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Analyze intention of words or expressions used in

ENGLISH 8 propaganda techniques EN8V-IIIg-26 (6)

3 Quarter Periodical Examination
rd Re (1)

Name: ____________________________________________ 7. What tool is used i n o r d e r to make the

Year & Section: ____________________Score: _________ consumers accept or approve something without
looking closely at the evidence?
A. Advertisement C. commercial
Directions: Analyze the questions carefully.
B. Announcement D. propaganda
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a sheet of paper.
Un (1)
Examine biases (for or against) made by the
8. A famous beauty queen gives her positive reviews
author EN8RC-IIIg-3.1.12.
about a beauty product. What propaganda techniques
Re (1) does it implies?
1. What is an author’s expression of his/her own opinion on A. Testimonial
a particular issue without examining and presenting B. Name-calling
enough evidence. C. Plain folks
A. Bias C. Objective D. Glittering generalities
B. Judgment D. Subjective
Ap (1)
Re (2)
2. Which of the following factors influences a person to be 9. Look at the picture from an advertisement below. How it
biased? appeals to you?
A. Evidence C. Facts
B. Experiences D. Reality
Un (1)
3. Buying a brand-new android cellphone is a waste of
money. Which of the words in the statement shows bias?
A. brand new C. Money
B. buying D. Waste
Un (2)
4. Which of the following statements is an example of
unbiased writing? A. It appeals to logic.
A. Filipinos are the best singers in the world. B. It appeals to reason.
B. High school dropouts will not be successful in life. C. It appeals to emotion.
C. Asian people have a diverse and rich cultural D. It appeals to character or credibility.
D. Students who are good in Science and Math are An (1)
Un (3) 10. The best coffee for the best you from Famous
5.“Pageants are amazing platforms that promote different coffee/cafe What does this glittering propaganda want you
advocacies such as women empowerment, child
protection, and environmental conservation.” Which among to do?
the following words makes the statement bias? A. Buy their coffee and you’ll be the best.
A. Amazing C. Different B. You should always have coffee with them.
B. Conservation D. Protection
C. Be the best that you can be by having their
Ev (1) coffee.
6. All of the following statements are true about bias,
D. Treat yourself with their coffee because of your
A. Presenting both sides of the issue hard work.
B. Telling only a part of the issue at hand
C. Putting across an unfair or one-sided opinion
D. Being subjective as opposed to being objective
An (2) 16. Which of the following BEST describes a social issue?
11. Why eat with a clown, when you can dine with a king? A. It causes an increase in unemployment.
from Famous fast food B. The people recognize the situation as a huge
What is the intention of this name-calling propaganda problem.
C. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a
when it used figures of speech in their tagline?
A. It wants to tell us that burgers are like kings and D. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of
clowns. People (revise)
B. It wants to tell us that kings are better than Un (2)
clowns in all aspects. 17. Which of the following is an indicator of an
C. It wants to show that clowns are fun to dine with economic issue?
due to their funny acts. A. The public recognize the situation as a
D. It wants to make the competitor looks problem.
incompetent to uplift its brand. B. Only overseas recognizes the issue as a
Ev (1) C. It involves a difference of beliefs and
12. How would you see a propaganda of a D. It involves an increase of unemployment or not
slimming tablet with a promo sale of buy 1 take 1 at having a job to earn ones living.
a very cheap price and you really want to lose Ev (2)
weight? 18. Which of the following situations shows a moral issue?
A. I will not buy the product until I can A. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
prove that it is effective. B. A family experiences financial crisis due to the
B. I will immediately buy the product pandemic.
because it has a very nice offer. C. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
C. I will buy the product because I am D. A community sees a surge in drug addiction cases.
swayed by its beautiful propaganda.
D. I will research about the possible Analyze literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people
negative side effects of the product with diverse backgrounds
before buying it. Re (1)
19. Which type of literature is a product of a writer’s
Determine various social, moral, and economic issues imagination?
discussed in the text listened to EN8LC-IIIh-7.4 A. Feature C. Literature
Re (1 B. Fiction D. Non-fiction
13. What issue reflects the scarcity of resources
which are deemed insufficient to satisfy human Re (2)
wants and needs? 20. Magkawas Falls is one of the tourists’ attractions in
A. Social issue C. Economic issue Lanuza. Based on the sentence, what is an example of of
B. Moral issue D. Public issue tangible cultural heritage?
Re (2) A. Attraction C. Magkawas Falls
14. Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral B. Lanuza D. Tourists
A. It involves a difference of beliefs and Re (3)
preferences. 21. What do you call the customs, arts, achievements and
B . It involves situations where actions affect social institutions of a certain nation, people, and other
other people. social group?
C . It involves actions which have the potential A. Culture C. Heritage
to harm others. B. Diversity D. Literature
D. It involves the increase of price of basic
commodities affecting many people. Un (1)
Re (3) 22. “There is unity in diversity.” What does the sentence
15. Which of the following can be categorized as a social means?
issue? A. Bing different in all aspects.
A. Increasing population B. Oneness in unity to bond together.
B. Cheating during exam C. There is a conflict in some diverse cultures.
C. Low agricultural production D. Oneness despite differences of cultures, beliefs
D. High prices of commodities and practices.
Un (1)
Un (2) C. A mighty battle took place. Rama killed several of
23. What is a body of written works such as poetry, novels, Ravana's brothers and then Rama confronted him.
history, biography, and essays that reflects the background Finally, Rama killed Ravana, and he freed Sita.
of a certain culture?
A. Epic C. Poetry D. After Sita had gained her freedom from Ravana, she
B. Literature D. Prose proved her purity through the trial by fire. Then, they
returned to Ayodhya and Rama became the king.
Un (1)
24. If I told you this short story takes place in a jungle on a E. As Rama became the king, he ruled Ayodhya with
mysterious island sometime in the 1930s/1940s involving Ramrajya - an ideal time when everyone does his or
an eccentric hunter, I would be describing what aspect of her duties and responsibilities.
the story?
A. Plot C. Character Ev (1)
B. Conflict D. Setting 28. The rising action of the story consists of the conflicts
Ap (2) and complications that the main character faces. Which of
25. What values are evident in the story Ramayana? the above events shows the rising action of the story
A. Trust and hatred Ramayana?
B. Pride and prejudice
C. Humility and thriftiness Ev (2)
D. Loyalty and responsibility (dharma) 29. The climax is the greatest point of interest or turning
point of a story. Which of the above events shows the
An (1) climax of the story Ramayana?
26. In Ramayana, Ravana devised a plan to abduct Sita.
He sent a magical golden deer which Sita desired Rama to Ev (3)
hunt. A long time had passed, but Rama didn’t return. 30. The theme is the central meaning or idea that the writer
Thus, Lakshmana went off to find his brother. What point of conveys to the reader. What do you think is the theme of
view is used by the author? the story Ramayana?
A. First person C. Third person A. Seeking happiness
B. Second person D. No difinite person B. Doing one’s duties
An (2) C. Forgiving and forgetting
27. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In the D. Giving importance to wedding
story Ramayana of India, Rama shows his undying love to
Sita by risking his life just to protect her. Which of the Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of
following Filipino culture mirrors this value? speech
A. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the Re (1)
trials that they met. 31. What is coherence?
B. A husband works hard in order to provide the needs A. Coherence is the sound a speech makes when it is
of his family. read aloud.
C. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary B. Coherence introduces new ideas in a text that have
with his wife. never been discussed or introduced.
D. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during C. Coherence is how easily the entire text is
special occasions. understood by the reader or listener.
D. Coherence is a writer's way of making a textless
For items 28 and 29, choose your answers from the understandable to the reader or listener.
following sequence of events of the story Ramayana.
Re (2)
____32. (at the end of an essay) __________ the educated
A. Rama, the son of King Dasharata, was the prince of
a person is, the more choice he or she will have a career.
Ayohdya. In a neighboring city, the ruler's daughter
A. In conclusion C. Meanwhile
named Sita chose Rama as her bridegroom at
B. Likewise D. Otherwise
ceremony called a Swayamvara.
Un (1)
____33. Why do we use transition words?
B. The ten-headed Ravana, the ruler of Lanka, devised a
plan to abduct Sita and sent a magical golden deer A. To be mean
which Sita desired her lover to hunt. While Rama was B. Because we want to
away, Ravana grabbed Sita and carried her off to C. To make us mess up
D. To make the writing flow
Arrange the sentences numbering them from 34- 37 to ____45. (A) Mylene wants (B) to draw the landscape, (C)
show a logical order to support the topic sentence. acting on stage and (D) to write a novel.

