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1.1. Site Investigation
1.1.1. Basin Properties
Songra basin is divided into 5 subbasin and each has their own properties,
such as subbasin area, rainfall amount and distribution, soil type, land
cover, unit hydrograph properties, and baseflow properties. The total
area of Songra basin is 7.08 km2 and it is divided approximately based on
the image scale. The location of Songra basin and its subbasin is presented
in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Songra basin

Rainfall amount and distribution used the IDF curve of Suwon Rainfall
Station and Huff 3 distribution, respectively. All the subbasin used the
same Rainfall distribution and station, and those value can be seen in
Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.

Table 1. Rainfall distribution percentage

Table 2. Suwon rainfall station

Every subbasin has each own characteristic of soil type and land cover.
The map and percentages are presented in Figure 2 and Table 3,
respectively, and the Curve Number (CN) value for every configuration of
soil type and land cover can be seen in Table 4. The data of unit
hydrograph and baseflow properties were given and it is shown in Table

Figure 2. Soil type and land cover of Songra basin

Soil Type ㎢ % Land Cover ㎢ %

A 0.66 9.32% Residential 0.18 2.54%
B 4.04 57.06% Industrial 0.07 0.99%
C 0 0.00% Commercial 0.04 0.56%
D 2.38 33.62% Transport 0.25 3.53%
Sum 7.08 100.00% Forest 3.72 52.54%
Rice field 1.44 20.34%
Paddy field 0.66 9.32%
Water surface 0.17 2.40%
Etc. 0.55 7.77%
Sum 7.08 100.00%
Table 3. Soil type and land cover percentage
Rice field 79 79 79 79
Paddy field 63 74 82 85
Forest 48 69 79 85
Etc. 77 86 91 94
Residential 77 85 90 92
Commercial 89 92 94 95
Transport 83 89 92 93
Industrial 81 88 91 93
100 100 100 100
Table 4. Curve number (CN)

Property Baseflow
Clark (hr) (hr) Initial 0.059 (㎥/s)
Sub-basin Time of Concentration Cofficient Recession 0.79
SR01 0.4 0.57 Ratio 0.1
SR02 0.3 0.43
SR03 0.3 0.42
SR04 0.15 0.21
SR05 0.35 0.5
Table 5. Subbasin properties

1.1.2. River Properties

Songra river stretched about 3 km in the Songra basin. It has 42 cross-
section and 5 bridges along the river. The slope of the river is estimated
by using the differences between upstream and downstream ground
elevation and the length of Songra river. The slope is calculated, and the
average of the slope is 0.0026 m/m. The bed profile of each cross section
is given and can be seen in Appendix 1. The contraction and expansion
coefficient are also given and showed in Table 6. Along the Songra river,
there are 5 bridges that was built. Three of the bridges were constructed
with 2 piers, one bridge with 1 pier, and the other do not have any pier.
The bridge’s profiles are shown in Table 7.
Contraction Expansion
0.1 0.3
Table 6. Contraction and expansion coefficient
Bridge number 1 2 3 4 5
Bridge Station 0.469 1.126 1.419 2.453 2.855
Distance 1 1 1 1 1
Width 4 1.5 10 4 7
Weir Coef 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Station 41.439 57.028 28.42 44.62 37.68 49.38 21.58 32.58 24.6 36.6
Upstream High cord 5.67 5.85 8.12 8.12 9.76 9.76 16.95 16.95 23.14 23.14
Low cord 5.2 5.2 7.72 7.72 9.21 9.21 16.5 16.5 22.54 22.54
Station 41.439 57.028 28.42 44.62 37.68 49.38 21.58 32.58 24.6 36.6
Downstream High cord 5.67 5.85 8.12 8.12 9.76 9.76 16.95 16.95 23.14 23.14
Low cord 5.2 5.2 7.72 7.72 9.21 9.21 16.5 16.5 22.54 22.54
Pier number 1 1 1 1
Upstream 46.635 33.82 41.63 27.08
Downstream 46.635 33.82 41.63 27.08
Width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Elevation 2 5.3 6 8 6 10 14 16.5
Width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Elevation 2 5.3 6 8 6 10 14 16.5
Pier number 2 2 2
Upstream 51.832 39.22 45.43
Downstream 51.832 39.22 45.43
Width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Elevation 2 5.3 6 8 6 10
Width 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Elevation 2 5.3 6 8 6 10
Table 7. Bridge's profiles

1.2. Data Treatment

1.2.1. Rainfall-Runoff Parameters
Based on the soil type, land cover, and area of each subbasin. The average
of Curve Number (CN) value can be determined using the ratio method.
The ratio of each soil type and land cover of each subbasin are presented
in Table 8.
Subbasin Composition CN
B-Forest D-Rice field A-Paddy field
SR1 70.70
0.35 0.35 0.3
B-Forest D-Rice field D-Industrial A-Residential D-commercial D-transport
SR2 80.40
0.2 0.4 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.05
B-Forest D-Rice field A-Paddy field
SR3 71.40
0.6 0.3 0.1
B-Forest D-Rice field D-Paddy field B-Paddy field B-Etc.
SR4 74.48
0.5 0.3 0.08 0.07 0.05
B-Forest D-Rice field D-Paddy field A-Rice field A-Forest D-transport D-Water A-Etc.
SR5 78.30
0.45 0.25 0.015 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.2 0.005
Table 8. Soil type and land cover ratio with CN value of each subbasin
The IDF curve’s value of Suwon Rainfall Station and rainfall amount of
each return period are presented in Figure 3 and Table 9, respectively.
The Huff 3rd distribution are calculated using the regression method in
excel to determine the approximate value. The Huff 3rd distribution is
presented in Table 10 and Figure 4.
Suwon IDF curve
Rainfall Duration (min)
10 100 1000 10000 2

