Tutorial 1

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1. Determine the domain and range for each of the following functions.
p 1
a. z = x2 + y b. z =
x − y2
c. z = 2 d. z = ln(x − y)
x +y
e. z = ex/(y−1)

2. Sketch the level curves of the following functions for z = 0, z = 2 and

z = 4:
a. z = y 2 − x2 b. z = 2
c. z = xy d. z = xy − 1
e. z = 4x2 + y 2

3. Determine the domains and ranges for the functions; sketch a few level
curves as well as the graphs.
a. z = 4 − x2 − y 2 b. z = x2 + 9y 2
c. z = 9x2 + y 2 d. z = 4 − x2 − y 2
e. z = 4 + x2 + y 2

4. Sketch the following surfaces in three dimensions.

a. x2 + z 2 = 4 b. z = 4 − y 2
c. z = 5 − y d. z = 2
e. y = x

5. Sketch the level surfaces for the functions.

a. w = 4x2 + y 2 + 4z 2 , c = 1 b. w = z − x2 − y 2 + 4, c = 7
c. w = z − x2 + y 2 , c = 1, d. w = x2 + y 2 , c = 4

6. Find the first partial derivatives of the following functions.

a. z = ln(2x + 3y) b. z = sin(xy)
c. z = x cos(xy) d. s =
x + y2 2
e. w = f. z = 2
z y −x
g. w = x tan(y + 3z) h. w = sin(xyz 3 )
1 x
i. w = j. w =
x2 + y 2 + z 2 sin(2x + 3y + z 2 )
2 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1
p ∂z ¯¯
7. (i) Given z = + x2 y2 ,
∂x ¯(3,4)
(ii) Given w = x sin(xyz), find at (1, 12 , π)
2x ∂z ¯¯
(iii) Given z = , find
x + cos y ∂y ¯(1,π/2)
p ∂z
8. (i) Given x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1, find
∂z ∂z
(ii) Given yz 2 + y 2 + x3 = xy + sin(xz), find ,
∂x ∂y
(iii) Given z 2 + yz = ln(x + z), find
9. (i) Given f (x, y) = x ln(xy), find fxy and fyx
µ ¶
(ii) Given w = x2 cos , find wxx , wxz , wyz , wxy , wyy and wzz
(iii) Given z = ex sin y, find zxx , zxy , zyyx and zxyx
∂2z ∂2z
(iv) If z = sin(3x + 2y), show that 3 − 2 = 6z
∂y 2 ∂x2
∂z ∂z
10. (i) Given z = f (xy), show that x −y =0
∂x ∂y
∂v ∂v
(ii) If v = f (x2 + y 2 ), find ,
∂y ∂x
(iii) Given v = f (x − ct) + g(x + ct) where c is constant, show that
∂2V 1 ∂2V
∂x2 c2 ∂t2
11. Estimate the change in the value of f (x, y, z) = 2xy 2 z 3 when (x, y, z)
changes from P (1, −1, 2) to Q(0.99, −1.02, 2.02).
12. Use partial derivative to find the change in the value of f (x, y) = x2 y−xy 2
as (x, y) changes from (1, 1) to (1.02, .98).
13. Find the rate of change in the volume of a cylinder with radius 8 cm and
height 12 cm if the radius increases at the rate of 0.2 cm/s while the height
decreases at the rate of 0.5 cm/s.
14. Let I = V /R, find the maximum error in calculating I if the error in
computing V is 1 volt and R is 0.5 ohm at V = 250 volt and R = 50 ohm.
15. The length, width and height of a rectangular box increases at the rate of
1 cm/s, 2 cm/s and 3 cm/s respectively. Calculate the rate of increase in
the diagonal of the box when the length is 2 cm, width is 3 cm and height
6 cm.
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 3

