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Being Respectful

- When people discuss actions and next steps, they need to focus on what’s best for the company. They
should speak calmly and rationally to make everyone as comfortable and productive as possible.

Acting Professionally
- By acting professionally, you can increase your company’s reputation, reduce turnover and make
employee’s jobs less stressful. Make all of your interactions positive and professional by focusing only on
business-related topics.

Considering you actions

-It’s important to think about what you do in the workplace and how it affects others.

Admitting when you make a mistake

- People need to take responsibility for their actions and learn from their mistakes. They should also
listen to the perspectives of others to implement the best idea. Acknowledge your employee’s
suggestions to show you value their opinions and suggestions.

Avoiding conflicts of interest

- By asking employees to avoid conflicts of interest, you can ensure that they remain productive and
have a positive impact on the company.

Treat others with respect and dignity

- Don’t abuse or criticize others just because they are different from you.

Do what is best for the company

- Do what is best for the company, not just on your own personal gain. Always think about the goodness
of the company and avoid making rush decisions that will damage the company.

Don’t get involved in situations that could lead to conflict, violence or injury
- if there is any possibility of this happening, then step back and find a way to resolve the situation
without having to resort to physical force or violence against another person.

Don’t let other people down

- Remember that you’re all in this together. You need to work together to make the world better, so
don’t let any person be down by not investing their time on something they care about.

Do your best work

- Always put your best foot forward and strive for excellence in every aspect of your life (work ethic,
attitude, etc.) When you do this you’ll find that success comes more easily than ever before.

Treat others as they would like to be treated

- When dealing with others, remember that there are two sides of every story: yours and theirs; try not
to judge them too harshly if they’ve done something wrong because maybe they didn’t know any better
at the time and maybe they’ll learn from their mistakes once things go back to normal again.
Be inclusive
- Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national
origin, social and economic class, educational attainment, color, immigration status, sex, age, size,
family status, age political belief, religious affiliation, and mental and physical ability, we welcome and
support people of all backgrounds and identities.

Be considerate
- Decisions should be taken into account when making decisions that affect clients and colleagues.

Choose your words carefully

- Always act in professional manner. Respect other people, do not disparage or insult people.
Harassment and behavior that excludes people are unacceptable.

Don’t harass
- Generally speaking, you should stop when someone asks you to. Try to comprehend why when we
disagree. Disputes and differences of opinion are frequently unavoidable. It is crucial that we settle
disputes and divergent points of view in a positive way.

Absence without notice

- In order to make arrangements for coverage and assist others in continuing to work, employees who
are sick or injured at work should contact their supervisor. It is regarded as job abandonment if the
employer is not informed of an employee’s status for three days.

Cellphone use at work

- Except under dire circumstances, like an emergency, using personal cellphone while at work is

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