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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Banaybanay, Davao Oriental

Lesson Plan in
Grade 8
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM – 1:00–2:00 PM

I- Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, students are expected to:
a. identify the equipment and facilities in poultry production;
b. design a poultry house with the equipment and facilities in poultry production;
c. cite the importance of using the appropriate equipment and facilities in
performing farm operation.

II- Subject Matter:

How to identify the appropriate farm equipment and facilities.
Reference: Learning Module pages 21-27
Curriculum Guide pages 13-17
Additional Information: Google, Video
Performance Standards:
Able to identify appropriate farm equipment and facilities.
Able to used farm equipment and facilities according to its function.
Materials: Visual Aid, Print Materials, Multimedia Presentation

III- Routinary Activities:

Cleanliness and Orderliness
Checking of Attendance

IV- Lesson Proper:

Lesson Recall: Before presenting the new lesson to the students, the teacher will ask
students to recall the lesson discussed last meeting on farm tool and equipment in crop

A. Activity: After receiving their responses, the teacher will begin the lesson with a game
called Identify Pic/ Label Pic for three (3) minutes. The several pictures associated are
included with their new lesson Animal Production (equipment and facilities in poultry
B. Abstraction: When the pictures were already discovered by the students, project the
pictures found and ask them to share their insights about the pictures.
a. After the activity, present to the class their newest lesson in TLE, animal production
equipment and facilities in poultry production.
b. Define the term and ask students what comes into their mind when they hear the
word equipment and facilities in poultry production.
c. Present the equipment and facilities according to their requirement and use in
poultry production.

Unlocking of Difficulties

Poultry – feathered animals such as chickens, ducks, geese, etc.

Dropping board – to facilitate collection of manure.
Perches – horizontal poles where birds can sit and rest especially during night time
and to prevent them from crowding at night.
Nest – hens or layers lay their eggs.
Feeding troughs – to keep the hens from scratching the feeds.
Drinking troughs – to supply the water needs for the whole day
Feed bins – containers where feeds are stored for future use.
Incubator – a device for maintaining the eggs to allow them to hatch.
Brooder – heated container that can have its temperature controlled in at least one

C. Analysis: After the discussion on the equipment and facilities in poultry production, the
teacher will have a recap on the facts.

1. What are the equipment and facilities in poultry production? Give their uses.

V- Application:

Activity1. Design a Poultry House

Each learner’s will design a poultry house with the equipment and facilities in
poultry production.
The teacher will use the following rubric to rate their work.
The rubric will be discussed first by the teacher before each student proceeds to
the activity.
This activity will be a total of fifteen (15) points.
The students will be given twenty (20) minutes to finish the activity.


CATEGORY 5 4 2 1 Score
Drawing is
Drawing is
expressive and Drawing has few The drawing is
Drawing expressive and
somewhat details. unclear.
Student has
Student has taken
taken the There is little Student has not
the technique
technique being evidence of made much
being studied and
Creativity studied and creativity, but the attempt to meet
has used source
applied it in a way student has done the requirements
material as a
that is totally the activity.. of the activity.
starting place.
his/her own.
Class time was
Class time was Class time was
used wisely.
used wisely. not used wisely
Much time and Class time was
Time/Effort Student could and the student
effort went into not used wisely.
have put in more put in no
the planning and
time and effort. additional effort.


Activity2. Short quiz. In a ¼ sheet of paper.

Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer.

1. These fixtures should be provided in the laying house to facilitate collection of
a. Dropping board b. nest c. dropping beard d. perches
2. These are horizontal poles where birds can sit and rest especially during night time.
A. nest b. Perches c. feed bins d. incubator
3. This structure is design where hens or layers lay their eggs.
a. Nest b. pest c. west d. west
4. This equipment is to keep the hens from scratching the feeds.
a. Drinking troughs b. feed bins c. Feeding troughs d. perches

5. A drinking jars that has a large and sufficient enough to supply the water needs of
the poultry for the whole day.
a. Drinking troughs b. feed bins c. Feeding troughs d. perches
6. These are containers where feeds are stored for future use.
a. Feed bins b. perches c. Drinking troughs d. Feeding troughs
7. A device for maintaining the eggs to allow them to hatch.
a. Incubator b. elevator c. escalator d. deactivator
8-10. What do you think are the benefits in learning the equipment and facilities in
poultry production?

VI- Valuing:
The teacher will recapitulate the topic by asking the learners with the following
d. Why do we need to know different equipment and facilities in poultry production
before using it?

VII- Assignment:
A group project consists of four (4) groups.
Each group will create mini poultry house with the equipment and facilities in
poultry production.
The teacher will use the following rubric to rate each group.
The rubric will be discussed first by the teacher.
To be passed on Friday. This activity will be a total of one hundred (100) points.

CATEGORY 25 20 15 10 Score
Student tries to
The student
Student applies Student applies apply design
does not appear
design principles design principles principles (such as
to be able to
(such as unity, (such as unity, unity, contrast,
apply most
Design contrast, balance, contrast, balance, balance, emphasis,  
emphasis, and emphasis, and and center of
principles to
center of interest) center of interest) interest) but the
his/her own
with great skill. with fair skill. overall result is not
The student
Student shows Shows little
shows great Shows some respect
respect for respect for
Use of materials respect for the for materials and  
materials and materials or
materials and his fellow students.
fellow students. fellow students.
fellow students.
Time was not
Much time and Student could
Student did some used wisely and
effort went into have put in more
Time/Effort effort additional the student put  
the planning and time and effort at
work at home. in no additional
design. home.
Student has Student has
Student has not
taken the taken the There is little
made much
technique being technique being evidence of
attempt to meet
Creativity studied and studied and has creativity, but the
applied it in a way used source student has done
requirements of
that is totally material as a the project.
the project..
his/her own. starting place.

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”

- Isaiah 43:2

Prepared by:


Checked by:

Head Teacher I

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