16. The dimensions of a closed rectangular box are measured as 3 meter, 4

meter and 5 meter with a possible error of 100/192 cm in each case. Use
partial derivatives to approximate the maximum error in calculating the
value of
(i) the surface area of the box, and
(ii) the volume of the box
17. The flow rate of gas through a pipe is given by V = cp1/2 T −5/6 with c
constant, p is diameter of the pipe and T the absolute temperature of the
gas. The value of p is measured with a maximum percentage error of 1.6%
while the maximum percentage error in T is 0.36%. Find the maximum
percentage error in calculating V.
18. A box with height h has a square base with length x. The error in mea-
suring the side of the base is 1% whereas that for the height is 2%. Ap-
proximate the maximum percentage error in calculating the volume.
19. The total resistance R for three components with resistances x, y and z
connected in parallel is given by
1 1 1 1
= + +
R x y z
If x, y and z are given as 100, 200 and 400 ohm with the maximum per-
centage error of 1% for each measurements, use partial derivatives to ap-
proximate the maximum percentage error in calculating R.

In questions 20 − 23, use chain rule to find dw/dt

1 t
20. w = x3 − y 3 ; x = , y=
t+1 t+1
21. w = ln(u + v); u = e−2t , v = t3 − t2
22. w = r 2 − s tan v; r = sin2 t, s = cos t, v = 4t
23. w = x2 y 3 z 4 ; x = 2t + 1, y = 3t − 2, z = 5t + 4
24. Find the first partial derivatives for the following functions using the chain
a. z = x2 + y 2 ; x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ
b. z = ln(x + y); x = u + v, y = u − v

c. z = x2 y 2 − x + 2y; x = u, y = uv 3
d. z = r 3 + s + v; r = xey , s = yex , v = x2 y
e. z = pq + qw; p = 2x − y, q = x − 2y, w = −2x + 2y

25. Given w = 3xy 2 z 3 ; y = 3x2 + 2, z = x − 1, find dw/dx by using the
chain rule.
4 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1

π ∂w ∂w
26. Given w = cos(uv); u = xyz, v = , find and at
4(x2 2
+y ) ∂x ∂z
x = 1, y = 1 and z = 1.

In each of questions 27 − 30 the equation defines implicitly function of two

variables z = f (x, y). Find ∂z/∂x and ∂z/∂y.

27. z 2 + z sin(xy) = 0 28. 2xz 3 − 3 ln(yz 2 ) + x2 y 2 + 4z = 0

29. xeyz − 2yexz + 3zexy = 1 30. x + y 2 + z + sin z = π
d2 z
31. Find for the following functions using the chain rule.
a. z = x2 + y 2 ; x = cos θ, y = sin θ
b. z = ln(x2 y); x = eθ , y = θ 2
32. Determine the critical and extremum points for the following functions.
a. f (x, y) = xy + 2x − 3y − 2
b. f (x, y) = 2x2 − 2xy + 3y 2 − 4x − 8y + 20
c. f (x, y) = x3 + y 3 − 3xy
d. f (x, y) = ex sin y
e. f (x, y) = (x − 1)(y − 1)(x + y − 1)
f. f (x, y) = 4xy − x4 − y 4
33. Session 2001/02 Sem I
µ ¶
a) Given a two variables function f (x, y) = y sin . Show that
x2 + y 2
∂f ∂f
x +y = f . Hence, show that
∂x ∂y

∂2f ∂2f ∂2f

x2 2
+ 2xy + y 2 2 = 0.
∂x ∂x∂y ∂y
(10 Marks)
b) Obtain the local extremums and saddle point(if exists) for the function

f (x, y) = ex (x2 + y 2 )

(10 Marks)

34. Session 2001/02 Sem II

a) Find the local extremums and saddle point(if exist) for

f (x, y) = 8x3 − 24xy + y 3 .

