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An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the
Tourism & Hospitality Management Department
PATTS College of Aeronautics


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management



The Tourism Research Proposal attached here entitled, “MALIBIK-LIBIK
RAYMUNDO, and REGINA ELLAINE D. REALOGIO in partial fulfillment of the
requirements to proceed to METHODS OF TOURISM RESEARCH II.

_______________________________ _________________________________
Panel Member Panel Member

Chairman of the Panel

Adviser, Methods of Tourism Research 1

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements to Methods of

Tourism Research II.

___________ _________________________________________
B.S Tourism and Management Program
We would like to give our appreciation to the people behind us who gave their full
support in completion of this research study. We would like to acknowledge and give our
warmest thanks to those people who are giving us such inspiration and help us and made
this work possible.

Primarily to our beloved God, who has always led us in all of our decisions, and
the choice we made. We are grateful for your guidance, kindness, and insight. We and
those you had with us were given by you in order to do this task. You deserved all of the

We are grateful to our loving family and friends for their understanding, patience,
and support. You have supported us all throughout this with your financial assistance and
unending affection in this journey. We hope we made you all proud and happy with the
outcome of our research study.

Furthermore, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our Tourism

research professor, Mrs. Shirley Bron, MBA to our research adviser, Mr. Alex Del
Castillo, and to our program chairperson, Mr. John Ericson Policarpio, MBA. We are
grateful for all the guidance and lessons you have given us. We appreciate all of your
important suggestions and aid in improving our research study.

Besides our advisers, we would like to thank the rest of the panel members: Dr.
Juan Martin Tuason, Dr. Moses Kaenel Bergado, and Dr. Joy Sheelah Baraero – Era for
their encouragement, insightful comments, observations, and constructive remarks - they
really did help us enhance our manuscript. We would also like to thank you all for
making this work possible.

To our school, PATTS College of Aeronautics, and the Tourism and Hospitality
Management Department, thank you for taking good care of us all throughout our college
years and for sharing our expertise for us to understand and to know more about our
chosen field.

To the members of this group, thank you for the engaging discussions, the
sleepless nights we've spent working together before deadlines and for all the fun we
have had in the past couple of months. We appreciate all your efforts and sacrifice
throughout this journey. Thank you for being participative and compliant in every work
that we did. All of our hard work finally paid off. To God be the Glory!
By: Joy Russel T. Abiabor, Ryan Paul R. Inado, Monchel Luis Raymundo, and
Regina Ellaine D. Realogio

Keywords: Malibik-libik Falls, Safety and Security, Rural Tourism, Risk-Based
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 3
Theoretical Framework 7
Conceptual Framework 10
Statement of the Problem 11
Scope and Delimitation 13
Significance of the Study 14
Definition of Terms 16
Review of Related Literatures 19
Synthesis 36
Research Design 39
Sampling Technique 39
Respondents of the Study 40
Instrumentation 40
Data Gathering Procedure 41
Statistical Treatment of Data / Data Analysis 42
Figure 1. Resilience Framework for Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Figure 2. Rural Tourism Risk-Based Approach Framework
Figure 3. –
Figure 4. --
Figure 5. –
Table 1.1 –
Chapter 1

This study focuses on examining the risk management governance, local
community engagement, risk analysis in terms of tourist safety and security and rural
tourism destination, as well as interactions between other components, like demographic
profile and educational attainment of the participants. These are important to be analyzed
in order to
Background of the Study
Rural tourism areas are known for simple natural and organic environments
where an unexplainable connection with nature is explored as the area is less disturbed by
industrialization (Shang, Y. et al., 2021). Several tourists are drawn to travel to rural
tourist spots, and when deciding where to go, one of the most important elements to take
into account is the level of safety and security in the area. This is because some of the
natural sites, despite being thrilling and exciting to visit, might be risky to our safety. This
highlights the need to update our knowledge of how rural tourism and safety and security
correlate, as well as how to specifically approach such risks.
The Philippines is noted for being an archipelago and having a number of natural
tourist attractions. One of the towns in Cavite, a province in the Philippines, features a
tourist attraction called Malibik-libik Falls that has been highlighted on the television
program Byahe Ni Drew. It is located in General Emilio Aguinaldo, a municipality home
to a number of natural attractions, including waterfalls, rivers, springs, and mountains.
This remarkable variety of landscapes makes it well worth a visit and will certainly
provide every tourist with a fulfilling experience as they travel to unknown yet
magnificent gems. City Search Philippines (2019) stated that Malibik-libik Falls is a
well-known tourist destination in the municipality which is notable for its rock formation
and the path that leads to the falls.

