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Anindya Levina Pambudi




Anindya Levina Pambudi

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment the Requirements of the Degree of

English Diploma Program in Jenderal Soedirman University




1.1 Background

In modern times, tourists visiting local tourism objects in Central Java come

from different countries. They want to know what it is like to have an adventure in a

country that has a fairly good tourism sector. The natural attractions that we have

were a good reason to get them to come to visit us. Banyumas is no exception, which

is famous for its natural beauty. This hidden paradise is often located in natural places

and is guarded by local people and the private company. This city is one of the places

that people and the government care about. Banyumas provides many natural tourist

attractions so people can explore its existence, and the most popular natural tourism

area comes from Baturraden which is located in Purwokerto. Palawi is a private

company engaged in tourism to improve the existing tourism sector by utilizing

natural resources. Palawi is not only engaged in tourist attractions but everything

related to tourism such as travel agents, tour planners, and outdoor activities. Palawi

Risorsis manages five natural tourist destinations which are Pancuran 7 (the iconic

icon of Banyumas), Pancuran 3, Curug Tirta Sela, Telaga Sunyi and Taman

Labyrinth. Although being located in remote areas it does not mean that only local

visitors come, there are also visitors from abroad such as the Netherlands. In an article

published on the site said that the directors of the Perum Perhutani

subsidiary were to be more creative in creating breakthrough promotions for tourist

destinations they manage to increase tourist visits from outside the region.

Voice over was chosen by the author as a breakthrough way to provide

information related to tourism objects in a virtual tour video format and attract more
tourists to come to tourism objects managed by Palawi Risorsis in relevance with the

conditions faced by almost all tourism sectors, which is none other than the covid-19

pandemic. The language chosen by the author in the voice over is English in order to

accommodate a broader audience and it is strongly considered as a medium of

communication between foreign and local tourists to support the progress of the

tourism sector as per the statement that said that the visitors of Palawi Risorsis also

come from aboard.

According to Rastati. (2020) virtual tours began to become one of solutions to

the sluggish tourism industry in Indonesia, and the world. Virtual tours offer the

ability of enjoying tourist attractions virtually from home or anywhere without the

need to visit the place directly. Using technology, virtual tour places a user into an

image and allows the user to increase situational awareness as well as improves the

viewing, capture, and analysis of virtual data significantly. Through virtual tours,

tourists are able to taste the combination of pictures, music, videos, map views, and

narration in one integrated experience. Author makes virtual tour videos because this

pandemic forces us to stay at home and so that tourists can still travel and information

about tourist objects can still be channeled properly even though they are at home and

to stay safe from covid-19, and use English because tourists who come not only from

within the country but also from abroad.

Referring to the statement above, it is seen that this job training is very

necessary so that the author can actualize the learning as a student of the English

Diploma Program at Jenderal Soedirman University. In addition, the author

understands the world of work that is relevant to the author’s qualifications after

graduating from the English Diploma Program.

1.2 Purposes

1. To make a Virtual Video for Company promotion.

2. To seek a challenging experience and observe the surroundings tourism sector in


3. To create tourist attraction information for the visitors.

1.3 Significances

The job training brings several significances to author, universities, and

companies. There are three significances mentioned below, the theoretical and

practical significance are:

1. Significance for the Author

The significant of the job training to the author are;

a. To fulfill the requirements of completing studies in English Diploma Program

b. To apply the learning was carried out being a student of English Diploma


c. To improve the author English skills for daily use

2. Significance for University:

The significant of the job training to the university are;

a. To add a literature review for the English Diploma Program in tourism.

b. To evaluate material to develop a curriculum that is suitable for employment.

3. Significance for Palawi Company

The significant of the job training to the Palawi Company are;

a. To assist the company in providing promotion with English

b. To build relationship established between Company and University.



2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 English for Tourism

According to Chand (2016), tourism, the act and process of spending time

away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use

of the commercial provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of modern

social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th century, although it has

antecedents in Classical antiquity. Whle, Robinson (2018) states rourism is a dynamic

and competitive industry that requires the ability to adapt constantly to customers’

changing needs and desires, as the customer’s satisfaction, safety and enjoyment are

particularly the focus of tourism businesses. On the other hand, Stephen (2017)

defines tourism more generally, in terms which go "beyond the common perception of

tourism as being limited to holiday activity only", as people "traveling to and staying

in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for

leisure and not less than 24 hours, business and other purposes

Tourism is one of the social aspects of life for people who contribute to the

development of natural resources and human resources in Indonesia. As a country that

has a wealth of islands, Indonesia's tourism sector has grown very rapidly. tourism

that Natural and artificial-based products that exist in Indonesia are increasingly in

demand by visitors (tourists) both from within the country and from abroad (Aulia,

2017). Visitors who come to a tourist place do not only come from within the country

just. There are also many visitors who come from abroad. English as an international
language, it becomes a communication tool that should be able to bridging interactive

communication between local communities and visiting visitors from abroad.