100 5
Rainfall Depth (mm)

200 20
500 100

Figure 3. Suwon rainfall station IDF curve

Suwon 24hr
30yr 345.2 mm
50yr 376.9 mm
80yr 405.8 mm
100yr 419.5 mm
Table 9. Suwon rainfall amount for 4 return period in 24 hr duration

Hour Hour (%) Cummulative Incremental Hour Hour (%) Cummulative Incremental
1 4.17 0.16 0.16 13 54.17 45.50 8.05
2 8.33 1.26 1.10 14 58.33 54.21 8.71
3 12.50 3.33 2.07 15 62.50 63.19 8.98
4 16.67 5.55 2.22 16 66.67 71.94 8.75
5 20.83 7.75 2.20 17 70.83 79.97 8.03
6 25.00 10.00 2.25 18 75.00 86.77 6.80
7 29.17 12.51 2.51 19 79.17 91.97 5.20
8 33.33 15.58 3.07 20 83.33 95.37 3.40
9 37.50 19.45 3.87 21 87.50 97.08 1.71
10 41.67 24.33 4.88 22 91.67 97.60 0.52
11 45.83 30.34 6.01 23 95.83 97.99 0.39
12 50.00 37.45 7.11 24 100.00 100.00 2.01
Table 10. Huff 3rd distribution value
Huff 3rd Distribution

Rainfall depth cummulative distribution (%) 90.00

0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00
Rainfall time distribution (%)

Figure 4. Huff 3rd distribution graph

1.2.2. River Analysis Parameters

The value of manning along the river can be calculated by using the ratio
of riverbed’s material and the average value of manning’s n range in the
Table 11. Table 12 shows the final value of manning’s after the calculation
with the ration of riverbed’s material. As it is shown on the table that the
percentage of silt is significantly smaller than the other materials, the
percentage of silt is not used in the calculation.
Manning's n table
Material Min Max
Concrete 0.014 0.02
Sand Loam 0.02 0.02
Small river 0.025 0.033
Mountain River 0.03 0.05
Big River 0.018 0.035
Gravel bed 0.025 0.04
Table 11. Manning's n range

Ratio % % % n
Songra-river Gravel Sand Silt composite
0.000~0.940 47 53 0 0.025875
0.940~2.325 41 58 1 0.024925
2.325~3.000 47 52 1 0.025675
Table 12. Manning's n value along the river
2.1. Model Simulation and Result
2.1.1. HEC-HMS
In this section, all the data for basin properties that is given and calculated
are inputted into the HEC-HMS 4.8. There are 4 types of return period in
determining the rainfall amount with the same rainfall duration at 24 hr.
Hence, there are 4 different meteorological data for each rainfall design.
From the experience of the author using HEC-HMS version 4.4 and above,
the rainfall amount in the meteorological data will disappeared if there
are more than one meteorological data. Therefore, the value of rainfall
amount is not presented in the program files and only the result that can
be seen. The subbasin’s properties such as subbasin area, Loss properties,
Unit hydrograph properties, and baseflow properties can be seen in
Figure 5 and the incremental percentage of rainfall distribution can be
seen in Figure 6.

Figure 5. Subbasins' properties

Figure 6. Rainfall distribution in incremental

The simulation was run, and the result for each return period and each
subbasin is shown in Figure 7. These values will be used as an input data
in HEC-RAS simulation or modelling.

Figure 7. Discharge value for each return period

2.1.2. HEC-RAS
HEC-RAS 6.1 is used in this simulation to generate the water profile along
the river. The bed profile and manning’s value are given and inputted into
the program, while the position of the main channel and the banks must
be chosen by looking at the shape of the profile. The geometric data of
Songra river and the bridges in this program can be seen in Figure 8 and
Figure 9, respectively. From Figure 1, the location of each subbasin’s inlet
is can be logically set and inputted into the steady flow data in this
program. The discharge value from HEC-HMS program must be
accumulated from the upstream to the downstream every time the
subbasin’s inlet is present. The reach boundary at the upstream part uses
the critical depth and the downstream part use the normal depth with
slope of 0.0026. The upstream part of the river is a reservoir, and the
water is described to flow from the reservoir with a critical depth and will
reach the normal depth at the downstream. The steady flow data can be
seen in Figure 9.

