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A journal about the energy in Human Health

*Type-2 Diabetes
*A brief on Disease
*What is Medicine?
*Cure from Schizophrenia

To the readers

We welcome your reviews and comments

about the articles that appear in

and also eager to receive

contributions on the connected subjects
for publication

To contact:

Cover Image designed by Kjpargeter,

" I say cure, and by this I mean a

'recovery undisturbed by after-sufferings'"
- Samuel Hahnemann

This journal is to discuss the basics of subtle energy,

that help in human health and from diseases
and to discuss the basics of Homeopathy.

Our journey through the known and unknown paths

would help in the understanding of

* What is Energy in health

* What is dynamic energy
* How does dynamic energy help us

* What is medicine
* How medicines work
* How medicine cures
* What is energized medicine
*What way herbs work
*Why chemicals as medicines
*Why many medical systems

*What is Disease?
* What is the connection between Disease and Medicine?
*What relation does the mind have with diseases?
and more.

The editiorial board

comprises of

DYNAMIC energy
A monthly publication.
A journal about the
energy for
Human Health.

Editorial Board

Pandurangan.K. Salem, TN, India

Bhaskaran. M. Madurai, TN, India

Arunkumar.A. Texas, USA

Dr. Seeralan.P. Salem, TN, India

Dr. Nitesh Jain. Vapi, Gujarat, India

Venugopal.S. Bengaluru, India

Dr. Chandrasekhar Pore. WB, India

Subramaniam.M. Singapore

Uma Seshadri. Chennai, India

Elangovan.M.K. Paris. France

Ravindran.K. Melbourne. Australia

Tikva Sasson. Ma'alot, Israel


DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023


Know about Type-2 DIABETES

to come out of it 7

SCHIZOPHRENIA - Causes – Solutions 15

DISEASE – in brief. 25

MEDICINE – What is it? 28

Organon says about Dynamic medicines 33

Biological Transmutations –Louis Kervran

Book Review 34

DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

From Editors

This is the second issue of the DYNAMIC energy journal

This journal, DYNAMIC energy, is published monthly in electronic

format. This publication will talk about the energy, that works in the
health of humans. Many energies, which help us are subtle and dynamic.
This journal will discuss all that help the human mind and body,
especially the energy form.

It is a small step to understand, analyze, and review the energies that

play a leading and critical role in our life. The primary purpose of this
journal is to search for the reasons, concepts, logic, and theories.

Both mind and body need energy. The body needs energy by way of food
in a material way. The mind needs energy in a non-material way. The
mind goes to solace, rest, and comfort with music, talks, discussions,
lectures, group meetings, reading, visuals, etc. All these forms of energy
have no material transfer in them. But they motivate the mind, which
helps to have physical stamina. The types of energy that engulf, invade,
and interact with humans are unlimited. These energies are boosts and
tonics for the mind. Mind, in turn, dictates the body. This means this
non-physical mind controls the physical body.

Science and technology deal with materials. Theories have been

established well in those areas. When the same technology comes to
interact with natural products, many ambiguities crop in. Natural
science has not developed to the extent of material science. Humans are
products of nature.But some thoughts go as the body is only material,
and material science only would help. Hence the field of health and
medical statistics has become a predominant factor. Material science has
to understand the nature to interact.

DYNAMIC energy wants to delve into these subjects deeply. With open
thinking wish to review all the energy that helps us. Also, DYNAMIC
energy intends to discover what medicines are, how they work, etc.
Hence we would like all those interested in this subject to participate in
our venture. We hope the journey will help the human race.


DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

Know About
Type-2 Diabetes
to come out of it

This paper describes the difference between type-1 and type-2 diabetes. Briefs that
increased glucose in the blood is not diabetes, but insulin resistance and inactive
cell. Explains what happens when insulin is not sensed by a cell and why the cell has
a problem using the insulin. Reasons for the insulin resistance and coma state of the
cell are described in how insulin resistance starts accumulating the glucose in the
blood. How modern medicine handles diabetes by reducing the production of
glucose. What are the solutions using the classical medicine systems to cure

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a problem connected with insulin. Diabetes produces many problems in
the person and selectively. Some of them are
 Excessive thirst.
 Frequent urination.
 Extreme hunger.
 Weak muscles.
 Unexplained weight loss.
 Constipation.
 Sudden vision changes.
 Slow healing of cuts and wounds.
 Tingling or numbness of extremities
 Pain in the hands or feet.
 Dehydrated skin.

The understanding of this condition continued to exist for many decades.

Subsequently, a disease with similar symptoms was also considered diabetes. With
the increase of diabetes among the public and with the progress of time, new diabetes
has been considered something different from the old. Based on symptoms, it was
found that there exists another type of diabetes. In 1936, Harold Himsworth
distinguished between the two types of diabetes. He defined them as "insulin-
sensitive" and "insulin-insensitive." Today, these classifications are commonly
referred to as "type 1" and "type 2".

Diabetes-1 is the non-production of insulin, i.e., insulin deficiency from the pancreas
or non-availability of insulin. Diabetes-2 is due to the non-absorption of insulin by
the essential body cells and is called insulin resistance.
Diabetes is non-contagious. The Constitution of the individual decides the cause,
actions, and reactions. Normally more attention is drawn to the problems and
symptoms; an individual faces rather than the cause or reasons.

DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

Type-2 Diabetes
All the old literature which mentions diabetes is Diabetes-1. Diabetes Type-2 is
called Diabetes Mellitus, T2DM. T2DM starts when the body starts resisting insulin.
The cells refuse to recognize or even sense the presence of insulin. The resistance by
the cell is a refusal of insulin. Once insulin is not accepted, there is no way for glucose
to enter the cell. This is insulin resistance, a reason for Diabetes Type-2.
This creates a situation where the glucose has to continue to be carried into the
bloodstream. Because of this underutilization, glucose in the blood is increased more
than normal. This increased glucose in the blood due to insulin resistance is called
high blood glucose or high sugar or Hyperglycaemia. Modern medicine calls this high
glucose in the blood T2DM.

Digestion system and Glucose

A review of how food goes as a fuel to the body cell would help to understand the
food cycle.
The digestion cycle has glucose as its main part, as fuel. Glucose is a product from a
food item that we eat that can finally be used as fuel for the body cell.
What is that cell?
Our body is made up of only cells, and every part of our body gets energy using the
cells. The average human body contains approximately 37 trillion cells. These body
cells are like electrical cells
forming batteries that produce
energy. Batteries use certain
chemicals and supply electrical
power. Similarly, way body cells
have energy using glucose and
oxygen. In essence, they help to
make us live.
Glucose is a product of the
digestion process. The
digestion process includes six
activities: ingestion, propulsion,
physical digestion,
chemical digestion, absorption,
and excretion.
The first of these processes,
ingestion, refers to the entry of
food into the alimentary canal
through the mouth after chewing,
swallowing, and drinking. The
stomach breaks down the
nutrients from food into molecules
suitable for the body and fits for
absorption. Muscular contractions propel the intake through the alimentary canal.
Next, they are physically broken down into tiny particles, as done in a juice mixer.
The Chemical digestion process is mixing with required digestive fluids and bio-
chemicals such as acids and alkalis.

DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

Both physical and chemical digestion processes occur in the stomach. During
digestion, the stomach digests food, carbohydrate, sugars, starches, etc. The process
breaks down into another type of sugar called glucose. The small intestines release
the glucose from the digested food. Once released from the stomach to the small
intestine, the absorption of the energy-producing subjects starts. The absorbed
items, like glucose, vitamins, etc., are mixed with the bloodstream. The indigestible
substances are eliminated from the small intestine into the large intestine and
defecated as waste.