(10 Marks)
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 5

b) Given w = f (x, y), with x = r cos θ, and y = r sin θ.

i) Show that
= fx cos θ + fy sin θ
1 ∂w
= −fx sin θ + fy cos θ
r ∂θ
ii) Solve the above simultaneous equations to write fx and fy in terms
of ∂w ∂w
∂r and ∂θ .
iii) Show that
µ ¶2 µ ¶2
∂w 1 ∂w
(fx )2 + (fy )2 = +
∂r r2 ∂θ
(10 Marks)

35. Session 2002/03 Sem I

a) Sketch the graph of the level surface of the function
p(x, y, z) = z − x2 − y 2 + 2y + 1
when p(x, y, z) = 2. (5 Marks)
b) Find ∂x , if z = f (x, y) is defined implicitly as
xyex = 7 + sin(xyz).
(4 Marks)
c) If w(x, y, z) = f (x − y, y − z, z − x), show that
∂w ∂w ∂w
+ + =0
∂x ∂y ∂z
(5 Marks)
d) By using the partial derivatives,
q estimate the maximum percentage
error in evaluating T = 2π g , if the percentage error in estimating L
and g are 0.5% and 0.1% respectively. (6 Marks)

36. Session 2002/03 Sem II

a) Sketch the graph of the level surface of the function w(x, y, z) = z +
x2 + y 2 + 2 when w(x, y, z) = 3. (4 Marks)
b) The total resistant R of a parallel circuit with resistors having resistance
x, y and z is R1 = x1 + y1 + z1 . If the percentage error in measuring the
resistance x, y and z is 2% respectively, find the maximum percentage
error in calculating R. (6 Marks)
c) A cuboid without it’s cover with a volume of 500m3 is to be build by
using the minimum amount of aluminium sheet. Find out the dimension
of the cuboid. (10 Marks)
6 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1

37. Session 2005/06 Sem I

a) If z is a function of x and y and is defined implicitly by x2 +y 2 +z 2 = 1,
show that
∂z ∂z 1
x +y =z−
∂x ∂y z
(6 Marks)
t ∂z
b) Let z = f (x, y), where x = t + cos t, and y = e . Find ∂t at t = 0 given
that fx (1, 1) = 4 and fy (1, 1) = −3 (6 Marks)
c) The height of a right circular cone is increasing at the rate of 0.2 cm
s−1 and the radius of the base is decreasing at the rate of 0.3 cm s−1 .
Find the rate of change of the volume when the height and the radius are
15 cm and 10 cm respectively. (8 Marks)

38. Session 2006/07 Sem I

a) If f (x, y) = cos (y 2 + 2x), show that fxy = −4y cos (y 2 + 2x). Hence
evaluate fxy (2, 1). (4 Marks)
b) If f (x, y) is a function of x, y and z = xy + f (x2 + y 2 ), show that

∂z ∂z
y −x = y 2 − x2
∂x ∂y

(5 Marks)
∂u √ √
c) Use the chain rule to find the value of at point ( π, π, 1), given
that u = z sin(xy), x = r + s, y = r − s, and z = r 2 + s2 (5 Marks)
d) An open rectangular box is to have a volume of 32m3 . Find the dimen-
sions that will make the surface area minimum. (6 Marks)

39. Session 2007/08 Sem II

a) Sketch the level surface for the function

T (x, y, z) = 65 − x2 − y 2 − z

at T (x, y, z) = 29. (5 Marks)

2 2 2
b) Let f (x, y, z) = x + y + z , where x = ρ sin φ cos θ, y = ρ sin φ sin θ,
z = ρ cos φ. Use chain rule to find in terms of ρ (6 Marks)
c) A closed rectagular box is to be build with the volume equal to 36m3 .
The material for the bottom of the box cost RM 1 per m2 while the top and
sides cost RM 8 per m2 . Find the dimensions of the box with minimum
cost. (9 Marks)
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 7

40. Session 2008/09 Sem I

a) Sketch the level surface of the function

w(x, y, z) = x2 + y 2 − 2y + z 2

when w(x, y, z) = 3. (4 Marks)

b) The relationship between the current (I), voltage (V ), and the resis-
tance (R) is given by I = . By using the partial derivatives, estimate
the maximum percentage error in evaluating I, if the percentage error in
estimating V and R are 2% and 1% respectively. (6 Marks)
c) Obtain the local extremums and saddle point (if exists) for the function

f (x, y) = 2x4 + y 2 − 12xy.

