 February 2023.
Dear John,
I would like to apologize for the inconvenience that I caused yesterday. It was really my fault.
I didn’t realize I had moved your books from the shelf.
I just wanted to look for my missing novels. Unintentionally, I moved your books from the
shelf to the boxes. I thought it was the right decision to put the books in the boxes we had
prepared for the temporary container during the installation of the new furniture. I didn’t
think it would cause you problems in finding books that you needed.
I promise to put the books on the shelf in alphabetical order, so that it will be easier for you to
find the book you are looking for.
Forgive me because I didn’t consider that you might still need any book from the shelf. I
know I caused you inconveniences and made you upset. Once again, I promise that it won’t
happen again.



17. What is the text about?

A. Apologizing for a mistake.
B. moving to a new apartment.
C. planning to remove the furniture
D. suggesting changing the future
E. offering help to find a missing book.

18. Why was John upset? Because……..

A. he didn’t like the boxes.
B. Jaiden didn’t want to change the shelves
C. the books should not be placed in the boxes
D. the books are too old to be placed on the shelves
E. he could not identify the position of the books he needed

19. “……it will be easier for you to find the book you……” (paragraph 3)
What does the underlined pronoun refer to ?
A. putting the books in the alphabetical order
B. Temporary container
C. Alphabetical order
D. The furniture
E. The shelf
20. Why did Jaiden move the books from the shelf?
A. to put in the boxes
B. to look for his missing novels
C. to remove the furniture
D. to make inconvenience to John
E. rearrange the shelf

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