The bloodstream takes glucose from the digestive organs, like the small intestine. It
flows through the portal vein to the liver, carrying all the nutrients. The liver is one of
the largest organs in the body. It has many important metabolic functions. It
converts nutrients into substances that the body can use. Either they are stored as fat
in various parts of the body, including the liver, or supplied to the cells when needed.
The number of glucose particles required for the body system is released from the
liver. Every glucose in the blood that has to be used in the cell has insulin attached.
Extra glucose is the condition of the Obese and fat and is the fat storage.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas and is added to glucose. Insulin is a

must to allow the body's cells to use glucose. Insulin is an attachment to the glucose
in the bloodstream. Then it becomes part of the bloodstream. Without insulin,
glucose would not be absorbed by the cells. Each glucose particle carries one insulin
particle. Important to understand here is that our brain knows how many cells are in
one's body. Based on that data, there is a production of glucose and insulin.

Insulin is a permit
The basic cell is responsible for the production of energy and the physical upkeep of
the human body. A cell shall require three essential items for energy production. The
three items are fuel, oxygen to sustain fuel burning, and a spark to ignite. Fuel is the
glucose taken from food. Oxygen is carried by the blood and is through breathing.
The third is the spark to ignite the fuel. The ignition energy is within the body.
The glucose, along with insulin, is carried by the blood to the cells of various body
parts. Once near the cell, the insulin has to knock on a small cell door. A cell shall
have the energy to look at insulin. Insulin acts as an identity card or a certificate of
entry into the cell. This certificate makes the cell to permit glucose to enter the cell
once the cell accepts the insulin and opens another big door for the glucose to enter
the cell.
Carbon-di-oxide exits the cell and joins the bloodstream through veins as a by-
product. The oxygen in the blood also enters the cell. Energy production happens
then. Then energy starts by burning the glucose fuel as part of the process in the cell.
The glucose level is maintained as long as the cells are active.

Insulin resistance
In a healthy body death of a cell will be replaced by another cell. An active cell
accepts insulin without any hassle. If all cells are involved, glucose absorption is
ordinary; this action makes the glucose level in the blood stay within normal limits.
In case any cell is not active, insulin is not accepted. Inactive cells cannot receive
insulin. This INACTIVITY is called insulation resistance.

Why resistance?

DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

The cell is inactive or does not have the energy to respond to the request for insulin.
When a cell is not active with energy, it cannot recognize insulin, and glucose also
cannot enter into it. The main reason here is the inactivity of the cell—no strength to
do any activity. An inactive cell has no connection between sensory nerves and motor
nerves. This inactivity cannot communicate through the nervous system, unlike other

Non-consumption of glucose, its food, makes the cell weak. Also, non-consumed
glucose stays in the blood and turns high blood glucose.

Inactive cell - Coma cell

A cell going to an inactive state is a significant subject connected with food intake.
Only a passive or Coma cell is responsible for Insulin resistance. The
passive cell is Diabetes Type-2

The cells become dull, eating manufactured, chemically processed foods. Many such
foods have just a calorie value, without any basic minerals. Every cell needs its food
with minerals required for that cell. The cell eats what is available when the required
food item is not in the bloodstream. This makes the cell weak further. The dull cell
slowly gets tired and goes to a stage of inactivity. This is like the coma stage. An
inactive cell cannot interact with insulin. This is the stage of insulin resistance, a
problem of cells and not insulin.

Assume a few of the cells have gone to the coma stage. A cell in a coma state does not
have the energy to look at insulin and absorb glucose. Hence it occupies space
without any activity. Non-emptying the area does not allow the production of new
cells. For perfect body activity, all cells shall be active. In the absence of any of the
two activities, the cell would remain but occupy the space. This inactivity makes the
part of the body weak.

Assume one part of the body has 1000 cells (only for example), and 200 out of them
have gone to the coma stage. The strength of that part of the body would go down by
more than 20%. Increased weakness happens in that part of the body. This weakness
is the reason for non-cure of injuries, foot problems, eye affections, knee joint pains,
etc. Affected parts are the ones a person uses most, and the parts change from person
to person.

After the refusal of insulin in many body parts, glucose in the blood increases,
increased glucose in the blood increases viscosity, and blood flow to some parts get
obstructed. Cardiac problems also set in.
Diabetes-2 - its root cause

A general statement spreads in the case of T2DM that Lifestyle factors are essential
to developing T2DM. Lifestyle is an extensive term.

Medical circles point out many reasons for T2DM. Major ones are the absence of
physical activity, surrogate life, and change in food habits. They are not able to
pinpoint the change in food habits. But small researchers can identify the food that
causes diabetes Type-2.
If one sees the history and progress of T2DM, it all started after the industrial
revolution in the food industry. All along, natural sugar was used from sugarcane,

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called Jaggery, a cake from sugarcane juice, for centuries. The change happened after
the crystallized processed sugar could be made using chemical processes, nearly from
1900. The use of this sugar increased exponentially in the past 100 years and in many
food products.

There exists a difference between natural sugar and chemically extracted sugar. This
has a link with the advancement of chemical technology and chemical processes in
the century-old food industry.

Natural and synthetic foods

Our body is a product of nature. The food items that we were eating were from the
natural environment. They are from the plants and trees of the forest and as products
from agricultural fields. At some stage, human technology started separating the
chemical constituents in the name of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fibers, etc.
The face of natural food got changed by these chemical separations or extractions.
The nature of food has also changed to something different from the basics. The new
food lost its natural property. Assume we separate glucose from cassava or potato, or
rice. We call it carbohydrate and starch. This name is as per general contents but not
its form. As an extreme example, let us take common salt. Common salt is sodium
chloride, a combination of sodium and Chlorine. If separated, the constituents,
sodium, and chloride, cannot have the character of sodium chloride, even though it
has been processed from the natural one.

Our body acts well to the fundamental natural food. One cannot expect our body to
act for synthetic food. These synthetic foods are reductionized items and are like
manmade chemicals. Let it be glucose from starch, maltose from grains, and fructose
from fruits or vitamins from other enriched food items. All synthetics, once
separated using a chemical process, the resultant product becomes unnatural.

Fundamental nature doesn't like any synthetic or unnatural products. That is why
the sun's rays destroy any polymer. Manufactured metals like iron are rusted. Metals
get corroded, plastics get cracked, paints become degraded, plastic footwear sweats
the soles, etc. Conversely, cotton fiber remains steady; wooden items stay long,
leather comforts the soles, and so on. Manufactured synthetic food doesn't go well
with natural body cells.

Many manufactured food items contain calories but no minerals or vitamins. Even
when synthetic food contains minerals, its form is not natural. Refined sugar is one
synthetic food with calories and without minerals or vitamins.

Food, Herbs, and medicine. qqq

One has to understand the difference between food, herb, and medicine. Different
types of medicine systems make medicines using different materials. Many call the
material itself a medicine. Some medicines are made by adding energy to materials.

Herbs are to clear the toxicity from food and the body. Many herbs serve the purpose
of food also. The first step in clearing the problems of food digestion should be an

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DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

Modern medicine
Modern medicine treats high blood glucose. Even though the reason for glucose is
non-absorption, or called insulin resistance, no medication is used to treat insulin
resistance. The primary treatment is aimed at regulating blood glucose values only.
There are many types of drugs used in diabetes management to regulate blood
glucose levels. They are Biguanides, SGL-T2, Sulphonylureas, Gliptins, Megalintides,
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, GLP-1 Receptor Agonists, Thiazolidinedione, etc.,
Metformin, a biguanide, is the primary drug prescribed for T2DM. Metformin helps
to control the amount of glucose in the blood by reducing absorption from food and
the amount of glucose made by the liver. This drug needs to be taken long-term and
probably for life.
SGL-T2 drugs (Farxiga, Xigduo XR, Invokana, Jardiance, Synjardy, etc.) lowers
blood glucose levels by acting on the kidneys and preventing them from reabsorbing
the sugar back into the bloodstream. Sulphonylureas (Glynase, DiaBeta, Glucotrol,
Amaryl, etc.) help to stimulate insulin production by the pancreas. Megalintides
(Starlix, Prandin, etc.) are similar to Sulphonylureas. These drugs help the body to
produce more insulin but prove to be much faster acting and have a shorter-lasting
effect on the body.
Gliptins (Tradjenta, Januvia, Onglyza, Sitagliptin, Vildagliptin, etc.) help more
insulin secretion. They also work by reducing blood sugar without
causing hypoglycemia but have a minimal effect on lowering blood glucose levels.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Precose, Glyset, etc.) help slow down the digestion of
carbohydrates and help the body break down starchy foods. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists
(Trulicity, Byetta, Bydureon, Victoza, etc.) are similar to the natural hormone called
incretin but have a very modest effect in reducing blood sugar levels.
Thiazolidinedione or glitazones (Avandia, Avandaryl, Amaryl, etc.) work by
decreasing the glucose in the liver.
A few more drugs are used for diabetes, like Amylin agonists and Glinides or prandial
glucose regulators.
Along with diabetic drugs, other drugs prescribed by doctors are for the healthiness
of the heart, Cholesterol, High Blood pressure, and anti-oxidants.