According to (Zahedpisheh,2017) Language is very important in all fields

especially in the tourism industry because of its specific nature and concepts. The

rapid development of the tourism industry has directly influenced English which is the

language most widely spoken in international tourism in the twenty-first century and

has a major role in the delivery of quality services. Employees working in the tourism

industry are fully aware of the importance of language skills and they need to master

English properly.

According to (Puspita Sari Arum,2020) One of the languages recognized as

the international language is in English. Not only is it easy to understand, English too

Into one of the languages that has the most speakers. Language Britain also has an

effect in a global and modernizing era. Compared to the age of time, the English

would be very much embedded inside Human life. English can affect the development

in various sectors, one in the tourism sector. If judging by the severity of the tourist

attraction, the function or role of the English language it's a lot. One of them as a

means of communication with tourists from around the world. In addition, an English

application in this field can improve the quality of travel or travel that are in Indonesia

and can at once as a marketing strategy to attract international tourists to come to

Indonesia. In other words, the English were able to produce one indicator Success of

Indonesian tourism. Today it can be seen that there are already lots of

brochures,online tourist portals, pamphlets and media marketing for others who speak

2.1.2 Voice Over

According to (Oktriwina, 2021) Voice over is a term used to describe the

background sound of a video. Voice over is usually used in films, animations, and

advertisements. The performer of the voice over is usually called the voice over. The

purpose of voice over is to provide additional information about a product.

According to (Elisabeth A.S.P,2020) Voice over or dubber is a person in

charge of reading news scripts. In carrying out its voice over role, it is required to

have expertise in carrying out their role. Mandatory supporting factors understood by

a voice over so that the resulting sound quality professional, namely by paying

attention and understanding news scripts, news delivery techniques and news reading


The voice over technique is expected by the tourism manager to pay attention

to human resources so that they can know and improve speaking skills through it.

Proficiency in speaking cannot be separated from accuracy in language skills.

According to the statement Brilianti & Fitriyani (2020) Observation skills are one of

the skills that are very often used, not only dialogue skills or speaking skills, by

learners in speaking and relating to each other, both fellow learners or with teachers.

The lecture environment must also pay attention to this from the beginning, so that it

is not just knowing reading techniques from what has been learned in lectures in

general. future students, it can also be used as one of the soft skills that can generate

income as a voice over talent or dubber if there is an opportunity that can be used by

students in the world of work, especially in the tourism sector.

2.1.3 Virtual Tour

According to (Kemenparekraf/Parekraf RI,2021) Virtual tour is a new concept

for a vacation in the middle of a pandemic. We can explore various interesting tourist
destinations in Indonesia only armed with a smart device, and an internet network

from home. In addition to offering the beauty and uniqueness of each destination

virtually, we can also learn about the destinations visited. The virtual tour is equipped

with a virtual tour guide that explains in sufficient detail the objects visited.

The virtual tour which describes the beauty of our tourism is not enough just

creating some videos. Interesting videos will easily make people interested in tourist

attractions and all the potential in them. Submission of information by video is also a

common thing to do in today's digital era (Meiji, 2021). The video of tourism has

potential because video is a medium that is easily published on many digital

platforms. Development of tourism aspects through the creation and training of video

profiles of today's praxis and social dedication journals. Tourism managers will be

able to easily publish videos through social media, such as YouTube, Instagram,

Facebook, Twitter and also Whatsapp. The video can then be used to disseminate

information and tourism that we can find.

According to Osman, Wahab dan Ismail (2009,p173), Virtual Tour is a

technology that puts the user in images and allows the user to increase situational

awareness and improve the ability to see, capture and analyze virtual data

significantly. Virtual tours can be made with videos or a collection of some photos.

Virtual Tour shows the user the surrounding conditions that they want to know.

