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Does an Argumentative essay

needs one’s opinion?
Yes, it is necessary to state your opinion on the topic. The
readers or audience want to know where you stand and to fully
assert your concerns regarding an issue.

I. Introduction
Have you ever heard statements like these at the
beginning of a speech?

Sometimes a basis for readers or audience to read or


1. Quotation

You can find quotable material in other speeches, novels, poetry

or books of quotations. A quotation also adds credibility to your
speech – not only do you think something but someone famous
does as well.

Famous quotes?

Topic: “Women are the flowers of the


Quotation “After women, flowers are

the most lovely thing God has given
the world”
Christian Dior
2. Rhetorical question

A rhetorical question is a question for which the speaker does

not expect an answer. Rather, the question is asked to stimulate
the audience to think. You can use a single question or a series
of questions.

Example: Instead of saying someone is late,

What time do you call this?

Topic: “Women are the flowers of the


Is even a woman considered flower?

3. References to history, audience, or self

References establish common ground and aid credibility. Use historical

references when you’re giving a speech on a special occasion. Use personal
references to give the audience information about yourself or to tie yourself to
a particular situation or event. Use audience reference to establish a common
ground between yourself and the audience or to enhance the audience’s
involvement in the speech.

Example: consider relevance of YOUR, SOMEONE ELSE’S OR THE AUDIENCES

I have experienced like this and that……

Topic: “Women are the flowers of the


Back when I was still in college, my

suitor told me that I smelled just like
a flower.
4. Humor

You can use humor to begin most kinds of speeches, even those with a serious
message. It might seem contradictory, but it’s possible to set serious tone by
using humor. When speaker contrast the seriousness of a problem with the
lightness of a joke, they can emphasize a message quickly. Be sure that your
humor is in good taste, however. Don’t offend individuals or groups. Before you
tell a joke or humorous story, ask yourself if it might offend anyone. If there’s
any doubt in your mind, either change the story/ joke. Don’t use it.

Example: Jokes

Topic: “Women are the flowers of the


Most men think women are flowers,

just like wives. They smell and look
nice at first, however after
sometime they won’t anymore.
5. Startling statement

A startling statement grabs the audience members’ attention by shocking them

or making them think about something in a way they hadn’t considered. Often,
you can make a topic that sounds boring into one that interests an audience
though the use of a startling statement.

Example: General, but emphasized sentences.


Topic: “Women are the flowers of the


Just how beautiful do you think

women are as being compared to a
6. Incident

The final technique for starting a speech is using an incident. This type of
introduction describes a situation to the audience and provides a concrete
example directly related to the topic. By using an incident, you provide a vivid
picture for the audience and involve them quickly.

Example: Experiences or anecdotes (short stories with morals/lessons)


Topic: “Women are the flowers of the


Against women:
His father had a little brother once,
he held a flower and jump higher to
reach the loose, live wires. That
flower then took his uncle’s life”
Introduction: statement

“Most men think women are flowers, just like wives, they smell
and look nice at first, however after sometime they won’t General
anymore” Addie (2002). Regardless, men tend to be with them
throughout their lives until their very last strength. So, I think
women are as flowers that whatever men give them, is whatever
the flower gives in return. stand
II. The body of the Speech
When you prepare the body of your speech, consider
your purpose, both general and specific. Your general
purpose of informing, persuading, or entertaining will
influence how you order your ideas.
*The body of the speech is its longest section. Here, your present the
bulk of your information. Thus, you should give the body the greatest
amount of preparation. Once you decide on a topic, narrow it and
research it. You must organize the material that you want to use.
Three steps are involved in this process:

1. Selecting an organizational pattern

2. Outlining the content
3. Preparing the transition
A. Selecting an organizational pattern

1. Topical or logical order

I. Physical benefits of exercise

A. Cardiovascular strength
B. Muscle tone
C. Weight loss

II. Mental benefits of exercise

A. Personal alertness
B. Improved feeling about self
2. Chronological order

When you use time sequence as a framework for your

speech, you are using chronological order. This pattern
is useful in informative speeches or in persuasive
speeches, both of which require background information.