Figure 8. Geometric data of Songra river

Figure 9. Bridges data of Songra river
After all the data were inputted into the program, HEC-RAS simulation
was run, and the water profile is shown in Figure 10. The flood risk of
Songra river is not seen in water profile, but it can be seen in each cross-
section profile. The cross-section profile and the 3D profile are shown in
Figure 11 and Figure 12, respectively.
Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 11/12/2021
Songra Songra
25 Legend

WS 100 yr

WS 80 yr
WS 50 yr
WS 30 yr
Elevation (m)

15 Ground


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Main Channel Distance (m)

Figure 10. Songra river water profile for each return period

Figure 11. Cross-section profile along the Songra river

Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 11/12/2021
2.9350 WS 30 yr
2.8505 2.7400

2.6400 WS 50 yr
2.4560 WS 80 yr
2.2250 WS 100 yr

2.0250 Ground
Bank Sta



Figure 12. 3D view of Songra river

2.2. Flood Analysis

2.2.1. Flood Risk
From the cross-section profile in the HEC-RAS simulation, there are 23
cross-sections that have a flood risk with the ranged depth of flood from
20 to 80 centimetres at the banks. The hydraulic depth’s graph along the
river is shown in Figure 13 to see the depth of the flood in left and right
bank for each return period. The example of cross-section profiles that
have a flood risk is shown in Figure 14.
Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021
Hydr Depth L (m), Hydr Depth C (m), Hydr Depth R (m)

Songra Songra
2.5 Legend

Hydr Depth R 50 yr

2.0 Hydr Depth R 30 yr

Hydr Depth C 100 yr

Hydr Depth C 80 yr
1.5 Hydr Depth C 50 yr

Hydr Depth C 30 yr

Hydr Depth R 100 yr

Hydr Depth R 80 yr

Hydr Depth L 100 yr

0.5 Hydr Depth L 80 yr

Hydr Depth L 50 yr

Hydr Depth L 30 yr
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Main Channel Distance (m)

Figure 13. Hydraulic depth along the Songra river

Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021 Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021

.0249 . .0249 .0249 . .0249

15.5 0 Legend 12.0 0 Legend
2 2
15.0 4 11.5 4
9 WS 100 yr 9 WS 100 yr
Elevation (m) 14.5

Elevation (m)
WS 80 yr 11.0 WS 80 yr
WS 50 yr 10.5 WS 50 yr
WS 30 yr WS 30 yr
Ground Ground
12.5 9.5
Bank Sta Bank Sta
12.0 9.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Station (m) Station (m)

Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021 Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021

.0249 . .0249 .0259 .0259 .0259

11.5 0 Legend 9 Legend
11.0 4
9 WS 100 yr 8 WS 100 yr
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
WS 80 yr WS 80 yr
10.0 7
9.5 WS 50 yr WS 50 yr

9.0 WS 30 yr 6 WS 30 yr
8.5 Ground Ground
8.0 Bank Sta Bank Sta
7.5 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Station (m) Station (m)

Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021 Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021

.0259 .0259 .0259 .0259 .0259 .0259

9 Legend 8 Legend

8 WS 100 yr 7 WS 100 yr
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

WS 80 yr 6 WS 80 yr
WS 50 yr 5 WS 50 yr
6 WS 30 yr WS 30 yr
5 Ground Ground
Bank Sta Bank Sta
4 2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100
Station (m) Station (m)

Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021 Songra_river Plan: Existing_songra 13/12/2021

.0259 .0259 .0259 .0259 .0259 .0259

7 Legend 7 Legend

6 WS 50 yr 6 WS 50 yr
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)

WS 100 yr 5 WS 100 yr
WS 80 yr 4 WS 80 yr
4 WS 30 yr WS 30 yr
3 Ground Ground
Bank Sta Bank Sta
2 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Station (m) Station (m)

Figure 14. Flood risk's cross-sections of Songra river

2.2.2. Main Management Target and Risk Factor

As we can see in the previous sections, the riverbed profiles of Songra
river are very fluctuated to change between each other. From the cross-
section profiles of the river, Songra riverbed are not fully used and causes
the probability of flood that might happen. Therefore, the main
management target is to use the full capacity of the Songra riverbed first
by making a pathway to keep the flow in the riverbed and not spread into
the banks. The main management plan is described in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Main management target for Songra river

There are some risk factors that might be happened if the flow is
concentrated into the riverbed. First, the water depth at the riverbed will
be increased and it might be overflowing to the banks. Second, there are
5 bridges along the river that might be affected by the increased of water
depth, such as the water might overflowing to the bridges, and it will
eventually destroy the bridges. Last, the overflowing of water flow might
be happened at the downstream part of the river (not sustainable). The
factor risk is described in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Factor risk around the bridges along the Songra river
3.1. Flood Prevention
3.1.1. Levees Suggestion
Levees are one of an option to reach the main management target, where
it can help the water from spreading into the banks and keep the flow
pathway in the riverbed. The levees are placed at both bank stations (left
and right) with the height of 1 m from the banks ground. The example of
cross-sections with levees and all the levees information are shown in
Figure 17 and Table 13, respectively.
Songra_river Plan: Songra_river Plan: Leeve2_songra 13/12/2021

.0259 .0259 .0259 .0249 .0249 .0249

7 Legend 10 Legend

6 Ground 9 Ground
Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
Levee 8 Levee
Bank Sta 7 Bank Sta
3 5

2 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Station (m) Station (m)