Information and promotions are closely related to tourism, because tourism

needs a promotion to further popularize the continuation of tourism, besides that the

community also needs a media to be able to find out all forms of existing cultural

tourism developments. Provide information about tourist destinations for tourism

activities that will be carried out by the community and of course this is very helpful

for the community to find out earlier information related to the tourism place. A
virtual tour can be described as a simulation of a location consisting of: of some video

images. Today virtual tours develop from the media photos with stitching or

panoramic techniques that have a good view uninterrupted, otherwise known as a 360º

virtual tour.

2.1.1 Previous Study

According to research conducted by Maydiana (2020) entitled (Increasing the

attractiveness of tourist destinations in Cilacap through video profiles in Mandarin in

the Youth, Sports and Tourism Office of Cilacap Regency, Central Java) explained

in that increasing tourist destinations by means of a video profile is very effective.

She used interviews and documentation methods to obtain some information in profile

videos, office documents, and photographs. From this data is summarized and

collected into a video titled Increasing the attractiveness of tourist destinations in

Cilacap through video profiles in Mandarin in the Youth, Sports and Tourism Office

of Cilacap Regency, Central Java.

Based on research conducted by Pambudi (2018) entitled (Video Translation

of Kebumen Tourism Profile in Mandarin at the Youth, Sports and Tourism Office of

Kebumen Regency). explained that translating a video profile into the mandarin

language should be done in order to increase travel promotions as well as interest in

tourist visits around the world especially those with a Chinese background. He used

interviews and documentation methods to obtain some information in profile videos,

office documents, and photographs. From this data, it is aggregated and collected to

Video Translation of Kebumen Tourism Profile in Mandarin at the Youth, Sports and

Tourism Office of Kebumen Regency.

What this thesis has in common with the author, is that they make videos to

promote tourist objects and the difference from the previous study is, they make video

profiles to describe the company while the author makes virtual tours to promote

tourist attractions. The strength poin of making video touristm is information and

promotions are closely related to tourism, because tourism needs a promotion to

further popularize the continuation of tourism, besides that the community also needs

a media to be able to find out all forms of existing cultural tourism developments.

Provide information about tourist destinations for tourism activities that will be

carried out by the community and of course this is very helpful for the community to

find out earlier information related to the tourism place

2.3 Company Profile

PT. Palawi Risorsis is a subsidiary of PT. Perhutani which is engaged in the

Tourism Industry. Palawi means Perhutani and Alam Wisata. Founded in 2002 and

has business fields in Nature Tourism such as Outbound Centers, Tour Travel, Mice,

Eco-Tourism, Environmental Services, Property Optimization, Agribusiness, Agro-

Industry, Trading, and Event Organizer. It has two work of units, both are:

1. Baturraden tourist attraction located Purwokerto, with the following fields of


a. Nature Tourism (Camping Ground, Baturraden Botanical Garden, Pancuran 7,

Pancuran 3, Telaga Sunyi, Curug Tirta Sela, Labirin Park).

b. Resort (Ebony Resort, Accasia Resort, Agathis Resort) Graha Tectona

c. Outbound Provider, Off-roading, adventurous village,


2. Coban Rondo Tourist attraction located at Malang, with the field of:
a. Nature Tourism: Coban rondo waterfall, Maze, rafting, Resort, Outbound Provider,

Animal & Garden, Wahana Archery, ATV, Paintball.

b. Resort (Merkusii, Gmeliana, Eucalyptus, rasamala), Graha Damar and mahogany.


PT. Palawi Risorsis has a Vision and Mission, namely making Palawi a leading

tourism & natural resource company that cares about the environment, community

welfare and professionally managed, and

The Mission they have are:

1. Providing satisfaction to customers by providing high quality and professional


2. Preserving and increasing the Natural Resources, Tourism and Environment.

3. Providing benefits for all parties involved in the development of natural tourism


3.1 Observation

According to Sutrisno Hadi in Sugiyono (2013) the observation method is the

arranged biological and psychological complex process that has two main important

processes, the first is observation and the second is memory.

3.2 Interview

The interview is the technique to add the information that the author did not

get from the previous method. By doing a dialog with the respondents related to the

research. The interview focuses on finding the problem or deeper thing from the

respondents in a small group, Sugiyono (2013).

