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1. Family Feud - Players are broken up into teams. Make up questions from a list of
holiday-themed survey responses for everyone to answer. Each team is given an allotted
time to write their three guesses on a piece of paper. The judge then reveals if their
guesses were on the list and the value of their answers. The number one ranked survey
response is worth 50 points, 40 if it's number two and so on. Once all the questions have
been answered, the points are tallied to determine the winner.
Materials Needed: Bond Papers, Pens

2. Blind Fold Drawing - First, grab some paper plates and markers. Players are blindfolded
and hold their paper plate on top of their head. One person gives drawing instructions
while everyone else tries to draw the Christmas Decors they describe onto the plate. The
most accurate drawing wins! The game and its instructions are provided by Happy Home
Materials Needed: Handkerchief, Paper Plates, Markers

3. Hephep Hooray
4. Find Santa’s Friends - Hide a variety of plastic or stuffed elves and reindeer throughout
the house. The team that has the most number of Santa’s friends is the winner.
Materials Needed: Christmas Decors: Elves, Reindeers, Snowman

5. Holiday Storyteller - Everyone stands in a circle as one person begins a made up holiday
story with one sentence. Each person after them must recite what the previous player(s)
said and add their own sentence. If someone forgets a detail while recalling the whole
story, they’re out. The story keeps building until only one person can recall all of the
details and wins the game.

6. Gift Wrap-up - Have participants pair off. Tie one person’s right hand to their
teammate’s left hand. The duos will then attempt to wrap a gift using their free hands.
Have an example gift for everyone to attempt to duplicate — the harder it is to create, the
funnier. Give a time limit of 1–3 minutes and then have a judge pick the most accurate

Materials Needed: Boxes 5pcs, Gift Wraps, Tapes, Scissors

7. Name that Carol - Play a minus one of the Christmas Carols in your list. The team who
will raise their hand first and will guess the correct title of the song will get the point. The
team who will have the highest point is the winner.

Materials Needed: Printed Lyrics, Printed Songs (Titles with Lyrics)

8. Holiday A-Z - Distribute papers with the alphabet written vertically on each paper.
Teams must then compete to fill in the entire alphabet list with a holiday word for each
letter. The first team to complete their list wins. Have a judge check the winning team’s
list and make sure the words qualify as holiday words. If their list isn’t accurate, check
the list from the second fastest team.
Materials Needed: Bond Paper, Pen
9. Shoot the Ball – 2 cups with a lace will be given to each team. The first player will wear
it before the game as well as the next player. The ball hanging below the cup must be
shot to the cups without using hands. The player has to shoot the ball into the cup and
after that, the next player will take place. The cup from the first player must be given to
the player next in line. The first team who will finish first is the winner.
Materials Needed: Christmas Balls, Plastic Cups/Paper Cups, Strings/Yarn, Tape
10. Stop Dance w/ News Paper -
 Mae
 Zeina
 Prince  Heart GROUP 3
 Cristel  Victor
 Diamon
 David  Michelle
 Justine
 Kenneth
 Hannah
 Triccia
 Hayley
 Aleighmar

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