Metformin and other similar medicines do reduce the release of glucose from the
liver. When a drug cannot regulate blood glucose, insulin is also injected into the
system, where high insulin already exists in the blood. Many times injecting insulin
increases insulin resistance. With all the drugs given for T2DM, insulin resistance
remains unsolved.

In medicine, people go to a low blood pressure state due to reduced glucose

production, expecting them to take immediate food. As the drugs limit glucose
production, cells start consuming the fat stored in the body's muscles. This makes the
body weak and lean.

Co-effects and Side effects from drugs:

Commonly the after-effects of modern drugs are called Side effects. But there are
other problems in the course of taking a diabetic drug. Co-effects are the problems
observed during the medication and may disappear once the medicine is stopped.

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Some Co-effects start during medicines and continue even after medication for a few
days or weeks.

Side effects are the After-effects that appear after a few months or even years. They
are normally neglected as if it is a new disease or some other new problem. Rarely
are they linked with the drug consumed a few months back. Some co-effects are
decreased appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, breathing problems, light
headaches, heart rate pulsation, muscle pain, stomach pain, Anaemia, Weight loss,
Diabetic medicine reduces the production of glucose and hence weakness remains.
When glucose production is less, the body starts taking the fat and consuming it.
Thus a diabetic-medicated person becomes lean.

A Cure
There are three essential subjects to be reviewed when dealing with T2DM.

1. To stop the progress of diabetes Type-2

2. To clear the weaknesses and problems created by diabetes so far.
3. To stop any disease-causing problems in the future other than food.

To stop the progress of diabetes

Only eliminating synthetic foods would help to stop the further progress of diabetes.
In our day-to-day life, chemically processed food is consumed without our
knowledge. The basic is to stop taking extracted refined white sugar in any
form. Slowly stop taking all processed foods from the industry. Brown sugar also is
not a natural sugar and is refined sugar coated with molasses.

Natural sugar, Jaggery, the cake from sugar cane juice, which is rich in essential
minerals, can replace refined sugar. All natural foods are acceptable. One must
differentiate and understand the difference between natural and manufactured
industrial foods. It is better to understand the use of raw sugarcane cake, the

To clear the weaknesses and problems created

The dormant cells are to be cleared to gain the last strength. Activating the coma cells
or clearing them is a process that will improve the overall bio-system. This activation
can bring the body to normalcy.

 Cells can be activated by exercise.

 Fasting, once in a while, helps to clear the coma cells.
 Herbs would help to clear the toxicity and activate the coma cells.

To clear any disease-causing problems other than synthetic food.

All processed foods, chemically extracted from natural food, should be avoided. One
shall not use white sugar, glucose, fructose, or its derivatives.

Many other diseases make the body weak. Clearing those diseases would add
strength to the body. Many alternative medicine systems can help to improve a
person's health. Every country has old herbal medicines that must be revived and
brought to use. Many classical medicine systems use energized medicines, which

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DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

help to root out the Disease. For example, India uses Ayurvedic and Siddha.
Homeopathic medicines are used Worldwide.

Homeopathy helps to go to the basics and clear the root of the Disease, which helps
the body's vitality and increases immunity.

Some points to note

Research shows that people with type-2 diabetes have a higher risk of
getting Alzheimer's Disease. In further categorization, Alzheimer's Disease may be
called type 3 Diabetes.
Diabetes Type-4 is associated with diabetes that occurs in lean, older adults.
Parkinson's Disease may be called Type-4 diabetes, where processed foods weaken
nerve cells.
Some medicines in the modern medical system cause diabetes. Numerous studies
have shown that statin drugs, used to lower cholesterol and use for heart ailments,
are linked to a slight increase in the risk of T2DM, even though they help to reduce
the risk of heart attacks.


DYNAMIC energy calls for discussions about the herbs and Homeopathic remedies for
diabetes in the Telegram group, or

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DYNAMIC energy - 02 February – 2023

Causes – Solutions
We give importance only to physical diseases. Because of the thinking that it cannot
be cured, we don't give priority to mental disorders.
But as time progressed, Homeopathy started curing
mental diseases with a different concept and
understanding of studying the reasons behind these
disorders. This paper explains the basis of
Schizophrenia and its causes. The solutions are
detailed through the approach of the theory of

A brief on psychiatry problems of past

Once upon a time, only physical and body problems were considered diseases. The
thinking was that mental disorders were a curse held by demons and ghosts.
Atharvana Vedha says these mental disorders have appeared due to mental pressure.
They have to be driven by magicians and exorcists. That was the method of treating
these disorders.
Many mental disorders went untreated. At the same time, patients were subjected to
harsh treatments for these mental disorders in those days. They were considered
Karma, and it has to live its life.
Out of many psychical disorders, Schizophrenia is one. Schizophrenia is seen as
untouchable. It can also be called a curse. It is seen as an isolated character in
society. They are seen as outcasts and condemned by the community. This is an
important concept for people who are in this suffering.

Progress to the Present day

In the recent past lot of importance has been given to psychiatry. Separate
departments have been opened. A lot of awareness happened in public. The public
has formal talks that mental stress is the reason for mental disorders. In this way,
attention is increasing among people. Psychiatry has grown similar to the way heart
problems are handled. The treatment has grown to customization, analysis, detailed
reviews about diseases, protection methods, etc. It has become a separate branch of
modern medicine. There are particular branches of psychiatry in children, geriatric
psychiatry, social psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry.
Mental disorders create a lot of irregularities in thoughts, activities, and behavior. It
is difficult for a cure when a medicine is given by hearing the words and actions of
the patients. In this way, many psychiatric cases could not be solved.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia?

1. Talking to oneself or Laughing

2. Confused speech
3. Unclear Thinking

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4. Less interaction with others

5. seeking solitude.
6. Switching in Behavior.
7. Normal daily activities like bathing, changing clothes, and eating are affected
8. Students or those who go to work cannot continue their jobs
9. Hearing a voice in the year when alone
10. Unnecessary feelings- talks about himself, suspicions like plotting, being
bewitched by someone, being followed by someone all the time.
11. Fighting with family and friends is driven by a sense of doubts
12. Leaving home and going somewhere for the same reasons above

Disease- observations

Distortion of perception happens in all five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and
touch. It usefully happens with hallucinations, delusional or disorganized speech,
and thinking. It affects social and occupational performances.

Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experience and the behavior

observed by others in the family and friends. The Disease is thought to mainly affect
cognition and also causes long-term problems with behavior and emotions, including
major depression and anxiety disorders. This results in a lifetime of social issues,
such as long-term unemployment, poverty, and homelessness.

Modern medical research on psychology focuses on the role of neuroscience and not
on the mind. It is debated whether it is a single disorder or a group of disorders
because of the possibility of its symptoms appearing in various combinations.
However, no single individual cause is identified.