3.3 Documentation

According to Siyoto & Sodik (2015) documentation is the method of

collecting data and finding the variable or the things in the form of a note, transcript,

book, newspaper, magazine, inscription, alert, extension, agenda, etc. The author
collected the documents in the form of text, pictures, screenshots, audio and video

recordings in the process of making the English promotion content to make this final

report. The author collected documents of text, pictures, and videotape about Palawi

3.4 Timeline Activities

No Week Activities

1. 22 Feb-26 Mar Touris attraction observation

2. 28 Feb-5 Mar Office work

3. 7 Mar-12Mar Outdoor activities

4. 8 Mar-15 Mar Resort activities

The table shows timeline activities on this research in a month. First step of

activities begin with doing observation on Palawi Risorsis Baturraden then office

work start from February 22 to March 22, 2021 with a total of 30 working days

including outdoor activities and resort activities. As the result the author start to

conduct final report for the work activities.



4.1 Job Training Implementation

4.1.1 Preparation

Before carrying out work practices, the author must complete the

procedures for implementing work practices, including:

1. Have passed a minimum of 75 credits of courses.

2. Have taken and passed the Tourism specialization course.

3. Looked for information about work practices and conducting surveys

at the Palawi Risorsis Baturraden.

4. Requested permission to carry out work practices at Palawi Risorsis


5. Submitted a work practice title proposal to the supervisor.

6. Make and submit work practice proposals to the supervisor and Head

of the English DiplomaProgram at Jenderal Sudirman University.

7. Conducted consultations with supervisors regarding work practices.

8. Submitted a cover letter for work practices from the English Diploma

Program to the agency where the work practice is located (Palawi

Risorsis Baturraden).

9. Implemented work practices in Palawi start from February 22 to March

22, 2021 with a total of 30 working days.

4.1.2 Implementation

The author gets a day off every Friday every week. The author carries

out work practices with a total of 5 students from fellow majors.

the five students had different titles to complete the practical work activities. The

author chose the title English Voice Over for Virtual Tour at Palawi Risorsis in order

to make it easier for foreign tourists to understand the natural attractions that exist in

Palawi, considering that it is not only local residents who visit these natural

attractions, but there are several foreign tourists who visit. The company has routines

that must be followed by all staf and students who carry out work practices such as

the morning briefing at 8 am to discuss several things such as evaluation of the

working day as well as suggestions and input from employees, as well as discussing

future work programs. The daily schedule they have is holding an environmental

service work program every Tuesday which is followed by all employees of PT

Palawi. students are also required to always be absent after the morning briefing

before doing the next activity

The author started the first day by realizing several work programs that the

author had previously arranged, like visiting the 5 attractions they have, looking for

information about the tour such as legends or myths that occur at the tourist site.

4.1.3 Activities First Week

In the first week, Palawi held a briefing to introduce students who did

internships. There were two internships before the author , the students are
Nisa and Alfia. After that, one of the marketing staff invited us to have a

company tour and observation to the five tourist attractions managed.

In the middle of observation, the author took a little time to make a short

interview with Mr. Dhani as marketing staff about the place and the famous

legendary story of that place. The author also took documentation by capturing

the moment for the final report later. Second Week

This week the author diverted into the work office to help another marketing

staff collect the material for a virtual tour project.

Things to do in this weeks were :

1. To make a script of virtual tour and discuss to the marketing staff

2. To help a marketing staff make a social media content to post on

Instagram, and

3. To discuss virtual tour project Third Week

This week, the author had a new partner from the English Diploma Program

named Arsy. This was our first week doing outside activities together with the

staff such as following short evaluation,keeping ticket locket,cleaning up the

object,making attendance recapitulation and discussion about social media

promotion to publish. Another interesting thing to do was picnic for virtual

tour content purposes Fourth Week

In the last week of job training, the author went to the last observation at the

resort and did hospitality activities while finishing the virtual tour roject.
Palawi has 3 resort with big, medium and small sizes located around company,

which is ;

1. Ebony

2. Agathis

3. Accasia

It turns out there were several schedules in the fourth week of author job training,and

gratefully it gives author new hospitality activities. We helped the staff cleaning the

resort,like changing the towel, mat, filling out the brush, tooth paste, and pantry things

like making tea and coffee.

Another thing to learn was how to cover the bed,pillow,bolster and put it in a good

way. The author followed the staff in receiving people surveys to know how to give a

brief description of the resort in an interesting way. Sometimes, the staff also shares

with us their activities related to the resort and the company.