However, there have been reported fatal drowning incidents in the area, which is
concerning and may deter tourists from visiting, raising concerns about safety and
security. Commonly, the strong current in the shallow parts of the falls is one of the
factors that lead to drowning in line with the statements of a few local communities who
had gone swimming there. Concerns have been expressed regarding the safety and
security of rural tourist destinations following these occurrences, particularly
Malibik-libik Falls in General Emilio Aguinaldo. Moreover, Morrison, et al., (2021)
stated that tourists prefer destinations where they feel safer, specific destinations with
strong safety management systems and environmental development aimed at the
long-term sustainability of the destination. Tourists are more likely to return, attract good
travelers about their experience, and suggest a destination when destination safety
exceeds expectations. The Falls had been highlighted on a well-known television
program, unfortunately, its prominence was short-lived. This could be attributed to
adequate marketing methods, whereas one of the arguments it hasn't made a reputation
for itself may be owing to the risks associated with the area as well as the reported
incidents that concern issues of safety and security.

This study was undertaken to analyze tourist safety and security in Malibik-libik
Falls in order to provide a tailor-made framework. It aims to strengthen the reputation of
the mentioned destination through enhancing and solving issues of safety and security in
rural tourism, particularly General Emilio Aguinaldo, Cavite through a risk-based
approach. Thus, it benefits the local community and the province's economic
development, and the framework is beneficial to other rural tourism areas that will adopt
it and have it customized to boost security and safety and to draw more visitors.
Theoretical Framework
The theory used in this study is the Resilience Framework for Public Health
Emergency Preparedness. It was developed by Y. Khann, et al. in 2018. This framework
explains the components that make up a resilient public health system as well as how
those components work together to form a complex and dynamic system of public health
emergency preparedness. The overlap in the framework's core serves as a connection
symbol, illustrating how all the variables are interconnected. The framework has two
dependent variables encircling all the other ten independent variables, (1) Governance
and (2) Leadership that enable and control the dynamic, intricate, and adaptive PHEP
system. This framework's central element, Ethics, and Values demonstrate how it
underpins each of the other 10 variables and the connections that exist between them. The
ten variables include (1) Planning Process, (2) Collaborative networks, (3) Community
Engagement, (4) Risk Analysis, (5) Surveillance and Monitoring, (6) Practice and
Experience, (7) Resources, (8) Workforce Capacity, (9) Communication, and (10)
Learning and evaluation.
Interconnectivity between these variables must be taken into account to ensure
that the decisions made in one area of the system are evaluated in light of potential effects
on other areas of the framework. The (1) planning process assists in clarifying the roles
and responsibilities as well as understanding the structure of an organization. In line with
this, (2) collaborative networks arise as a significant concept in organizational learning,
and response resiliency. (3) Community engagement intersects with planning and
collaboration as it considers the culture and experiences of the community; it establishes
trust between residents, leaders, and public health agencies. (4) Risk Analysis helps in
decision-making since it provides information on other areas that may be affected. (5)
Surveillance and monitoring are related in all the first 4 variables as they should be taken
into account to guarantee that actions taken in one part do not have an adverse effect on
other parts of the system. (6) Practice and experience highlight training, exercises, or
experience of actual events, while (7) resources support numerous components that need
infrastructural development and investment to work properly. (8) Workforce capacity in
public health emergencies is important for the resilience of emergency preparedness. (9)
Communication facilitates adaptability as circumstances change and decisions must be
made regarding how to share information with various participants while (10) learning
and evaluation are essential to establish the efficacy of emergency preparedness and the
response of public health responders.