The average life expectancy of people with the Disease is 10 to 12 years less than that
of people without the Disease. The reason for this is the increasing number of
physical health problems, one of which is suicide.

A person diagnosed with Schizophrenia may exhibit delusions such as hearing voices
and disorganized and abnormal thinking. The speech begins with the frequency of
thought and how the ideas are expressed. In severe patients, it becomes
understandable and challenging for words to associate with meaning.

The onset of Schizophrenia is in early adolescence and late adulthood. 40% of men
and 20% of women are diagnosed with Schizophrenia. They reach this stage before
the age of 20. This is a challenging period in the youth's social and professional life.
Life can be severely disrupted. Social withdrawal, irritability, and restlessness in the
early stages continue to increase. Some symptoms may disappear on their own
during adulthood before the onset of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Sufferers may present with nonspecific symptoms such as social

withdrawal, irritability, and restlessness in the early stages while continuing to
increase. Some symptoms may disappear on their own during adulthood before the
onset of Schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is diagnosed based on symptoms. Diagnoses are based on what a

person describes as their own experiences and what their family, friends, and co-
workers. A psychological evaluation may include a psychological history and some

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form of mental status examination. This is followed by a pharmacologic evaluation by

a psychologist, social worker, drug psychologist, or another mental health
professional. With all the analysis and medications, no breakthrough has happened
in modern medicine.

Many individuals diagnosed with Schizophrenia have hyperemotional reactivity,

particularly those exposed to stress or damaging stimuli. This hypersensitivity may
be a symptom or condition of the Disease. Delusional beliefs and psychotic
experiences may also be implicated as additional causes of this illness.

Schizophrenia-name origin.
Schizophrenia has its Greek roots with the terms Schizo and Phrenia. Schizo means
split, and phrenia implies mind. That means a divided mind, a broken mind. That is
what we call Schizophrenia. Previously Schizophrenia was known as multiple
personality disorder.
The term "schizophrenia" was coined by one of the most influential psychiatrists of
his time, Paul Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939), in 1908 when he gave a lecture at a
meeting of the German Psychiatric Association in Berlin. At that meeting, Professor
Bleuler argued that dementia praecox was associated with neither dementia nor
precociousness and emphasized that splitting of psychic functioning is an essential
feature of Schizophrenia.
Eugen Bleuler always believed that Schizophrenia was an organic illness that could
be inherited.

Schizophrenia—It's Basic.
We have to understand the mind or the minds that are in humans. For our
understanding, we classify the mind into three types, inner mind, mid mind, and
Outer mind. The inner mind is the subconscious mind called the Id, as termed by
Sigmund Freud. The mid mind is the intelligent, conscious mind called Ego. Outer
mind is the influencing mind called the super Ego.
The three minds work in different ways. The subconscious mind is emotional, and
the fundamental mind controls the body independently. The Ego or the intelligent
mind has no control over the subconscious, but the subconscious mind influences
every person's act. The superego comes into the picture when any external action
could impact the intelligent mind.
Decisions one makes are based on emotions but are filtered by the Ego. The
intelligent mind makes a decision based on experiences and society. Id, the
subconscious mind, is the real person. Intelligence does not want to reveal the self
and decides what to say, what to do, and how to act. The conscious mind becomes
weak the disorder appears. Assuming the Ego cannot filter or control the outcoming
inner emotions properly, the thoughts and actions are open. The intelligent,
conscious mind, Ego, has little or no control over emotions. This exposure of
unfiltered thoughts is an embarrassment to the person.
When the person realizes this embarrassment, it causes paranoia, shock, and panic
and creates a pang of guilt or any other. This is Schizophrenia.

Five major types

There are five types of Schizophrenia when viewed from a Homeopathic perspective.

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1. Persecutory Schizophrenia
2. Panic schizophrenia
3. Inadequacy Schizophrenia
4. Autistic Schizophrenia
5. Guilt schizophrenia

Homeopathy for Schizophrenia

Before going into details about the types and causes, looking at the Homeopathy view
of the theory of evolution would help.
We could bring the result within a group of medicines when analyzed based on the
evolution method with the periodic Table of elements. Finding a cure is possible
when analyzing and comparing the characteristics of medicine and characters of the
patient. We have to review what has to be treated for the Disease and what capacity is
available in the medicine. Both are important here. With this, Doctors have a clear

What is the evolution link with Periodic Table

The evolution of any bio-life is from birth to death. It is the concept developed by
Jan Scholten. Some consider it as a cycle of birth too. Row and Columns are called
Series and Stages. The Table of elements is linked with a person's character for the
whole life, from birth to death. The periodic Table has 7 rows and 18 columns. Each
row depicts a unique part of human life. Each row has a maximum of 18 stages.
Elements in a row from Left to the right define the rise and fall of the life of that row.

Life in Seven rows or series

Life starts from the soul, birth and ends in death to recycling again. The stage of the
soul begins with Hydrogen. From the start of Hydrogen to Uranium, the seven rows
define the steps in life. The first row is soul, the Second is the birth of a child, the
third is establishing a relationship with family and society, the fourth is security for

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life, physical and wealth, the fifth is exhibiting creativity, the sixth is exercising
authority and power and the last seventh row is death. Death is breakdown into light
elements again. It is a life cycle.

Hydrogen to Uranium series

First-row soul series, called the Hydrogen series as is in space like Hydrogen and
Helium as components of the sun. The second row is the Carbon series called the
Birth series. The fetus starts with Lithium and then Carbon. The last column is the
Rest column, the 18th column of noble gases. It is a transition like a staircase
landing. This is the stage of rest and thinking to go to the next row or the next step
in life. After birth, a child yearns for a relationship and is in the Silicon series. Life
has meaning when relationships are healthy, which will help the child to progress.
Sodium is first in the relationship series and ends with Chlorine. Next to the
relationship is the Iron or Copper series. This is very much connected with
security in life. Potassium starts with dedication. Other main elements are Iron,
Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, etc. Guilt comes in the 17th column, Bromine.
Once a person's basic needs are fulfilled, a person wants to develop things of their
interest, and that is creativity. This is in the Silver series. Next to creativity comes
the Gold series showing power and authority. Society and the public come into the
picture here.. The seventh row is the Uranium series, death. It represents the end
of life, through the disintegration of radioactive elements.
Like the elements Plant and Animal remedies fall into specific series and stages.
Mineral, Plant, or Animal kingdom remedies are based on the character of the
person, simple systematic, emotional but controlled or violent animal nature.

Mind and Disease

Disease in a person is a reflection of the mind. Physical Disease is very much
connected with mental activity. A deficiency of elements and salts in a person is
reflected in one's character in behavior, attitude, and relationships. Finding the
attitude can help to rectify the deficiencies. A person can be deficient in many
elements. This will be reflected in the attitude and behavior. The attitude will reflect
in the character of the row and column of that element.

Homeopathy deals with patients and their problems in a holistic way. It considers the
patients as a whole, not splitting based on body functions or parts. Homeopathy
gives priority to symptoms of patients of mind and body. In recent times importance
has come on mid symptoms. Some studies in Homeopathy found that diseases are
very much connected with the mentality of the person, and only mentality causes
body problems.
Homeopathic Remedies can be found by observing the physical problems of the
patient's movement and by analyzing mainly the mental symptoms.
If we take a case of a schizophrenia patient, it is as if somebody is whispering in the
ears. A schizophrenic patient may feel shouted at and as if somebody is calling and
seems to be hearing someone saying something. But if all medicines are in the view
of the evolution method, one can understand the basics of Schizophrenia. Based on
this, one can select and think of giving proper remedies.
Persecutory mind

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They feel that they are persecuted. It can be said that they feel as if they are repeating
the same work as they are working without getting anything from the people at
home. Generally speaking, few mammals come in this category. Those who are
bovine will continue to work for a house. They work hard like cows and expect
nothing. When you look at the people, who have the character of a horse, even if they
are energetic, talented, and helpful like horses, the persons who are connected with
them will only take their benefits. Like how they handle the benefits, they will not
allow it to run at its will but will control using the harness.
It could even be a husband. A cook or a servant girl works hard and expects support,
a feeling of gratitude, or a compliment after the job is done. Look at people with the
character of donkeys. They are expected to work continuously. Donkey milk as a
remedy would suit.
Persecution is like a decaying, Leprosy state. Elements of the 17th row, halogens,
would help these persons. The balancing elements or combinations come from the
first column, mainly Kalium (potassium). Remedies also come from plant kingdoms
like Magnoliidae, Solanaceae, and Umbelliferae family plant family
Remedies for Persecutory Schizophrenia:
Bromiums, Iodums, Kaliums, Mercurious, Nux- mosch, Lac equinum (Horse milk),
Lac asinum (Donkey milk) and Lac Defloratum (Cow 's milk), Leprominium,
Crotalus cascavella.

