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‘express ogreement thot they wil not be reproduced, sn consent given by the lender to the borrower for the inlended use. EL~1641-509 Revision 1. Ad 210 297. Tormot ore properly of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMTED. They ore merely looned on the bor led woy permitted by 0 § & ted or used except in the This growing, design ond del copied, exh & a Se a a D a [4.6.95] REVSED & SUED AS STO] 1000 FINISHED CONSTRUCT “ION LEVEL FOR FIRST PHASE 22%. x 150. aes ROADWAY 6000 OR 7500 OR 9000 OR 12500 [CARRUGE WAY 4000 OR $500 OR 7000 OR 10500, TOP OF ROAD LEVEL GIVEN ON AREA DRG [as Aa he ibe 1000 2 | FORMATION wor NATURAL GROUND _OR FILLING ‘ACCORDING TO THE LOCATION : HS - YyyD»D i- AYO vanes DETAIL - X NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, DQ]OE bd FSHED GRADE LeveL GIVEN ON AREA DRC LEGEND @ Prewix srTuMenous CARPET wTH SEAL CoAT SECOND LAYER WATER BOUND MACADAM COURSE Wi ORAOE AGCRECATE @ aRsT ayER WATER souND wacaoaw couRse wit GRADE aGoRECATE @ 548 ASE COURSE TWO LAYERS OF WOM wi GRADE™I AGORECATE ABPORVED MATERAL FROM STE comPAcTED 10" 80m OF Maxi LAB. ORY DENSITY AS 1S 2720 PaRT va 75mm THK. WATER BOUND MACADAM COURSE WITH GRADE-II AGGREGATE NEW DELHI ENGINEERS INDIA Lisiten |CROSS SECTION OF ROAD| (6.0,7.5,9.0 AND 12.5M WIDE) STANDARD 7-65-0002

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