(10 Marks)

41. Session 2008/09 Sem II

x+y ∂z ∂z
a)If z = p , find x +y . (5 Marks)
x +y 2 ∂x ∂y
b) Let z = f (x, y), where x = eu + e−v and y = e−u − ev . Use chain rule
∂z ∂z
to find and . Hence show that
∂u ∂v
∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z
− =x −y . (6 Marks)
∂u ∂v ∂x ∂y
c) The volume V of a right circular cone is given in terms of its semivertical
angle α and the radius r of its based by the formula

V = π r3 cot α.

The radius r and the angle α are given to be 6 m and 41 π rad, subject to the
errors of 0.05 m and 0.005 rad respectively. Find the greatest percentage
error in calculating the value of the volume. (9 Marks)


1. a. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞, x2 + y ≥ 0}, J = {z : 0 ≤ z < ∞}.

b. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞, x − y 2 6= 0}, J = {z : −∞ < z < ∞}.
c. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞, x + y 2 6= 0}, J = {z : −∞ < z < ∞}.
d. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞, x > y}, J = {z : −∞ < z < ∞}.
e. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞, y 6= 1}, J = {z : 0 < z < ∞}.
8 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1

2. a. b.

y .
...... z=4 y..............
.... ......... ... .......
.... ....
..... .... ... ....
.. . ...... z=2 ...
..... .......
. ........ .. ...... .
... .
.... .....
.. ...
z=4 .
..... ....
..... ....
... ..
..... ...... ..
..... ....... ...
. .
... ..... ......... z=0 ..
.. ... ..
... .
..... ................................ .........
.. ...
z=2 ...
... ..
..... .... ........ ... ... ... ..
..... .. ..... ... ... .
. .
. ..
..... .. ..... ... ... .... ... ...
.. .
............................................................................................................................................................. ... ... ... ... ...
.. . .. .. ... ... ... ...
......... .... .........
..... ... .........
x ..
.. ..
.... ..... .. .. ..
..... ..... ..... ...
... ....
. ... .. ...
..... . ... .. ..
.. ..... ............................................... ........ ... ... . .. .....
.... ......
... ........ .
...... .....
..... ..... z=0
.... .....
.... ..
... ..
... ..
.... ..
.... .... .... .... .......
.. ...
.. ...
.. .... ...................
......... .... ..............
.. .....
.... z=0 ..... ... .. ... .....
............ .. ...........
z=2 .. ..... ... .
.... .... x
... .... .. ..
z=4 .. ....
.. .

c. d.

y............... y...............
....... ....... .
.. . .. . ...
... ... .... ... ... .... ....
... ... ... ... ... ... ....
... ... .... ... ... .... ....
... .... .... ... .... .... ......
... ... .... ... ... .... ......
z=2 ...
............................................... ........
.. .... .......
z=0 ...
............................................... ........
.. .... .......
......... z=4
... ... ...... ............ ...
. ..
...... ...........
... ...
......... z=4
.................. ... .
.... z=2
z=0 ...
.. ...............
.. ..
.... ....
................... ......
....... ... x ................... ......
. x
z=4 ..............
... z=2 ..............
...... ......
. .. ........ ... ....
... ..... ....
... .. ..
... ... ...
z=4 ......
.... ... ..
.. . .
... .. .. ... .... .... ....
... ... ... ... ... .. ..
... .. ... ..
.. ... ... ... ... .. ...
.. .. .. . ..
... .. ....
... ..
... ...
z=0 . .


