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choorino vindowa

town's poor o

g ht o e n t o d y
Most think thiat

ay be
uid be more

elotes not abo=

old, rutum to them.

ana, w chango. heh

d DECtice per- ucn to
ute is, meit if ard
on your
o ecal it hard e

s not so B n
o y were

n d Taults in pefasim Love your

Y u may p s have names, i

ttirling. poeres
Bcttng un io rerectod from ro ta
w or e no y some ol

w its doer s uariy ie the sotin.I do e n in c

e e but a uiet hind may lve B con

Y from the
tore it
guom to me ofton to live thie moet indo-
pendent ives ot any.
Ns poor houghto
t h e y are above beirg supported by the
town, but it often h#ppens that they are h
anough te themeeves by
s t hink that png ecelve
reputablo. Gultivate poverty ko a gorden
heb, like sa0. Do no o n o t abov
Ad be more ds- UN, nest
arceThngs do not change, we change Sell
our clothes a a
p yo
A0 old. retum to them.

v e it; do not shun it and cal it hord

ran ire narmes R is not so tiad as vou are t lookswerO

o 3, mcot it and How

** o our
o sun "
c e , poor You may
as it is.
perhape nave ae
whun yol a richist. The t e t pan, ou o pcorest

hdar wil
nd failts in parart se Lavn yor The ett
ng sun
ur is retlected from the w
poo windows of Ihe alms-houe as brigfity an poy
at do ovon in a poorthoute. o he ron aD een in
Gon h e t t g sun i e e t e d trom thenat s00 but a quket iind may ive as co Th

tt rom c ands bo ts tentødiy thor, and hune dhering h

nost inde tefore its cocr ar aarly n the spring 1do bofore it
sac burqor pendeint lives of arny.
enough to May be they are sipiy great enough 10 t

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