Figure 1. Resilience Framework for Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Conceptual Framework

Figure 2. Rural Tourism Risk-Based Approach Framework

The figure above is the conceptual framework of this study which illustrates the
process of achieving its primary output, the Rural Tourism Risk-Based Approach
Framework. It outlines the focus of the study, specifically in obtaining data as the
variables stated in the figure are the primary factors that have direct influence on the
subject of this study. The figure demonstrates that developing a framework for rural
tourism risk-based approach necessitates collecting and analyzing data from Governance
method of the leaders in the municipality where the falls is located at, LGU Workforce
Capacity, particularly in terms of (1) Practice and Experience, (2) Surveillance and
Monitoring, Local Community Engagement, and Risk Analysis in terms of (1) Tourist
Safety and Security, and (2) Rural Tourism Destination. The framework will be
developed through the use of information gathered and analyzed from these sources as
the main influences and benefactors of the safety and security of the falls. Moreover, the
development of the framework as a means of evaluating the problem statements and
enhancing visitor safety and security would naturally follow the identification of the
safety and security-related issues. Therefore, these factors are crucial in identifying the
risks that are currently associated with rural tourism and the specific actions that need to
be taken to reduce those risks and ensure the safety and security of visitors.

Governance , as it plays a significant role in managing the risks in the rural tourism area .
Additionally, each component of the framework will depend greatly upon the way the
governing body responds and manages risk in the area across all operational processes:
before, during, and after (Eljaoued W & Saoud, N. 2017) an incident such as drowning
situation (Guevarra, J. P. et al., 2021).

The Local Community Engagement element emphasizes the residents capacity to prepare
for, respond to, and recover from emergencies, accidents, and risk that have occurred. It
is widely acknowledged that effective disaster risk management depends on collaborative
and community-led initiatives to emergency preparedness (Hsahimoto et al., 2018).
Statement of the Problem
This study focuses on the development and improvement of Tourist Safety and
Security in the Malibik-libik Falls in General Emilio Aguinaldo, Cavite through the
formulation of a Rural Tourism Risk-Based Approach Framework. The problem
statements of this study are considered to be useful in the evaluation and analysis of
Tourist Safety and Security in Malibik-libik Falls.

In line with this, the researchers aim to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the tourists, local community, and local government
unit in Malibik-libik Falls in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender; and
1.3 Educational Attainment
1.4 Knowledge on Safety and Security
2. What are the present risks in Malibik-libik Falls in terms of:
3.1 Tourist Safety and Security
3.2 Surroundings
3. What are the measures that LGU can further do to significantly improve tourists' safety
and security in rural tourism areas?
4. How does the local government unit govern risk management in Malibik-libik Falls in
terms of the application and implementation of policies and procedures?
5. How does the local community engage in risk management in Malibik-libik Falls?

Scope and Delimitation

This study covers the risk analysis of one of the well-known rural tourism
destinations in Cavite. It analyzes rural tourism’s risk management regarding safety and
security issues in the area. Malibik-libik Falls is located in the municipality of General
Emilio Aguinaldo. It emphasizes concerns that have been reported to the Local
Government Unit and local community. It intends to assess the local security and safety
issues, highlight the key problems, and lay out a framework for handling the risks in a
flexible environment. The researchers intend to analyze the safety and security and to
develop a framework that will aid the local government in minimizing the present risks
and reducing the possible accidents to occur in a secluded rural tourism area. The
respondents targeted in this study are the tourists, local community and the Local
Government Unit of Bailen, Cavite. The formulation of this framework is based on one
rural tourism area which necessitates additional research to be feasible and applicable to
other rural tourism places.