Figure 17. Cross-sections with levee

Levee Data
River Left Left Right Right River Left Right Right
No. No. Left Sta
Station Sta Elev Sta Elev Station Elev Sta Elev
1 2.7400 38.6 21.4 50.9 20.60 14 1.1235 28.42 9.1 44.62 9.12
2 2.6400 32.0 22.1 49.2 19.20 15 1.0400 41.06 9.7 60.99 9.65
3 2.5400 39.0 18.1 49.2 18.00 16 0.9400 33.27 9.1 61.68 9.35
4 2.4560 21.6 17.5 32.6 17.50 17 0.8250 39.96 9.0 65.14 9.15
5 2.4400 41.0 17.8 51.5 17.80 18 0.7200 31.11 8.8 59.17 8.86
6 2.3250 43.2 16.5 62.7 19.20 19 0.6550 42.91 8.7 68.05 8.78
7 2.2250 47.5 15.5 58.2 15.90 20 0.6150 36.37 8.6 61.33 8.70
8 2.1250 39.0 15.3 52.6 14.90 21 0.5200 35.18 8.5 59.89 8.53
9 2.0250 45.1 14.0 56.3 14.00 22 0.4720 41.44 6.9 57.03 6.85
10 1.9250 28.3 13.1 40.2 13.20 23 0.4660 41.44 6.9 57.03 6.85
11 1.8300 40.5 12.6 51.4 12.50 24 0.4150 42.95 6.9 58.32 7.63
12 1.6300 42.3 11.8 53.9 11.70 25 0.3100 41.63 6.7 57.63 7.35
13 1.1285 28.4 9.12 44.6 9.12 26 0.2050 39.13 6.7 60.48 6.98
Table 13. Levee data along the Songra river

3.1.2. Analysis and Effect of Levees

After the levees have been added into the cross-section, the first model
shows another flood risk that might happened in another cross-section.
Therefore, the levees are added again at those cross-sections. The first
model is shown in Figure 18 to see the additional flood risk by looking at
the hydraulic depth graph.
Songra_river Plan: Leeve_songra 13/12/2021

Hydr Depth L (m), Hydr Depth C (m), Hydr Depth R (m)

Songra Songra

Hydr Depth C 30 yr
2.0 Hydr Depth R 30 yr

Hydr Depth L 30 yr




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Main Channel Distance (m)

Figure 18. Flood risk after first model of levee

After the second model is run, all the cross-sections do not have any flood
risk, but there is a risk of the bridge at river station (RS) 0.469 that might
be destroyed by the flow of the flood. The water is not flowing over the
bridge but the capacity of the river at that cross-section has been full. The
3D profile of the bridge is shown in Figure 19.
Songra_river Plan: Leeve2_songra 13/12/2021