......................... ..................................
. ....
... . ...
. .
. .. ..................
... ................ .......................
.... .. ................ ....
.... .. ... .....
. ...
.. ... .... ... ...
.. .. . .. ..
... •
. ....................
... .. .. .........
. ............... ...
. .
. .
... .... .. ..... . .......
... ................. ... ..............
... .... ..
...... ....
.. .....
. z=0
........................ ...
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 9

3. a. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞}; J = {z : −∞ < z ≤ 4}

y.............. z................
....... ....
.... ....
... ...
. ...
.. ....... . ..... .
...... z = −5
..... ..................
.... . ..... ...... .
.. ................
.. ................................... .....
. ...
. . .......
. ..... ....
..... ... ...
... ...
... z=0
... .......
... ........................
. .
... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... ..........
... ... ..... .... ....... .......... . ... ..
...... .. . .......
.... .... .... .. ... ... ... .. .
... •
. .... ..
. .
....... .. .
y ....
.... ... ........................................ ...
........ ... ............. ... ............ ...
..... ..... .. ...........
x ..
.. ..................... .. ....
. .................................... . . .
.. ....... ....
... ... .
. .. . . ......... ..
. .... .... .... .... .... ...
....... ..
.................................. ............... z=1
... . .... ......
.. . ... ....
...... .... .... ...
. .... ....
..... .
. ......... ..... .... ...
. ..... ....
. .
...... .........
..... .........
−5 .....
... ... .
... ................ ..... .
z=4 x .............
. ......................................................... ..

... .....

b. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞}; J = {z : 0 ≤ z < ∞}

....... .
.. z ..................
... z=4 ......
..... ..
... ...... ..............................................................
... ....... ............ .......
....... z=2
....... ............
. ......
.. .. . . ...
...... .. ..... ... .....
..... ....... ..... ........... . ....
.... ............ .
. .
.. ....
. ... ................. ... .................... .. ............................
. .
. .... . .
................... ... ... ................ . .
. .
... ..... .... ...... ... ... .
.. .. . ... ...
• ... ...
... ... ....... . . ... ...
...... .... ......................
............................. ......
...... ........
..... x ...
... ..
...... ..
. .......... ...
... ...
........ . ..
.............. .... ..................... ........... ...
... ...
................. ...... ... .... .
... ......
... ...
.. z=0 ...
. ......
.... ......... .
. .
.... .
... ..
... ..
x ..
... . . .

c. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞}; J = {z : 0 ≤ z < ∞}

..... .
.... z ..................
z=4 ......
.. ..
. .
...... ................................................
.... ..
.... ................... ............... ........
.. ........ ...
... .
... z=2 .......... .....
... ...
.......... ... ............. .....
... ...... ... ...... . .........
... ................
. ...........
.... ... ... ..... ...................
. ... .
...................................... ... .
.. ... .... . ......... .
............. ..... ... .
.. ... . ... .
• ... ...
... ... .. .................... ..
... .... ............... ....
. . .. .. x ..
.. ...
... .... .. .... ...... ... ...
... ................ ... ........ ... ...
... .... .. ...... ... ...
... .. ... ......
.... ...
..... ... ...
...... .... .......... ..... ..... .....
................... z=0 .......
.... ..
. .
. .
... ...........
. y
... x .
.... .. . . .
10 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1

d. D = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 4}; J = {z : 0 ≤ z < 2}

....... .
.. z .................
... ......
....z=0 ..
... ...... ..
.... .. ...................... ..................... ...
......... ......
. .
.. .
.... ............
.. ..
... . z=1 ...
.... .... ...
................... ....................
. .. .. .
.. ..... ...
... ... .... ................ .... ..
.. .. . . .... ....
• ...... ....
... ... . ................... .
.... .. .......... .
................... ...... ....
... x ...
... ...
... ...
.. ......... ..
. ..
.... .
. ............ ... ..
. .
...... .. ..... ........... .. ..
.......... .... ................ ...... .
z=2 .
.. .
. ..
. ..
.. .
. .
. 2
.... .......... .....
...... ...............
....... y
x .
.. ... .

