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Habituation deficit of auditory N100m in patients with

W. Choi1, M. Lim2, J.S. Kim3, C.K. Chung1,2,3,4
1 Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Seoul National University College of Natural Sciences, Seoul, Korea
2 Neuroscience Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
3 Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Seoul National University College of Natural Sciences, Seoul, Korea
4 Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence Abstract
Chun Kee Chung
E-mail: Background: Habituation refers to the brain’s inhibitory mechanism
against sensory overload and its brain correlate has been investigated in the
Funding sources form of a well-defined event-related potential, N100 (N1). Fibromyalgia is
This research was supported by Basic an extensively described chronic pain syndrome with concurrent
Science Research Program through the
manifestations of reduced tolerance and enhanced sensation of painful and
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
non-painful stimulation, suggesting an association with central
funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and
future Planning (2014R1A2A1A11049662) amplification of all sensory domains. Among diverse sensory modalities, we
and the National Research Foundation of utilized repetitive auditory stimulation to explore the anomalous sensory
Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea gov- information processing in fibromyalgia as evidenced by N1 habituation.
ernment (MSIP) (No. 2010-0028631). Methods: Auditory N1 was assessed in 19 fibromyalgia patients and age-,
education- and gender-matched 21 healthy control subjects under the
Conflict of interest
duration-deviant passive oddball paradigm and magnetoencephalography
None declared.
recording. The brain signal of the first standard stimulus (following each
deviant) and last standard stimulus (preceding each deviant) were
Accepted for publication analysed to identify N1 responses. N1 amplitude difference and adjusted
13 March 2016 amplitude ratio were computed as habituation indices.
Results: Fibromyalgia patients showed lower N1 amplitude difference
doi:10.1002/ejp.883 (left hemisphere: p = 0.004; right hemisphere: p = 0.034) and adjusted
N1 amplitude ratio (left hemisphere: p = 0.001; right hemisphere:
p = 0.052) than healthy control subjects, indicating deficient auditory
habituation. Further, augmented N1 amplitude pattern (p = 0.029)
during the stimulus repetition was observed in fibromyalgia patients.
Conclusions: Fibromyalgia patients failed to demonstrate auditory N1
habituation to repetitively presenting stimuli, which indicates their
compromised early auditory information processing. Our findings
provide neurophysiological evidence of inhibitory failure and cortical
augmentation in fibromyalgia.
What’s already known about this topic?:
• Fibromyalgia has been associated with altered filtering of irrelevant
somatosensory input. However, whether this abnormality can extend
to the auditory sensory system remains controversial.
• N!00, an event-related potential, has been widely utilized to assess the
brain’s habituation capacity against sensory overload.
What does this study add?:
• Fibromyalgia patients showed defect in N100 habituation to repetitive
auditory stimuli, indicating compromised early auditory functioning.
• This study identified deficient inhibitory control over irrelevant
auditory stimuli in fibromyalgia.

© 2016 European Pain Federation - EFICâ Eur J Pain  (2016) – 1

Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia W. Choi et al.