WS 30 yr
WS 50 yr
0.5200 WS 80 yr

WS 100 yr


Bank Sta

Figure 19. 3D profile of the bridge

Therefore, there are some recommendations that might prevent the

disaster of the bridge from happening. The structural ability of the bridge
must be assessed to know whether the bridge can handle the pressured
flow. If it cannot, another option is to make a culvert under the bridge
that can handle the closed-channel flow (pipe flow based on the pressure).
The example is described in Figure 20.
Figure 20. Culvert (source:,,,
Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance
0.0000 0.0000 0.1000 100.0000 0.2050 105.0000 0.3100 105.0000 0.4150 105.0000 0.4660 51.0000 0.4720 6.0000 0.5200 48.0000 0.6150 95.0000 0.6550 40.0000 0.7200 65.0000
Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation
0 5.28 0 3.85 0 4.1 0 4.19 0 4.38 0 5.01 0 5.01 0 4.66 0 4.95 0 4.98 0 6
53.35 5.26 28.59 3.85 17.14 4.1 9.51 4.19 1.45 4.38 26.041 5 26.041 5 22.38 4.66 22.61 4.95 28.49 4.98 14.18 5.93
74.37 5 29.08 4.3 17.46 4.22 9.75 4.29 1.76 4.5 34.892 5.76 34.892 5.76 22.81 4.88 23.26 5.16 29.74 5.53 15.45 5.23
84.79 1.4 29.73 4.28 17.7 4.22 9.98 4.29 1.99 4.48 41.439 5.85 41.439 5.85 23.52 4.86 23.69 5.16 31.03 5.74 21.08 5.23
86.26 1.18 30.78 3.62 17.93 4.01 10.47 4.06 2.14 4.3 41.439 5.2 41.439 5.2 23.62 4.86 23.69 5.34 36.79 7.65 21.58 5.47
92.4 1 34.84 3.4 33.78 4.01 34.28 4.06 35.37 4.3 41.786 5.2 41.786 5.2 23.62 4.26 23.79 5.34 42.91 7.67 22.08 5.47
107.44 0.87 34.84 4 34.06 4.26 34.46 4.33 35.56 4.44 41.786 4.1 41.786 4.1 24.22 4.26 23.79 4.74 44.41 7.11 22.08 5.62
120.51 0.98 34.84 6.43 34.41 4.26 34.77 4.38 35.94 4.46 45.813 3.3 45.813 3.3 24.22 4.86 24.39 4.74 44.71 7.11 22.18 5.62
123.45 1.4 35.31 6.43 34.41 4.63 34.77 4.68 35.94 4.73 46.506 3.3 46.506 3.3 24.32 4.86 24.39 5.34 46.82 4.31 22.18 5.02
133.47 5.42 35.31 5.69 34.51 4.63 34.87 4.68 36.04 4.73 46.765 3.3 46.765 3.3 31.32 7.48 24.49 5.34 46.82 3.91 22.78 5.02
134.46 5.41 38.49 5.73 34.51 3.63 34.87 3.68 36.04 3.73 47.458 3.3 47.458 3.3 31.84 7.53 28.26 5.46 46.82 3.61 22.78 5.62
137.61 5.29 38.9 5.53 35.51 3.63 35.87 3.68 37.04 3.73 47.458 2.9 47.458 2.9 35.18 7.52 32.89 7.62 46.82 3.31 22.88 5.62
140.57 5.22 39.08 5.47 35.51 4.63 35.87 4.68 37.04 4.73 49.667 2.67 49.667 2.67 36.26 7.01 36.37 7.6 46.82 2.91 25.22 5.77
145.61 4.9 41.86 3.89 35.61 4.63 35.97 4.68 37.14 4.73 50.229 2.55 50.229 2.55 36.71 6.91 37.84 6.81 63.72 2.91 30.02 7.7
147.61 4.34 43.62 3.8 39.13 5.68 35.97 4.31 37.14 4.33 50.766 2.54 50.766 2.54 38.56 3.58 38.14 6.81 63.72 3.31 31.11 7.79
147.71 4.34 43.62 3.21 41.84 5.64 37.27 4.21 38.5 4.54 51.009 2.67 51.009 2.67 41.91 3.45 39.54 4.16 63.72 3.61 34.18 7.72
147.71 3.34 43.62 2.61 47.93 1.55 38.84 5.7 40.26 5.9 51.009 3.3 51.009 3.3 42.72 3.2 42.82 3.88 63.72 3.91 35.4 7.12
148.71 3.34 45.39 2.49 48.97 1.35 41.63 5.69 42.95 5.86 51.702 3.3 51.702 3.3 44.07 2.96 49.54 3.56 63.72 4.31 35.7 7.12
148.71 4.34 45.39 1.4 50.69 1.29 47.2 2.05 47.96 2.6 51.962 3.3 51.962 3.3 46.2 3.11 49.93 3.51 66.53 7.25 36.99 4.55
148.81 4.34 48.3 1 51.14 1.55 48.19 1.92 48.68 2.38 52.654 3.3 52.654 3.3 51.77 3.2 50.84 3.27 66.71 7.25 40.09 4.48
148.81 4.24 52.34 1.2 51.43 2.01 50.13 1.86 50.55 2.4 56.681 4.6 56.681 4.6 53.52 3.47 52.79 3.3 68.05 7.78 40.82 4.34
149.26 4.24 53.5 1.4 51.91 2.18 50.52 2.05 52.22 2.6 56.681 5.2 56.681 5.2 56.17 3.6 53.84 3.51 68.3 7.78 41.98 4.06
150.13 3.92 59.96 5.19 57.35 5.49 51.09 2.67 58.32 6.43 57.028 5.2 57.028 5.2 57.95 6.84 54.46 3.97 73.7 7.7 46.27 4.06
173.43 3.92 64.95 5.5 60.48 5.98 51.48 2.91 58.32 6.63 57.028 5.85 57.028 5.85 58.25 6.84 58.16 3.98 79.1 4.98 49.53 4.04