Ex. What happened first, second and last

3. Spatial order

If you wanted to describe your classroom, you might

divide your description into the front of the room, the
back, the sides and the center. You would be using spatial
order, which organizes material according to physical

Ex. Introducing your house

4. Classification order

When you organize a speech by putting things into categories or

classes, your are using classification order.

Ex: Students are distinguished by their year in school. Athletics are

organized by sex, grade level, experience and ability. You can
categorize solutions to problems according to type; you can
classify information by ideas. Classification order can be used for
all the three types of speeches.
5. Problem-Solution Order

The first part of such a speech defines a problem and the second
part presents a solution. Within a problem-solution pattern, you’ll
often find other types of organization. A speaker may organize
problem section of a speech in a topical sequence. The solution
section could involve classification. A speech about the decline of
educational quality begins with a section describing some of the
problems and suggest way to solve them.
I. Students are not prepared for a competitive world
A. Students do not take enough math and science
B. Only a small percentage of students take foreign
C. Many graduates cannot read and write.

II. Solutions
A. The schools
B. The government
C. Parents
6. Cause-Effect Order

Like problem-solution order, cause-effect has two parts.

the first describes the cause of a problem and the
second describes its effects. You could recognize a
speech on toxic waste pollution through the use of cause-

I. Toxic wastes are dumped into the environment

A. Agricultural wastes affect water
1. Seep into the underground
2. Pollute lakes and steams
B. Industrial wastes affect water

II. Increased levels of toxins in water are harmful

A. They harm humans
B. They harm fish and other animals
B. Organization and Purpose

-Use standard subordination

I. Major point (Roman Numerals)

1. Example (subdivision of a subpoint) (Numbers)
a. Additional example or explanation (small letters)
b. Additional example or explanation
C. Transitional devices
-Used to open, end or relate an idea

1. Internal – used to connect pieces of information within
a section of a speech or paragraphs
Again But In other words

Also For example One other

And However Specifically

Another In addition Then

Or since
C. Transitional devices
-Used to open, end or relate idea/s

2. External- used to connect points on different levels of an outline
or paragraph to paragraph.
The final reason of change is..
The most important I want to make is..
Now, what effect does this have on….
The second step in the process is…
Those are the problems, now what can be done about them?
III. Concluding a Speech
Just as you should begin your speech on a high note, you
should also have definite, positive ending. Don’t let your
speech trail off to a stop or end weakly with such
comments as “That’s all” or “I’m finished.” The audience
knows when a good speech is over because the speaker
has given it a definite ending.
*In concluding a speech, you need to have a technique on
how you can make the readers or listeners remember
your work.
It is the same with the introduction, you can use them to
end your piece.
1. Grammar
2. Paragraph- one topic or idea
3.Introduction- No explanations/discussions or supporting details
4. Avoid cliché – This essay is all about…. This speech aims to
( Show the aim or purpose by the Introduction, body and conclusion)
Example ?
A. Speech Outline
“Women are the flowers of the world”
I. Introduction
A. Opening statement: Quotation
B. General statement: Support to your opening statement/ Opening to your stand
C. Stand: Pro/Con
II. Body
A. Argument 1 / Topic 1
B. Argument 2 / Topic 2
C. Argument 3 / Topic 3
II. Conclusion
A. Ending statement: Quotation
B. View point
B. Introduction: statement

“Most men think women are flowers, just like wives, they
smell and look nice at first, however after sometime they General
won’t anymore” Addie (2002). Regardless, men tend to be
with them throughout their lives until their very last. Women
should be treated as flowers that whatever men give them,
is whatever the flower gives in return. stand
C. Body:
1st paragraph: Initially, ……… Women should be watered as of
2nd paragraph: Furthermore, ……… Women should be
weeded as of flowers……
3rd paragraph: Finally, ……… Women should be expensive as Supporting
of flowers……
D. Conclusion:
Hence, “After women, flowers are the most
lovely thing God has given the world” Christian Strong
Dior. Doesn’t mean as women surrender to statement

men, they should fulfill all their expectations.

Rather, how a man treat his woman is always viewpoint.
what reflects.
End of lesson 4
pt. 3

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