May 12-May 25 RPH Shain

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President Diosdado Macapagal moved the Philippine Independence

Day celebration from July 4 to June 12

May 12, 1962

On this day, President Macapagal noted that Independence Day should be

changed to June 12, the date General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the
independence of the Filipinos in Kawit, Cavite, in 1898.Hence, on June 12, 1962,
Philippine Independence was celebrated at the Luneta grandstand with General
Emilio Aguinaldo as the guest of honor.
Apolinario Mabini, often referred to as "the Sublime Paralytic", died of cholera
in Manila at the age of 38.

May 13, 1903

On this day, December 10, 1899, during the Philippine-American war, he was
captured by Americans at Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija, but was later set free. In 1901, he
was exiled to Guam, along with scores of revolutionists the Americans referred to as
"insurrectos" and who refused to swear fealty to imperialist America.

He returned to the Philippines in 1903 at the height of a cholera epidemic in Manila

and died of it on May 13, 1903, in Pandacan, Manila.
“The Constitution of the Philippines was ratified.”

May 14, 1935

On this day, the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines which created the
Commonwealth of the Philippines was based on the principle of separation of powers
among the three branches of government.

It was also on this day in 1910, that the then Commissioner (to the U.S. House of
Representatives) Manuel L. Quezon delivered an eloquent speech in the United States
Congress, pleading for Philippine independence.
The Japanese cruiser Imperial Diamond Kongo visited the port of Manila.

May 15, 1896

On this day, the Japanese cruiser Kongo visits the port of Manila, and Bonifacio,
together with members of the Supreme Council of the Katipunan went to salute its
commander in the upstairs of the Bazar Japones, situated in the plaza del Padre
Moraga, and handed him a manuscript setting forth their desire for the aid and
assistance of Japan towards the gaining of independence for the Philippines. 
Legaspi ordered his men to declare gold taken from burial places of Cebu.

May 16, 1565

On this day, May 16, 1565, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, issued an order to his soldiers
to declare gold and other jewels taken from burial places of the natives of Cebu. It
was learned, according to the order, that soldiers were opening graves and finding
gold without reporting these finds to Legaspi or to the majesty's officials. It was
ordered that all gold already in the possession of the soldiers be declared so that "his
majesty may receive and take his royal fifths and rights".
The royal decree expelling the Society of Jesus from Spain and its dominions
reached Manila.

May 17, 1768

On this day, year 1768, the Jesuits were banished from the Philippines. On February
27, 1767, King Charles III of Spain had issued a decree banishing the Society of Jesus
from Spain and the Spanish dominions. This decree reached Manila on May 17, 1768.
Approval of Republic Act 7721 to liberalize the entry and operation of foreign
banks in the Philippines.

May 18,1994

On this day, the Philippine banking and financial system is hereby liberalized to

create a more competitive environment and encourage greater. The State shall develop
a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos
and encourage, promote, and maintain a stable, competitive, efficient, and dynamic
banking and financial system that will stimulate economic growth and attract foreign
The Maura Law was promulgated.

May 19, 1893

On this day, the Maura Law was promulgated. Named after its author Antonio Maura
y Montañer, who was then the Minister of Colonies of Spain. Its purpose was to
confer upon the towns and provinces of Luzon and the Visayan Islands a greater
measure of autonomy, with the exception of Manila whose government (at that time)
was not altered.
Secondary Education was organized.

May 20, 1865

On this day, the Secondary Education in the Philippines was organized with schools
divided into public and private.

The University of Santo Tomas was considered public school, while the Royal
College of San Juan de Letran, the Ateneo Municipal, the College of Bacolor, and all
other secondary schools were placed under two categories -- the first being those
which offered the complete course leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Aguinaldo donated his historic house at Kawit Cavite to the Government

May 21, 1963

On this day, General Emilio Aguinaldo, at the Veteran Memorial Hospital, signed a
deed donating his historic house at Kawit, Cavite to the Philippine Government on
condition that he will have the right to continue to live there until his death.

Aguinaldo, the first President of the Philippines, continued to be confined at the

hospital until his death on February 6, 1964.
International Day for Biological Diversity 2022

May 22,2022

On this day, globally, around 25% of all animal and plant species are threatened with
extinction. This year the International Day for Biological Diversity is targeted towards
raising awareness and building momentum on the importance of biodiversity as well
as global issues on biodiversity loss.
Governor Francisco de Sande sent off an officer to subdue the Sulu Islands

May 23, 1578

On this day, Governor Francisco de Sande, who had taken possession of Borneo for
Spain, sent off an officer, Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa, to subdue the Sulu Islands,
instructing him to convert (as gently as he can) the pirates of that place into peaceful
farmers, paying tribute to the Spanish Crown.

De Sande was the third governor of the Philippines who ruled from August 25, 1575,
to April 1580.
President Quirino was unanimously nominated for another term.

May 24, 1953

On this day, the Liberal Party in its national convention held in the Rizal Memorial
Stadium, unanimously nominated President Elipdio Quirino for another term
following a walk-out by recently resigned Ambassador Carlos Romulo, Senator
Tomas Cabili, Senator Lorenzo Sumulong, Representative Jose Roy, and others, when
a motion that the balloting be secret was lost.
Blanco ordered the exile of 9 prominent citizens of Malolos.

May 25, 1895

On this day, Governor General Ramon Blanco ordered the exile of 9 prominent

citizens of Malolos, Bulacan, mostly friends and relatives of Marcelo H. Del Pilar,
some to Mindanao and some to Palawan for conspiracy against the Church.

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