173.74 4.05 66.25 5.26 63.82 4.12 57.63 6.15 61.04 6.63 63.878 5.26 63.878 5.26 59.89 7.53 59.75 7.03 107.65 4.98 50.91 4.34
174.04 4.08 68.07 4.3 64.06 4.06 57.63 6.35 61.04 6.43 73.404 4.96 73.404 4.96 62.78 7.53 59.95 7.03 52.89 4.57
174.3 3.98 68.34 4.3 64.16 4.06 60.28 6.39 65.22 3.73 95.107 4.99 95.107 4.99 63.6 7.49 61.33 7.7 56.36 4.64
181.38 3.98 68.34 3.3 64.16 3.06 60.28 6.19 65.81 3.67 70.61 4.29 64.33 7.72 58 7.38
181.59 4.11 69.34 3.3 65.16 3.06 64.55 4.07 67.06 4.38 71.16 4.3 64.85 7.65 58.2 7.38
182.01 4.15 69.34 4.3 65.16 4.06 65.01 4.1 67.43 4.41 71.93 4.69 71.29 4.91 59.17 7.86
182.5 3.9 69.77 4.3 65.26 4.06 65.11 4.1 67.78 4.24 72.29 4.72 94.35 4.91 62.28 7.89
198 3.9 70.5 3.81 65.63 4.14 65.11 3.3 83.76 4.24 72.58 4.56 94.49 5.04 63.51 7.74
88.17 3.81 65.99 3.95 65.91 3.3 83.98 4.4 97.31 4.56 94.71 5.07 67.77 5.31
88.45 4.05 78.25 3.95 65.91 4.1 84.14 4.42 95.09 4.91 94.64 5.31
88.69 4.03 79.66 4.29 66.01 4.1 84.63 4.12 99.3 4.91
88.93 3.89 79.66 4.49 66.91 3.98 99.4 4.12
98.87 3.89 85.24 4.46 98.85 3.98
85.24 4.26
85.67 4.26
85.67 3.96
86.3 3.96
86.3 4.26
86.4 4.26
86.4 4.2
87.46 4.2
87.78 4.06
99.07 4.06
Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance
0.8250 105.0000 0.9400 115.0000 1.0400 100.0000 1.1235 83.5000 1.1285 5.0000 1.2330 104.5000 1.3400 107.0000 1.4130 73.0000 1.4250 12.0000 1.5300 105.0000 1.6300 100.0000
Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation
0 5.83 0 6.38 0 6.19 0 7.87 0 7.87 0 7.86 0 10.55 0 9.94 0 9.94 0 11.12 0 9.88
22.23 5.83 4.67 6.3 3 6.19 9.32 7.81 9.32 7.81 8.15 7.85 26.5 10.55 21.79 9.93 21.79 9.93 20.75 11.16 18.88 9.88
22.42 5.96 4.77 6.3 3.22 6.28 21.48 7.95 21.48 7.95 17.17 8.55 32.85 10.53 37.18 10.01 37.18 10.01 21.82 11.18 22.1 11.01
22.77 5.91 4.77 5.7 3.53 6.28 28.42 8.12 28.42 8.12 17.17 8.15 33.1 10.43 37.18 9.76 37.18 9.76 21.82 11.01 42.32 10.8
23.38 5.52 9.07 5.6 3.96 5.99 28.42 7.72 28.42 7.72 17.57 8.15 36.93 10.36 37.68 9.76 37.68 9.76 22.22 11.01 43.06 10.7
24.08 5.48 9.07 6.2 28.49 5.99 28.62 7.72 28.62 7.72 17.57 7.85 38.39 10.21 37.68 9.21 37.68 9.21 23.47 7.79 43.65 10.7
24.35 5.68 9.17 6.2 28.82 6.14 28.62 6.92 28.62 6.92 17.57 6.65 38.99 10.22 37.98 9.21 37.98 9.21 23.47 7.64 43.65 10.6
24.82 5.71 14 6.25 29.13 6.12 31.02 6.82 31.02 6.82 17.57 6.55 39.35 10.18 37.98 8.91 37.98 8.91 26.33 7.66 43.93 10.58
25.13 5.52 16.13 7.29 29.53 5.88 32.52 6.22 32.52 6.22 25.97 6.55 39.66 10.18 37.98 7.31 37.98 7.31 29.69 7.68 44.98 8.19
26.26 5.52 19.33 7.29 32.28 5.88 33.67 6.22 33.67 6.22 25.97 6.65 40.62 7.01 38.28 7.01 38.28 7.01 30.47 7.79 44.98 7.99
26.56 5.64 26.37 7.54 37.28 8.54 33.97 6.22 33.97 6.22 25.97 7.85 45.31 6.98 41.18 7.01 41.18 7.01 31.21 9.78 46.76 8
27.14 5.64 33.27 8.07 37.93 8.65 35.05 5.95 35.05 5.95 25.97 8.15 47.21 6.93 42.08 7.01 42.08 7.01 31.93 10.02 47.58 8.19
27.14 5.14 35.2 7.8 41.06 8.65 36.97 5.95 36.97 5.95 26.37 8.15 48.77 7.01 44.98 7.01 44.98 7.01 37.98 10.06 49.9 8.41
27.74 5.14 35.72 7.77 41.93 8.04 39.07 6.22 39.07 6.22 26.37 8.55 49.58 9.12 45.88 7.01 45.88 7.01 46.19 10.14 52.9 8.56
27.74 5.64 38.04 4.89 42.23 8.04 39.37 6.22 39.37 6.22 30.65 8.6 49.74 9.12 48.78 7.01 48.78 7.01 65.44 10.53 53.6 10.51
27.84 5.64 39.31 4.88 43.41 6.05 41.92 6.32 41.92 6.32 40.34 9.58 49.74 9.32 49.08 7.31 49.08 7.31 53.93 10.51
31.51 5.93 44.89 4.9 44.84 5.87 43.72 7.02 43.72 7.02 46.95 9.58 50.73 9.32 49.08 8.91 49.08 8.91 53.93 10.65
36.31 8.02 47.18 4.66 45.88 4.99 44.42 7.12 44.42 7.12 50.73 9.42 49.08 9.21 49.08 9.21 54.91 10.63
37 8.06 48.95 4.48 49.27 4.95 44.42 7.72 44.42 7.72 53.68 9.45 49.38 9.21 49.38 9.21 55.44 10.58
39.96 8.04 52.21 4.59 50.44 4.99 44.62 7.72 44.62 7.72 61.07 10.27 49.38 9.76 49.38 9.76 57.19 9.26