Panic mind
Panic mind is the second type of psychosis. There are more emotional signs in it. For
example, someone gets very angry. Let's assume the person falls. Apart from the
words one usually uses, one would unconsciously use more words in anger. Some
harsh words may come in extreme anger. At times like this, people with panic
psychosis sometimes behave in a panicky, frantic manner. If it is not controlled,
many factors can trigger it. So it causes more damage. Panic, in general psychosis,
means being overly emotional or overwhelmed Angry, and violent behavior. It can be
sudden. It can come and go. It can be caused by fear.

The most feared mammals are deer, rabbits, goats, sheep, and goats. Scared animals.
Sudden fear. It can also be said that people have a high sense of fear. Nature of Deer.
These deer-like people are more prone to sudden fear. Deer and Rabbit people are
very emotional too. The next animal class is the Mollusca are all very sensitive to
Medorinum, a nosode, is helpful if there is excessive anxiety and fear. Look at lithium
and gallium, for example. They will suddenly be in a panic state.
Remedies for Panic schizophrenia:
Hydrogen, Lithium salts, Aconite, Stramonium, Belladonna, Carcinocin,

Inadequacy Mind
Irresistible depression of Schizophrenia is inadequacy sycosis. That is when there is
not enough capacity to face something. When a Man cannot face a problem, the state
of mind that comes can be understood as inadequacy psychosis. People with strong
Ego know what thoughts to express and what not to communicate. They are in front
of society and appear to be in a clear state of mind. When they come to the outside
world, long after childhood, people are too old to see and face the problems
happening. Because of their weak Ego, they happen to see many problems. When the
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Ego weakens, it is unknown what should come and should not come from the inner
mind. They are not in a position to realize it. They think it is unacceptable. So they
feel and become isolated persons by society.
A young man growing up in a lonely or confined home environment has a unique
personality. There are habits developed. Then when the time comes to leave home,
school, and college, that person has to face society. Strictly speaking, it is an
intermediate stage between school and college. Some people experience mental
changes from childhood to school, unable to meet the problems faced in that school.
Similarly, when going from school to college, they cannot face the issues that may
come from college. Also, unable to meet the problems that may come from society,
they end up in this situation.
First, let's look at mineral remedies. The first is the hydrogen series. They didn't
come into this world entirely in the first place. They are in an utterly formless state.
They have not yet reached perfect condition. Some problems that can happen here
are some disappointments. They are acceptably incompetent. Hydrogen can be seen
as a remedy for this intractable psychosis.
Let's see more about this psychosis in the carbon series. In this series, there will be a
complete underdevelopment of persons. They have reached adolescence in physical
development but not a mental state. According to Jan Scholten, Carbon represents a
father position. They always look like they've grown. They usually suffer from this
type of psychosis.
Remedies for Inadequacy schizophrenia:
Remedies from CARBON series, rarely Silicon series, Hydrogen, Magnesium
carbonate. Remedies from Magnolidae, Hammamalidae, Asterales in the Olanaceae
family- hyoscyamus, Thuja. Lowest multicellular animals, Mollusks, and fish. Sheep
(lac ovis - comes from sheep's milk) are sufferers of weak Ego.

Austistic Mind
They always stay away from society. Very rarely do they interact with others. They
will start living in a separate world and mutter to themselves, laugh, or suddenly cry.
They cry for no reason. Purity does not exist. They will not do what they need by
themselves. Only those who care for them should clean them. They will be in a
dependent situation.
We can compare them with similar states like Coma, deep sleep, death, and
meditation. It is a separate world for them. We cannot touch them. That is for them
in the distance. They will start living in the inner world. When we try to touch them,
they start attacking us without mentally feeling no one
They are isolated from others and want to be alone. They try to live alone without
contact and are usually cut off from others. They generally stay in a quiet place. In
the mineral kingdom, the characters match with noble gases like Helium, neon, etc.
The uniqueness of these noble elements is that they do not combine with other
People with this Disease are unlikely to feel about treatment in the early stages. They
come to the doctor only when they develop fully.
Remedies for Autistic Schizophrenia:
Noble gases. Plant families connected are Magnoliaceae, Lymphaeae, Ulmaceae,
Moraceae, Theales, Rosaceae, Solanaceae. Like Helleborus, Opium, Cannabis Indica,
Lycopodium, and Thuja. Lowest multicellular animals. Bivalves.

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Guilty Mind
If we look deeper, the superego is the critical moral agent for this when this Ego is
not ready to filter the thoughts that may arise in the inner mind. The ideas are
created by society, by the superego. If not right when seen. They get caught in a kind
of guilt. One can see the instability in them. They even keep their hands as if they are
engaged in some work to eliminate the guilt. They feel having done something that
they should not do. Children are less affected. Older people are the most affected.
They are predicated on their actions in society when they first leave home beyond
their crawling childhood. They are affected at that stage.
If we look more deeply, it is the conscience of a human being. That means the inner
mind. The inner mind says that this is right and this is wrong. That struggle between
right and wrong Guilt is the event. Guilt comes when the conscience feels that it has
done something wrong. This feeling of guilt does not come from someone else, and it
is internal. Some people become depressed due to the guilt they may feel.
Children, overweight and stunted, will have the character that they are responsible
for that. Sometimes they may live alone with the feeling that they have no one. They
are being left alone in the world. If they do something wrong, they will be under some
guilt. They have another feeling because they can't trust anyone, alone in the world.
They are taking responsibility for their own lives and doing everything with them,
putting too much burden on themselves. They suffer from self-criticism, as well as
having a sense of guilt for ordinary, trivial things.
Children who grew up alone, who follow the rules perfectly, get this guilt over a small
mistake. There is more to this guilt feeling.
People with dog-type traits should be grateful to their master. They also get angry
sometimes. When the master is at home, he should behave accordingly. You do what
masters say. Sometimes, they feel guilty when it doesn't happen and can't be done.
Remedies for Guilt schizophrenia:
Remedies from Iron series and Bromatums. Plant families Rosidae, Rhustox group.
Aconite, Anacardium. Lac canninim (dog's milk),

Usually, Homeopathic remedies are one or two doses only. That, too not repeatable.
Sufferers should take any homeopathic medicine only with professional advice from
a consultant Homeopath.

HYOSCYAMUS NGAR is an effective remedy for those cases of Schizophrenia

where the main symptom is a delusion of persecution, and the patient feels that
others are making some plot against him. Another is suspicion and the patient's
perception that he will be poisoned, thus refusing to take anything offered. Even
medicine also. There is a mistrust that his (His/Her) friends are no longer his
friends, and he carries on a conversation with imaginary people. It can be
recommended for patients whose Disease arises due to past unfortunate love

LACHESIS is an effective remedy for treating the delusion of persecution, and its
use is called for where the symptoms of suspicion and jealousy without any reason
are present. Other symptoms are an aversion to mixing with the world and excessive
talkativeness also warrant its use. The patient imagines that he is under the control
of superhuman powers and that his friends and children are trying to damage him.
The patient suspects his friends are planning to put him in a mental asylum.