1. Introduction stimulation in FM have been limited. Thus, we exam-

ined habituation by auditory N1m, which also reflects
Habituation refers to the ability of the central an inhibitory function. Specifically, we aimed to
nervous system to filter out irrelevant sensory infor- explicitly address the following hypotheses: (1)
mation, as characterized by a suppression of neural patients with FM would exhibit aberrant N1m
activity following repetition of identical stimuli responses, as compared with HC subjects; and (2)
(N€a€at€anen and Picton, 1987; Ulanovsky et al., 2004). N1m responses are of functional significance, showing
This distinct neural phenomenon is often viewed as associations with the symptoms of FM. Previously, in
the brain’s protective mechanism against sensory the aspect of mismatch negativity (MMN), we
overload whose dysfunction is ascribed to over- revealed that pre-attentive auditory processing is
whelmed high-order mechanism for sensory percep- compromised in patients with FM (Choi et al., 2015),
tion and cognition (Venables, 1964; Adler et al., 1982; the same dataset which the present study has also uti-
Freedman et al., 1987). Accordingly, habituation has lized. Nevertheless, little is yet known about the brain
been regarded as a high-priority research for probing responses following repetitive auditory stimuli in FM.
individual and group differences of sensory processing As an initial exploration of auditory N1m under the
and cognition in clinical studies. oddball paradigm, this study would provide further
N100 (N1) is an obligate mid-latency sensory- insight to the anomalous characteristics of auditory
evoked component, deflecting approximately 100 ms processing and could suggest clinical implications of
after a stimulus onset (N€ a€
anen and Picton, 1987). sensory processing disturbances in FM.
Without subjects’ conscious intervention, N1 and its
magnetic equivalent (N1m) have been measured
mainly via electroencephalography and magnetoen- 2. Methods
cephalography (MEG), reflecting neuronal aggregates
for sensory processes at the early phase (Anokhin 2.1 Study subjects
et al., 2007). Changes in N1m amplitude measure Nineteen patients satisfying the American College of
habituation, based on the evidence of declined N1m Rheumatology 1990 criteria for primary FM, and 21
amplitude in healthy control (HC) subjects (Boutros HC subjects group-matched for age, gender (all
et al., 2009). Meanwhile, various clinical popula- women), education and handedness were enrolled
tions, including pain disorders, did not show a (Wolfe et al., 1990). All the patients were recruited
response decrement following stimulus repetition, as from the outpatient clinics of the rheumatology
compared to a robust habituation in HC subjects, departments of the Seoul National University Hospi-
suggestive of the clinical utility of examining N1 tal (SNUH) and Hallym University Sacred Heart
habituation (Ambrosini et al., 2003; Shin et al., Hospital. They were examined at the SNUH for the
2012; Coppola et al., 2013a,b). reliability of the study results. Inclusion criteria for
Evidence for centrally mediated disturbance to the patients consisted of widespread pain (duration:
both painful and non-painful stimulation in patients at least 3 months but less than 10 years), age
with fibromyalgia (FM) has been provided by several between 30 and 60 years, averaged pain intensity
manifestations of reduced tolerance and exaggerated over the past week > 40 mm according to 0–
sensation (Gracely et al., 2002; Desmeules et al., 100 mm pain visual analogue scale (VAS: 0 = no
2003; Geisser et al., 2008). The abnormalities are pain, 100 = worst pain imaginable) and agreement
thought to be associated either with deficient modu- to stop taking medication (e.g. analgesics, antidepres-
lation of descending inhibitory pathway or excessive sants and anticonvulsants) at least 3 days prior to
activation of afferent pathway for sensory stimuli the experiments. Exclusion criteria for both patients
(Julien et al., 2005). Neurochemical and neuroimag- and HC subjects were the signs of secondary FM
ing studies have indicated that lower levels of associated with inflammatory arthritis, history of
antinociceptive neurotransmitters and the brain’s psychiatric disorders, disability of hearing, pregnancy
structural and functional alterations may cause an or breastfeeding, and contraindications for MEG
inhibitory failure over the unwanted input (Clauw and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assess-
et al., 2011). However, the precise pathophysiology ments. All study subjects provided informed written
remains unclear, and whether the disturbance could consent prior to the experiment.
apply to every stimulus domain has not been tested. The study protocol was approved by the institu-
Until now, investigations of the brain correlate for tional review board at the SNUH (H-1107-013-367)
habituation, and inhibition effects using the auditory and Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital

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W. Choi et al. Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia

(2011-I048) and was conducted in compliance with TrioTim, Erlangen, Germany). The T1-weighted
the Declaration of Helsinki. Analysis of MMN for scans were obtained at the SNUH (TR: 1670 ms; TE:
the 21 HC subjects and 18 patients with FM has 1.89 ms; slice thickness: 1.0 mm; flip angle: 9° and
been published in the previous study (Choi et al., acquisition matrix: 256 9 256).
2.4 Duration-deviant passive auditory oddball
2.2 Self-reported questionnaires paradigm
All subjects were asked to report their personal For all subjects, the auditory tones were delivered
information for use in the analyses. Clinical and binaurally using earphones with STIM2 sound gen-
psychological characteristics were assessed by using erator system (Neuroscan, El Paso, TX, USA). The
the following inventories. Patients with FM were auditory stimulus is divided into three types: (1) first
assessed with the Fibromyalgia Impact Question- standard stimulus (SSF); (2) last standard stimulus
naire (FIQ), a multidimensional measure of the (SSL) and (3) deviant stimulus. The standard and
overall severity of FM (Burckhardt et al., 1991). deviant stimuli differed in the presentation ratio and
Averaged pain over the previous week for each duration (standard: 81.8%, 50 ms; deviant: 18.2%,
patient was obtained with the VAS. For every sub- 100 ms), both of which were delivered with
ject, treating rheumatologist determined the num- 1000 Hz, 80 dB sound pressure level, 10 ms of
ber of tender points (total 18 sites) by manual increase/decrease and 300 ms of stimulus onset
palpation (Wolfe et al., 1990). Additional measures asynchrony (Shin et al., 2009; Choi et al., 2015).
included the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory, The standard stimulus that followed each deviant
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety stimulus was labelled as SSF, and the one preceding
Inventory (BAI) (Beck et al., 1961, 1988; Oldfield, each deviant stimulus was labelled as SSL (Fig. 1)
1971). (Shin et al., 2009). Without any task requirements,
the subjects watched the picture slides (examples
2.3 MEG and MRI acquisitions from a book of ‘Where’s Wally?’) provided by video
projector (NEC VT770) from outside the shielded
The MEG examination was performed at the SNUH
room in order to distract their attention from the
using Neuromag 306-channel device (VectorViewTM;
sounds and to reduce their eye movements (Light
Elekta Neuromag, Helsinki, Finland) containing 204
and Braff, 2005; Shin et al., 2009, 2012; Choi et al.,
planar gradiometers and 102 magnetometers. Each
subject sat comfortably with her head in the helmet-
shaped whole-head coverage system located in a
2.5 Data analyses
magnetically shielded room. The measurement set-
tings were identical to our previous study (Choi Continuous MEG responses (100 to 300 ms, based
et al., 2015). Before the recording, the positions of on the stimulus onset) were averaged separately for
four head-position indicator coils relative to three each auditory stimulation type (SSF, SSL, deviant).
anatomical fiducials were measured using 3-D digi- Among the three types, data of SSF and SSL were
tizer (FASTRAKTM; Polhemus, Colchester, VT, USA). used to assess N1m habituation in this study as fol-
The relative head position to the MEG helmet was lows. The epochs exceeding 3000 fT/cm in the MEG
determined by the four indicator coils, and the spa- channels or 150 lV in the electrooculogram chan-
tial information was assigned along the medial–lat- nels were rejected as artefacts. Subsequently, 30-Hz
eral (x), posterior–anterior (y) and inferior–superior band-pass filtering and 100 to 0 ms baseline adjust-
(z) axes for integrating MEG sources and individual ment were applied. To identify auditory-evoked
magnetic resonance images (MRIs). The magnetic brain sources, a single dipole for SSF was analysed
signals were recorded with 0.1–300 Hz band-pass by fitting an equivalent current dipole (ECD) using a
filter and were digitized at 1 kHz. To reduce external subset of planar gradiometers over the temporal cor-
noises, we applied the spatiotemporal signal space tex. For the localization accuracy, every dipole was
separation method under MaxFilter software version superimposed on individual MRI, and we identified
2.2.1 (Elekta Neuromag) (Taulu and Simola, 2006; their locations near the superior temporal cortex
Lim et al., 2014). (N€a€
anen and Picton, 1987). Only ECDs with good-
Magnetic resonance imagings (except for one HC ness-of-fit values exceeding 80% were accepted for
subject due to claustrophobia) were acquired in the the subsequent analyses. N1m responses of SSL were
sagittal plane on a 3-T scanner (Siemens Magnetom identified by applying the same location and orienta-

© 2016 European Pain Federation - EFICâ Eur J Pain  (2016) – 3

Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia W. Choi et al.