41.27 7.41 53.13 4.66 52.06 5.36 44.62 8.12 44.62 8.12 61.94 10.39 49.88 9.76 49.88 9.76 70.24 9.26
41.57 7.41 54.33 4.75 55.41 5.53 49.38 7.81 49.38 7.81 61.94 10.54 49.88 10.16 49.88 10.16 70.4 9.38
42.81 4.71 58.42 4.82 56.04 5.77 60.69 7.43 60.69 7.43 62.07 10.54 61.69 10.49 61.69 10.49 70.95 9.42
46.27 4.52 60.14 7.86 58.25 5.63 60.69 7.09 60.69 7.09 88.1 10.44 72.86 11.03 72.86 11.03 71.4 9.28
46.83 4.37 60.89 8.2 59.61 8.03 61.04 7.09 61.04 7.09 89.24 10.38 84.71 11.58 84.71 11.58 97.1 9.28
47.82 4.3 61.68 8.35 59.81 8.03 61.04 6.49 61.04 6.49 89.24 10.58
51.23 4.4 64.61 8.36 60.99 8.65 61.64 6.49 61.64 6.49 90.97 10.54
55.24 4.29 69.77 6.66 63.95 8.61 61.64 7.09 61.64 7.09 90.97 12.64
56.89 4.37 70.75 6.58 76.28 5.95 65.82 7.48 65.82 7.48 94.09 12.52
57.71 4.75 71.57 6.35 99.6 5.95 65.82 7.78 65.82 7.78
61.86 4.73 71.67 6.35 66.1 7.78 66.1 7.78
63.65 7.67 71.67 5.95 74.32 7.78 74.32 7.78
63.85 7.67 72.07 5.95
65.14 8.15 72.07 6.35
68.28 8.15 72.17 6.35
71.29 6.26 73.67 6.21
71.49 6.26 74.65 5.7
71.49 4.96 97.63 5.7
72.55 4.95
74.35 4.85
75.61 5.54
76.4 5.75
77.63 5.3
101.68 5.3
Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance
1.7160 86.0000 1.8300 114.0000 1.9250 95.0000 2.0250 100.0000 2.1250 100.0000 2.1820 57.0000 2.1880 6.0000 2.2250 37.0000 2.3250 100.0000 2.4400 115.0000 2.4500 10.0000
Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation
0 11.96 0 11.63 0 11.11 0 11.4 0 14.04 0 15.06 0 15.06 0 15.06 0 13.96 0 22.69 0 17.68
9.94 11.4 18.19 11.63 25.96 11.11 28.92 11.4 11.85 14.04 11.58 14.7 11.58 14.7 10.1 15.06 21.73 13.96 13.41 17.78 11.44 17.24
20.03 11.19 18.42 11.79 27.2 12.06 29.14 11.64 13.55 13.02 27.47 14.56 27.47 14.56 10.8 13.86 24.91 15.42 20.06 17.6 18.6 17.11
24.25 11.18 18.7 11.79 28.25 12.08 29.69 11.61 34.94 13.02 33.4 14.88 33.4 14.88 43.84 13.77 25.36 15.4 21.57 17.32 21.58 16.95
24.25 10.68 20.32 10.86 29.18 12.08 30.11 11.42 37.19 14.13 33.4 14.18 33.4 14.18 45.25 14.7 25.75 15.31 26.57 17.42 21.58 16.5
24.65 10.68 20.92 10.86 29.18 11.95 41.58 11.42 38.97 14.28 33.9 14.18 33.9 14.18 47.54 14.66 40.71 15.31 40.98 16.82 22.08 16.5
24.65 10.38 21.5 11.28 29.48 11.95 44.33 13.01 41.31 12.19 33.9 13.68 33.9 13.68 47.54 14.48 41.17 15.65 41.37 16.78 22.38 15.3
24.65 9.18 21.8 11.28 29.85 10.88 45.05 13.02 42.83 11.95 33.9 12.8 33.9 12.8 47.73 14.48 42.59 15.67 44.94 14.57 22.58 15.3
24.95 8.88 22.02 11.16 29.85 10.38 45.98 12.99 43.82 11.72 36.53 12.81 36.53 12.81 48.18 13.56 43.22 15.53 46.21 14.47 22.58 15.1
34.35 8.88 39.22 11.16 29.85 9.88 45.98 12.9 45 11.59 38.08 12.52 38.08 12.52 48.91 13.45 43.78 15.51 48.96 14.57 24.11 14.77
34.65 9.18 40.5 11.55 39.45 9.88 46.34 12.9 46.69 11.72 40.42 12.38 40.42 12.38 50.46 12.54 43.78 15.4 49.53 14.63 24.86 14.66
34.65 10.38 41.39 11.56 39.45 10.38 46.89 11.54 48.31 12.21 45.2 12.38 45.2 12.38 51.13 12.51 43.93 15.4 50.4 14.8 26.93 14.62
34.65 10.68 41.39 11.38 39.45 10.88 48.44 11.45 49.5 12.47 45.2 13.68 45.2 13.68 53.41 12.47 44.94 13.76 51.28 16.52 27.23 14.62
35.05 10.68 41.72 11.38 39.83 11.91 49.5 11.03 51.09 12.95 45.2 14.18 45.2 14.18 54.11 12.54 46.69 13.57 51.51 16.52 29.46 14.77
35.05 11.18 42.35 9.78 40.21 11.91 50.63 10.89 52.58 13.91 45.7 14.18 45.7 14.18 55.9 13.31 47.14 13.22 51.51 16.78 30.83 15.04
37.5 11.04 43.61 9.78 40.21 12.21 52.55 11.03 53.85 13.92 45.7 14.88 45.7 14.88 57.46 13.66 47.83 13.12 51.96 16.8 31.78 15.4
52.06 10.47 44.21 9.39 41.26 12.18 53.33 11.43 56.17 13.37 51.01 14.58 51.01 14.58 58.21 14.93 49.91 13.22 51.96 17 32.08 16.5
61.65 10.4 45.55 9.3 42.69 12.18 55.23 11.5 94.76 13.37 78.85 14.7 78.85 14.7 60.16 14.92 50.84 13.85 52.21 17 32.58 16.5
46.51 9.39 44.32 11.31 56 13.01 61.62 13.9 53.98 13.98 52.21 16.8 32.58 16.95