4.1 Virtual Tour

To make a virtual tour video the author needed preparations and procedures

that had been done. First, the author took a video about shower 7, botanical gardens,

and tirta sela waterfall. The video was taken in the 3rd and 4th week. The first video

was taken at the Purwokerto station. This virtual tour tells about a student who missed

her hometown and invites her friend to travel at the Baturraden Lokawisata. The first

place is 7 showers ,7 showers which are sourced directly from Mount Slamet springs,

known as 7 showers because it is a myth that if it is difficult for us to find a mate, then

we wash our faces with 7 showers. Local residents believe that we can find our

soulmate easily. We can also take a sulfur bath which is useful for relieving itching on

the skin for those who have skin diseases. In addition there is also a sulfur scrub which
has benefits for relieving muscle aches and pains. The second place in the video is the

Baturaden Botanical Garden, as visitors we can take pictures with various types of

plants in it, ranging from pitcher plants, vanda orchids,polygala,rhododendron or areca

nut, and mandalaka. Visitors can take pictures in the botanical garden, for example at

the entrance or in the park. The gardens are made at different heights. With this

arrangement, visitors can take pictures and get views of various plants in the park. The

third place is tirta sela waterfall. Tirta sela comes from the word Tirta means water and

Sela is stone,the water comes out between the rock walls which have a cliff height up

to 60 meters. This waterfall was used as a source of clean water for 900 families of the

Kemutug Lor village residents.

4.2.1 Brief Script of Virtual Tour Attraction

Before making the script of virtual tour project, author arranged a banner

outline to show the manager and marketing for content discussion. An outline

is about the brief description of tourist attractions in bilingual that will be

written on the board later. The descriptive text is fully made by the author

based on an observation experience, and tourist attraction insight from palawi’s

staff interview such as legend, the means of tourist attraction name, and


4.2.2 Process of Creating Virtual Tour Video

The author completed the process of making banners for around a month,as it does

not only focus on just making the banners. Several stages in making the banner

such as :

1. Collecting data
The author collected the data through interviews with the staff about the

material needed like the reason given that name,the legend,how to manage and

preserve the tourist attraction.

2. Make a script

Banyumas provides many natural tourist attractions. You can explore its

existence from Baturraden which is located in Purwokerto. Palawi is a private

company engaged in tourism to improve the existing tourism sector by utilizing

natural resources. The entrance ticket costs 25 thousand and you can enjoy tours in the

form of 7 showers , botanical gardens and waterfalls Tirta Sela.

7 showers Known as 7 showers which are believed to be able to find their

soulmate when washing their faces.The shower comes directly from Mount Slamet.

Selirang Cliff Selirang comes from Selir and sulfur words. Selir means secondly,

because this was the second cliff of pancuran 7 and Sulfur means sulfur.

Botanical Garden Various tourist activities can be done here such as

picnicking, exercising, and also taking selfies. In the botanical garden area there are

various collections of plants. Visitors can see pitcher plants, vanda orchids, polygala,

rhododendrum or areca nut and mandalaka.

Tirta sela waterfall, Tirta Sela comes from the word Tirta means water and

Sela is stone. Fun fact this is also used as a source of clean water for 900 families of

the Kemutug Lor village residents.

4.2.3 Script.

a. Virtual tour script first revision

Banyumas provides many natural tourist attractions. You can explore its

existence from Baturraden which is located in Purwokerto. Palawi is a private

company engaged in tourism to improve the existing tourism sector by utilizing

natural resources. The entrance ticket costs 25 thousand and you can enjoy tours in the

form of 7 showers , botanical gardens and waterfalls Tirta Sela.

7 showers Known as 7 showers which are believed to be able to find their

soulmate when washing their faces.The shower comes directly from Mount Slamet.

Selirang Cliff Selirang comes from Selir and sulfur words. Selir means secondly,

because this was the second cliff of pancuran 7 and Sulfur means sulfur. The stones in

Selirang Cave are also beautiful yellowish in color accompanied by a puff of smoke

that comes from hot water.

Botanical Garden Various tourist activities can be done here such as

picnicking, exercising, and also taking selfies. In the botanical garden area there are

various collections of plants. Visitors can see pitcher plants, vanda orchids, polygala,

rhododendrum or areca nut and mandalaka.

Tirta sela waterfall, Tirta Sela comes from the word Tirta means water and

Sela is stone. Fun fact this is also used as a source of clean water for 900 families of

the Kemutug Lor village residents.

b. Final result of virtual tour script

Banyumas provides many natural tourist attractions. You can explore its

existence, and the most popular natural tourism area comes from Baturraden which is

located in Purwokerto. Palawi is a private company engaged in tourism to improve the

existing tourism sector by utilizing natural resources. Palawi is not only engaged in

tourist attractions but everything related to tourism such as travel agents, tour

planners, and outdoor activities. The entrance ticket costs 25 thousand and you can
enjoy tours in the form of showers 7, botanical gardens and waterfalls Tirta Sela.

