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Teenage pregnancy is a problem to the poor and less educated people. Let's learn about
"Adolescent Pregnancy" by World Health Organization. Adolescence is a time of opportunity
which range of actions can be taken to set the stage for healthy adulthood. This paper is aiming
to inform the teenagers, adolescence, youths, about how many adolescent pregnancy happens,
not just to inform, but also to prevent.

Teenage pregnancy is a social issue, particularly for girls between the ages of 15 and 19.
However, only 42% to 68% of Asian adolescents use contraceptives, and only 36% of young
men and 24% of young women between the ages of 15 and 24 in low- and middle-income
nations are fully informed about how to prevent HIV. The cycle of poor health and mother and
infant mortality are both significantly impacted by adolescent pregnancy.

It is genuinely startling to learn the prevalence of several conditions, including teenage

pregnancy. For not providing the youth with a good education, we can also hold the government
and parents accountable. It makes sense for low-income households, but the government need
to also provide free education for the poor. Due to the fact that not everyone can afford things
like good housing and education, people will do anything to obtain food. The percentage of
teenagers that know about sex edu and their ages are not as high as we would like, as you can
see in the paper. Particularly for low-income areas, poverty, and homes where the parents do
not properly look after their children. And for cultures that forcibly wed young women, limiting
their opportunities for education and jobs. And they have less understanding about HIV since
they are not learning, which puts them at higher risk for developing other diseases. Adolescent
pregnancy is more likely to result in low birth weight, which can have a long-term effect on the
health and development of the child. This can lead to unsafe abortions for young girls who
cannot afford to have a child, or poor health for the mother and the child due to how healthy the
place is or lack of having any medicine like vitamins. The effects of youth pregnancy on younger
teenagers and some children who haven't even turned thirteen are quite concerning.
Pregnancies among teens should be treated seriously and with immediate attention, in my
opinion. The education of our youth and the creation of teen centers can also play a significant
role in reducing teen pregnancy. Education allows them to make wise decisions, which can help
prevent them from getting involved in teen pregnancy and suffering its negative consequences.
However, education cannot prevent all teen pregnancy because some people exploit poor girls.
You can be educated by these things and still become pregnant because of boys who have
decided that they will not take no for an answer. That is far more tragic than teenage parents
with insufficient knowledge of sex education.

Nobody wants to have children when they're still teenagers. Teenagers struggle to receive
a quality education, and some of them are unsure about their career goals. Teenagers don't
want to take care of a child at home. Teenagers have to give up a lot of things, but having a
child when they are still children themselves is one of them. Teenagers should pause and
consider their actions before becoming teenage mothers by accident. And it is the duty of all
adults—not just parents—to help a youngster so that she does not become pregnant too soon.

teenager can be guided by her teachers or family members so that she can deal with her
problems and avoid getting pregnant at a young age.

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