Figure 1 Schematic illustration of passive auditory oddball paradigm. Specifications of stimulus features are illustrated. Auditory stimulus is sym-
bolized by a bar and its duration by bar width. L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere.

tion of SSF dipole. The single ECDs were then using one-way repeated-measures analyses of vari-
brought into a multi-dipole model, characterizing ance (ANOVA) (within-subject factor: hemisphere;
N1m sources to the entire averaging time period between-subject factor: group). Then, Student’s t-test
and to all gradiometers. Based on individual was used to compare group mean of N1m ampli-
source-waveforms, we retrieved the peak amplitude tudes and latencies. For N1m habituation indices,
and latency of N1m within 50–150 ms. between-group differences were analysed by one-
Individual MRI was spatially normalized in the way repeated-measures ANOVA. For between-group
Talairach coordinates by BrainVoyager QX software analyses of N1m, Bonferroni correction for multiple
version 1.1 (Brain Innovation, Maastricht, Nether- comparisons was used, and all reported p-values are
lands) (Talairach et al., 1988). N1m source locations uncorrected with significance threshold p < 0.05/2
in the head coordinates were transformed into the or 0.025 unless otherwise stated. Normality of data
Talairach coordinates with Brain Electrical Source was confirmed by Mauchly’s test of sphericity. Inter-
Analysis software version 5.1.8 (MEGIS, Munich, relationships among (1) N1m habituation indices
Germany) (Lim et al., 2012). and N1m amplitude and (2) N1m habituation indices
N100m habituation index was expressed as (1) and FM characteristics (VAS, pain duration, tender
N1m amplitude difference and (2) adjusted N1m point, FIQ, BAI, BDI) were assessed, in an explora-
amplitude ratio. The calculation was done for each tory manner, using Pearson’s r correlation coeffi-
hemisphere by using the equations below. cient. p < 0.05 was considered significant in the
correlational analyses.
N1m amplitude difference ðnAm) ¼ F  L
FL 3. Results
Adjusted N1m amplitude ratio ¼
3.1 Demographic and clinical information
In the equations, F and L stand for N1m amplitude
to SSF and SSL, respectively. A lower or more nega- Table 1 provides demographic, clinical and psycho-
tive value is assumed to reflect deficient N1m habit- logical characteristics of the study subjects. All had
uation, i.e. increase in N1m amplitude. normal hearing level confirmed by self-reports. The
patients had suffered from FM for an average almost
2.6 Statistical analyses 3 years, and they reported more depressive and anx-
iety symptoms than HC subjects.
All the data were analysed with SPSS version 13.0
(Chicago, IL, USA). Demographic, clinical and psy-
3.2 N1m
chological information were compared between
groups using Student’s t-test. Subject distribution of Fig. 2 depicts N1m source location in the vicinity of
the highest educational level and marital status was the superior temporal gyrus. Auditory-evoked mag-
analysed by a chi-square test. To test the significant netic responses (SSF and SSL) are described in a head
differences of N1m amplitude (SSF, SSL) within each model with spatial information of MEG channels
group, a paired t-test was performed. N1m ampli- (Fig. 3A). Fig. 3B shows individual source wave-
tudes and latencies were compared between groups forms for N1m peak identification.

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W. Choi et al. Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia

Table 1 Characteristics of the study subjects.