e. D = {(x, y) : −∞ < x, y < ∞}; J = {z : 4 ≤ z < ∞}

...... ...
... z ..................
... ......
. ...
. ...... ................... .... ...........................
.......................... ................... .........
.......... ..
.... ............
....... .
.... ...
... ... .......... ...... ... ......
... .
....................... ........................
.. .............. .
... ........................................................... ......
. ....
.... .... ....
. ... .... ............. .... .... ...
.. .. . . .... ....
... ... •
. ..... . .
..... .....
.... ... ....................
........ ... ........ ....... ....
....... ...... ..
.. x .......
... .. ...
.......... .... ...............
... ...........
..... ...........
............... ......
z=4 .
x ...
..... .

4. a. b. Graph for z ≥ 0

z................. z................. ......................................

.... .... ....... ..... ......
.. .. ...... ..... .....
.... .... ....... ........ ....
.. .. ..... ....... ....
... ........ ........ ...
. ..
..... .... ... ....
..... ... ....
. .
...................... ..... ....... ..... ..
.... ....
..... ..
. .. . ....
. ... .
... ... ...
... ..
... .
........ ... ..
... ... ... ... ... ... ..
........... ....... ............ .
... . ... ...... .... ....
... .... ... ... ..... ... ..... ...
..... ....... .....
.... . .... ... ........ ......
... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ..... .... .... .....
. . ................ ... .........
.... ... .... .. ....................................................................... .. . .... . .
. .
. . . ... . ...... ..... ..... ..... ....
... . ..... .... .....
... .
. ... . .
.. ...... ...
.. ...
... ..
... .................................
............ ...... . ....
..... y
... . .. . ... ..
. .. ............... .
.... ....
... .... ..... ... ... ...
......... ..... .... .....
... ...
... .......... .... ...... .....
.. .... ..... .. ... ........ ..... ... .........
. .. .... ... ......... ..... ... ....
.................. ..
............. .... ....... ......... ..... ........ .....
.. ........ .....
.... ....
..... .....
..... .....
. ............ .............
......... ...........
x ..... x ....
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 11

c. Graph in the first octant d. Graph in the first octant

z................ z................
..... .....
.... 5
..... .........
........ .....
..... .....
... .
..... ..... .. .....
........ .....
..... ..
........ ..... ...
... ..
.... ..... ..... .....
. .....
..... ..... .....
..... ..... .....
..... .....
.. ..
..... 5
........ ...
....... .....
. ... ..... .... .....
..... .... .......
. y ..... .... ..... y
..... .... .
........ .
... .
..... ... . .
..... ...
. ...
. ..... .... .....
..... .... ..... .... ..... ....
... .... .....
........ ..... .....
..... ......... ..... ..
....... ..... ....... ......
. .....
. .....
..... .....
..... ......... .....
..... .....
..... ......... .
............... .
...... .
.. ...........
x ..... x .....


z................. ..........
.... .........
.... .........
.. ................
... ..................
... ............ ......................
... ........
... .. ... ....
... .... ..
. . ..........................................................
..... .....
..... .... ........ y
.... ..
.... .......................
..... .....
.... .........................
..... ...
..... ... .... ....
. .
. ....
..... ....
.... .... ...
..... ....
..... .......
. .
. .
....... ..
.... ..............
x ..... .. ..................

