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Definition of School Administration and Supervision

a. Administration is a universal process which characterizes all group efforts,
public or private, large and small scale. Technically, it is the organization,
direction and coordination, and control of human and material resources to
achieve the desired ends.
b. In an organization the most important factors to consider is the 4 P’s and the
3 C’s.
4P’s are:
1. Planning
2. People
3. Performance
4. Process
3C’s are:
1. Commitments
2. Culture
3. Communication

In an Organization Everything starts with careful PLANNING, to

plan the strategies and policies that PEOPLE in the organization should
follows, the implementation of such action should properly monitor through
their work PERFORMANCE and it should be scaled and monitored
through the use of the PROCESS. The COMMITMENTS are the most
important components in order to pass and get high score in performance
but the number one opposition to change is will create
danger to the organization if COMMUNICATION will not properly integrate
or delimitate as part of the strategy of the action plan.

c. Supervision of any school ordinary refers to the improvement of the total

teaching-learning situation and the conditions that affect them. It is a
socialized functions designs to improve instruction by working with the people
who are working with the students/pupils.

Supervision can also be defined in terms of function and purpose for which it
shall be used as a) skills in leadership, b) skills in human relation, c) skill in
group process, d) skill in personnel administration and e) skill in evaluation.
Scope of School Administration
The basic management functions are administration itself:

The major functions logically under school supervision can be cited as:

Inspection. This is actually a study of school conditions, to discover problems

or defects of the students, teachers, equipment, school curriculum, objectives
and methods. This could be done via actual observation, educational test,
conference, questionnaires and checklist.

Research. This has something to do to remedy the weaknesses of the

solution to solve problems discovered. The supervisor should conduct
research to discover means, methods and procedure fundamental to the
success of supervision. The solutions discovered are then passed on the

Training. This is acquainting teachers with solutions discovered in research

through training. Training may take the form of demonstration teaching,
workshop, seminars, classroom observations, individual or group conference,
intervisitation, professional classes or the use of bulletin board and circulars,
and writing suggestions in BPS Form 178.

Guidance. It involved personal help given by someone. It is the function of

the supervision to stimulate, direct, guide and encourage the teachers to
apply instructional procedures, techniques, principles and devices.

Evaluation. As an ultimate functions of supervision, evaluation appraises the

outcomes and the factors conditioning the outcomes of instructions and to
improve the products and processes of instructions.

Activities of Supervision. The activities logically that are falling under

supervision can be enumerated as:

1. Survey of the school system

2. Improvement of classroom teaching
3. In-service education of teachers
4. Selecting and organizing materials for instructions
5. Researching the problem of teaching
6. Determining the desirable physical condition of teaching and,
7. Performing semi-administrative duties

Types of School Supervision

LAISSEZ-FAIRE TYPE. This type of supervision utilizes inspectorial supervisory
methods unaided by any objective control, in which the teachers are deserved, but
noting is done to help them improve the work they are doing. In other words. The
teachers are left free; they are not to be imposed upon or directed.

COERCIVE TYPE. This type of supervision is the opposite of laissez-faire. The

supervisor visits the teachers in order to observe them. The teachers acquired ready-
made-procedure or standard prescribed by the supervisors.

TRAINING AND GUIDANCE TYPE. This type of supervision emphasizes the

improvements of teachers as well as her technique through direction, training and

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP TYPE. It consists of the teacher’s cooperation in the

formulation of policies, plan and procedures. Supervisor observes teacher inside the
classroom setting with the aim of improving the teaching-learning situation via
cooperation process or group action. The teachers, supervisors and administrators are
regarded as co-workers in a common task.

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