FM HC difference
Variable n = 19 n = 21 p-value

Age (year) 44.9 [8.3] 44.8 [8.2] NSa
Edinburgh score 83.0 [19.8] 84.5 [27.2] NSa
Highest educational level NSb
Elementary school 0 (0%) 1 (4.8%)
Middle school 2 (10.5%) 1 (4.8%)
High school 9 (47.4%) 12 (57.1%)
College 8 (42.1%) 7 (33.3%)
Marital status NSb
Single 2 (10.5%) 2 (9.5%)
Married 16 (84.2%) 17 (80.9%)
Divorced 1 (5.3%) 1 (4.8%)
Separated 0 (0%) 1 (4.8%)
VAS of the day 53.4 [21.6] NA NA
(mm, 0–100)
Pain duration (month) 35.6 [31.1] NA NA Figure 2 N1m source localization. Single equivalent current dipoles
Tender point 15.7 [1.8] 1.7 [2.3] < 0.001a corresponding to N1m from each group were mapped onto magnetic
(number, 0–18) resonance imaging (horizontal plane) of 1 representative healthy con-
FIQ (score, 0–100) 62.5 [13.2] NA NA trol subject.
BAI (score, 0–63) 23.3 [10.8] 1.8 [2.0] < 0.001a (1,38) < 0.001; p = 0.983], hemisphere [F
BDI (score, 0–63) 19.0 [6.8] 2.8 [3.9] < 0.001a
(1,38) = 2.057; p = 0.160] and hemisphere 9 group
All the values are expressed as mean [standard deviation] or n (%), interaction [F(1,38) = 0.291; p = 0.593].
unless otherwise indicated. NS, not significant; NA, not applicable; In both hemispheres, N1m latency to SSF and SSL
VAS, visual analogue scale; FIQ, fibromyalgia impact questionnaire; did not differ between groups.
BAI, beck anxiety inventory; BDI, beck depression inventory.
The inter-group comparison of N1m amplitude dif-
Independent samples t-test.
b ference revealed a significant group effect [F
Chi-square test.
(1,38) = 12.479; p = 0.001] (Fig. 4A and B); how-
ever, there were no effects for hemisphere [F
Bilaterally, N1m amplitude to SSF was higher than (1,38) = 0.834; p = 0.367] and hemisphere 9 group
SSL in the HC group, which reflects normal habitua- interaction [F(1,38) = 0.378; p = 0.542]. N1m ampli-
tion [left: t(20) = 2.452, p = 0.024; right: t tude difference (left) was significantly lower in the
(20) = 2.731, p = 0.013]. However, N1m habituation FM group relative to the HC group both before and
was deficient in the FM group along with evidence after Bonferroni correction [t(38) = 3.111;
of N1m amplitude augmentation [left: t p = 0.004]. For the right hemisphere, the FM group
(18) = 2.368, p = 0.029; right: t(18) = 0.131, also showed lower value of N1m amplitude differ-
p = 0.897] (Table 2). ence than the HC group; however, this was only sig-
Then, N1m amplitude was compared between nificant at the significant threshold p < 0.05 (before
groups (Fig. 4A). With respect to SSF amplitude, a Bonferroni correction) [t(38) = 2.199; p = 0.034].
repeated-measures ANOVA found a significant effect As with adjusted N1m amplitude ratio, a repeated-
of group [F(1,38) = 16.051; p < 0.001], while the measures ANOVA revealed a group effect [F
effects of hemisphere [F(1,38) = 0.976; p = 0.329] (1,38) = 17.513; p < 0.001]; however, there were no
and hemisphere 9 group interaction [F significant effects of either hemisphere [F
(1,38) = 2.057; p = 0.160] were not significant. The (1,38) = 3.405; p = 0.073] or hemisphere 9 group
FM group displayed lower SSF activity than the HC interaction [F(1,38) = 1.363; p = 0.250]. Adjusted
group in both hemispheres [left: t(38) = 3.778, N1m amplitude ratio of the left hemisphere was
p = 0.001; right: t(38) = 2.913, p = 0.006], and this found lower in the FM group than in the HC group
difference withstood Bonferroni correction. Mean- [t(38) = 3.667; p = 0.001], which approached the
while, no group difference was identified for SSL Bonferroni-adjusted significance threshold. At the
amplitude, considering no effects for group [F significance level p < 0.05 only, adjusted N1m

© 2016 European Pain Federation - EFICâ Eur J Pain  (2016) – 5

Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia W. Choi et al.

Figure 3 Spatial distribution and source-waveform of N1m. (A) Auditory-evoked magnetic fields to SSF (blue) and SSL (red) of one representative
subject from both groups (healthy control, left panel; fibromyalgia, right panel) were displayed in the head sphere model (top view). The vertical
lines in each channel indicate the stimulus onset (0 ms). Two signal traces from temporal magnetoencephalography (MEG) channels from each
hemisphere (a–d) are magnified. The MEG channel layouts (middle panel) represent the planar gradiometers and the ones in grey were used for
dipole fitting. (B) N1m source waveforms from the same representative subjects are illustrated. The corresponding time window is 100 to
300 ms based on the stimulus presentation (0 ms) marked by the dotted vertical lines. The triangles indicate the selected peaks of N1m.