5. a. b.

z ................. .
.... 1
... z .................
.. ..
. ... ................. ..
. .........
.......... ... ....... ..............................................................
... . ...... ........... .. .......
. . .....
..... ........ ... ...
...... .
. .. .... ...
... ... ...... ......
...... ...... ...... ....
.. ... ..... ..... . ....
. .
............... . ......
... .. ...
... .
.......... ... ......................................................................
.... ... . .... ..
... .. ..... .... ...
... 1 ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........................................................
.... ....
..... ..... ....
..... ...... . .
y ..... .....
......... 2 .. ......
... ........... ....
. ....... ..
........ 1 .......
.......... .
............... ...................... ......... ....
x . .
. ...
.............................................. .
.. .....
. .....
...... .....
....... ......
......... .............. ...
. ........................................................................................
.......... y
x .
12 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1

c. d.

z .................. z ..
. .
.... .
. .
. . . .....................
. .......... ...........
... ........... .... .....
................................................ ...... .. ...
............... ........ .........
........ ... .....
. ..... ... ...
...... ... .....
......... . ........
..................... .
. . ........
..... ................................ ....
..... ...
..... .....
..... ... 2
.... .... ...
x ..............
..... ........ ....................
.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..
.. .. ...
.... ...... ....
......................................................................................... ..........
.......... y
x ................

2 3
6. a. zx = ; zy =
(2x + 3y) (2x + 3y)
b. zx = y cos(xy); zy = x cos(xy)
c. zx = cos(xy) − xy sin(xy); zy = −x2 sin(xy)
t2 r2
d. sr = ; s t =
(r + t)2 (r + t)2
1 2y (x + y 2 )
e. wx = ; wy = ; wz = −
z z z2
2 −4y
f. zx = 2 ; zy = 2
(y − x)2 (y − x)2
g. wx = tan(y + 3z); wy = x sec2 (y + 3z); wz = 3x sec2 (y + 3z)
h. wx = yz 3 cos(xyz 3 ); wy = xz 3 cos(xyz 3 ); wz = 3xyz 2 cos(xyz 3 )
−2x −2y
i. wx = 2 ; wy = 2 ;
(x + y 2 + z 2 )2 (x + y 2 + z 2 )2
wz = 2
(x + y 2 + z 2 )2
sin(2x + 3y + z 2 ) − 2x cos(2x + 3y + z 2 )
j. wx = ;
sin2 (2x + 3y + z 2 )
−3x cos(2x + 3y + z 2 )
wy = ;
sin2 (2x + 3y + z 2 )
−2xz cos(2x + 3y + z 2 )
wz =
sin2 (2x + 3y + z 2 )
7. (i) (ii) 1 (iii) 2
∂z −y
8. (i) =p
∂y 1 − x2 − y 2
∂z z cos(xz) + y − 3x2 ∂z x − 2y − z 2
(ii) = ; =
∂x 2yz − x cos(xz) ∂y 2yz − x cos(xz)
∂z z 2 + xz
(iii) =
∂y 1 − 2z 2 − 2xz − xy − yz
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 13

9. (i) fxy = = fyx
y µ ¶ µ ¶
z 2x z
(ii) wxx = 2 cos ; wxz = − sin
y y y
x2 z
· µ ¶ µ ¶¸
z z
wyz = 2 cos + sin
y y µ ¶ y y
2xz z
wxy = 2 sin
y y
−zx2 z −x2
· µ ¶ µ ¶¸
z z z
wyy = cos + 2 sin ; w zz = cos .
y3 y y y y2 y
(iii) zxx = ex sin y; zxy = ex cos y
zyyx = −ex sin y; zxyx = ex cos y
∂v ∂v
10. (ii) = 2yf 0 (x2 + y 2 ); = 2xf 0 (x2 + y 2 );
∂y ∂x
11. 0.96 12. 0.04 13. 64π cm3 /second
26 47
14. 0.07 15. 16. (i) 0.25 m2 (ii) m3
7 192
17. 1.1% 18. 4% 19. 1%