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PLATINUM is an excellent medicine for treating delusion of grandeur. The

characteristic feature calling for this medicine is the superiority complex, where the
person feels that everyone around him is inconsequential and of no value and only he
is superior and essential. The schizophrenic patients requiring this medicine are very
proud and arrogant.

PHOSPHORUS is another medicine for curing grandiose delusion. The patients for
whom this medicine is usually recommended are those possessing an exaggerated
idea of self-importance, over-sensitiveness to all external impressions, depression
and indifferent behavior towards family and friends, and have strange imaginations
e.g.. That something is creeping out of every corner. The symptoms get worse during

ANACARDIUM is a medicine that can be utilized in patients experiencing auditory

hallucinations. The patient requiring this medicine usually complains of hearing
voices from far away that command him to do activities. He also hears the voices of
dead people. This medicine also works well in case of the symptoms of- excessive
talkativeness coupled with the use of abusive words, suspicion at everything around
him, and anxiety while walking. He also feels as if someone is following him and
talking about him.

CANNABIS INDICA is an excellent homeopathic medicine where disorganized

speech is present in Schizophrenia. The important symptoms making Cannabis
Indica are persistent thoughts crowding the brain, which makes the patient forget
while talking and prevents rational speech. The patient forgets the last said words
and cannot recall them; and has a fear of becoming insane and exhibits
uncontrollable laughter

STRAMONIUM is another remedy for disorganized speech, and the guiding

symptoms are – continued talking, incomprehensible speech, excessive praying,
religious mania, fear of darkness, and the tendency to speak with spirits

ANACARDIUM is a valuable remedy for the weakening of memory. Another

feature is excessive anger at the slightest offense—dual personality.

ARSENIC ALBUM is effective when this condition is due to fright or grief. There is
great anguish and restlessness—sadness and crying at the slightest provocation.
Moreover, there is a fear of death. Also, there is an immense liking for cleanliness

NUX VOMICA patient has a solid inclination to catch passing strangers. There is
mania due to sleeplessness, prostration, and excitement. Nux vomica patients are
very irritable, sensitive to all impressions, and malicious. Cannot bear noises, odors,
light, etc. They are fault-finding, quarrelsome, scolding, and insulting others.

Other helpful remedies based on symptoms are Radium Bromide, Aurum

Matalicum, Sanguinaria Nitrica, Senecio Aureus, Zinc Cyanatum, Lithium
Carbonicum, Ornithogalam Umbellatum


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8. Dr.A.Raj – on Schizophrenia Tamil Monthly-
9. Dr.A.Raj -
10. Periodic Table of elements and Human life. Dynamic energy. Issue- Jan 2023

Courtesy: Dr.A Raj

points to ponder

 Why anger increases blood pressure?

 Why are Man-made roads straight and rivers go zig zag?
 What Can you say about hair? Alive or dead?
 Why do kidney stones reappear even after removal?
 Why may diabetes patients who take medication go lean?
 What link exists between sleep and digestion?
 What link exists between Headache and digestion?
 Why do many need a nap after mid-day lunch?

In future issues of DYNAMIC energy

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In brief.
If we want to know what Disease is, we should see the condition opposite of Disease,
the disease-less or healthy state. In any subject of discussion, we become one-sided if
we don't consider exactly the opposite state. We may not be able to analyze reality.

What is the healthy state? In nature, a healthy state is ideal and may not exist in
reality. There are two subjects for a person to be in perfect form: body and mind. It
would happen when every cell in the body can get its apt food for its existence. The
mind is happy when it is content with the things it faces.

Even when the body and mind are healthy, the age factor has its life over the person.
Some live their life in a healthy state until death. Minor degradation of cells doesn't
affect the person. Mind is the predominant factor for a healthy life. A disturbed mind
can trouble a healthy body.

The Disease is when a person is disturbed from normal life due to a disturbance in
bodily or mental functions. This also happens due to structural changes.

Every person is born with a certain level of mind and body. Deficiencies exist in every
human. Even children are born with some problems. Deficiencies cause weakness in
the mind and body. The level of liability is the gap between the ideal and the present
state. The story of mind and body are not the same. The mind has to manage the
thoughts, and the body has to work the physicals. The mind gets energy from the way
it looks through the five senses, and the body receives power through food. The mind
handles the situations compared with the born mind. The body manages by
absorbing energy from food and working with environments. Weakness of either of
mind or body lead to problems. A strong mind can manage a weak body. But a weak
mind cannot manage a strong body. The mind plays a primary role in health.

The five senses help the mind. Very active senses keep the mind strong.

The Disease starts when weakness increases. Think of a tree when it is in the nursery
stage. When it grows, crossing all the hurdles, it lives for years. It could withstand
heat, rain, and wind. Once weakness starts, the same environmental conditions
topple the tree. The tree will live its life if weaknesses don't develop. It will fall only
when aged.

Same way, an increase in weakness is a way to diseases. It is a fight between the

strength of the person and external environments. When the external forces
dominate the internal forces, turbulence appears as a problem that we may call by
any name, and the common name is a disease.

The word disease is for Not-at-ease. Now the meaning has gone from its roots. It has
changed a lot. Do we call the accident a disease, even though it creates many
discomfort and health problems? No. Then what is Disease?

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The Disease is the condition of the body and mind when disturbed from a normal
state. It may be due to internal or external forces. The Disease occurs in so many
ways. Disease happens only when the body or mind is deranged. We don't call the
problems a disease when we are in pain, injuries, or even a major catastrophe
because of an accident, fight, or even a natural calamity like an earthquake or
tsunami. The pain from a stomach ache or a skin problem is a disease.

Different medical systems have different methodologies for naming the state of
health. Diseases are named from symptoms or groups of symptoms or affected areas
or the functions of the body system. In some cases, one condition has many names.
Most diseases are not called based on the origin or the root cause.
In many cases, problems start in place and spread to other areas, causing various
symptoms and troubles. Some medical systems view them as one problem. Some
medical systems consider them different diseases, often viewed by specialists in that
The type of diseases briefed below would help to identify their effects, origins, and
characters. Every condition would fall into one or more categories. Below are the
types just for an understanding of diseases.

Hereditary and Life and Environmental:

Has a connection with parentage and genetics -- Cancer, Diabetes, Asthma. Diabetes-1
Life and Environmental – Diabetes-2

Bodily and Mentally:

Ailments in the body -- Growths, boils, skin problems
Affects the mind. – Schizophrenia, OCD, Somotoform, fits,

Physically and Sensually:

Problems physically –many.
Feeling about the issues – Headache, pain, itching, etc

Internal and external:

Problems within the body -- ulcers, cancer,
Skin problems --.

Going in and Coming out:

Going in and causing problems -- Dust and smoke etc.,
Coming out of the body due to internal issues -- Cough, Phlegm, etc.,

Expanding and Contracting:

Growth—Obesity, cancer
Reduction -- becoming skeletal, contraction of tissues.

Integrally and Differentially-:

When one is continuously in one state -- under heat, in the cold, in the rain,
When one is affected by a change of state -- sudden rain, heat flush, cold to hot or hot to

In Static and In dynamic:

When in idle conditions – Sitting, sleeping, resting
When in the active state – walking, working, moving

Infectious and non-contagious:

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Caused by Viruses, fungi, Bacteria, etc. Spreads from one person to another -- Cholera,
Dengue, cough,
No spreading, even by contacts.-- cancer, headache, diabetes, mental problems

Acute and Chronic:

Ailments for a short time only -- Itching, fever, pains, mind upset, tiredness
Continues for years -- Pain, constipation, Headache, ulcers, and so on

Centripetal and centrifugal:

Problems start outside and go in -- caused by an injury. Insect bite
Originates inside and comes out -- Swelling, skin problems.