This study delimit other tourism establishments and tourist destinations that were
not located in Bailen, Cavite. The other community members and organizations outside
the area were not within the scope of the study.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to analyze the Tourist Safety and Security of
Malibik-libik Falls to determine risks in the area in order to develop a specific
Risk-Based Approach Framework that will help minimize the risks such as accidents
which will significantly benefit the following:
● Local Government Unit
This study will help the local government unit in managing the risks
associated with rural tourism by applying the Rural Tourism Risk-Based
Approach Framework. The output of this study can also be used as the basis for
improving the reputation of a rural tourist destination by ensuring the safety and
security of the area for tourists and the community.
● Municipal Tourism Office
This study can significantly contribute to the municipal tourism office in
advertising the rural tourist destinations in the municipality as it aids in ensuring
the safety and security of the tourists and local community.
● Barangay Officials
The Barangay Officials will benefit from this study's identification of their
workforce's capabilities in guaranteeing the security and safety of visitors and
locals at Malibik-libik Falls as they will be able to improve their lapses and
contribute to the management of the risks in the area.
● Tourists
This study will significantly raise tourists' awareness of potential risks
they can meet in a particular rural tourism destination, and most importantly, it
will ensure their safety and security.
● Local Community
This study will significantly contribute to the awareness of the local
community about their capabilities to engage in risk management.
● Future Researchers
The study will benefit future researchers as this may serve as a guide and
be a reference to any study relating to risk management in rural tourism areas or
developing an improved version of the Rural Tourism Risk-Based Approach

Definition of Terms
To understand the main purpose of this study, the researchers highlighted the
following terms and definitions that apply to the main idea and concept presented in this
Malibik-libik Falls. It is a below-the-land grassland located in General Emilio
Aguinaldo, Cavite which this study focuses on.
Safety and Security. It refers to the condition where the tourists feel at ease when
staying in a tourist destination and feel protected from any risks or injury.
Risk-Based Approach. This refers to a customized strategy intended to minimize
the specific analyzed risks in a tourist destination.
Workforce Capacity. It is the ability of an organization or the local government
to adequately appoint sufficient personnel to carry out its job and procedures.
Risk Suppliers. It relates to any risks that might arise in a certain area with the
possibility of negatively affecting tourists and the local community.
Risk Management Governance.
Low-Middle Income Countries. It is a classification of a country in which this
country has a low national income per person.
Drowning. It
Surveillance. It refers to the observation and monitoring of the Local
Government Unit.
Aquatic Activities. These are the activities that are related to water.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter comprises existing foreign and local review of related literature to provide
a general overview of the study. The review of related literature consists of subtopics,
respectively, Tourist Safety and Security in Rural Tourism, Risk Management Governance,
Local Community Engagement in Effective Risk Management, and Risk-Based Approach

