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Types of Values

1. Social Values
2. Aesthetic Values
3. Organizational Values
4. Spiritual Values

What are Social Values?

Social values are a set of principles that are morally acceptable by society. These principles
are created by the dynamics of the community, institutions in the society, traditions, and
cultural beliefs of the people in the society. The laws are a guide for people in society on how
to conduct themselves appropriately.

What is social values and examples?

Social values reflect how we relate to society. Social values include justice, freedom, respect,
community, and responsibility. In today's world, it may seem our society doesn't practice
many values. We have a rise in discrimination, abuse of power, greed, etc

What are social values of a business?

What does Social Value look like for a business or provider? Social Value looks beyond price
alone to the collective benefit to a community and the wider world. It includes things such as
happiness, well-being, inclusion, equality, employment and environment.

What is social values and its importance?

“Social value is about understanding the relative importance that people place on changes to
their wellbeing and using the insights we gain from this understanding to make better
decisions” The potential of social value goes further than just creating more value.
What are the aesthetic values?

Aesthetic value is the value that an object, event, or state of affairs (most paradigmatically an
artwork or the natural environment) possesses in virtue of its capacity to elicit pleasure
(positive value) or displeasure (negative value) when appreciated or experienced

The term “aesthetics” is typically used to describe how things look. In business, that may be
seen in product design, brand image, or corporate identity.

Aesthetics, loosely defined as the appreciation of beauty, subsumes both ethics and
economics within an holistic justificatory mechanism for business decisions. Five essential
qualities of aesthetic judgment are identified: disinterest, subjectivity, inclusivity and

What are the benefits of aesthetic values?

Aesthetically pleasing spaces, especially those that feature art and natural themes, remove
stress and improve mental health. There is an extensive body of research clearly linking our
surroundings to wellbeing.
Aesthetics is often a philosophy of beauty. Experiencing good art or seeing true beauty is a
source of value and meaning in human life. The notion of beauty can be applied to nature as
well as to works of art. Aesthetics' art definition often emphasizes the fact that it is

1. Aesthetically Pleasing Spaces Feel More Welcoming

2. They Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing

3. They Boost Productivity

4. They Have a High Return on Investment

What are Organisational Values?

Organisational values are a set of core beliefs held by an organisation. They act as guiding
principles that provide an organisation with purpose and direction and set the tone for its
interactions with its customers, employees and other stakeholders.
What is the importance of organizational values?

An organisation's values lay the foundation for what the company cares about most. It
provides a common purpose that all employees should understand, work towards and live by.
Once you define and promote your values, employees come to understand the behaviours that
are expected of them that will lead to success.

Ten examples of company core values

• Integrity. Acting with strong ethics is a priority for everyone representing the organization as
well as the company's behavior as a whole.
• Honesty. It's not just the best policy. ...
• Fairness. ...
• Accountability. ...
• Promise to Customers. ...
• Diversity and Inclusion. ...
• Learning. ...
• Teamwork.

What are spiritual values?

The values of truths, peace, love, righteousness, and non- violence are found in all major
spiritual paths, these spiritual paths are also human values and the fundamental roots of a
vibrant, healthy and viable work career.
Spiritual values at work means that the individuals and organizations consider working in a
spiritual path, in an opportunity to grow and contribute to society in a meaningful way,
attempting to live their values more fully in the work they do.

How to implement workplace spirituality

1. Connect your work to your value system. ...

2. Look at things positively. ...
3. Treat others well. ...
4. Take some time for yourself. ...
5. Get to know your coworkers. ...
6. Speak to your boss about ideas you have to spread workplace spirituality. ...
7. Be mindful. ...
8. Put people first.
These characteristics differentiate a spiritual organization from others: strong sense of
purpose, focus on individual development, trust and openness, employee empowerment, and
toleration of employee expression.

Value Crisis
Value crisis is also leading to increasing respectability of selfish individualism. It takes the
form of exclusive concern for personal gains without any consideration for the common
good. People today are only concerned about their rights, without fulfilling their obligations
towards others.

Value crisis is also leading to increasing respectability of selfish individualism. It takes the
form of exclusive concern for personal gains without any consideration for the common
good. People today are only concerned about their rights, without fulfilling their obligations
towards others

Value crisis is when the practice of members of the society starts deviating from the values
we hold dear. When there is a general acceptance of corrupt practices and unethical activities,
then the society as a whole is in value crisis. It creates a new normal of acceptance of
dishonesty, lies and immoral behavior.
In the contemporary world, there has been gradual deterioration of moral and ethical moors.
Things are being justified in terms of ends and opportunities. In India, we have started
accepting retail corruption as normal and in fact justifying it.

What are the causes of value crisis?

• Causes of value -crisis.

• Erosion of Values in social life.
• Erosion of Values in Economic life.
• Erosion of Values in Political life.

Value crisis in a society implies the erosion of traditional values of society or a situation of a
dilemma when there is little balance between traditional values and modern values. There is a
lack of synthesis. Material values override ethical, moral, social, and spiritual values.

Red Flags of a Bad Company Values

• You don't have a list of core values.

• There's a lot of gossip in the office.
• Unfriendly employee competition
• Employees are often tardy or absent.
• Employees often work late or don't take lunch breaks.
• Still hiring for culture fit.
• No workplace giving initiatives.
• It adversely affects all the stakeholders.

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