Many problems in handling the Disease are due to naming the symptoms and signs
as diseases. The Disease is in a person and not in parts of the body. Body parts reflect
the actions of the Disease. A tree cannot be cleared by cutting the branches. It can go
only when uprooted. So with a person also. Many medical systems have grown and
developed to treat the parts of the body affected and not the root cause. The reason
might be the difficulty finding the root cause or not knowing there is a root cause.

Medical systems have started developing more instruments and methods to find
what is in the physical body. There is no group to analyze all the strategies on earth
to evolve joint research into this area.

Mind is neglected in some systems as an essential part of the body's function and is
responsible in day to day life of a person. Some systems consider the mind is the
reason for many diseases.
Think of a person who, by seeing an incident, has fear.
Think of a person who becomes unconscious hearing the news.
Think of a person who never eats after a sad incident.
Think of a person who becomes lean after a worry of loss or failure.
One can think of many such items that the body is affected by mental activities.

One mental problem can result in many body problems. And further many
symptoms. The cause is one. But the results or symptoms or signs are many. Each
problem has become one Disease. Hence so many diseases.

Blood Pressure- solution or disease?

 What problems in the body are the reasons for High Blood pressure?
 In what way Blood pressure helps Individuals?
 Is not high blood pressure raised to cure the problems as in negative
 What problems High blood pressure causes?

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What is it?
To know about medicine, one needs to understand the other two of its primary
partners, Food and Herbs. Precisely the difference between them. Above all,
understanding nature is essential. Knowing the differences between the benefits
of food, herbs, and medicine is vital. Working of food and herbs are briefed. Where
medicine comes into the picture in our system is explained. Why the mind is critical
in treatment is another point described. Discusses how medicine, as a material, can
work and cure a product of nature, a human being.

In simple terms, medicine cures or reduces the effects of a disease. The Disease is a
derangement of the Mind and Body from their everyday work. But in time, anything
that helps a person in health is considered medicine. Understanding food and herbs
would make a straightforward way to know about medicine.

Food is an item that helps fuel the cells in the body. If every cell gets its required
food, all the cells will be content, and there will be no problem in body health. The
food item for the cells is carried thru blood. It is a fuel that contains carbon and other
minerals. Fuel, along with oxygen, the blood carries are ignited by self-energy. This
ignition creates energy for the cell and, in total, for the body. That is, organic matter
(carbon) is burned by oxygen and used as food for the cells in the body. So, our body
needs food for energy to maintain the physical body.
Products made in a factory are the first step. The second step is logistics,
transporting to the warehouses, sales outlets, and shops, and carrying where
needed. The third step is for those in need to purchase those items. Nobody can
impose people to buy the goods. They buy and consume what they need and only
when they wish to.
The first step is to take the necessary food molecules from our food and move them
into the bloodstream. The second step is for the blood to carry those food molecules
to many body parts. The third step is for the cells in the body to get the food
molecules they need from the blood. Blood cannot force the cell to take what it
carries. Like a customer buying what is wanted, a cell chooses the food from the
blood. Cell knows what it needs. That food molecule may contain Calcium,
potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, selenium, etc. Blood is just a logistics
transport circulating in the arteries and veins. Improving with oxygen and clearing
Carbon-di-oxide through the Lungs, the heart keeps the circulation to reach all the
areas of the body. At the same time, it must carry the unused food items in
circulation or excrete them.

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There may be some issues when using food as fuel. The herb is used to solve that
problem. Food may not always be perfect. It may contain toxins. Toxins disturb the
system. The herb corrects the food and improves its use and use appropriate in the
body. Some herbs work as food also.
All are ways to get to the food cell. When any of the three steps in food transport is
blocked, some herbs help to solve minor problems. We use specific herbs to quench
our hunger or to digest. Cells need a movement, an electrical movement, to take food
from the blood. When we exercise, it also stimulates activity. A few herbal products
encourage the movement of cells. Thus the herb helps. Commonly used herbal
products are turmeric, ginger, cumin, etc., to name a few.
As an example, let us take the operation of a car, a vehicle. This car may require
gasoline or Diesel as its fuel. When everything is perfect, the car runs well. To have
better efficiency, we may add something with fuel. Some additives are added, similar
to an herb. The vehicle is to run smoothly, and it must be clean. We clean the dust
and dirt on the car then and there to maintain it for a long time. We do maintenance
once every three months or once every six months. The herb is like the care and
cleanliness we do from time to time. Maintenance like herbs increases the life of the
We do not need to clean the car if all goes well. But as it is affected by environmental
conditions and other surrounding conditions, depending on the nature of the vehicle,
we have to clean it from time to time. So something like herb is needed.
Even after adequately fueling and maintaining the vehicle, it may sometimes not run
well and pose some trouble. There may be something wrong with the operation.
Something might be broken, and the car did not work properly. A broken part might
need replacement, or welding may be required to join a broken part. Or there may
be obstruction. Or the electrical connection might have been broken. If there is a
problem, we take the vehicle to the repair shop to get it checked, troubleshot, and
rectified. This is like a hospital's medicine and medical treatment to fix or replace it.
Herb can help to clean a corroded part to avoid breaking. But once broken, it cannot
help to mend a broken item using an Herb. What is then needed is medicine.

Medicine is for any repair in the body mechanism. But the name, medicine, is
commonly used for various purposes. Many items have taken the place of food and
herbs in the name of medicines.
People believe that medicine is material and that the Disease will get cleared by
consuming it. A common understanding is body is considered to be the only one
involved in the condition, and medicine is required only for the body. Treatment has
to be for both for body and the mind.
The human system is made up of two subjects, Mind, and Body, mutually helping
each other. Even though the body is mainly physical, the mind plays a significant role
in controlling the body. The body cannot function without the mind. The mind would
be nowhere without the body. Hence both body and mind need medicine.
The body, being physical, needs physical, material medicines. Mind, without the
physical aspect, needs non-physical treatment. There are many types of medicines
available and prescribed for various purposes. In a broad sense, one is energy as
medicine, and another is material as medicine. Energy goes through material or
without material. Some medical systems have material and energy treatments, and
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some have only material medication. Material medicines are in natural form or
synthetic form.
Medicines in Classical and Modern
There are many types of medical systems. All medical systems are to treat and clear
diseases. Each system uses medicines of its kind. Some treatments use some
materials as medicines for the Disease. Some don't use any material as medicine. We
talk here about the material medicines.
Fundamentally, two thoughts come in this scientific era. One is age-old classical
systems that use plants and minerals for treatment. Another is the derived materials,
mainly chemicals from the industries. Each medical system processes and uses in
their way of methodology.

Nature versus Artificial

When we talk about medicines, we forget the item or the object that is subjected to
treatment here. These objects are humans. Science evolved to find the knowledge
about nature, how things in nature function, and the logic and theories behind them?
But we are more absorbed in science, leaving nature.
Engineering is a material science based on physics and chemistry. The technology is
based on that engineering. Any development in engineering and technology goes well
as the technology deals with material science. All we see are machines made of
materials. All are artificial and manufactured. They match one another and fit into
one another. All go well with mathematical calculations with theories of physics and
Humans are the product of nature. Humans have dynamism. Materials also have
dynamism, but not like the vitality of Humans. Humans need food to live. Materials
don't need food like humans. Humans are different from materials in so many
respects. Materials don't have the life that humans, animals, or plants have. We
handle the materials according to their characteristics. Science sees humans as
materials in medical treatment.
The nature of the medicine and the subject on which the medicine material is used
shall match. Do they?

The logic of material cannot b applied to humans. But we do. Nature would need
solutions naturally, even if it is through the material. We treat humans as materials.
We do test the materials using lengths, volumes, and weights. Because of our
experiences in science, we apply the same to humans through tests and scans. Is it
the scientific measures or the measures on humans? We are supposed to have
parameters and instruments to measure what the five senses sense.