Health protocols are well implemented in this tourist spot.

7 showers Known as 7 showers which are believed to be able to find their

soulmate when washing their faces with these 7 showers and can also cure skin

diseases. The shower comes directly from Mount Slamet. Selirang Cliff Selirang

comes from Selir and sulfur words. Selir means secondly, because this was the second

cliff of pancuran 7 and Sulfur means sulfur. The stones in Selirang Cave are also

beautiful yellowish in color accompanied by a puff of smoke that comes from hot

water. The color of the stones are passed continuously by sulfur and harden over time.

When viewed from below, it looks like a cave covered with a waterfall.

Botanical Garden Various tourist activities can be done here such as

picnicking, exercising, and also taking selfies. In the botanical garden area there are

various collections of plants. Visitors can see pitcher plants, vanda orchids, polygala,

rhododendrum or areca nut and mandalaka. Visitors can take pictures in the botanical

garden, for example at the entrance or in the park. The gardens are made at different

heights. With this arrangement, visitors can take pictures and get views of various

plants in the park.

Tirta sela waterfall, Tirta Sela comes from the word Tirta means water and

Sela is stone. Why is it given that name? Because the water comes out between the

rock walls which have a cliff height up to 60 meters. The route, which is quite steep,

will soon be paid off when you arrive by the natural scenery, cool air, and fresh water

you can enjoy to your heart's content. Fun fact this is also used as a source of clean

water for 900 families of the Kemutug Lor village residents.

3. Photo Documentation
The author did self documentation on every tourist attraction fot the sake of

individual use and chose the HD view picture given from the company for cover.

4. Editing

The author made the virtual tour video collaboration with Arsy and edited to add

the voice over by himself with the Inshot application.

5. Virtual Tour Teaser

After a virtual tour teaser the author consulted to the marketing and manager on

how it looked. Author revised the unsuitable content and made a discussion

session with the staff about what is the good one. The process of script revision is

up to 3 times until fixed.

6. Approval

The revised script process needs time to get the agreement from the marketing and

manager before going into the final stages. This part gave the author a lot of

advice and new insight about company and promotion systems.

4.3 The Final Result of Palawi’s Virtual Tour

4.4 Problem and Solution

4.4.1 Problem

During the job training there were some problems when the author made an
English promotional video. First, the author tries to write a short text which includes
all the information. The author must mention briefly and in detail about the origin of
these tourist attractions. Second, the author hesitates to choose the right sentence.
author also find it difficult to choose words or sentences so that they are easy to
understand. And the last is, the author finds it difficult to translate sentences that seem
familiar to read.

4.4.2 Solution

The author found several solutions to overcome these problems. In order to

create short sentences with all the information needed to match the length of the video
with the script, it is important to focus on the main information, and create effective
sentences. Reading, and studying tourism texts helps to get the right sentences and try
to make sentences look interesting. The author conducted interviews with the staff
and several local residents to ensure the truth of the myths that occurred in several
tourist attractions in Palawi.



According to the job training that the author had finished, it can be inferred

that before making a virtual tour video about English promotion, you need to prepare

some matters. First, to know about the material to be uploaded, prepare the photo or

video to be uploaded in good quality with the right angle, good color composition,

and actual. Second, the author must be selective to make a caption, to choose the

word, and the sentence so it did not seem awkward or weird. The author hopes that

the English promotion can let the international tourist know if Baturraden has Palawi

Risorsis, and it could be more popular among the other tourist attractions in


In carrying out the job training the author got new experience, and a lot of

knowledge, made a lot of new relations, knew about working life and also used all the

study that had been done in the college and improved more knowledge in tourism and

promotion Palawi Risorsis Baturraden.

5.2 Suggestion

The author suggestion for Palawi Risorsis Baturraden is to use English texts

with English as the international language and Indonesian in their promotional

activities. As one of the well-known tourist attractions, the use of English will help to

sensitize international tourists to visit Palawi Risorsis, but Palawi can still promote the

local market mainly through Indonesian. By using English text, international tourists

can be understood by the promotional information they are looking for on Instagram

or YouTube or can become knowledge for local residents.


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Appendix 1 -certification and placard
Appendix 2 -Form of internship assessment

Appendix 3 - Palawi’s structure organization

Appendix 4 - Outdoor activities
Appendix 5 -Morning briefing with staff
Appendix 6 -Ticketing

Appendix 7 - Villa Activities

Appendix 8 - Observation

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