Tourist Safety and Security in Rural Tourism

Risk Management Governance

An effective risk management strategy necessitates effective governance, which involves
the link between the parties affiliated with the current risk, such as the local tourism sector and
disaster coordination management (Toader & Mocuta, 2020). It is important to evaluate the
problem and design plans, protocols, and systems that will act as a response to the situation when
developing risk management strategies. A proper management plan describes all of the relevant
data needed to tackle the difficulties in detail. As a result, coordination between local government
entities, as well as with local civil society, is required to ensure that all risk management methods
are implemented, that regulatory compliance is met, and that the key objectives are met. This
necessarily requires thorough coordination among all relevant parties involved in risk
management to ensure that it will work as some strategies differ from place to place. Moreover,
disaster risk management includes risk communication as a crucial component since it affects
how individuals interpret risk and how they plan for and respond to disasters. Gani & Singh
(2019), stated that in order to provide guidance and information to visitors at a tourist attraction
during an emergency or disaster, communication with tourists is also necessary. He also implies
that personnel and staff members of an organization require assistance such as reliable, correct,
and timely information to be able for them to respond and rescue the tourists immediately.
Dissemination of appropriate information to the news media, government authorities, community
leaders, and the general public reduces danger, preserves both lives and property, and facilitates
reconstruction. Therefore, the disaster risk management team needs to be equipped with
programs and plans to ensure the safety of the general public.
Making a program that sustains the safety and security of the tourist as well as the local
community is essential in preventing accidents and to save lives. A focus on safety in all forms of
water encourages individuals to be sure that everyone in the group can enjoy themselves without
taking unnecessary risks. In line with the statements of Ahmad (2019), drowning incidents may
prevent by doing and implementing safety measures such as supervisions by the government unit
in the area, have safety equipment and materials ready on site in case of an emergency,
emergency procedures, and creating a seminar and trainings that would expand the knowledge
and procedure of the people in doing a safety precaution in drowning incidents. When
implementing prevention programs, it is crucial to focus on community engagement considering
that the community is one who can help to mitigate accidents that happen in the area since they
are one of those who can help and respond immediately to such accidents such as drowning
incidents and others. The local government unit also focuses on the local community activities to
be able to engage them easily and to make it easier for the local government to implement
programs and laws. As per Christou et al. (2020), programs such as drowning prevention must be
sustained and prolonged. It is needed for continued attention to influence factors like community
involvement, communication initiatives, and collaboration strategies. It needs initiatives to
mobilize resources for continuous development in planning and intergovernmental collaboration,
and assuring that upcoming programs are effective. Furthermore, sustaining the safety and
security of a destination is dependent on the capacity of a local government in managing and
implementing the risk analysis of a tourist destination.
In line with Xie et al. (2021), safety and security management relies heavily on
workforce capacities such as the knowledge, psychological safety, and ability to execute the
procedures of risk management properly. It also necessitates the reliability of all the available
equipment such as emergency kits, vehicles, and other equipment involved in safety management
so as in case of an emergency, it will be easy to respond and prevent further complications. The
workforce should also carefully study all of the required safety information flow, such as effective
management methods and their significance in order to deliver them properly, as well as the
safety functions of energy production processes. Tour guides are responsible for the safety and
security of tourists and must be able to look after the safety of everyone on the journey in order to
avoid any injuries, hence they must attend seminars and other informative purposes to gain all of
the necessary knowledge to provide tourists with a high quality of service with utmost diligence.
In keeping with Toader and Mocuta (2020), the presence of well-trained professionals who aid
and guide tourists is sufficient to guarantee for the tourists to be at peace as someone professional
is chaperoning their activities and directing them towards safety. A guide with unquestionable
credentials in risk management as well as safety and security is an exceptional asset for a rural
tourism location. The credibility of a guide or specialized personnel in security and protection
may be shared during the orientation of tourists to make them feel comfortable and satisfied with
the service. This implies that work capacity must be highly trained and knowledgeable on the
necessary security and safety precautions that will not only keep tourists impressed but also safe
and secure at all times.
In addition, Gupta et al., (2020) found that 90% of drowning accidents mostly happen in
low- and middle-income nations due to challenges like lack of water risk awareness,
underdeveloped infrastructure, poor swimming abilities, and insufficient water-related policies.
Falling and drowning are two major unnatural causes of silent unexpected deaths that must be
detected using an environmental approach. Having a monitoring system and surveillance when
having a drowning accident helps the responders or the local government unit easily detect the
body or the drowning victim. Falling and drowning detection sets as an additional lifeguard
beneath the surface of your water. Falls can have serious health effects on people, including
fatalities, extremely major injuries, and disability. Alqahtani et al (2022) proposed a framework
and introduced Falling and Drowning Detection, an innovative, unobtrusive ambient intelligence
approach, to address these issues. FADD is an unobtrusive framework that visualizes a person's
bodily signals using smartphone sensors and identifies them via ML algorithms as falling,
drowning actions. The emergency alert system sends emergency responders, the immediate
community, and guardians an emergency alert with a person's position to rescue them
immediately, effectively and efficiently. In line with this, tourists’ safety and security could
further improve if the local tourism department could post safety precautions on the way towards
the rural tourism area. However, a weak governmental administration can put the tourism industry
at risk (Imbeah et al., 2019). The most crucial aspect of every tourism industry is the protection
and welfare of visitors. A tourist goes on a trip to restore his or her energy, find everlasting calm
and solitude, and go on an exploration in a secure setting. Therefore, the country should establish
an exceptional safety policy not just for the country’s profit but also for the common good. In this
case, tourists will be encouraged to go back. Implementation of drowning interventions such as
regulated childcare, the establishment of home-based barriers, swim and rescue capacity building,
and community emergency responder training. Programs that are established upon legal goals or
administrative actions are more inclined to be long-lasting and adaptable.