The two broad types are :

A. Medicine as material – Material in physical form. As natural or manufactured.
B. Medicine without material - Energy

Material medicines

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1. Material medicine- that is just with only material

2. Material medicine- that carries only energy.
3. Material medicine- that carries partly material and partly energy.
Material, simply a herb, can help as a medicine. Materials carrying the energy can be
medicine. Manufactured chemicals, molecules separated from the natural material,
can be a medicine.

Energy Medicines
1. Material medicine- carrying only energy.
2. Material medicine- carrying partly material and partly energy.
3. Energy Activation thru physical contacts—Acupuncture, reflexology
4. Energy Activation without physical contact-—Speeches, Counselling, advice
5. Energy thru Self-ignition – Belief, Visuals, Incidents, Sounds, Music, Reading

In the case of energy as a medicine, there are methods by which energy can be
transferred to the human system without any material. Another way is to transfer the
energy using a material called a carrier. Apart from giving external energy, the energy
within a person can be induced, activated by self, or by external powers.

Problems in Mind
Most of the problems of the mind can be handled by energy medicine. This is
possible through Material-less Medicine. An unbalanced mind can cause problems.
We have to understand what type of problems the mind can cause. As an example,
anger can increase blood pressure; Worries can cause indigestion; Laziness can cause
obesity; Fear can increase pulse rate, etc. The mind plays a significant role in body
problems. Instead of handling the body's issues with material medicines treating
mind problems with material-less medicines would improve health.

Problems in Three physical stages

The body works as one system. For the understanding of the area of work of
medicines, it can be classified into three broad areas.
1. Food eaten is converted to food molecules or nutrients used by cells.
2. Transport of food nutrients by the blood.
3. Consumption by cells.
The purpose of actions in these three stages is different from one another but linked.
The first step is the food path and the air path. Food molecules in the alimentary
canal and oxygen through the airway and lungs are added to the blood. It should
have the Food molecules in quantity and quality. What is carried by blood has to be
consumed by cells. Unless the cells take the food molecules relevant to them,
problems will remain.

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The primary function of medicine is to make the cells work efficiently. Cells, as part
of the body system, doing various functions, would do their job of converting food,
digesting, and preparing the food molecules efficiently only when they get the
nutrition they need. The cells in the body only help prepare their own food
requirement in the process.


Think Why ?

 Why do some old classical medical systems prepare medicines

by grinding using mortar and pestle?
 That, too why they grind primarily in the morning
 Why do they use the leaves or barks of a plant in boiling water
and heat for a long time.
 Why do they dry some herbs under shade or some under the
 What medicine did the people use before modern medicines,
mainly in chemical form?
 What made the modern medical system depend more on the
test reports from machines than the natural words of patients?
 Why do modern medical treatments use statistical science?
 Why have no relationships have evolved between diseases and

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In the Organon, sixth edition by S. Hahnemann from aphorism 210 -

230, we learn the guidelines for treating mental and emotional

There are two essential aspects:

The bodily (corporeal) Disease that affects the mind. This type of bodily
Disease is generally aggravated by talk and good direction,
encouragement, etc..

This type of situation always requires dynamic assistance in the form of

dynamic medicine.

More potent dynamic medicine eradicates the bodily Disease with the
primary symptoms produced by the vital force in mind.

The mental-emotional state that affects the body is sometimes referred

to as psychosomatic illness.

Activities such as behavioral therapy (CBT) or neural linguistic therapy

(NLP) or meditation and yoga and various types of emotional support
and re-education in a healthy environment with good nutrition will help
when the emotional disturbance is not a bodily disease.

Though when this type of situation continues for too long, the body can
become affected as well.

We see that perpetual stress or worry can literally affect the organs of the

When the organs are affected by the emotional state, dynamic medicine
is needed to bring homeostasis back to the organism.

Homeopathy, particularly homeopathy focused on the advanced

methods found in The Chronic Diseases by Hahnemann, will yield the
best results in treating all varieties of named diseases of the mind, body,
and soul.

Reference: ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Hahnemann Samuel

By Tikva Sasson

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Book Review

Biological Transmutations
C. Louis Kervran
Kervran's work may have been a beginning in a different
direction. Kervran (1901-1983), a medical scientist and
engineer with a high official position in the French
research and occupational health community, had a life-
long interest in the possibility of biological

The Kervran bio-transmutation story and its background

is summarized eloquently in "Alchemists in the Garden," a
chapter of the best-selling book The Secret Life of
Plants by Peter Tompkins and the late Christopher Bird.

His curiosity began in his youth when he watched the hens

pecking at specks of mica in the farmyard. His later
professional observations concerned the anomalous re-appearance of robust calcium-
bearing eggshells in calcium-deprived chickens administered dietary mica, a potassium-
rich mineral. This led to the phenomenon that a hen can have Calcium using Potassium
or Magnesium. Potassium combines with Hydrogen, produces Calcium or Magnesium,
and taking oxygen produces Calcium. The body can use Calcium when the need for
magnesium arises, a reason for calcium depletion in old age.

Kervran's thesis would shake the theories of sophisticated modern biochemistry and
molecular biology. The scientific community does not want to accept this theory. With
the backdrop of the cold fusion/LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) experience of
the past few years, Kervran's work has acquired far more significance.

Kervran's thesis is that the transmutation of elements, particularly by reactions among

the first few dozen of the periodic Table, occurs regularly in biological systems—both in
microbes and multicellular organisms such as humans. Transmutation is inherent to
biology. He concluded that hydrogen and oxygen nuclei primarily, by adding or
subtracting from other nuclei, is the essence of transmutation in biology.

Some examples:
11Na + 8O --> 19K; 19K + 1H --> 20Ca; or 12Mg + 8O --> 20Ca ;
20Ca - 1H --> 19K;

Carbon might also participate, e.g., 14Si + 6C --> 20Ca.

Kervran did not suggest how such exothermic and endothermic bio-nuclear reactions
might be facilitated at the nuclear-atomic level, but he did collect and correlate many
anomalous biochemical observations from nineteenth and twentieth-century
researchers. He claimed these supported his conclusions, but he also made original
observations and conducted his own experiments.

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During his lifetime Kervran received support for his work from several mainstream
scientists who conducted bio-transmutation experiments. Prominent among these was
Prof. Pierre Baranger, chief of the Laboratory for Organic Chemistry at
the École Polytechnique in Paris.

In papers and books from 1959 through 1983, Kervran synthesized his bio-
transmutation ideas. Notable among his books, all published by Librarie Maloine
in France, are: Biological Transmutations (1962), Proofs in Geology and Physics of Weak
Energy Transmutations (1973), Proofs in Biology of Weak Energy
Transmutation (1975), and Biological Transmutations and Modern Physics (1983).

Words expressed by readers

"I'm very appreciative of having found this book. The information about osteoporosis,
silica and Calcium alone was invaluable to me."

"Ground-breaking research that really does make so much sense, and finally explain a
lot of things such as where hens get enough Calcium from to make an egg a day, even
when their diet lacks Calcium.

"Anyone that is waking up to how the ideas of how quantum physics plays out in our
lives, needs to read this book. The science of alchemy is documented and astounding.
We need a 180 degree shift in our thinking- especially in terms of how our bodies work
and what it takes to keep them healthy. This book is a little technical but worth getting

"I first heard of biological transmutations in the 1970's reading the bestseller, The
Secret Life Of Plants. That book followed this one in claiming that plants (and animals)
can literally transmute one element into another, such as Calcium into Potassium and
vice versa. This would be an extraordinary phenomenon if true, but it violates the
principles of General Chemistry"

"Why was this never ever discussed? It shakes the foundation of everything I've learned
in class. We were told that atoms always remain the same except for radioactive ones
which disintegrate into other elements. Maybe not.

"We already know that electrons are really loosy-goosy. They go wherever they want.
Why not protons? It seems that the assumption that an atom will never ever change into
another atom is not supported by facts."

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