Class 11 English 2

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Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata

Final Semester Block Test

Class : 11 Date : 14-09-2021

Subject : English 2 Time : 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Full Marks : 80 Uploading Time (Microsoft Teams) : 11:00 am – 11:15 am


• Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
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Answer Question 1 from Section A (Compulsory) and four questions from Section B choosing at least one
question from each of the three prescribed textbooks. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are
given in brackets [ ].
SECTION A (20 marks)
TEMPEST ⎯ Shakespeare
Question 1 Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow:
(a) GONZALO. The king and prince at prayers, let’s assist them,
For our case is as theirs.
SEBASTIAN. I am out of patience.
ANTONIO. We are merely cheated of our lives by drunkards.
This wide-chopp’d rascal—would thou mightst lie
The washing of ten tides!
GONZALO. He’ll be hang’d yet,
Though every drop of water swear against it,
And gape at wid’st to glut him.
(i) Where is the scene taking place? Whom does Antonio call “drunkards” ? [1]
(ii) Who have been referred to as the ‘king’ and ‘prince’ ? What is the ‘case’ Gonzalo referring to? [2]
(iii) Explain what Antonio means by “ would thou mightst lie …. the washing of ten tides!” [2]
(iv) Explain why Gonzalo says : “He’ll be hang’d yet,..” [2]
(v) At the end of the scene what kind of trade- off does Gonzalo wish for ? [2]
(vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1]
1. wide-chopp’d
2. glut
(b) MIRANDA. I should sin
To think but nobly of my grandmother.
Good wombs have borne bad sons.
PROSPERO. Now the condition.
The King of Naples, being an enemy
To me inveterate, hearkens my brother’s suit,
(i) What does Miranda mean by ‘good wombs have borne bad sons.’ Why does she say this? [1]
(ii) What was Prospero’s brother’s suit? [2]
(iii) What had the ‘brother’ agreed to for securing the help of the King of Naples? [2]
(iv) What does Prospero go on to describe what happened on one fateful midnight ? [2]
(v) How does Miranda react immediately after listening to Prospero’s words ? [2]
(vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1]
1. Condition 2. inveterate
(c ) PROSPERO. Soft, sir, one word more.
[Aside.] They are both in either’s pow’rs; but this swift
I must uneasy make, lest too light winning
Make the prize light—One word more: I charge thee
That thou attend me. Thou dost here usurp
The name thou own’st not, and hast put thyself
Upon this island.
(i) What does Prospero mean by “swift business” ? [1]
(ii) Explain : “lest too light winning make the prize light.” [2]
(iii) What “name” is Prospero referring to ? Why according to Prospero has Ferdinand come to this island? [2]
(iv) How does Miranda try to defend Ferdinand immediately after this extract? [2]
(v) How does Prospero intend to treat Ferdinand ? [2]
(vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: [1]
1. uneasy 2. usurp
SECTION B (60 marks)
(Answer four questions in all, choosing at least ONE question from each of the three prescribed textbooks)
THE TEMPEST ⎯ Shakespeare
Question 2
Referring closely to the Opening Scene of The Tempest, answer the following:
(a) Give a brief account of the tempestuous storm that engulfs the royal ship. [5]
(b) Describe Gonzalo’s role in assuaging the situation. [5]
(c) The significance of the storm. [5]
Question 3
By closely referring to Act 1 Scene 2 , trace the story of Ariel’s past and how he comes to serve Prospero. In
what ways are Ariel and Caliban similar and different from each other. [15]
Question 4
By closely referring to the short story , Salvatore , answer the following:
(a) Briefly discuss Salvatore’s first love and subsequent heartbreak. [5]
(b) How does Salvatore find happiness in his marriage with Assunta? [5]
(c) What important life lessons do we learn from the character of the protagonist. ? [5]
Question 5
With close reference to the short story , Fritz discuss how Satyajit Ray uses a child’s obsession with a doll to
skilfully weave an intriguing story which delves into the realm of the supernatural. [15]
Question 6
“ The ideal of quality has no place in an era of crass materialism.” Elucidate on the veracity of the statement by
closely referring the short story, Quality. [15]

Question 7
Referring closely to the poem The Dolphins, answer the following:
(a) Briefly describe the plight of the dolphins in an artificial environment . [5]
(b) Discuss the role of man as an oppressor. [5]
(c) How does the poem espouse the cause of animal rights ? [5]
Question 8
Using vivid imagery, The Gift of India describes with great patriotic fervour the bravery and sacrifice of the
Indian soldiers in the First World War. Discuss. [15]
Question 9
“Oh, good old-fashioned war!”
Show how the poem John Brown shatters the romantic notions of war by depicting its horrific reality. [15]

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