Local Community Engagement

Risk Based Approach Framework

2.1 Synthesis
This chapter represents the method used by the researchers, the description
of the respondents and the method of selecting the respondent’s instrument to use.

Research Design
This study was a mixed method that consisted of a Qualitative and Quantitative
approach with the aim of analyzing the safety and security of Malibik-libik falls as a
basis in creating and establishing a rural tourism risk based approach. This is to enhance
and develop the current practice of the LGU to further improve the safety of the falls to
mitigate accidents within the area. The theory used in this study is the Resilience
Framework for Public Health Emergency Preparedness. The framework explains the
components that contribute to building a solid public health system and how these
elements work together to form a complex and dynamic system of public health
emergency preparedness. Through this, the researchers were able to develop a strong risk
management approach framework in analyzing and enhancing the tourist destination.

Sampling Technique
The researcher used Snowball sampling under purposeful sampling technique in a
non-probability sampling method. Wherein a method of recruiting whereby volunteers
are requested to help researchers find additional possible subjects. Upon the initial
observation of the researchers, based on the respondents, the tourists knew the
Malibik-libik falls through a connection or acquaintance recommendation. (what
structured will use in interviews/survey?) and (slovins of the respondents)

Respondents of the Study

The participants in this study are the Tourists of Malibik-libik Falls, Local
community who lived near the falls, within Bailen, Cavite and the Local Government
Unit notably from the implementing and creation of rules and regulations concerning the
safety and security of the area. The researchers chose the respondents that had
experienced the complexity of the falls’ course. Due to this, the chosen respondents are
reliable to provide insights in accordance with the current protocol and the LGU’s
implemented safety and security policies. In addition, the chosen respondents had the
knowledge in regards to the entire insufficiency of equipment and services that should be

The researchers will conduct an interview with the Local Government Unit of
Malibik-libik Falls at Barangay Lumipa, General Emilio Aguinaldo, Cavite. The
respondents of the survey questionnaire will be the tourists, the local community, and
employees of the local government unit of the municipality. On the other hand, the
respondents of the interview will be the department heads of the LGU related to
governing Malibik-libik Falls. The interviewees will serve as verifiers of what the results
of the survey will be, to identify whether the answers of the survey and the goal of the
interview and survey is to gather accurate and appropriate information in order to answer
the statement of the problem of this research. Also, to provide a recommendation - to
enhance and develop further the safety and security of the tourists by providing them a
rural tourism risk based approach framework.
The questionnaire consists of two (2) parts which is the demographic profile of
the respondents and the questions related to the topic. The demographic profile of the
questionnaire answered by the respondents are optional, enabling them to release or hold
information they deemed confidential. The second part of the questionnaire pertains to
analyzing the current situation that needs to be addressed and resolved by the Local
Government Unit.

Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment of Data / Data Analysis
Shang, Y., Mehmood, K., Iftikhar, Y., Aziz, A., Tao, X., & Shi, L. (2021). Energizing
Intention to Visit Rural Destinations: How Social Media Disposition and Social Media
Use Boost Tourism Through Information Publicity. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

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