amplitude ratio of the right hemisphere tended to be contrary, as with SSL amplitude, no significant asso-
lower in the FM group than in the HC group [t ciation was found both with N1m amplitude differ-
(38) = 2.002; p = 0.052]. ence and adjusted N1m amplitude ratio. These
results indicate that N1m habituation defect in FM is
3.3 Correlational analyses highly dependent on the reduced SSF amplitude.
In the FM group, bivariate correlations between A negative correlation between BAI score and
N1m amplitude and N1m habituation indices adjusted N1m amplitude ratio (r = 0.469; p = 0.04)
revealed a positive correlation between SSF of the left hemisphere was found in the FM group.
amplitude and N1m amplitude difference (left: Thus, patients with FM who displayed more defi-
r = 0.468, p = 0.043; right: r = 0.497, p = 0.03). Fur- cient N1m habituation tended to have higher anxi-
ther, SSF amplitude correlated positively with ety levels. However, no other significant
adjusted N1m amplitude ratio (left: r = 0.537, relationships were found between the N1m habitua-
p = 0.018; right: r = 0.412, p = 0.079) with trend- tion indices and FM-related variables (VAS, pain
level significance in the right hemisphere. On the duration, tender point, FIQ and BDI).

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W. Choi et al. Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia

Table 2 Mean amplitude, latency and Talairach coordinate of N1m.

Left hemisphere Right hemisphere

FM HC p-value FM HC p-value

Amplitude, nAm
SSF 6.7 [4.2] 15.2 [9.1] 0.001 9.8 [4.6] 15.3 [6.9] 0.006
SSL 9.1 [3.7] 9.9 [6.5] 0.660 9.6 [5.1] 9.4 [6.3] 0.892
Latency, ms
SSF 75.8 [26.0] 95.3 [37.2] 0.065 89.2 [31.7] 101.5 [33.3] 0.239
SSL 76.5 [28.5] 96.9 [36.0] 0.055 86.3 [27.8] 98.9 [30.3] 0.180
Talairach coordinate, mm
x 54.3 [8.8] 49.7 [10.1] 0.134 52.3 [7.1] 51.0 [6.3] 0.548
y 12.3 [9.1] 15.3 [5.3] 0.209 10.9 [9.4] 14.6 [6.2] 0.152
z 8.6 [9.2] 7.6 [5.4] 0.683 8.9 [7.0] 6.2 [8.2] 0.282

All the values are expressed as mean [standard deviation], and data in bold are significantly different between the two groups (N1m amplitude
and latency: p < 0.05/2; Talairach coordinate: p < 0.05/3). Data from 20 healthy control subjects were used to calculate the group mean Talairach
coordinates for N1m sources.

Figure 4 Group comparison of N1m amplitudes and habituation indices. (A) Boxplots showing lower N1m amplitude to SSF in the FM group rela-
tive to the healthy control group. (B and C) Habituation indices are compared between groups in each hemisphere. The solid line within each box
marks the mean value, and the box boundaries indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles. The whiskers above and below each box represent the 10th
and 90th percentiles, respectively. *p < 0.05/2.

4. Discussion Deficient habituation in FM seems to be accrued

to the reduced SSF amplitude, and such observation
Abnormal sensory information processing of non- is in line with migraine studies (Coppola et al., 2005,
specific stimuli associated with exaggerated percep- 2013a,b; de Tommaso et al., 2014). SSF amplitude of
tion is a principal feature of FM (Clauw, 2009; patients with FM showed an association with N1m
Clauw et al., 2011). We determined whether the habituation indices with no evidence of normal
abnormality extends to auditory domain and identi- habituation pattern. As N1m represents a cortical
fied degraded habituation to auditory stimulation in component for early sensory processing, lower SSF
patients with FM as indexed by N1m.

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Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia W. Choi et al.

