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Society: Communities and Engagement

All three pictures show a situation where people from different social groups come together.

In the first picture, we can see a young girl and an older woman celebrating something,
probably in the senior house. Young people often forget their grandparents in the rush of
everyday life. Old people, on the other hand, have a lot of time and need someone to spend it
with. Volunteers working in the nursing home help the seniors not to feel lonely, and they, in
turn, share their life experiences with them and teach them something new.

In the second picture, we can see a business meeting. In the roomful of people is one woman
that has got a different race and one handicapped woman in a wheelchair. They are all
working together and discussing work. This is a perfect example that regardless of skin
colour, social status, ethnicity or physical handicap, people have the same right to education
or the same job opportunities.

In the third picture, we can see a demonstration. People are holding large flags, which are
representing their ethnicity and the countries, they came from. We may not often realize it,
but there are many people of other ethnicities living around us. They often encounter
discrimination, mistrust, or children even bullying. Therefore, it is important to realize that
they are people like us, they have goals and dreams that they want to achieve in life. And they
shouldn't be denied because of who they are.

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