TOPIC SENTENCE: Making pancakes is easy to do. ____46. (A) The company needs people who are (B)
dedicated, (C) motivates themselves, and (D) hardworking.
A. Then add an egg and stir again.
B. First, put the pancake mix and water in a bowl. Stir Directions: Read the following sentences then find the part
the mix and water together. wherein there is an error. If there’s no error, write the letter
C. Next, heat the frying pan. Pour about ¼ cup of the E.
mixture onto a frying pan.
D. You can check the bottom after a minute to find out 47. This diet emphasizes fresh vegetables,
if it is cooking. When both sides of the pancake A B
have cooked fully, they will look light brown. whole- grain bread, and meat that is broiled. No Error
Ap (1-4) C D E
______35. 48. She wore a diamond ring, a pearl necklace, and
______36. A B C
______37. a bracelet made if jade. No Error
Use parallel structures EN8G-Ia-7
49. The dessert was light, creamy and delicious. No Error
Re(1-5) A B C D E
Directions: Read the given choices below, encircle the
letter which doesn’t belong to the group. 50. She likes to dance, to eat, and having a good time.
38. A. Boat rides C. Cycling No Error
B. Camping D. Skiing E

39. A. Creativity C. Knowledge

B. Educated D. Power

40. A. In the fall, I’m active

B. Carefree in the summer
C. Depressed in the winter
D. Renewed in the spring

41. A. They are digging for gold.

B. They raise corn and wheat.
C. They make their own wine.
D. They build their own house.

42. A. My sister is beautiful and smart.

B. Maria is charming and talented.
C. Tesalonica is humble and witty.
D. Ana loves to bake cakes and to read books.

Directions: Read the following sentences carefully and

identify which part suggests an unmatched pattern that
makes it unparallel.
____43. (A) It must be noted that in (B) farming, fishing, (C)
to raise animals and (D) other economic activities the
African shows knowledge of natural causes.
____44. (A) Katherine likes (B) dancing, (C) writing and (D) Name & Signature of Parent/ Date
to sing.

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