amplitude might reflect attenuated baseline func- settings. Based on the theory that FM is central in
tioning of sensory encoding and/or registration origin, more neuroimaging studies are necessary to
mechanism in support of findings from migraine directly address the decisive role of the brain regard-
studies (Coppola et al., 2005, 2013a,b; de Tommaso ing the invalid aetiology of auditory impairments.
et al., 2014). Recent functional MRI studies showing All study subjects confirmed normal hearing level
that non-painful stimulation reduced activation of prior to the assessments; hence, it seems unlikely
primary sensory cortices and that functional connec- that peripheral acoustic dysfunction affected our
tivity was weakened within the sensory cortex at results. Investigations of auditory ERP at an initial
rest (without any experimental stimulation) pro- processing stage could bridge the gap between the
vided further evidence in favour of the speculation observations of abnormal auditory functioning in the
(Lopez-Sola et al., 2014; Pujol et al., 2014). periphery and central levels in FM and contribute to
Disturbances in hierarchically high-order domains a better understanding of its pathophysiology.
for sensory perception could also be ascribed to the Studies on auditory ERP in FM have found abnor-
decreased initial amplitude in FM (Venables, 1964; mal P300 and MMN responses, highlighting impaired
Anokhin et al., 2007). Our findings strengthen the auditory processing at the pre-attentive and attentive
evidence of sensory processing dysfunction at the levels (Ozgocmen et al., 2003; Alanoglu et al., 2005;
early level in FM, wherein inadequate response to Choi et al., 2015). Since there is a direct or indirect
SSF is ascribed as a causal factor. relation among electrophysiological phenomena (e.g.
The first sensory input drives inhibitory interneu- sensory gating, habituation) following stimulus repe-
rons that suppress the brain activity for subsequent tition, one could expect of any plausible explana-
stimulus repetition (Miller and Freedman, 1995; tions to associate the present findings with what has
Boutros et al., 2009). Thus, weakened response to been observed on the same issue in FM. For
SSF may point to defective inhibitory regulation as instance, in migraine, it has been speculated that
characterized in FM (Jensen et al., 2009; Schmidt- habituation deficit is dependent on a failure to prop-
Wilcke and Clauw, 2011; Lim et al., 2015). In partic- erly gate the response to irrelevant sensory stimulus
ular, alterations in functional connectivity and acti- (Ambrosini et al., 2001; Siniatchkin et al., 2003).
vation level within the inhibitory network (e.g. Considering thalamic involvement in sensory gating
rostral anterior cingulate cortex and periaqueductal process, deterioration of thalamocortical activity in
grey), concentration of inhibitory neurotransmitters patients with migraine substantiate the hypothesized
(e.g. serotonin and c-aminobutyric acid) and link between auditory sensory gating and habitua-
endogenous opioid system have been reported tion (Krause et al., 2003; Coppola et al., 2013a). As
(Bazzichi et al., 2006; Harris et al., 2007; Jensen for FM, reduction in both sensory gating and habitu-
et al., 2009, 2012; Foerster et al., 2012; Pujol et al., ation has been demonstrated across multiple sensory
2014). The present observations, therefore, indicate modalities (Montoya et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2008;
the patients’ inability to recruit inhibitory and self- de Tommaso et al., 2011), and both structural and
defensive circuits against sensory repetition. In other functional abnormalities regarding thalamic and tha-
chronic pain disorders (e.g. migraine, irritable bowel lamocortical region have been reported (Valdes
syndrome, cardiac syndrome X) whose common et al., 2010; Jensen et al., 2012). Accordingly, habit-
symptoms include the compromised inhibitory func- uation deficit in FM may reflect the overlapping
tioning, reduced habituation has been demonstrated domain of dysfunction with auditory sensory gating
similar to the present study (Valeriani et al., 2005; in the control of incoming stimulus. One recently
Coppola et al., 2013a,b; de Tommaso et al., 2014; published auditory P50 study showing intact sensory
Lowen et al., 2015). Therefore, habituation deficit gating in FM, however, does not seem to correspond
and its underlying phenomenon seem to involve with the present results of N1m habituation deficit
generalized abnormal chronic pain pathophysiology (Carrillo-de-la-Pe~
na et al., 2015). That the sensor-
in the context of impaired sensory information pro- level analysis of auditory ERP (i.e. Cz electrode) is
cessing, rather than be FM specific. not suited to demonstrate the hemispheric contribu-
Unpleasantness and reduced tolerance to non-nox- tion (Huotilainen et al., 1998), and that altered later-
ious auditory stimulation have been commonly alization of auditory ERP has previously been found
reported among patients with FM (Carrillo-de-la- in FM note that sensory gating deficit presumably
Pe~na et al., 2006; Geisser et al., 2008; Wilbarger and confined to one hemisphere may have not been
Cook, 2011; Iikuni et al., 2013). However, none of detected (Choi et al., 2015). In addition, in a com-
the above has been diagnosed precisely in clinical parison with other studies employing the similar

8 Eur J Pain  (2016) – © 2016 European Pain Federation - EFICâ

W. Choi et al. Auditory habituation deficit in fibromyalgia

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