48.41 9.47 65.2 11.31 56.33 13.01 62.23 13.92 62.68 18.19 55.19 16.84 40.07 16.89
48.93 9.76 66.72 12.65 56.33 13.14 62.51 14.14 67.94 18.39 55.38 16.78 40.4 17.03
50.37 9.82 67.11 12.65 57.27 13.12 62.83 14.16 72.39 20.26 87.07 16.8 42.78 16.93
51.15 11.43 67.32 12.48 59.11 12.39 63.93 13.75 80.79 20.42 92.34 16.8 59.98 16.93
51.43 11.43 77.34 12.48 91.7 12.39 77.07 13.95 81.37 20.52 93.44 16.8
51.43 11.54 77.44 14 93.73 26.42 94.5 16.25
52.41 11.53 78.74 14.83 94.8 26.44 95.36 15.68
52.41 11.43 79.27 14.88 94.8 28.84 112.5 15.68
56.35 11.45 79.47 14.74 96.55 28.84
57.4 11 95.9 14.74 96.55 31.34
57.66 10.98 99.37 31.35
58.15 10.5
58.42 10.25
58.52 10.25
58.52 9.65
61.3 9.65
61.3 10.25
61.4 10.25
62.72 10.6
67.61 10.6
69.7 9.88
81.98 9.88
82.25 10.02
82.47 10.04
82.75 9.92
96.15 9.92
Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance Section Distance
2.4560 6.0000 2.5400 84.0000 2.6400 100.0000 2.7400 100.0000 2.8350 95.0000 2.8505 15.5000 2.8595 9.0000 2.9350 75.5000 3.0000 65.0000
Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation
0 17.68 0 18.25 0 22.22 0 26.44 0 23.97 0 22.58 0 22.58 0 22.56 0 24.73
11.44 17.24 17.11 18.25 5.23 21.86 8.89 23.51 13.86 22.58 18.22 23.01 18.22 23.01 31.08 22.56 11.76 24.56
18.6 17.11 17.33 18.48 6.53 21.32 11.79 23.52 17.55 24.01 19.62 22.85 19.62 22.85 31.55 22.8 21.13 24.12
21.58 16.95 18.06 18.48 7.77 21.22 13.74 22.37 22.16 23.93 24.6 23.14 24.6 23.14 32.15 22.79 29.34 23.87
21.58 16.5 21.61 16.01 31.3 21.22 23.12 22.28 26.72 24.02 24.6 22.54 24.6 22.54 33.1 22.3 29.64 23.87
22.08 16.5 22.08 16.08 31.98 21.11 24.62 21.43 28.49 23.58 25.1 22.54 25.1 22.54 36.67 22.3 29.64 20.07
22.38 15.3 22.58 16.48 36.68 17.7 35.18 21.42 32.35 22.02 25.1 22.24 25.1 22.24 36.67 22.4 30.74 19.47
22.58 15.3 33.32 16.53 39.92 16.14 35.62 21.61 35.63 21.99 25.1 19.14 25.1 19.14 37.2 22.4 36.24 19.47
22.58 15.1 34.34 16.75 43.03 15.95 35.96 21.61 35.82 21.95 25.1 18.74 25.1 18.74 38.15 20.37 37.34 20.07
24.11 14.77 35.84 16.73 43.52 15.86 38.24 20.41 36.25 21.9 36.1 19.14 36.1 19.14 40.79 20.31 37.34 23.87
24.86 14.66 36.8 17.07 43.86 15.87 38.55 20.43 36.85 19.05 36.1 22.24 36.1 22.24 41.91 19.86 37.63 23.87
26.93 14.62 38.48 17.13 44.14 15.95 43.66 17.4 37.55 18.95 36.1 22.54 36.1 22.54 42.45 19.83 39.28 23.97
27.23 14.62 39.03 17.13 44.43 16.2 44.34 17.3 42.12 18.97 36.6 22.54 36.6 22.54 43.23 19.86 46.05 25.88
29.46 14.77 39.03 17.04 45.39 16.25 44.7 17.23 42.63 19.05 36.6 23.14 36.6 23.14 44.18 20.3 56.36 26.19
30.83 15.04 39.25 17.04 46.27 16.73 45.95 17.26 43.13 19.35 47.1 23.25 47.1 23.25 46.31 20.69 56.36 25.79
31.78 15.4 40.04 15.72 47.7 16.91 46.66 17.3 45.18 19.55 54.35 23.54 54.35 23.54 52.78 25.59 56.76 25.79
32.08 16.5 41.63 15.71 49.19 18.2 50.29 17.56 45.76 21.96 56.73 24.06 56.73 24.06 56.35 25.59 56.76 26.19
32.58 16.5 41.96 15.36 49.69 18.2 50.9 19.61 46.07 21.96 58.19 24.22 58.19 24.22 59.55 25.59 57.1 26.24
32.58 16.95 42.46 15.36 51.17 17.38 51.12 19.61 48.95 22.85 62.66 26.13 62.66 26.13 60.92 25.79 57.74 26.31
40.07 16.89 43.46 15.26 51.99 17.35 51.12 19.7 61.62 23.12 62.37 26.38 62.44 26.38
40.4 17.03 44.69 15.36 52.6 17.6 51.87 19.65 63.26 23.09 63.69 26.23
42.78 16.93 45.08 15.57 68.29 17.6 53.08 19.89 65.47 23.15 72.29 26.44
59.98 16.93 48.16 15.69 79.86 17.52 57.27 19.94 67.43 23.32 81.37 26.62
49.07 17.04 80.3 17.15 58.64 19.51 87.65 23.18
49.19 17.04 80.8 17.19 59.71 19.61
49.19 17.12 83.99 19.04 59.71 19.39
50.54 17.08 84.66 19.05 66.47 17.7
51.53 16.53 84.95 18.72 93.78 17.4
63.42 16.53 85.44 18.68
63.63 16.69 85.81 18.91
63.9 16.64 94.6 18.91
64.33 16.52
76.94 16.52
77.18 16.75
81.16 16.75
100.3 16.55

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