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• I can write a diary entry.


• To explain the purpose of keeping a diary

• To describe the format of a diary entry
• To create a diary

What you need: video on ‘writing a diary’, writing sheets, diary writing prompt list.

• Start the video lesson How to Write a Diary Entry: Format, Examples & Ideas,
pausing at 2:09. Discuss:

• What is special about diary writing?

• Why do people write in diaries?
• Discuss with your child how are they going to create a weekly diary.
• Every Friday encourage your child to write about their week- it can include
their daily routine, something they felt excited/upset about or anything
• Look at resource 1- an example of diary writing and underline the key features
for example the date on the top left-hand side, important events and feelings
etc, etc.
• Use the prompt sheet to ensure that children follow the correct format of diary
writing- Resource 2

Key Questions to Check Understanding

• What are the key features of diary entry?

Independent Task:
All: Illustrate your weekly/daily focus for the diary entry and write a sentence
ensuring that you would use one of the key features of a diary entry.
Complete the above tasks and the following activity.
Most/Some: Illustrate your weekly/daily focus for the diary entry and write a
sentence ensuring that you would more than two key features of a diary entry.
Complete the above tasks and the following questions.
Resource 1- Example of a diary entry
Resource 2- Diary entry prompt sheet
Diary entry writing sheet
Diary entry writing sheet

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