dw −3(t2 + 1) dw 3t2 − 2t − 2e−2t

20. = 21. = −2t
dt (t + 1)4 dt e + t3 − t2
22. = 4r sin t cos t − tan 4t sin t − 4s sec2 4t
23. = 4xy 3 z 4 + 9x2 y 2 z 4 + 20x2 y 3 z 3
dz dz
24. a. = 2x cos θ + 2y sin θ = 2r; = −2xr sin θ + 2yr cos θ = 0
dr dθ
dz 2 1 dz
b. = = ; =0
du x+y u dr
dz 2u 2 v 6 − 1 dz
c. = √ + 2u2 v 6 + 2v 3 ; = 6uv 2 (u2 v 3 + 1)
du 2 u dr
dz dz
d. = 3x2 e3y + yex + 2xy; = 3x3 e3y + ex + x2
dx dy
dz dz
e. = y; = x − 4y
dx dy
dw 9xy 2 z 2
25. = 3y 2 z 3 + 36x2 y + √
dx 2 x−1
dw dw π ³π´
26. = 0; = − sin
dx dz 8 8
∂z −yz cos (xy) ∂z −xz cos (xy)
27. = ; =
∂x 2z + sin(xy) ∂y 2z + sin(xy)
14 SSE 1893: Tutorial 1

∂z −z(z 3 + xy 2 ) ∂z z(3 − 2x2 y 2 )

28. = ; =
∂x (3xz 3 + 2z − 3) ∂y 2y(3xz 3 + 2z − 3)
∂z 2yzexz − eyz − 3zyexy ∂z 2exz − xzeyz − 3xzexy
29. = ; =
∂x xyeyz − 2xyexz + 3exy ∂y xyeyz − 2xyexz + 3exy
∂z −1 ∂z −2y
30. = ; =
∂x 1 + cos z ∂y 1 + cos z
∂2z ∂2z 2
31. (i) =0 (ii) =− 2
∂θ2 ∂θ2 θ
32. a. (3, −2, 4) saddle point b. (2, 2, 8) local minimum
c. (0, 0, 0) saddle point; (1, 1, −1) local minimum
d. no critical point
e. (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0) saddle points
(2/3, 2/3, 1/27) local maximum
f. (1, 1, 2), (−1, −1, 2) local maximum; (0, 0, 0) saddle point
33. b. (0, 0, 0) local minimum; (−2, 0, 4 e−2 ) saddle point
34. a. (0, 0, 0) saddle point; (2, 4, −64) local minimum
−z cos(xyz) + ex
35. b. zx = d. 0.3%
x cos(xyz)

z ..................
................ .... .......
.. ....
..... ..
............ ...
... ................................................................. ... ..
......... z ...........
... .... ... .........
35 a. ...
.. ... 36 a. ....
.. .... ..
.. .. .. ...
.. .. .
. ...
... .. .. ...
... ...
..... ..
... 1 ...
. ....
. ....
. ...
......... .... ...............
.... ....... .. .... ....
.... .
.. .....
.... .......... ..... ..
. .
. ....
...... .......... ...... .... . .
........................... ................................................... .... ...................
.. . ..... ..
1 y ..
....... ................................................................. ......
.. y
x ..
.. ..
. ...
................ ...........
..... ..
...... ...
......... .
... .

36. b. 2% c. x = 10, y = 10, z = 5. Area= 300m2

37. b. zt = zx xt + zy yt = 1 c. vt = −23 πcm3 s−1

38. a. −4 cos 5 = −1.135 c. ur = yz cos(xy) + xz cos(xy) + 25 sin(xy) = −2 π
32 64 64
d. z = , s= + + xy, x = 4, y = 4, z = 2.
xy x y
39. b. 2ρ
SSE 1893: Tutorial 1 15

36 576 576
39. c. z = , Cost = 9xy + + , x = 4, y = 4, z = 2.25. Min Cost=RM432.
xy x y

40. a. x2 + (y − 1)2 + z 2 = 22 Sphere, centre(0,1,0); radius=2. b. 3%.

c. (0, 0, 0) saddle point; (3, 18, −162) & (−3, −18, −162) Minimum points.
∂z ∂z
41. a. x +y =0 c. 3.5%.
∂x ∂y

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