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Dear Future 12th Grader,

Hey! I heard you’re choosing your senior year courses and as a former Dual Enrollment

English student, I wanted to tell you all about Dual Enrollment English. You can earn college

credit while still in high school, which saves you time and money in the long run. This course is

taught by a TCC instructor, but the class is held at Landstown, so you don’t have to go to the

actual TCC campus. As it is a college-level course, you will be held to the same standards as

college students. Plus, you’ll get the opportunity to experience college-level coursework and get

a head start on your college career. You’ll be expected to read and analyze college-level texts,

write research essays, and participate in class discussions. When teachers give a due date for

assignments, it is a hard deadline, try your hardest in getting work in on time. As you can see,

this class will challenge you and will help you develop the skills you’ll need for college. It’s a

great way to show colleges that you’re capable of taking on rigorous coursework. Another option

you might consider is taking AP English Literature. However, that can come with its

disadvantages. For instance, you can end with an A in the class but not pass the AP exam and

you will not get the college credit. Even if you do pass the AP exam with a 3, some colleges only

take 4s and 5s. So, you should definitely research to see what scores the colleges you’re

interested in, take. On the other hand, if you have a B in Dual Enrollment English, you will earn

college credit outright. I will warn you, you should check with the colleges you hope to go to and

see if they take the transfer credit because some do not. Anyways, I hope you consider taking

Dual Enrollment English and have a great senior year!


Ava Ibanez, Class of 2023

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